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    • Día 5

      Vas-y saute!

      25 de noviembre de 2022, Finlandia ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Ici c'est une institution que d'aller prendre soin de son corps avec un bon sauna, piscine froide puis chaude et un repas

      Alors me voilà transformée en finlandaise l'espace de quelques heures!
      J'adore comme le corps réagit et s'adapte!
      Il frissonne, grelotte, se "frizz" (je n'ai pas d'autre mot qu'une onomatopée) par la plante des pieds, évacue avec chaleur et en redemande

      Ici il n'y a pas de place pour l'hésitation
      Tu y vas (pour ceux qui se posent la question: le bain est de l'eau à 4 degrés)
      Et puis voilà

      Et t'y retourne! 🫠

      Et puis ici, y'a de nouvelles personnes qui comptent aussi et qui accueillent
      Victor et son petit Fenix, tout droit de Montréal mais adoptés par la ville

      Et pour finaliser cette magnifique halte, un concert de jazz philharmonique superbement étonnant
      Franchement le show était top! De beaux frissons musicaux
      Un moment jazzy original 🤩
      Umo Helsinki jazz orchestra avec un mélange de musique expérimentale (Pink twins) aussi et une chanteuse avec une voix de folie (Kadi Vija)
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    • Día 12

      Abendlager Tag 10

      27 de junio de 2022, Finlandia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nach einer kurzen (315 km) Fahrt fielen wir ins Hostel Zelt in Helsinki ein und beseitigten die Wasser und Geruchs Spuren an unseren durchtrainierten Olympiakörpern. Danach machten wir uns landfein und gingen in die große Stadt. Dort sammelten wir erste Eindrücke und planten unseren nächsten Tag.
      Bei einem Einheimischen Bier ließen wir den Abend ausklingen.
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    • Día 48

      Finland: Helsinki

      28 de agosto de 2023, Finlandia ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      And off to the capital we went for just a night as by this time, we were keen to start getting into the Baltics. Helsinki, like mentioned previously about most of Finland, had some nice parts to it, but it was mostly blocks of flats with minimal awe-inspiring architecture. However, the city did seem to have its own charm to it.
      I'd messaged an acquaintance who lived in Helsinki and she gave us some useful tips and places to go to. The first place we visited was called Sompasauna - a public, mixed gender sauna that was of the old school wood burning variety saunas- on the edge of the Baltic. We were a bit nervous as to what we were getting ourselves into as you have to drive through a building site to get to the place. Once you arrive, it looks like 3 grafitti'd shacks with a mixed bunch of naked people and people in cozzies standing around. However, this ended up being one of our favourite experiences in Finland! We don't have any photos from the place as photography was not allowed, but basically it was a community run, public sauna. That means that anyone can use the sauna, the sauna was completely free to use, provided you helped keep the sauna running in some way or other eg chopping up wood or collecting water for the saunas. This definitely gave the place a very hippie, Afrikaburn feel to it. You could also sauna either in your cozzie or in the nude. The saunas ran hot, but there was no judgement on how long you stayed in, what your body type was, whether you were a man or a woman and whether you wore clothes or not. Due to the heat from the saunas, we thankfully had the option of cooling off in the Baltic Sea. Yep, I never thought I'd say it given my adversity to cold water, but we both swam in the Baltic Sea! Twice! A really good experience overall and one that both Emz and I really enjoyed!

      That evening, we walked to the Kallio district which is a sort of hip and trendy district. We managed to find a karaoke bar that was filled with Science and Biology undergrad students about to start their next year of varsity. They were all in their overalls, singing and dancing happily and it gave Emz and myself both a fair bit of nostalgia for our own university days. I decided that we should try the local Finnish liquor for the first time, so I ordered a shot of Salmiakki and a shot of Minttu for each of us. The former's flavour is salted liquorice and the latter is mint! 2 of Emma's favourite flavours!!😂 She was not impressed by what Finland had to offer in this department.😂 Still a good night overall though!
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    • Día 10

      Letzter Tag

      28 de julio de 2023, Finlandia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Heute bin ich zurück nach Helsinki gefahren, habe das Auto abgegeben. Nach einem kurzen Nickerchen im Hotel, war ich ein paar letzte Sachen angucken und Dinge besorgen, von denen ich hier leider keine Fotos posten kann 😁 (ein großer Dank geht hier an meine KatzensitterInnen).Leer más

    • Día 16

      Freitag: Helsinki

      3 de marzo de 2023, Finlandia ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      Heute morgen um 6:30 kommen wir in Helsinki an. Halb schlafend schleppen wir uns in ein Café und dösen dort weiter, bis wir in unser Zimmer einchecken können.
      Wir wohnen für 2 Nächte in einem Zimmer einer Privatwohnung. Der Eigentümer arbeitet als Koch und ist wohl die meiste Zeit nicht da. Er begrüßt uns aber sehr freundlich und verschwindet dann schnell wieder.

      Wir machen und auf den Weg in die Innenstadt und zum Hafen. Auf dem Weg dorthin schauen wir und zwei von Helsinkis Kathedralen an. Vor allem die orthodoxe Uspenski Kathedrale gefällt mir. Ich versuche die russichen Inschriften zu entziffern, aber mein Russisch reicht nicht mehr aus um entwas sinnvolles zu übersetzen.
      Am Hafen angekommen schlendern wir durch die alte Markthalle, in der viele finnische Spezialiten angeboten werden (unter anderem Kaviar-Dosen für 1900€)
      Danach fahren wir mit der Fähre zur nahegelegenen Insel Suomenlinna (Finnenburg). Dies ist eine Festungsinsel, die einst als Schutz vor den Russen errichtet wurde. Heute gibt es dort neben den alten Festungsanlagen auch Wohnhäuser und nette Cafés.

      Nachdem wir die kleine Insel erkundet haben machen wir uns auf den Rückweg.
      Um 18:00 sind wir zuhause und fallen super müde ins Bett. Der Abend heute wird nicht lang werden...
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    • Día 27


      18 de febrero de 2023, Finlandia

      It snowed overnight so we wondered if Parkrun might be off… But of course not! A hardy crowd of friendly locals and tourists turned up. Ran a steady but so enjoyable run in lovely grippy snow, followed by Coffee and Cinnamon buns in a cafe with some of the runners.

      The rest of the day was exploring Helsinki by walking. It was great looking at everything… standout was Helsinki’s stunningly modern ‘Oodi’ central library - the city’s living room. Workspace, massive reading areas, play areas, sewing machines, 3D printers, all the newspapers and magazines, cafes, meeting rooms… Such a great concept. Just nearby we came across a small ‘anti-vax’ demonstration.
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    • Día 26

      Tallin to Helsinki

      17 de febrero de 2023, Finlandia

      We left Tallin late in the morning on one of the Viking Lines ferries to Helsinki. The breakfast brunch was mahoosive and ended up seeing us through the whole day. It was a bleak grey day with intermittent showers but a calm sea.

      The ferry was a huge car ferry so the navigation through the channel between the islands off Helsinki was quite dramatic. It probably won’t show on video but I’ll attach it.

      Helsinki obviously feels big and busy compared to Tallin. We found lots of the watery areas around the hotel are frozen when we went to reccie the local Parkrun course - hoping conditions are okay underfoot to run this in the morning.
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    • Día 9


      2 de agosto de 2022, Finlandia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Ganz anders als das Baltikum! Auf einmal groß und modern.. vermisse aber die süßen Kleinstädte.. also Helsinki war cool (besonders die Bibliothek und das Orgelspiel in der Kirche!😍) aber sonst Joa hat nich so viel zu bieten irw, es is alles zu modern.Leer más

    • Día 1

      Tokoinranta Park

      24 de septiembre de 2019, Finlandia ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Die Stadt Helsinki wurde im Jahre 1550 gegründet als Finnland noch zu Schweden gehörte. Aufgrund dieser Zugehörigkeit gelten in Finnland noch heute zwei Amtssprachen, Finnisch und Schwedisch. Kurz nach dem Finnland unter die russische Herrschaft fiel, wurde Helsinki 1812 zur Hauptstadt und löste Turku als wichtigste Stadt des Landes ab. Erst Russland baute Helsinki zu einer bedeutenden Hafenstadt aus. Im Jahre 1917 erlang Finnland die Unabhängigkeit.Leer más

    • Día 13

      Hello Helsinki

      25 de septiembre de 2016, Finlandia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Day 3 of our Finnish Adventure and we woke up to a pretty chilly room after the central heating became too much and we left the door open all night to cool us down. We are so hard.

      Our day started off by a early morning run around Savonlinna in temperatures in the mid-high single digits. My ankle fortunately appears to be ok if I run on flat straight lines, but anything involving uneven ground is a nightmare. After breakfast (EGG BUTTER!), we drove to the Punkaharju Ridge approximately 30km east of Savonlinna. The ridge itself is a narrow causeway seperating two big lakes and was a defensive line against the Russians.

      After our quick tourist stop, and realising we had 4 hours to get the car back to the rental car company before we were to be charged for an extra day and we had 3.45 hours of travel time to get there, we commenced our journey back to civilisation with haste - or so we thought.

      What transpired was the most frustrating drive of my life. First of all, we need to talk about the Finnish obsession with Speed Cameras. As mentioned in yesterdays post, speed cameras seem to dot the road every 500m or so. After a quick google check, Jamie was able to confirm that like NZ, the majority of speed camera housing units were empty and could be differentiated by those that had a silver lens (camera) vs those that had a yellow lens (no camera). Not wanting to take risks, Jamie was on speed camera spotting duty as keeping to the speed limit in a car with no cruise control is impossibly hard when the speeds change as often as there are speed cameras, dropping to 80km/hr in areas of the highway where there are turnoffs, 60km/hr where there are petrol stations, 50km/hr zones just for the hell of it and the odd zone (about 5%) of actual driving at 100km/hr on roads straighter than a ruler. I tried to take my cues from the locals on how strict the speed limits were but this became incredibly confusing. Based on a days worth of data, I can ascertain that the Finnish like to stick to one speed - under the speed limit of the 100km/hr open road limit but well over the speed indicated in smaller towns, averaging a speed of around 80km/hr everywhere. Based on the amount the speed limit changes, this appears to be a tactical solution, however was massively confusing when I passed a car going 80km/hr in the open road limit area, only to slow down upon reaching a town, and then was passed again by the same car in a 60km/hr zone going 80km/hr *slaps forehead*.

      During our drive, we came within 500m of the Russian Border, so gave it a wave and said we will be back again in a few days.

      Halfway through our journey, the roads widened, and the lane size, whilst still only one lane, could have easily fit two cars. It took me awhile to figure out why, with all this extra space, cars remained on the far right of the lane. It became clear once I saw a car passing another in the face of oncoming traffic (see photo below). I decided on the "do as the locals do" approach to driving and it scared the sh*t out of me doing something that I was educated never to do from a young age - pass in close proximity to oncoming traffic. A big wine was in order after this drive.

      We got to the airport with 10 minutes to spare, and took the train into Helsinki. Teemu had the best view and contemplated his adventures in Central Finland realising his time in his homeland was fast coming to an end. He will leave with his adoptive parents for a new life in a warmer climate. He is scared, wondering if he will be able to master the Haka and blend in with the locals, whilst maintaining his Finnish roots. Get ready for Egg Butter New Zealand!

      We dropped our bags and Teemu off at the hotel (he needed to be alone) and made our way into a big square adjacent to the Train Station which was housing an International Food Market complete with a British Stand selling British Cheese for €9 euros per 100g. I've decided I'll come back next year, undercut those British Twats by half and still make a handsome profit.

      After filling up on olive oil and bread samples, we made our way back to the hotel, stopping off at the Helsinki Botantical Gardens. Jamie was obsessed with anything that appeared semi-edible while I went on a photographic expedition. It bled beauty and was a lovely walk in the sunshine.

      A pre-dinner snack of cheese and crackers proceeded a lovely dinner at a Nepalese Restaurant (so Finnish) across the street from our hotel. On the way back to our room, we checked out the hotel gym, which I can report is utter crap.
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    Siltasaari, Broholmen

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