Heute Abend geht es schon wieder Richtung Berge und ich werde das Meer eine Zeit lang nicht mehr zu Gesicht bekommen. Nach knapp 1,5 Wochen Strand und Hitze freue ich mich aber auch schon wieder aufRead more
We took a road trip 5 hours north to Conoa this weekend, hunting for sun.
We only found a little sun, but we had a bunch of interesting learning experiences. Perhaps most importantly, we learnedRead more
Travelled today round about 2-3 h up further north from Manta to the small beach town Canoa.
On the way I found beautiful nature (dry forest, trees looking like out of a Tim Burton movie…) but wasRead more
Über Weihnachten und Silvester bin ich zu meiner kleinen Familie nach canoa zurück gereist.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Río Canoa, Rio Canoa
Vera and Tom Iguanas on the roof
Julie Boyle Photoshopped?
Vera and Tom Nope, just very well timed before I fell off :)