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  • Day 9

    Pattydale to Shap

    September 16, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Our biggest day so far. Two quite big climbs, including the highest point of the C2C. Fortunately, the weather was perfect.
    We were surprised not to see many people. Realised later that lots took a ferry to the end of the lake and walked a different route.
    So 2 big climbs to lunchtime and then steep descent. Then, 14km of walking out to Shap. Got in at 6 pm, so about 10 hours out there.
    Pub closed on a Monday, so a sausage roll from supermarket and soup on the cooker.
    Camping in a rear garden.
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  • Day 8

    Grasmere to Patterdale

    September 15, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Another wet day. only 12km today, so we left late, hoping the weather would clear. unfortunately, there are no views today.
    The original plan had been carry on up to a high Tarn to camp but weather not great, so we were in a room tonight.
    A few observations so far:
    People on trail are really nice and friendly. Mainly English so far. Most people getting their bags transferred, which is great as allows all sorts to participate.
    Tracks are everywhere and well maintained. Bet DOC wished they had the same budget.
    People and dogs everywhere. even hotels advertise how much room for dogs. And in all the restaurants.
    Service in hotels etc pretty average. Maybe it's been a long summer, and everyone is tired but no real effort to help. Price gouging to a captive audience in some places.
    However some places have been fantastic so we can only hope.
    It rains a lot up here but very beautiful. Villages and stone walls are incredibly pretty.
    Hills are bigger than we expected. Tomorrow will be our hardest day. Somebody said there are some ruins near the end, but you will be so ruined yourself you won't notice.
    Wish us luck.
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  • Day 55

    Ambleside > Glenridding - 70km

    May 22, 2024 in England ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Cela pourrait être une petite journée tranquille mais bon, autant ne pas faire au plus simple, surtout quand il pleut ! Voici le résumé de la journée qui arrive.

    En effet, sur le papier, seulement une vingtaine de kilomètres séparent le point de départ du point d'arrivée, une auberge de jeunesse proche du lac de Ullswater.
    Mais on décide tout d'abord de passer par Cathedral Cave, une ancienne carrière, avec une chambre de 12 mètres de haut, possédant des ouvertures sur l'extérieur, rendant le tout assez impressionnant.
    Le temps de faire le tour, la pluie rejoint la partie : elle ne nous quittera pas de la journée !
    Nous faisons tout de même une pause proche du lac Grasmere, pour réfléchir à la suite de la journée. Après une hésitation sur le fait de raccourcir la trace, nous voilà tout de même partis en direction de Keswick, en longeant tout d'abord le magnifique lac Thilrmere, via une route où nous sommes seuls, ça rattrape un peu la situation !
    Nous arrivons donc à Keswick, petite ville touristique au nord du lac de Derwentwater. Malgré les nombreux visiteurs, nous apprécions faire un petit tour dans la ville, et nous trouvons difficilement une place dans une pizzeria. Il nous faut bien un bon repas avant ce que l'après-midi nous réserve !

    En effet, il est prévu de passer par la Old Coach Road, un chemin caillouteux parcourant les flancs de Clough Head et de Matterdale Common, à l'extrémité nord de la chaîne Helvellyn. On se retrouve finalement assez rapidement à pied à côté des vélos, à pousser notre fardeau sous la pluie et le vent. Les paysages somptueux et vides de toute activité humaine, à part nous, nous réconfortent les yeux et nous aident à oublier tous nos problèmes.
    Nous progressons doucement vers l'auberge de jeunesse : un dernier défi nous attend pour l'atteindre. Ce n'est pas celui de faire les courses, que nous faisons dans une petite supérette, en l'inondant à moitié au passage avec nos tenues trempées, mais c'est plutôt d'emprunter le chemin de l'auberge : il s'agit encore d'un chemin caillouteux, en montée, vent de face, chargés avec nos courses du soir...

    Heureusement, une "drying room" (salle de séchage pour les non-anglophones) nous attend là-bas, permettant de faire sécher toutes nos affaires ! À chaque jour suffit sa peine, un bon gros repas préparé par Bastien dans la cuisine commune, et nous nous reposons pour la suite de la semaine...
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  • Day 9


    September 17, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Tag 6/22
    Km 17/14

    Mit Thermounterwäsche ist es immer noch kalt aber nicht so kalt wie nackt im Schlafsack.
    Da habe ich wohl auf die falschen Outdoortipps gehört.
    Ich laufe heute sehr langsam aber stetig.
    Außerdem Verlaufe ich mich auch um ein paar Höhenmeter und nehme einen Hügel mehr mit als die Originalroute vorsieht.
    Heute fließen keine Tränchen da mir morgens schon klar ist das ich es weder zum Hostelbett noch zum warmen Essen schaffe.

    Meine Wanderapp kennt einen Campingplatz den Google nicht kennt, wildcampen bringe ich nicht übers Herz es ist schließlich verboten.

    1km vorm Campingplatz steht eine Kühlbox im Wald. Eine Caprisonne rettet meine Laune und noch ein Haferiegel das Frühstück morgen früh.

    Neben mir ist nur ein Mann mit Zelt.
    Er hat sich evt den Finger geborchen.
    Er hat selber Ibu und hat seine Finger schon mit Leukosilk zusammen geklebt. Mehr fällt mir da dann auch nicht zu ein. Ich biete ihm zumindest an morgen früh beim Sachen packen zu helfen.

    Pünktlich zum Regenbeginn steht mein Zelt.
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  • Day 7

    Day 7 - Circling around

    May 30, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Left Jane and Bernards' in Holme and headed through the Lake District, over the Penines and through to Hexham.

    The terrain was incredibly varied and the weather has been quite beautiful for the whole trip.

    The lake district has been a holiday. destination for posh folk since Victorian times. Beautiful hills and lakes. Lately there has been protest about raw sewage going into the lakes. Apperently Steve Coogan's not happy.....i dont blame him.

    From there we went to Keswick, where we pencil museum (!). And them to castlerigg stone circle. A mini stonehenge, built 4500 years before present. I think i felt a small jolt when i touched a stone.

    We ventured further north to Penrith where we visited another stone circle called ' long megg'. This one was much larger and was in a cow paddock. We were the only people there.

    Northward through the Pennines a mountainous and barren area. Still lots of stone walls but the villages are spaced further apart than in the more productive areas. I cant comprehend how many miles of stone walls there are. They are everywhere. Millions of tons of rock moved by human hands over who knows how long.

    After dropping down from the heights of the pennines we arrived at Hexham to stay from the night.

    Jon has finally crashed
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  • Day 42

    Lakes. District Pt 1

    July 26, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    📌 The lakes district was too beautiful to keep it to one post! A Friday off at work, meant a car hire on Thursday and hurried exit from work to get away for the weekend. Chloe picked up the car from the most blase local dealer and the car was a bit of a bomb but it added to the adventure of it all.

    📌 We were staying at a very quaint town outside Penrith, the Airbnb was a cottage that was super comfy and charming. Apparently it was a big step up from my Vietnam accommodation choices ☺️

    📌 The weather was looking okay for the Friday so we planned on doing Hellvlyn, the 3rd highest peak in England at 950m (high for the UK ☺️). The walk was approximately 16km and it was gorgeous but a tough ascent. There were many lakes, sheep and goats along the way as we walked through the hilly landscape.

    📌 We ended the afternoon with a rewarding beer at a local pub in one of the lakes quaint towns (a super busy one). The town full of small local shops, so many pubs and delicious food stalls was wonderful to walk through. Once satisfied , we headed back to the accommodation and out to a local pub to get amongst some traditional pub fare. The pub was buzzing with a beautiful interior/exterior and we tucked into some fish and chips w mushy peas and a steak and ale pie accompanied by some G&T and wine. An excellent finish to the day exploring.
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  • Day 20

    Tag 20: Caldbeck to Troutbeck

    July 5, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Gestern Abend wurde es richtig kalt und windig auf dem Campingplatz und das blieb leider die ganze Nacht so. Wenn man überlegt, dass in Hannover bald wieder 30°C sind und ich hier bei maximal 15°C fahre.
    Leider wird mir heute auch nicht so richtig warm. Ich fühle mich nicht wirklich fit und komme nicht voran, sodass ich mich entscheide den nächsten Campingplatz nach nicht mal 20 km anzusteuern. Auf dem wirklich schönen Platz names Gill Head verbringe ich einen ruhigen Tag und döse auf der Bank in der Sonne. Mittlerweile ist es hier 18 Uhr, aber viel besser fühle ich mich noch nicht. Mal schauen wie es morgen ist.
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  • Day 9

    Kirkstone Pass

    June 13, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

    We left the Ullswater region and continued south over the Kirkstone Path towards Windermere. Along the way, we saw several sheep and even a few Highland Cows (or as our Scottish Guide would say, "coos"). The steep winding road over the pass is nicknamed "The Struggle" by local cyclists.Read more

  • Day 9

    Aira Force

    June 13, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

    Our first stop this morning was a scenic hike to see Aira Force, a beautiful waterfall that feeds into the Ullswater. Aira Force derives its name from Old Norse. The original name "eyrr-á-fors" means "gravel bank - river - waterfall." So this is the waterfall on the river that leads to the gravel shores of the Ullswater.Read more

  • Day 13

    Welcome to the Yorkshire Dales

    June 12, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    A much gentler and shorter day hiking across the dales and pastures towards Orton. Beautiful wildflowers scattered in the pastures and along the roadsides. More gates and climbing over stiles. Our accommodation tonight is on the M6 motorway to Scotland at the truck stop. But Boy Oh Boy 4.5 star at its most luxurious thus far. Beautiful luxury restaurant and rooms.
    Our normal hiking day tomorrow appreciating more history and sites.
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