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  • Day 97

    Füsse-Hoch-Tag in der Jugi Saarschleife

    October 14, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Heute 0 Km

    Heute kein Laufen, nur Liegen und Wäsche-Waschen.
    Ich habe noch einige Photo- und Videographische Eindrücke der letzten Tage angehängt. Ansonsten hören wir uns Morgen wieder. Macht Euch einen schönen Abend. Bei mir gibt's gleich ganz Jugi-mässig um 18:00 Abendbrot. Bis denne.Read more

  • Day 96–98

    Schu-Hü Rodenbach bis Jugi Saarschleife

    October 13, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Heute 28.5km

    Gelaufen 30 wegen gestern.. So bin ich denn los nach einer guten Nacht in der last-minute
    Schu-Hü. Wieder schönste, wildeste Bachtäler entlang. Erneut vielen Pilze, Äpfel, Birnen, Herbstlaub, Esel, Menschen mit Hunden, Wallfahrtsstätten von 1761 , Mettlach, Heimat von der Closett-Manufaktur Villeroy und Boch, Mittag in der örtlichen Brauerei Gaststätte mit viel Getöse um mich herum und Gfillde (saarländische Spezialität, wen es interessiert, kann ja googeln - nix für Vegetarier) und dann die berühmte Saarschleife. Ganz nah am Dreiländereck mit Luxemburg und Frankreich und ebenso nah an der Mosel, deren Mündung wir schon von der Burg Ehrenbreitstein aus bewunderten, nicht so nah an der Nahe und gleichzeitig das Ende meiner Reise auf dem hervorragenden und mit Abstand am besten ausgeschilderten Saar-Hunsrück-Steig, seinem Abwechslungsreichtum, seinen Single-Trails ohne Ende und seiner üppigen Natur. Und auch gleichzeitig das äusserste Ende meines Weges in den Westen der Republik, jetzt geht es nur noch östlich und gewaltig südlich. Es wird in den nächsten Tagen noch einige Weganpassungen und Haken geben (müssen), aber auch noch eine tolle Begleitung ist angemeldet. Ich freue mich auf das kommende und mache entweder Morgen hier in der Jugi Dreisbach, an der Saarschleife eine Pause oder einen kurzen Wander-Tag. Je nach Regen. Vom Erschöpfungsgrad könnte ich, trotz oder wegen der 5 Tage Pause, einen Zero-Day gebrauchen. Na, denn guts Nächtle.Read more

  • Day 18

    Still Saar

    June 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Quite day today and not on bikes till after 4pm. Short ride to the confluence of Saar and Mosel. Ride back passed a very noisy lake hidden behind trees, the noise coming from hundreds of cormorants and herons on and around their nests. All the trees below have turned white from the "deposits". Ended with an exotic ice cream.Read more

  • Day 17

    A Trip to the Cloud (Cloeuf)

    June 20, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    We had some heavy rain overnight, which in turn has increased the humidity.
    Looking for relief we cycled 15 mls up the Saar to an Oxbow in the river at Mettlach. We then ditched the bikes and climbed 250 m to the view point, a round trip of about 6 miles through the forest alongside trickling streams so cooler than most other places.
    Of course we had to cycle back so earnt an early evening drink in the picturesque town before back to shower off the graveyard of insects we appeared to accumulate on our bodies en route.
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  • Day 8

    Remembering Uncle Paul

    June 1, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Today I wore a shirt that says "F.R.I.E.N.D.S don't let friends fight cancer alone" on the front and then Uncle Paul's name on the back.

    I hope he would proud of me for maximizing the number of countries I went to today for him. I think he would be proud of my "thinking smarter, not harder". I wouldn't be able to take this trip without my Uncle Paul so this trip is dedicated to him!!!

    *Pics from Luxembourg, Germany, and France and the pic I posted earlier was in Belgium!
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  • Day 52

    Reisemobilpark Saarburg

    September 23, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Heute sind wir weiter Richtung Trier. Unterwegs haben wir wieder einmal "Supererfahrung"mit den deutschen Umleitungen gemacht. Eventuell kommt noch ein Busse. In Trier wir als erstes die Porta Nigra besichtigt. Danach ging es durch die schöne Altstadt und Kirche zur Kaisertherme. Auf dem dem Rückwrg zim Parkplatz haben wir kurz einen Fleischkäse und ein Kaffee zur Stärkung genommen. Als nächstes ging es ins Bauhaus, um einen Adapter zu beschaffen. Dad nächste Ziel war der Reisemobilpark Saarburg. Von dort sind wir mit dem Rad in die Altstadt zum Wasserfall und dann zu Fuss zum Aussichtspunkt Schloss hochgelaufen. Anschliessend gab es einBier und Anschliessend eine Pizza im Pizzahaus Rustica. Anschliessend sind wir zurück zum MobilparkRead more

  • Day 5–10

    Von Metz nach Perl (D)

    September 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Am Morgen aus der Stadt raus wieder an den Moselradweg ist mit den versch. Umleitungen diesmal reine Nervensache. (fluch, fluch, keuch, keuch!)
    Nach ¾ Std. sind wir endlich an gewünschter Stelle und wir treten nun kräftig in die Pedale.
    Im Café bleu beim Velo-Max kehren wir das erste mal ein.
    Nächster stopp ist Thionville und wir radeln geradewegs auf die deutsch französische Grenze zu. Perl, das heutige Tagesziel, liegt mitten im Drei-Länder-Eck Deutschland, Frankreich, Luxemburg. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite liegt das luxemburgische Schengen, das vor allem durch das gleichnamige Abkommen zum freien Grenzverkehr bekannt wurde. Nach 64km haben wir unser Nachtlager im Hotel Maimühle erreicht.
    Unsere Drahtesel dürfen auch mit ins Hotelfoyer, wo sie sicher und vor Regen geschützt sind.
    Morgen sind es "nur" 50km bis Trier!
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  • Day 31

    White Knuckles in Saarburg

    September 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Since today was our free day in Saarburg, we both slept in to the quite ungodly hour of 8 am. Instead of feeling refreshed by such a long sleep, I actually felt rather tired. I had spent most of the night fighting a losing battle with the tiny doona.

    These cursed things seem have become a thing in Europe since our last trip 4 years ago. While I enjoy sleeping under a normal sized doona, those that we have been finding in our hotel rooms are tiny little things, not much bigger than a hand towel. I find it absolutely impossible to find a comfortable sleeping position and find that my body temperature alternates between hot and cold. I have even tried throwing the whole lot on the floor, and just sleeping on top of the mattress, While that works for a while, it is not compatible with a satisfying night's sleep. And so, the nightly doona battle continues unabated.

    One of the attractions of Saarburg is a chairlift that goes from the township up to the top of a nearby hill. All of the others in our group had already decided to take the ride. In contrast, I had a problem.

    Maggie has always had a paranoid fear of heights. Even standing on top of a chair is a death defying challenge for her. The thought of sitting suspended high in the air on a chair lift was enough to transform her into a quivering mess. In spite of that, we set out on the walk to the base of the lift, to watch the others setting off up the hill.

    In spite of her fear, Maggie somehow agreed to buy a ticket and join me on the ride up. Well join me is probably an understatement. She closed her eyes and then dug her fingernails deep into the back of my hand. When the chair started to wobble a little, the fingernails went in even deeper. It turned out to be a painful experience for both of us.

    We did safely make it to the top of the mountain, without suffering a cable break or a heart attack, however I was a little disappointed at the views that we were rewarded with. In my opinion, the view from the tower at the palace was infinitely superior.

    After a coffee, it was time to face the return chair ride back down the hill. The entire drama was enacted for a second time, with Maggie holding her breath for most of the way down. She did not resume smiling till we were both safely back down on the ground.

    Tomorrow morning, we will split into two groups. Ken Lister will be taking 16 riders to Passau to begin their ride along the Danube from Passau to Vienna. Another 8 of us will be coming with me to Donaueschingen (the place where the Danube River begins) to begin our ride along the upper reaches of the Danube.

    There are also 4 others who will now be heading back to Australia. Those are Steve and Gill Wilson, Pascale Turvey and Sarah Barlin.

    In case you have been wondering about the weather - it has been close to perfect. So far we have not had even a single wet day, and most days have blessed us with lovely conditions for riding. That is why we always choose this time of the year for our European rides.
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  • Day 30

    Goodbye Olympia, Hello Saarburg

    September 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    After our week of exploring the bike/barge along the Moselle, it was time to get off the Olympia and make our way to our hotel. It was an early 5.30 am wake up, followed by breakfast at 6.30 am. Our bags were packed (ie crammed) and offloaded from the boat at 7.30 am.

    The Hotel Am Markt was a short distance away from the dock, so I grabbed the handles of both our suitcases and started walking. I had not gone far before I felt an unfamiliar weight in my pocket. I wondered what it was. It was the key to our cabin !

    I immediately Uturned and walked back to the boat where I was met by the scowling steward. They had already realised that I was about to abscond with the key (and probably incur a huge penalty fine in the process).

    With the great key scandal thus averted, I was able to complete the easy walk to the hotel and drop the bags in. The rest of the day was free to explore.

    Saarburg is a most pleasant small town, centred on a scenic canal. During the day the area near the canal is packed with tourists, but after dark it is very peaceful.

    The major landmarks of the city are the elevated Saarburg Castle and the Reformed Church, both of which are situated high above the town. We made the strenuous climb up to the top of the tower to look down on the village and the river from this vantage point. It was well worth the effort.
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  • Day 29

    The Final Night on Board

    September 15, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    The final day of any extended ride is always a little sad, especially when the cycling conditions were absolutely perfect. Once you settle into a simple routine of daily riding, it really is hard to stop.

    Today we would not only be completing our final ride, but we would also be saying goodbye to the beautiful Moselle River that had been the theme of our week of riding. It was now time to join the Saar River and then follow it to the end of our ride at Saarburg.

    For almost the entire ride we stuck closely to the riverbank. At one stage we had a brief transit through the tiny country of Luxembourg, before catching a ferry back across the river back to Germany again.

    Maggie and I rode by ourselves for most of the day and enjoyed the quietness and solitude. At the end of the ride we removed our personal gear from the bikes, and prepared for the next stage of our adventure.

    That evening was the final night on board, and by tradition, this is when the captain plays host. He also made a special announcement that, because of the terrible mooring location in Trier, all the drinks would be free. I suspected that this would have happened regardless of where we had moored.

    Needless to say, it was a very noisy night, and we were happy to retire to our cabin earlier than usual.

    Tomorrow, we say goodbye to the Olympia, and look forward to a couple of bicycle free days in Saarburg.
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