Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

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10 лучших туристических направлений Puerto Baquerizo Moreno
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    • День 42

      San Cristobal - still here

      16 июля 2023 г., Эквадор ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      It's hard being me :-)

      Another freebie beach, another arduous hike, to be met with another practically deserted (stunning) beach - Playa Baquerizo. I saw frigate birds here, locally known as scissors ✂️ birds because their tails look like opening/closing scissors as they fly. I swam amongst a shoal of giant rainbow/unicorn coloured fish with an inner big grin. (If I smile, water seeps into my mask).

      Today is National Ice Cream Day. I kid you not. But, to be fair, no one here could consume more ice cream than they usually do. I wouldn't be surprised if it featured on its own line in the GDP summary (Gross Domestic Product).

      I ventured out onto the once daily public bus on a Sunday to the other side of the island. Beach. Check. Walk. Check. Man-made turtle breeding centre...check. Not really required anymore because they did such a great job of reviving the turtle population in the wild. It was after lunch, so the turtles were napping and hard to spot. Finally, got to El Junco, a freshwater lagoon in a volcano crater. It had been raining and a fog descended. Visibility was maximum 10 metres. Climbed to top of volcano and saw nothing. Doesn't matter because I have seen a photo and know what it looks like :-)

      One man joked his wife could push him off the top and inherit the life insurance. I think she was considering it.

      There are tsunami escape routes signposted everywhere. Not unique, of course, but very different to signage in Folkestone and Plymouth :-)

      Apparently, you can't own a car here unless it is a taxi or for work (eg the fishermen have vehicles). People use mopeds a lot.

      Cute: Postbox holds postcards written by tourists, addressed without stamps. The idea is other tourists take the cards they can post or hand deliver in their own county. I looked through but decided against it as I won't be in England for a while.

      My last night here, I am sitting at a cafe and a girl I met in Cuenca recognised me. My Prisoner Cell Block H hair style still making me instantly recognisable. We had a good chat for a couple of hours which was nice after a few days of no company.

      Off on the notorious Seasick Ferry tomorrow to Santa Cruz Island, to be collected by the animal rescue manager, ready to start work on Tuesday morning. Wish me luck, with my Spanish, I'm gonna need it.
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    • День 15

      San Cristobal: dag 2

      26 февраля, Эквадор ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Vandaag hebben we het ons iets gemakkelijker gemaakt. 's Morgen eerst snel een yoghurt gegeten in onze Hostel en daarna nog een stop bij de bakker voor wat broodjes te halen, om daarna ons met de 🚕 te laten afzetten aan het ⛱️ Loberia. Na een korte wandeling komen we aan op onze bestemming. Dit strand staat bekend voor zijn 🦭. Dus we hopen op een zwemmetje samen. We merken dat deze plek meer toegankelijk is want er is 's morgens toch wel wat volk aanwezig. Al snel is ons duidelijk waarom dit zo'n populaire plek is. Het water is er veel kalmer dan gisteren. Dit maakt het snorkelen net iets gemakkelijker. We kunnen dan onder water weer genieten van een grote diversiteit aan vissen, schilpadden en natuurlijk ook zeeleeuwen. Het zwemmetje is gelukt! En we hebben ook wat selfies kunnen maken. Free die op Santa Cruz zich nog liever wat bezig hield met het spelen op het strand, heeft ondertussen de schoonheid van het snorkelen ontdekt. We hebben ze gisteren wat moeten pushen om mee te komen snorkelen. Ze had wat schrik van de hevige 🌊. Maar omdat we dachten dat het misschien de laatste kans was om zeeschildpadden te zien, hebben we toch alle onze overtuiging moeten gebruiken. Ze heeft zich over haar angst gezet en was uiteindelijk supertrots dat ze de schilpadden gezien had. Vandaag ontpopte ze zich tot een echt onderwatermodel.Читать далее

    • День 92

      A chill day in San Cristobal

      29 апреля, Эквадор ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      After yesterday's 360 tour we were all feeling very tired, the currents and the amount of swimming we had to do had been surprising!! We had a nice sleep in, a relaxed brekkie and asked the kids what they would like to do.... snorkeling....of course, more snorkeling!! We headed into the national park and after a very pleasant walk arrived at a great spot, heaps of sealions, fish, turtles....plenty to keep us entertained! The animals here really have no fear of humans, this is certainly their turf!!
      Dinner was delicious sushi, Rowyn had been wanting to try some for ages and we were not disappointed.
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    • День 14

      San Cristobal: dag 1

      25 февраля, Эквадор ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      De start van onze eerste dag San Cristobal was teleurstellend. Allereerst hadden we de nacht voor onze aankomst te horen gekregen dat ons hotel dat we geboekt hadden niet meer beschikbaar was omwille van een defect. Er was wel een alternatief aangeboden maar dit was zonder airco. En ik kan kan jullie verzekeren: airco hier is geen overbodige luxe! Dus zijn we last minute nog op zoek moeten gaan naar een iets We hebben uiteindelijk wel iets met airco gevonden maar het is wel heel basic. Deze ochtend waren we weer vroeg uit de veren want we wilden voor de echte hitte op Cerro Tijeretas gaan snorkelen. Een spot die hoog staat aangeschreven en gratis is. Hoewel het nog maar 9u was, was de wandeling er naartoe al erg heet. Daar aangekomen, zagen we dat de 🚩 uit hing. Te gevaarlijk dus om te 🤿. Een andere optie vlakbij was Playa Punta Carola. Een Nederlands koppel dat we tegen kwamen wist ons te vertellen dat er al dagen een rode vlag hangt bij de Cerro en dat er geen enkel schaduwplek was op het strand. Zij raadden ons Playa Mana aan. Een strandje in het centrum. Zelf hadden we ergens gelezen dat er nog een meer afgelegen ⛱️ was, maar hiervoor moesten we nog wel minstens een uur een moeilijk bewandelbaar pad volgen. Even een korte familieraad en de overgrote
      meerderheid wilde de tocht wel aangaan. Wat zijn we blij dat we die uitdaging zijn aangegaan. We kwamen aan in een super afgelegen baai en hadden dus nog een schaduwplek. We hebben gesnorkeld in het wilde water en hebben heel wat scholen vis gezien, een zeeleeuw die een verse maaltijd vond, zwemmende zee leguanen en als hoogtepunt heel wat schilpadden. Aline en Free hebben zich uitgeleefd met het zoeken naar schelpen. Ook de frigatvogel is op de zeeleeuwmaaltijd afgekomen. Kortom: een meer dan een geslaagde dag.
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    • День 79–83

      Galapagos Inseln - San Cristobal

      26 января, Эквадор ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Von Isabela ging es mit der Fähre über Santa Cruz weiter nach San Cristobal, die letzte der bewohnten Inseln des Archipels.
      Diese Insel wird als Seelöweninsel bezeichnet, jetzt wissen wir auch warum. Die ganzen Strände liegen voll mit Seelöwen, sie liegen auf den Parkbänken rum oder watscheln durch die Stadt.
      Natürlich waren wir auch hier wieder viel schnorcheln und schwimmen.
      Unser Unterwasserhighlight war eine Schnorcheltour einmal um den Kicker Rock herum. Wir waren ungefähr 2,5 Stunden unterwegs und haben viele Tiere gesehen. Bunte Fische, Seelöwen, Schildkröten und sogar einen Rochen.
      Kurz vor Ende der Umrundung des Felsens tauchte aufeinmal eine Gruppe von ca. 20 Hammerhaien auf. Scheinbar waren wir an deren Versammlungspunkt, da sie ungefähr 30 Minuten bei uns geblieben sind. Die Tiere sind echt super beeindruckend, aber auch ganz schön riesig...
      Total glücklich ging es dann noch zu einem wunderschönen Traumstand. Als hätten wir noch nicht genug erlebt, hat eine Gruppe Delfine auf der Rückfahrt noch eine tolle Show für uns hingelegt.
      An unserem letzten Tag auf der Insel haben wir uns noch das Landesinnere angeschaut. Wir waren bei einem Vulkankratersee und einer Schildkrötenauffangstation - ganz schön süß so kleine Schildkröten.
      Den restlichen Tag haben wir am Strand ausklingen lassen.
      San Cristobal hat uns auch super gefallen, nur nicht der typische Snack hier (unreife Mango mit Zitronensaft und Salz).
      Wir sind super froh, die Galapagos Inseln gemacht zu haben. Es ist hier wirklich wie im Paradies und die Unterwasserwelt hat sooo viel zu bieten!
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    • День 3


      28 июня 2022 г., Эквадор ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      A day late but I have finally landed in San Cristobal. Had an interesting journey here, the plane couldn't have parked closer to the tiny airport and there a lot of restrictions but rightly so! There's no single use plastic allowed on the islands which is wonderful. Due to the current protests in Ecuador blocking off the only road we had to walk part of the way but my hosts are very lovely people and very helpful. Have a taxi coming in one hour to take me to las tortugas! 🐢Читать далее

    • День 56

      54. Galapagos 6 - Heading to Santa Cruz

      17 октября 2019 г., Эквадор ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Before leaving San Cristobal, we headed to the highlands for a hike to Laguna El Junco, one of the few freshwater lakes on the island, and also visited the island's east side beach of Puerto Chino. A few pix attached.

      Thursday morning we caught the 2 hour ferry ride to Santa Cruz. Aka - boat ride from hell. There were about 30 of us packed in like sardines with luggage stowed in the bow. People in the middle of the boat had no air, people in the back were cold and wet. I joined a handful who were tossing up their breakfast. Craig had his plastic bag ready, bit didn't need to use it. The ride left us both dizzy and nauseous for the rest of the day. Needless to say, we have sea sickness pills for our next ferry ride.

      All that said, we recovered and moved on!
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    • День 50

      Galapagos - Isla San Cristobal

      22 февраля 2020 г., Эквадор ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      Our plane from Quayaquil was uneventful and as we approached the Galapagos after almost 2 hours, we crossed a lush island and I wondered why, since our first stop, Isla Cristobal, is the eastern-most of the 13 or so Galapagos islands. Then we banked left and crossed over the unmistakeable Kicker Rock, or known locally as Leon Dormida, the sleeping Lion. We were just turning around to land in the other direction at the south end of the island. Lucky for me to have had a window seat. We'd heard great things about the snorkeling tour to Kicker Rock and we couldn't wait. The chance to see Hammerhead sharks was enticing.

      There are 4 inhabited islands here, and most people live on 3. Before I did a deep research dive, I had no idea that so many people lived on the islands and that there is SO much lodging available. Even though it's Carnival week, we're not having a problem with that or finding tours. Lots of Ecuadorians visit here this week for the vacation of a lifetime. The easiest thing to do, and this is what most people do, is book a tour with an agency online or in Quito or Banos, or another touristy city in Ecuador. You'll pay twice as much for half the time here if you do it that way.

      We're doing our trip in the reverse of many travelers, just because we found a cheap one-way flight to this isand. As it turns out, we may have done a great thing, because we can see so much on this island and we might not want to pay more on the other island to see the same wildlife. We booked a room for 2 nights with AC and breakfast included for about $65. Hostels are much cheaper and of course you can pay a lot more. But Ivan and Trudi at Hotel Cattleya are great hosts. Ivan met us at the airport and we grabbed a $2 taxi to the hotel, just 1 Km away. We could have walked, but the heat is brutal here during mid-day. And contrary to what some blogs say, the arrival was easy. Foreigners pay $20 in Guayaquil for one permit, and then at arrival, they pay $100 more just to land here. Ecuadorians pay about $10 I think. Since we got out of the back of the plane quickly (they use 2 exits on the tarmac with ladders), we got to the lines quickly and were soon on our way.

      Since we're DIY, we walked around the small town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno to research tours and snorkeling spots. We have a mask and snorkel and just ordered some fins via Amazon when in New Orleans. They're a little smaller and fit easily in a bag.

      There are a few thousand inhabitants here. One of the problems with studying this area is that each island has 2 names (Ecuadorian and old British/pirate) and then there are the cities on each. It can get confusing. Right now, we're in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on Isla San Cristóbal. The island used to be called Chatham and you'll still see both names on some maps.

      The city was pretty dead except for the numerous sea lions everywhere. And the iguanas. The main beach in the center is fenced off and it's their beach. But many get into the city and take over the sidewalks, steps, malecon, and also ships in the harbor. It's fun. They're loud and are always moving around and playing in pools, especially the pups. They sound like a drunken college student dry-heaving after a night of partying. We found out later that early afternoon is siesta time and many businesses and restaurants close for a few hours at the hottest part of the day. It got much more festive later after the sun set. 88 degrees on the equator feels like well over 100F.

      Our first 2 meals here were pretty bad and we were adjusting to sticker shock of being on a touristy island. Prices are about double than those on the mainland and service is not so great. But the next day we found better restaurants and snorkeled at La Loberia, a nearby beach. And we went to the very informational Galapagos Interpretation Center. Behind it were paved trails to another snorkeling spot and viewing tower on Frigate Bird Hill. I saw an Eagle Ray, a type of Manta, and a Sea Turtle, but not much else.

      Frigate birds are everywhere. They're called kleptoparasites because they rob other seabirds for food sometimes.They're large and have a distinctive split tail and can fly for weeks without landing because they ride thermals. On land the males have a large red neck that balloons out during mating season. Those make for great pictures.

      We spent most of a day just exploring the island and looking for a tour to Kicker Rock. We finally found a tour with a sailboat the next day and spent the evening enjoying the nearby beach of Playa Mann. Our hosts are great and provide a big breakfast.

      We left at 6:30 to catch our sailboat. We were already fitted with our gear. You need a wetsuit here because the water can get pretty cold while the exterior temps are in the upper 80's. Since we're on the equator, you'll burn pretty quickly without protection. We didn't use the sails on the way out, but there was a lot of room since only 2 other couples booked the tour: a Dutch couple traveling for a few weeks and an Ecuadorian couple from Quito. We went along the west side of Isla Cristobal for a couple of hours and did a circle of the rocky outcrop. It juts straight up and has a split in the middle where small boats can get through. It's special because strong ocean currents from different directions push currents full of wild things here. We snorkelled for an hour and a half and went into the split, which was amazing. We saw sea turtles, white tip reef sharks, black tip reef sharks, a Galpagos shark, a pufferfish, sea lions, a tuna, and lots of smaller fish.

      But the highlights of the tour were 2 things that are fairly rare in other parts of the world. We swam for a minute or two with a school of Eagle Rays, a type of Manta. They're so grafeful and beautiful! I counted 6. And then finally at the end of the trip, we saw a school of Hammerhead Sharks. They stay down about 12 meters and it's hard to see that deep unless you're in the right light on a sunny day. We had that, and thank god. I missed the first one that everyone else saw earlier, but when we saw the school, I dived down a bit for a better look and counted about 6 or so, but there were more. I just had to surface for air.

      Back in town, we finally found a good restaurant with good service and ate there 4 times! No more messing around. The seafood is fresh and good, but not everyone seems to know how to cook it. And we enjoyed the menus del dias, which are cheap set meals for about $5 with juice. The best part of those is the first course of a hearty soup. Few Jewish grandmothers can make as good of a chicken soup as the ones we've had. So it's nice to know that there is good food out there and we just had a bit of bad luck. Eating hot soup in the midday heat seems counter-intuitive, but soup at lunch is a standard here.

      The next day, we booked a taxi to take us on a land tour. Taxis here are all big, white, newish pickup trucks. They're really nice and not too expensive. They have set prices for everything and an island tour to 3 spots was $60 and the driver waits for you on the 4 hour tour. We went to El Junco Lagoon on the highest part of the island. It's a freshwater lake in a caldera that is misty and has unique plant life, the Miconia. The frigate birds come here to wash the saltwater off their wings, but we didn't see any. We did the hike around it and then skedaddled as a group of Ecuadorian junior high kids showed up.

      Next was a Tortoise center called the Galapaguera. They've moved some tortoises here from the natural habitat on the north side of the island to protect them. There's a breeding center there too. We finally saw lots of these huge guys. They're pretty amazing. If you get too close, they sound like dragons. After taking lots of pics and vids, we had a rare experience of seeing Galapagos Tortoises mate. It was interesting to say the least. We were like "how the hell did this species survive with that akward armor?" But they found a way. And it was nowhere near as brutal as the Orangutans we saw mating in Borneo.

      The last stop was at a pristine beach on the east end of the island where you could chill and swim with sea lions. We had already booked a ferry ride to the next island of Santa Cruz for the next day. It's the main island because the airport is at the tip of another small island to the north. It was built by the US military after Pearl Harbor to help protect the canal in Panama. And that's why so many people go to Santa Cruz and book trips from there.

      See all photos and vids here https://photos.app.goo.gl/zvBFuWy89PpgFk8U8
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    • День 4

      An evening in San Cristobal

      29 июня 2022 г., Эквадор ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      I rounded out my last day in San Cristobal with a delicious dinner on the beachfront, watching the sunset, with sealions in sight of course! The food was amazing, I had the ceviche, tofu 'El Junco' (a local lake and the only freshwater on the islands) curry and the chocolate dessert. I also had the best Caipirinha I've had since I was in Brazil 10 years ago! Tomorrow morning, I leave for the island of Santa Cruz.Читать далее

    • День 4

      Day 2: Part 2

      29 июня 2022 г., Эквадор ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      My hike continued and at this point I'll confess to not being entirely sure what I'd got myself in for. Although only a few km from the Centre, much of the terrain was rocky and with the intense heat and my dwindling water bottle I considered turning back. I can't tell you how glad I am that I didn't! Awaiting me at the end was the beautiful Playa Baquerizo, a small quiet beach, only accesible by the hike, in which you could swim with the sealions. I didn't get many good photos of this so you'll have to trust me that it was an incredible experience. For a while I just sat in the water and let the ocean wash over me, refreshing me for the hike back. When I got back I found more of my new pals in many different (and unexpected) places.Читать далее

    Вам может быть известно это место также под этими именами:

    Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, بويرتو بكويريزو مورينو, פוארטו בקריסו מורנו, प्यूर्टो बैक्वेरीज़ो मोरेनो, プエルト・バケリソ・モレノ, 푸에르토바케리소모레노, Puerto Bakeriso Morenas, Пуэрто-Бакерисо-Морено, پورتو باکوریزو مورینو, Пуерто-Бакерісо-Морено, پویرتو باکویریسو مورینو, 巴克里索莫雷諾港

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