United Kingdom
Newhaven Town Railway Station

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  • Day 11

    Goodbye England

    May 18, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    The Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding
    C'est déjà le départ... Nous devons retourner en France... Mais pas avant une dernière journée anglaise! Nous prenons le train (non ce n'est pas de la triche) au départ de la capitale britannique jusqu'à Brighton, pour profiter de la ville et du bord de la Manche avant de rentrer. Nous flanons dans les rues accompagnés par des fresques, des echopes sympathiques et une ambiance vibrante. Nous nous baladons jusqu'à la jetée, ou nous faisons un passage à l'arcade où je suis contractuellement obligé de vous informer que Solenn m'a défoncé au basket. Après s'être reposés sur la plage, nous allons visiter le Pavillon de Georges IV. Ce fut assez divertissant d'entendre pendant 1h à quel point Georges IV était gros, tout en observant son palais très raffiné...
    Après avoir pris une collation, nous reprenons le train (toujours pas de la triche) jusqu'à Newhaven pour prendre le ferry du retour. Ça fait un certain effet de revoir le débarcadère dans l'autre sens, ça rappelle beaucoup de souvenirs de notre premier jour de vélo anglais qui semble maintenant tellement lointain...
    Demain, nous serons de retour en France et déjà en route vers la Suisse, mais pas avant une dernière étape culinaire...
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  • Day 107

    Winning big

    December 19, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

    We took this morning slowly with a sleep in and coffee (with bickies, of course!) We used some leftover milk sachets we had since we didn't have any fresh milk...

    Having no more milk was what kicked off the decision for us to go and get some for another hot drink.

    On the way to the shops we decided to take a detour to the beach. While Brighton beach is filled with pebbles, it does look very nice, especially in the sad rain drizzle.

    We then explored the Brighton Palace Pier, which is a small amusement park. We wanted to know the general pricing to check it out tomorrow when the weather is supposed to be better. Turns out that there isn't an entry fee so you can walk around the area freely and pay for the rides as you want.

    Another section of the park was a game arcade, which we walked through and decided to spend some quid and play some games. Bec almost immediately hits the jackpot on a game and the machine starts printing tickets for about a minute straight!!

    After that excitement we continue to spend the rest of our money on games. (Without earning too many more tickets.) Before we knew it, 2 hours had gone by... So much for the coffee.

    We ended up cashing in our tickets and it turned out Bec's win was 500 tickets! And in total we had only won ~650 tickets.

    The saddest part was that out of the dozens of options we had for prizes, we excitedly exchanged the tickets for a tea towel and a shot glass. Safe to say our childhood selves were probably quite upset with that choice.

    After we had our fun, we headed to the shops finally and grabbed ourselves some milk and lunch. We then rested for a while before heading back out!

    We walked to Andy's work for a quick drink and to say bye to him, before heading back to the accommodation.

    Step count: 15.5k
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  • Day 106

    Southcoast sippas

    December 18, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

    So we said goodbye to our comfortable birthday accommodation and headed to the coastal community of Brighton, where we picked up our fellow Australian and headed on a hike! The devil's Dyke. After we finished the hike through the the valley we stopped off for a pint in the pub near the start of the trail.

    From here we headed into the city of Brighton, fought to find a park and did a bit of a walk around the main shopping district before we made our way back to our accommodation to find a permanent park for the next few days before heading out on an adventure.

    We headed to Andrew's first place of work where we enjoyed a cocktail, we then headed to a bar where we played some videogames before going on a nighttime adventure. After a few more random pubs we found a kebab place and then walked home.

    Step count: 20.2k
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  • Day 77

    Tokio muss leer sein

    October 15, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Wir starten heute morgen in Cooden Beach mit einem - Überraschung- Strandspaziergang.
    Es ist morgens frische 6 Grad kalt, aber die Sonne scheint volle Lotte und das veranlasst ein paar mutige Engländerinnen schwimmen zu gehen. Maximalrespekt an dieser Stelle.
    Unser erstes echtes Ziel ist Hastings, da brauchen wir mit dem Auto ca 20 Minuten hin, wir finden auch direkt einen Parkplatz, was mit dem Bulli samt Heckträger nicht selbstverständlich ist.
    Hastings hat eine süße Altstadt und natürlich einen riiiiiesssigen Pier. Im Sommer gehts hier vermutlich ordentlich ab, heute sind wir fast alleine. Es ist noch zu kalt, um jetzt Eis in der Sonne zu essen.
    Mit dem West Hill Lift gehts dann auf die Anhöhe über der Stadt und wir haben einen wunderbaren Blick über die Uferpromenade.
    Hastings war aber heute nur der Auftakt, wir wollen zum Beachy Head und den sieben Schwestern, einer steilen Felsenküste.
    Natürlich kostet der Parkplatz etwas und - wir sind nicht mehr in Skandinavien - man kann nur mit Münzen bezahlen. Alternativ gehts auch per App, die Versorgung mit schnellem Internet ist genauso gut, wie die englische Nationalmannschaft im Elfmeterschießen. Irgendwie schaffen wir es dennoch und wir machen uns auf zu einer kurzen Wanderung. Der Blick ist atemberaubend. Man kommt sich vor wie in einem Rosamunde Pilcher Roman, die spielen doch immer im Süden Englands 🤭.
    Frau Pilcher ist aber von einer Sekunde auf die andere weg, als wir die Horden von Japanern sehen, die allen Warnschildern zum Trotz direkt an der Klippenkante stehen und irgendwelche Fotos für Instagram und TikTok machen. Frauen mit Pornoschlauchbootlippen und Röcken, die eher Gürteln ähneln, scheinen momentan auf Social Media das Maß aller Dinge zu sein. In ganz natürlicher Pose vor einem Kreidefelsen. Die Männer sehen übrigens aus, wie diese Comichelden aus Japan. Die haben alle so Schlabberhosen an. Jetzt wäre sicher ein guter Zeitpunkt, Tokio zu besuchen. Die Tokioter sind ja alle hier in Beachy Head - inclusive Godzilla.
    Die Felsen sind aber trotz der japanischen Invasion wirklich beeindruckend. Wir schauen sie von oben an und gehen dann noch an den Strand um von unten nach oben zu sehen. Sieht aus jeder Perspektive wirklich gut aus.
    Unser nächster und letzter Stop für heute ist Brighton. Brigthon by sea - erinnert Ihr Euch an Eure Englischschulbücher? Da waren Herr und Frau Smith immer für eine cup of tea in Brighton. Brighton by sea. Japs , die Stadt gibts wirklich. Sie hat auch immerhin 300.000 Einwohner. Der Tee der Familie Smith sah immer so gediegen aus. Tatsächlich ist Brighton eher bisserl abgerockt. Aber das ist ganz England ja. Das kommt davon, wenn man einfach so aus Europa abhaut. Schämt Euch 😁.
    Patrick wurde ja ein Männerschnupfen unterstellt, tatsächlich ist er aber wirklich krank, also machen wir einen kurzen Stop im Hotel, ruhen uns aus und gehen dann nur noch zum Abendessen und auf dem Weg dorthin noch über den Brighton Pier. Hastings hatte schon einen Riesenpier, aber Brighton hat da wirklich mal einen rausgelassen. In Sachen Pier steht's klar 1:0 für Brighton. Das ist kein Pier, sondern eine Kleinstadt mit Vergnügungspark auf Stelzen. Und wenn Dich im Casino auf dem Pier keiner bescheisst, machen das die Möwen kurz danach auf dem Pier.
    Wir freuen uns auf morgen- da werden wir noch mehr von Brighton sehen und uns dann in Richtung Lulworth Cove machen.
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  • Day 3

    Beachy Head & Seven Sisters

    August 1, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Heute hatten wir Wetterglück. Bereits mit Sonne geweckt ging es nach dem Frühstück Richtung Seven Sisters. Vorher noch eine etwas mehr als einstündige Wanderung zum Beachy Head und danach von einem „verlassenen“ Parkplatz (mit zerstörter Parkuhr) Nähe Belle Tout Lighthouse zu Fuß nach oben und dann Richtung Seven Sisters. Im Anschluss daran habe wir „Strecke gemacht“ nach Salisbury.Read more

  • Day 9

    Good old England

    June 21, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Ja, seit gestern weht der Union Jack 🇬🇧 unter der Stb. Saling und wir sind zu Gast im Königreich. Einschleusen in Eastborne problemlos, interessant das Schotten hier auch eine englische Gastlandflagge setzen (vllt eine Idee für den Verkehrsminister beim durchfahren fremder Bundesländer?).
    Heute 5 Uhr aufstehen, Kaffee, Müsli, duschen, schleusen.. Und jetzt ist die Welt wieder in Ordnung, es weht aus Südwest. Wir segeln ab Beachy Head vorbei an den Seven Sisters ( 7 Kalksteinberge leider vom Nebel fast immer eingeschlossen) um früh in Brighton zu sein. Auch wenn es schon 2h nach Niedrigwasser war, hatten wir nur 40 cm unterm Kiel. Hier muss man aufpassen. Nachmittags laufen wir dann den schönen coastal Walk nach Brighton, finden auch alle üblichen Touri places. Wir lassen uns dann von Svens Tochter ins Szene Viertel guiden, wo uns das lokale Pale Ale 🍺 schmeckt und wir viele sehr individuell gekleidete Menschen im berühmten Badeort anschauen dürfen. Das wird nicht langweilig 👀….
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  • Day 53

    Seaford and seven sisters park

    June 13, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    Today I walked part of the English coast walk and saw the seven sisters. A very hot day today, so got a bit sun kissed and walked just on 14 kms. In the boiling no shade pathway! Silly but determined! I finally realized and so tied my shirt round my head and neck ...

    First I went to Seaford, a pretty wee village and was fascinated by the cliffs there and the long rows of beach huts. Walking along that promenade I was reminded of how Brighton would once have looked bright and cheerful, instead of all the building renos going on amongst the crumbling structures, graffiti and filthy streets, it is party central here, so one can imagine the mess of the streets first thing in the morning after the revellers are done!!

    Oh how I long to be back on the Camino in Spain!!

    I then chatted with a local whom I asked about the seven sisters (cliffs) and she suggested I get the bus and rejoin the coastal path at the seven sisters park. I took her advice and walked back into the wee villages of Seaford to catch a bus... It wasn't far, and soon I was on the coastal path again ..... It was further than I expected in scorching heat, but I was determined to get to the viewing point.

    As the grass verges and .mud flats gave way to a very Stony beach, the sisters came into view, but it was still a hike over the stones, sinking into gravel then sand until the water front reached and a great view of the sisters emerged.

    Fascinating coastal walk with so much history...I particularly liked the museum with the gun on top...built to keep Napoleon at bay across the chanel!!??! Sadly tho the museum was closed!!

    I retraced my steps back to Brighton and met a lovely man at witherspoons where I stopped for dinner...a vegan hamburger and zero alcohol beer to quench the thirst of the journey. I was about to leave when he, Mark, suggested he buy me another beer as he was enjoying our chat. It was beginning to cool down outside and a nice evening to chill. He invited me to come and see where he works for the National trust at "Attingham house" in Shropshire...a very interesting human being,..I'll see how I go, but the wind takes me so many places.

    Also my German friend, Christian, finished his Camino today and shared a photo of his Compostella, I am so delighted for him... When we met he was limping with sprained ankle and knee, but he made it!!! Well done Christian ...a train driver from Germany.
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  • Day 52

    Royal pavilion dome and the lanes

    June 12, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    A day to the pavilion only to find it full of young people on school trips. I'm going to try again in the a.m. the "Dome" was closed no theatre offering, as was the museum!!

    The lanes are interesting on their own, full of little art galleries, clothing, shoe shops real boutique places.

    I spent some time writing at the library and having breakfast with some of the locals... A hardy bunch of 70+ year olds doing deals with each other. Very funny!

    I enjoyed afternoon tea Al fresco looking out at the Royal Pavilion when a poor woman became the focus of everyone's attention when she dropped a tray full of glasses, cups plates... poor thing I did go to her aid, she was so upset. Luckily the waiter came with a brush and told her not to worry "it happens". How kind!

    After the heat of the last few days I was so surprised to get down to the beach front around 4 30pm to find it steeped in mist creeping up onto the promenade. It didn't stop people from enjoying sitting on the sand or at a favourite cafe on the beach or on the merry go round! Such resilience!

    Notice the date above the tattoo shop...1770!! Such history.
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  • Day 50

    Brighton days

    June 10, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Saturday and what a packed place Brighton is and how diverse in it's shopping precincts as well. It's certainly a stunning town, but very busy...
    Yesterday I walked around 10 kilometres right up the beach and back to get an idea of the place. A stunning walk along the promenade beach for miles!
    I then got lost in town as I do..but soon found my way to my accommodation again. Came across the amazing Royal Pavilion and won't mind visiting this for a morning.....
    From Wikipedia:-
    "The Royal Pavilion, and surrounding gardens, also known as the Brighton Pavilion, is a Grade I listed[1] former royal residence located in Brighton, England. Beginning in 1787, it was built in three stages as a seaside retreat for George, Prince of Wales, who became the Prince Regent in 1811, and King George IV in 1820. It is built in the Indo-Saracenic style prevalent in India for most of the 19th century. The current appearance of the Pavilion, with its domes and minarets, is the work of architect John Nash, who extended the building starting in 1815."

    So my explorations go on..I've added a couple of scenes of the pavilion, my walk down the promenade and a couple of the dining room at my accommodation.
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  • Day 49

    Southsea to eastleigh then Brighton

    June 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Yesterday I took the bus, from Southsea, first to go see the "Victory" Capt Nelson's ship..in Portsmouth harbour then to Eastleigh to meet our cousins, four of them with their spouses.

    The ship was amazing and I was awestruck by it's size, the ingenuity it must have taken firstly to conceive then to produce. It's a wonder the ship could float under the weight of all the guns on board! Just a huge testament to the craftsmanship of the day and to the hundreds of man hours it would have taken to build.

    It felt a bit Erie as one had to stop in some parts of the decks to get around, the population must have been a lot smaller then? Also around the surgeons area there was a feeling of dread for what must have happened to the men who lost their lives and limbs!!

    From Wikipedia: "HMS Victory is a 104-gun first-rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy. She was ordered in 1758, laid down in 1759, and launched in 1765. With 245 years of service as of 2023, she is the world's oldest naval vessel still in commission."

    On the bus again, I was met by cousin Jean and her husband Mike at Fareham to travel to Eastleigh in their car. We were to meet at David Mackie' s restaurant called "Steam Town Brewed".

    It is hard to explain the myriad of feelings at being met by our first cousins for the first time! I immediately felt an emotional connection, after searching for them seriously for the last 30 years, it was so easy just to slip into family mode, all catering at once trying to tell and listen to family stories I so wanted to hear!

    We talked about our Grannie who immigrated to Canada, about our Dad's, the brothers John and David Mackie, who had always wanted to meet and never did, the effect of the traumas we all faced in light of their trauma... We talked about our now families and such likenesses and similarities, characteristic traits...the dimples, blue eyes, brown eyes, the everyone talking at once and "over" each other, the creativity and busy ness!

    We enjoyed good food and comfort with each other and said sad goodbyes as I went to catch the last train to Brighton.
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