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    • Tag 4

      Van Latacunga naar Isinlivi

      15. Februar in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Deze ochtend na een beperkt ontbijt (we missen Mindo nu al) onze rugzak gemaakt voor de Quilotoa loop. Daarna even door Latacunga gewandeld waar niet heel veel te beleven viel.
      De busrit van Latacunga naar Isinlivi was adembenemend. Daar begint de gemiddelde chauffeur van De Lijn niet aan :-)
      Omdat het landschap zo mooi is hebben we ons een paar kilometer voor Isinlivi laten afzetten en een wandelpadje richting het dorp genomen. Nu wat uitrusten in ons hotelletje.

    • Tag 4


      3. Januar 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Latacunga is a mid size colonial city in the "Avenue of the Volcanoes" south of Quito. That's the nickname give to the PanAm highway that runs south of Quito through a series of cities and near many volcanoes. We needed to do something since museums were closed and I though it would be nice to visit a town I had visited in 1995. I went there for the Mama Negra festival and had a great time. Too good of a time perhaps.

      The Mama Negra festival occurs each November. While having a white man dressed in blackface is not too cool, the story behind this festival is. The story I heard is that the indiginous were treated so poorly by the Spaniards that they thought that God must be a black woman. Spaniards were the devil, and they were all white men. Therefore, god must be the opposite. So the story goes. They only select prominent white men in Latacunga to be the Mama Negra each year to be the parade host. I guess it's quite an honor.

      All I know is that the cook and cleaners at my Spanish Language school exchange family talked a few of us into going to the party and parade. It was pretty crazy, kind of like Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The parade is huge and featured costumed dancing troupes, marching bands, and some floats. One guy walked around with a humongous BBQ pig hoisted above his head, wearing it on a harness. I asked someone nearby what that was all about. She just said "we like pork." As the float went by, people screamed "Senor Chancho!" or "Mr. Pork!" I almost forgot to mention that it's good luck to be squirted with milk from Mama Negra's baster. She's on the main float. I know. Weird, right? Oh, and there were lots and lots of guys in drag, a la Monty Python style.

      I was offered many, many shots of some unnamed booze by mostly older women in costumes who thought it would be funny to get the gringos drunk. They did and I barely remember getting back to the Pan Am highway to get on a northbound bus.

      Anyway, going to Latacunga seemed like a fun day trip. It took us 45 minutes to get to the main bus station, Quitumbe, on the trole (tram). Then it took almost 2 hours on the bus. The city is only about 100,000 but it was so busy with pedestrians, cars stuck in traffic, and vendors of all types selling all manner of wares on the streets. We walked about 10 blocks to the central plaza and grabbed some cash at an ATM. Then it was off to find a traditional Chugchucaras restaurant.

      It's a mouthful to say, and more of a mouthful to eat. Chugchucaras is a pork lover's paradise. It consists of pork rinds on top of big chunks of pork, a side of hominy, a side of deep fried corn that doesn't pop (more hominy?) some potatoes, popcorn, and a deep fried little donut thingy. When we walked in, we were handed a huge pork rind as an appetizer. I made sure we only ordered one of the dishes. I saw how big the plates were. And thankfully, the waitress asked if we wanted the small or large portion. "Small, please!" We finished it, but barely. It was good, but probably a one-time deal for us. Our arteries are thankful.

      After that we walked around the traffic clogged streets and finally found a nice area with few cars. There were LOTS of high school kids walking around. Apparenly school hours are 7-12:30 in Ecuador and kids don't eat lunch at school. They just got out. They all have uniforms and most of them are pretty cool, like track suits. I probably saw 5-6 different uniforms and over a hundred kids eating, walking around, practicing dancing, flirting, etc.

      We went to a small museum that described the Mama Negra Festival and it had some costumed manequins. I totally forgot to take pics of the nice areas, so the street scenes below aren't going to sell Latacunga on anyone. Unless of course, you make it to the festival. At the end, I'm adding a few photos I took at the festival, including Sr. Chancho.

    • Tag 100

      Short stay in Latacunga

      12. April 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      After three really exhausting days in Banos I slept out! 9:30 - I love it 😂 then I chilled with the hostel people and had some breakfast.

      I Took a bus to latacunga and arrived at 15:30. I withdraw some money and exchanged my 100 dollar check. I also packed for the quilotoa loop and met fiona from Germany in the hostel. We cooked together and went to bed early, because want to be fit for the Trecking

      I will hike 3 days ~5h each day and we want to finish at the quilotoa lake, which is an Vulcano at 4000m.

    • Tag 71


      24. November 2019 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Hüt bini ca. Am 6i im Hostel ahcho und wil ich nonnig ha chönne Ihkecke und no keis Kafi offe gha hett, hani halt nochli uf em Sofa im Ufenhaltsrum gschlafe.
      So am 8ti bini den los und mal durs Stedtli gloffe uf de suechi nacheme Kafi. Bi den nachere ehwigkeit au fündig worde, ha nöd drahdenkt das sunntig isch und faschd alles zue isch.
      Am 11i hani den endlich chönne mis Zimmer bezieh und ha mich den nomal anegleit, da ich im Nachtbus nöd so viel gschlafe ha.
      Also eigendlich hani gahr nüt gmacht hütt 😁, aber s isch grad guet zum sich ad Höchi z gwönne. Bi da uf ca. 2750 m.ü.m und Morn gahts den wieder bis knapp uf 4000 m.ü.m ue.
      Drumm bini den au gli mal wieder is Bett.

    • Tag 196


      20. März 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Latacunga was our spot mainly for leaving our stuff before going to Quilotoa loop hike. Unfortunate Levin got ill and decided to stay there in hostel for two more nights to get better. We stayed with couchsurfer who we almost never met.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 19

      Tag 19: Quito —> Latacunga

      28. Oktober 2022 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nach dem mir gester spat is Bett sind, hemmer de Wecker ersch uf die halbi 9ni gstellt. Denn simmer uf de Rooftopbar vom Hostel The Secret Garden go Zmorge esse. Nach dem mer Uscheckt hend, het üsi Backpackreis gfühlt ersch ez ahgfange. Endlich hemmer Quito richtig Süde verlah und sind mitm Bus nach Latacunga. Nach 3 Stund fahrt und eimal umstiige simmer ahcho. Mir hend den grad im nögste Hostel Tiana Café ihcheggt. Da zahlemer 18$ für eus beidi für 1 Nacht. Die Priise überrasched eus immer wieder ufs neue. Denn simmer chli dur‘s Städli selber gloffe, das git aber nid sooo viel her. Im Kaffi Leche y Miel hemmer endlich wiedermal feine Kaffi trunke. Dezue hets zum Zvieri en Cheescake und Pancakes geh. Chessecake isch glaubs eifach nid so ihri Spezialität und mir hend beschlosse da in Südamerika niemeh en Cheesecake z‘bstelle… Nacher hemmer na all üsi To-Dos abgarbeitet. Sind üsi Sim-Chartene go uflade, hend gnueg Geld abghebt und sind chli Snacks für die nögste 3 Täg go poste. Zum Znacht simmer is El Gringo y la Gorda. Det isch grad Happy Hour gsi und drum hets zum Znacht en Mojito geh und dezue eh riise Schüssle Thai-Salat wo würklich unglaublich geil gsi isch. Für die 2 Salöt und 2 Mojitos hemmer wieder nur knapp 20$ zahlt. Hett sich also glohnt. Zrugg im Hostel hemmer packt und eus gnueg informiert für üses nögste Vorha. Mir wend nämlich ih 3 Täg vo da us zum Quilotoa-Loop laufe. Dassmer gnueg fit sind, simmer dasmal gnueg früeh is Bett.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 168

      Latacunga and Quilotoa Lake

      17. August 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Latacunga was our third stop in Ecuador. The city is mainly used as a gateway to the Quilotoa Crater Lake, located at approx. 3920m, and is - again - said to be not safe outside of a little tourist area. We‘ve spent to nights there and luckily found a cozy little restaurant with a courtyard and heaters 💪🏼, as well as a mexican restaurant serving fajitas with a huge vegetable plate - Alina was very very happy to finally have some tasty vegetables again!!
      The bus ride to the Quilotoa lake was also an experience by itself, as it was a slow bus, stopping randomly along the way to pick up many indigenous folk from the andes region. Slower than scheduled, but so very interesting to see all these very characteristic faces and their traditional way of dressing!
      The lake itself was very very beautiful, too. Instead of just heading down to the lake level, we took the 10.3 km route around it - a nice workout with some slopes of 32% and beautiful views of both the crater lake and the surrounding area. We even saw (or let‘s say we are 95% sure that we did 😉) our very first Andean Condor, the largest flying bird in the world and sadly an endangered species. Truly a majestic sight!
      And now that we are acclimatised to the hights, we head off deeper into ( or up to) the andes mountains for some more hiking 💪🏼

    • Tag 104

      Short stay in Latacunga II

      16. April 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Today we woke up to see the sunset at the quilotoa lake. I was really tired and exhausted of the days. Mezz, myself and Fiona stayed after the breakfest at the hostel, during Markus, Lynn and Joel went down to the lake. I was to exhausted and wanted to chill.

      I played chess against fiona and I won 😎

      We took the bus at 12:00 till 14:00 to Latacunga & I stayed goodbye to the amazing group🥹 I really would love to travel with them to banos..

      I called my parents and spoke to some people at the hostel. I met Nicole from Swiss and I will do the catopaxi hike wir her tomorrow. She was very spontaneous with that😂🙌🏽💪🏽

      After cooking in the hostel and speaking mostly to Franz and Niklas from Germany, I went to bed.

    • Tag 71


      6. November 2023 in Ecuador

      Nach 4 Tagen ohne Dusche war der Bedarf nach einem richtigen Zimmer mit heißer Dusche groß. In Lacatunga fiel uns auf, dass überall Schildern mit Evacuationsrouten hingen und auch in Restaurants Karten waren, in denen eingezeichnet war, wo sich das Restaurant befindet und wohin man sich evakuieren muss. Wir fanden heraus, dass Lacatunga in einem Tal lag und in der Vergangenheit schon mehrfach von der Kraft des Cotopaxi zerstört wurde und auf den Karten eingezeichnet wurde, wohin man vor der Lava flüchten muss.
      Ein bisschen gruselig…

    • Tag 381–386

      Latacunga • Ecuador

      17. April 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      👁️ Tilipulo State Heritage Building
      👁️ Vicente Leon Park
      👁️ San Augustin Plaza
      👁️ Casa de los Marqueses de Miraflores (Art Museum)
      👁️ Mirador El Calvario

      🚍 | 🚙 Cerro Putzalahua
      🚍 | 🚙 Cotopaxi Volcano
      🚍 | 🚙 Laguna Quilotoa

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