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  • Hari 23

    Thwarted in Dresden

    17 September 2024, Jerman ⋅ ☀ 22 °C

    It is never pleasant to be thwarted. During the first two weeks of our Epic Ride we had faced all sorts of challenges, and somehow managed to overcome every one. That is, until now.

    The inspiration for this ride was the Elbe River, one of the major rivers of Europe. So far the Elbe has been our constant companion for over 630 km of cycling. Now it has changed dramatically from being a friend to a foe.

    Central Europe has been battered by torrential rains for the past several days, and all that water had to go somewhere. That somewhere was the Elbe.

    I had never had personal experience with a major flood before, and I would have to say that it is both impressive and frightening in equal measure. I think that we were all surprised how quickly nature can turn a placid waterway into a swollen torrent of water.

    Although we thought that the peak might have been reached yesterday, it was clear to see when we awoke this morning that the river had risen at least another 50 cm, swallowing up more of the surrounding paths and roads.

    The Elbe Radweg (bike path) has now been officially closed. That puts a temporary full stop to our plans to continue along the Elbe and Vltava Rivers to Prague. Plans were hastily redrafted and our new plan is to stay in Dresden until Saturday, after which we will be bussed to Prague to continue our ride from there.

    Although this is rather disappointing, there are certainly worse places to be trapped for a few days, and our hotel is positively sumptuous. Oh well, that happens sometimes. We will certainly all have something to talk about for years to come.

    At least the sunshine returned today, making Dresden an entirely different city. With the sunshine and higher temperatures, the humidity soared. The outdoor cafes were filled, and the spirit of gloom that permeated the place for the past couple of days seems to have lifted.

    I went out on another long walk today, but discovered that my phone battery was flat. That meant I could not take many pictures. That was not entirely a bad thing as it meant that I could practice one of my favourite pastimes - people watching.

    I found a nice chair in the shade by the riverside, got out my kindle and enjoyed a lovely time. A nearby accordionist with a lovely white dog sitting at his feet added some enjoyable audio atmosphere to my sojourn.

    It's a tough life, but someone's got to do it.
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  • Hari 22

    Who Opened the Elbe Floodgates ?

    16 September 2024, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    One criticism that can never be levelled against a Ghostrider Overseas Adventure is that they are "too boring". To the absolute contrary, our Epic Elbe Ride looks like being the most eventful yet. Every day so far, we have had some unique challenge or other. The last twenty-four hours have been the most exciting so far.

    We had already been warned that our arrival into Dresden would be impacted by the running of a huge international Biathlon Event. Actually it would be more accurate to say the "skating" of a huge Biathlon, since the participants do not run at all, they ski along on roller blades and stop every so often to shoot at targets.

    We knew how to accommodate the likely disruption of the Biathlon. All we had to do was leave Riesa early and arrive in Dresden by around noon. That part was simple. What was not so simple was the growing challenge posed by the threat of widespread flooding all over central Europe.

    The past two days had been filled with news about the devastating flooding caused by torrential rain over the Czech Republic, Austria and Romania. When we went to bed on Saturday night, the Elbe looked pretty benign, however we were surprised and alarmed to see that it had risen dramatically during the night.

    The normally well behaved river had probably doubled in flow and was now lapping right at the edge of the bike path. We had no idea how much of the route would be impacted by this development. At least the wind was still blowing at our backs, so the 56 km ride would not be much of a physical challenge. The floods however could be an entirely different matter.

    As soon as we left Riesa we were riding with the Elbe close on our left hand side. At times the bike path was almost under water, and then we turned a corner and saw our way apparently blocked by a large mass of water. We stopped at the edge and considered our options. We could turn back and possibly find another way through, or we could risk our bikes and our lives by going ahead.

    "What do you think ?" I asked Ken for his advice. He replied that it "did not look too deep" and that we could ride through it. He was wrong on the first point, but right on the second. It actually was quite deep, probably up to our axles. Certainly, enough to saturate our shoes. In such situations, you cannot stop or hesitate, you just have to keep riding. And that is what we did. After a few minutes the entire peloton emerged relatively unscathed on the other side. Well, that was another challenge faced and overcome. I just hoped that our ebikes would not suffer mortal damage as a result.

    As if the Biathlon and the floods were not enough newsworthy events, we had also just heard word that one of the major bridges in Dresden had collapsed during the night, I am not joking. The entire bridge had fallen down at 3 am in the morning. Wherever we go the Ghostriders seem to be right in the middle of the action.

    We also encountered another serious flood over the bike path a little further on, and this time common sense prevailed and we took a detour along the road. The rest of the morning was spent with brisk riding and meant that we arrived in Dresden before the predicted rain.

    The second half of the ride was also notable for the change in the terrain along the way. Gone are the huge flat flood plains, and we now started to see the first towering cliffs that will become a feature of the next part of the ride.
    When we rode into Dresden, the entire town was obviously out in force to watch the Biathlon, but we were more interested in checking into our luxurious Maritim Hotel and staying dry. This hotel was easily the fanciest place we have stayed in so far and will probably set the high mark for the entire trip. I had stayed here previously back in 2012, so I did have an idea what to expect.

    About 6 pm I was sitting in my room, struggling to keep my eyes open, when my attention was grabbed by a loud warning that was piped into every room through the PA system. Since it was all in German, I had no idea whether I should be panicking or not. Fortunately it was followed up by an English translation, instructing everyone to remove their vehicles immediately from the garage. Apparently they were about to activate the emergency flood barriers to stop the Elbe flooding the garage. This gets more and more exciting with every minute.

    What followed was a massive exodus of people from every room. The lifts were jammed, The staff at the desk were overwhelmed by a line of people asking questions. I wondered if ebikes would float or sink if the garage filled with water.

    Eventually we were assured that our bikes will be safe. It turned our to be a miracle of planning that we now have two rest days here. Hopefully that might give some time for the flood waters to recede a little before we resume riding on Wednesday.
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  • Hari 4

    4. nap Bad Schandau - Drezda, 62 km

    24 Agustus 2024, Jerman ⋅ ☀ 32 °C

    Reggel idƑben indultunk Bad Schandauból,, hogy még a déli hƑség elƑtt felmásszunk a Szász-Svájc Nemzeti Park egyik legszebb kilátópontjára. A Bastei nevƱ sziklaképzƑdmény, amit megcéloztunk, 194 m magasan emelkedik az Elba folyó fölé és csak komppal közelíthetƑ meg.
    A gyalogtúra után folytattuk utunkat az Elba mentén Drezda felé. Kora délután kedves drezdai barátunk idegenvezetésével bringás városnézést tartottunk Drezda városában. Még a GSK épületéhez is eltekertünk!
    Ezután következett a legnehezebb szakasz! 😉 10 km hosszan emelkedett az út barátunk kertvárosi házáig, ahol az éjszakát töltöttük.
    Immár hazafeleúton írom ezeket a sorokat, szuper élmémyekkel, kellemesen elfáradva, jól lebarnulva térünk haza!
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  • Hari 93

    Visite Ă  Dresde

    21 Agustus 2024, Jerman ⋅ ☀ 22 °C

    Nous avons retrouvé à Dresde Nora, une ami d'Adèle rencontrée pendant son Erasmus à Barcelone. La petite histoire est que Nora avait fait aussi un voyage à vélo en Europe il y a 2 ans et était passé 2 jours à Marseille. C'était donc drôle de se retrouver de nouveau comme ça.
    Nous ne devions rester qu'une nuit, mais comme on passait des bons moments ensemble, on est resté un peu plus. C'est ça aussi la beaute du voyage à vélo đŸ„°
    On a donc eu le temps de faire un peu nos touristes. Et on a été agréablement surpris par la ville une nouvelle fois. Au point que Clément a même fini par dire que nous reviendrions habiter ici (bon c'était plus pour faire plaisir à Nora !) 😅
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  • Hari 148

    Dresde : La Florence de l'Elbe en Saxe

    1 Agustus 2024, Jerman ⋅ ☀ 30 °C

    Avant, pendant et après mon 6e wwoofing allemand, je prends le temps de visiter une ville centrale de la Saxe : Dresde ❀
    Les voyage en S-Bahn me mènent à cette ville, un véritable bijou architectural et culturel de la Saxe.

    Qu'est ce que c'est Dresde❓ :

    Dresde, souvent surnommée la "Florence de l'Elbe", est la capitale historique du royaume de Saxe et ajd le centre de la région. La ville rayonne par son passé, ses monuments et sa place dans l'histoire saxonne.

    L'événement le plus marquant et traumatisant reste cependant le bombardement de la ville en 1945 par les forces alliées. En effet, la ville ne possédait aucune industrie de guerre mais des dizaines d'hôpitaux accueillant des réfugiés d'Allemagne qui venaient s'y abriter pensant la ville sûre de ne pas être bombardé...
    En 2 jours, 3900t de bombes incendiaires pleuvent sur la ville. 1/3 de la ville est rasée et plus de 40000 allemands périssent. Dresde fut la ville européenne la plus violemment bombardé de la WW2...

    Après son passage à la RDA, la ville se reconstruit peu à peu, la restauration prend des décennies. En 2005, la ville inaugure la reconstruction de la FrauenKirche, achevant la restitution du patrimoine saxon.
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  • Hari 10

    Leipzig and Dresden

    31 Juli 2024, Jerman ⋅ ☁ 31 °C

    We were told that Leipzig was a little, hidden Berlin but more cool and hip.... it would seem that we were a few years too late for that. Yes, it's quaint and beautiful but it's been discovered. It's full to the brim with tourists with money. The winding streets around our hostel were solely upmarket restaurants. It was painfully oppressive walking through the streets during food service, which is basically all day. The closest that we came to eating in a restaurant was perusing the menu.... over 15€ for a pie, 12€ for a bowl of Pho, 16€ for a Thai curry. The saving grace was the wonderful hostel that we had private rooms in. Our rooms were more like an apartment with a roof terrace. We met cool people from all over the world, a sweet Albanian/ Italian who cooked a free hostel meal. A whole gang of music students from the UK.
    Dresden on the other hand was a real surprise. I was expecting a bombed out, uninteresting city. I was very wrong. It has a beautiful, reconstructed old river front part and an interesting, cosmopolitan new part. As a happy accident, I had booked a room in the new part. We took a short evening walk to the hip neighbourhood and the Kunsthof Passageway. Such beautiful colours and textures on the walls.
    That's it for Germany. How do you know when an area has become a tourist trap? When the most common word that you see is Vegan!!
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  • Hari 7


    16 Juni 2024, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Heute fahren wir den Elbradweg entlang. Vorbei an der Brücke "Blaues Wunder" und den Elbschlösschen geht's in die Neustadt zum Cafè Genuss. Hier müssen wir noch etwas organisieren für die Feier im Dezember.
    Anschließend besuchen wir Torstens Onkel im Krankenhaus.
    Am Rückweg gab's noch einen Absacker in der Radlbar und zum Abendessen einen Nudelauflauf mit Straußeneiernudel.
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  • Hari 3

    Zauberflöte in der Semperoper - wahnsinn

    27 Mei 2024, Jerman ⋅ ☁ 17 °C

    Und noch ein Highlight an diesem Tag. (Britta bekommt ja nie genug) zusammen mit Ruth ging es in feiner Abendgarderobe in die Semperoper ( ). Und kein anderes Stück … als die Zauberflöte von Mozart durften wir erleben. Was für ein Haus, was für ein Saal und was für eine wunderbare Vorstellung. Vom 4.Rang aus kann man wunderbar sehen und die Akustik ist toll.
    In der Pause durfte man sich das Haus ansehen und das habe ich genutzt.
    In der Zwischenzeit konnten alle anderen ausserhalb der Oper vor der Frauenkirche den Franz. Staatspräsidenten Herrn Macron zuhören. :) Mozart war mir lieber.
    Also ich war begeistert. Nicht, dass ich mir die Oper täglich ansehen würde, aber dieses Erlebnis sollte mal miterlebt haben.
    Wir spazierten glücklich nach Hause.
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  • Hari 7

    Semper Oper - La Bohéme

    15 Maret 2024, Jerman ⋅ ☁ 14 °C

    Heute Abend ist es nun soweit und wir betreten die Oper welche bis 1841 durch Gottfried Semper gebaut wurde. Die Bombardierungen zerstörten 104 Jahre später fast alles, nach den DDR Zeiten wurde sie 1985 mit dem Wiederaufbau in altem Glanz eröffnet.

    Wir erleben die Oper La Bohéme von Giacomo Puchini. Die Musik und die Arien sind sehr schön nur leider endet das Stück halt immer noch traurig…..wir hätten es Rodolfo und Mimi, welche uns ausserordentlich gefallen hat, gegönnt noch ein gemeinsames Leben zu verbringen.
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  • Hari 119

    Dresden, SN, Germany

    27 Oktober 2023, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    # Deutsch
    Das "Florenz an der Elbe", fasziniert mich mit seinem barocken Baustil. Insbesondere die Kuppel der Frauenkirche sticht deutlich aus der Silhouette Dresdens hervor, wenn auch erst wieder seit 2005. Die Frauenkirche war bereits bei ihrem Bau eine etwas wacklige Angelegenheit. Der Architekt hatte nie gelernt einen solchen Kuppelbau zu erstellen, und sich auf seine Intuition verlassen. Dass er das Gewicht der Kuppel für eine Holzkonstruktion berechnete, aber dann eine deutlich schwerere Sandsteinkuppel daraufgesetzt wurde, machte das nicht wirklich besser. Schon in der Bauphase zeigten die Säulen Risse, und das Vertrauen in die Konstruktion war auch in der Bevölkerung nicht allzu gross. Umso erstaunlicher ist es, dass die Kirche trotzdem zweihundert Jahre lang stand. Bis zum 15. Februar 1945. Ein Feuersturm wütete durch die Stadt, nachdem die Alliierten, Dresden, in den beiden Tagen zuvor, grossflächig bombardiert hatten. Rund 25'000 Menschen kamen binnen dieser zwei Tage ums Leben. Die Hitze des Feuers brachte die Kirche schliesslich doch zum Einsturz. Von da an war der Name der Stadt eng mit der der Zerstörung des Zweiten Weltkrieges verknüpft. Leider scheint die Erinnerung mancher Menschen reichlich kurz zu sein. Anders lässt sich die gut besuchte rechtsextreme Demo, welche während meines Aufenthalts durch die Stadt zieht, kaum erklären. (Soviel zu Klischees über Ostdeutschland)
    Aber zurück zu schöneren Dingen: Der Fürstenzug, ein riesiges Gemälde aus Porzellan, ist sehr beeindruckend.  Bezaubernd ist auch der "Dresdner Zwinger", dessen Name wohl passender Dresdner Orangerie wäre. Warum man ein so schönes Schloss, in dessen riesigen Innenhof, Orangen angebaut wurden, nach dem zuvor da stehenden Gefängnis benannt hat, erschliesst sich mir nicht ganz. Zumindest ist der Kontrast aktuell, dank einer Grossbaustelle im Innenhof nicht ganz so stark. Und last but not least: die Brühlsche Terrasse, der "Balkon Europas" bietet wahrlich eine wunderschöne Aussicht über Teile der Altstadt und die Elbe - das lasse ich mir auch von durchzogenem Wetter nicht vermiesen.

    # English
    The "Florence on the Elbe", fascinates me with its baroque architectural style. In particular, the dome of the Frauenkirche stands out clearly in the silhouette of Dresden, even if only again since 2005. The Frauenkirche was already a somewhat shaky affair when it was built. The architect had never learned to build such a dome and relied on his intuition. The fact that he calculated the weight of the dome for a wooden construction, but then put a much heavier sandstone dome on top of it, didn't really make it any better. The columns were already showing cracks during the construction phase, and confidence in it was not all that great among the population either. It is all the more astonishing that the church stood for two hundred years despite this. Until 15 February 1945, when a firestorm raged through the city after the Allies had bombed Dresden extensively in the two days before. Around 25,000 people were killed during these two days. The heat of the fire finally brought the church down. From then on, the name of the city was closely linked to that of the destruction of the Second World War. Unfortunately, some people's memories seem to be abundantly short. There is hardly any other explanation for the well-attended right-wing extremist demo that parades through the city during my stay. (So much for clichés about East Germany).
    But back to nicer things: The Fürstenzug, a huge painting made of porcelain, is very impressive.  The "Dresden Zwinger", whose name would probably be more appropriate Dresden Orangery, is also enchanting. I don't quite understand why such a beautiful palace, in whose huge inner courtyard oranges were grown, was named after the prison that stood there before. At least the contrast is not quite so stark at present, thanks to a large construction site in the inner courtyard. And last but not least: the Brühl Terrace, the "Balcony of Europe", offers a truly beautiful view over parts of the Old Town and the Elbe - I don't let the cloudy weather spoil that.
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