Arrondissement de Bonneville

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Arrondissement de Bonneville
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    • Day 33

      Made it at Last - Chamonix

      June 14, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Last autumn we bailed out of Chamonix because the weather was so bad. Well we are here now. Perfect little site. Free bus outside the camp to take you into Chamonix and it’s cracking - the view, the town, the pubs, the restaurants. And we are now in French cheese country. What’s not to like. Cracking day and a hill climb tomorrow 😱👌. It is stunning here. Photos don’t do it justiceRead more

    • Day 34

      Mont Blanc - WOW.

      June 15, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Cable Car day today. What a ride it was amazing. And once at the top it was breathtaking. There wasn’t a cloud anywhere near us when we arrived and the views all round were unbelievable. We watched climbers doing their stuff, walkers working there way up to the summit, had a gin & tonic, free I might add and watched a quintet belting out a few tunes after trekking up part of the mountain with their instruments . All at the top of a mountain. What a special day. The photos / vids certainly won’t do it justice.Read more

    • Day 5

      Der Berg ruft

      July 27, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute Morgen ging’s es Flix mit dem Bus nach Chamonix. Den Bus hatte ich gestern Abend noch spontan gebucht, als mir klar wurde, dass ich nicht länger in Genf bleiben möchte.
      Bus ist echt ne gute und günstige Alternative zum Zug. Laufen wollte ich nicht. Zu viel Weg. Langsam aber sicher möchte ich zu meinem Ziel: Meer 💙

      Ihr könnt euch meine Reise so vorstellen: Abends oder morgens liege ich in meinem Zelt oder sitze irgendwo in der Sonne. Dabei scrolle ich auf der Karte meines Handys rum und überlege wo es schön sein könnte.
      Als mir auffiel, dass der Mont Blanc theoretisch auf meinem Weg liegt, stand die Entscheidung - die Alpen nehm ich auch noch mit.

      In Chamonix angekommen lief ich einfach drauf los, auf der Suche nach einem Campingplatz. Ich wollte auf meiner kleinen Bergtour keinesfalls meine ganzen Sachen mitschleppen.
      Bergtour war das Stichwort, die hat sich nämlich relativ schnell erledigt. Die Alpen sind halt ein richtiger Touri-Magnet. Die Seilbahn ist komplett ausgebucht gewesen. Nur noch ein einziger Platz bot sich an. Morgen früh im 7:30Uhr. Bergsteigerin mit passendem Equipment bin ich leider keine.
      Es blieb nicht lange Zeit zum nachdenken. Hier abhauen ohne mal „oben“ gewesen zu sein? Das wäre gewiss eine verpasste Chance gewesen.
      So bleibe ich also erst mal auf dem Campingplatz mit Blick auf die Alpen.
      Irgendwie komisch - Ich bin noch nicht lange unterwegs und dennoch ist es ein eigenartiges Gefühl, an einem Ort länger als eine Nacht beziehungsweise ein Tag zu sein.

      … die Zeit nutzte ich natürlich trotzdem sinnvoll. Ich wanderte zu einem See, kaufte mir frische Pflaumen sowie Orangen und kam sogar zum in der Sonne liegen und lesen.

      Am Abend gab es zur Abwechslung mal ein paar Nudeln statt Reis oder Linsen. In dem Moment riefen meine Eltern via Video an, beim Lasagne essen…
      Ich glaub ich fahr den Sparkurs bald runter. Hab Bock auf Essen 😅

      Nun denn, jetzt liege ich also am Fuße des Mont Blanc und hoffe schnell einzuschlafen …
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    • Day 43


      July 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Took the bus to Chamonix. Tour de France is here for a couple of days so teeming with people. Bit of a shock after all the solitude.
      Beautiful town in parts. Mountains around are spectacular. More English being spoken than French.
      Allen joins us this afternoon. He has the choice of a brutal downhill for 3 hours or the cable car. Does anyone want to place a bet? I will continue to send him beer photos as an enticement 😄
      View of Mt Blanc is from our window.
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    • Day 42

      Long day to Chamonix

      July 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Got up hoping to get some great sunrise photos to be greeted by cloud unfortunately.
      Walked up to a pass hoping it would clear to see what the guide said was one of the best views in the Alps. Selfie is the view spoilt by cloud and my face.
      We finally heard from Allen He is going well. Amazng scenery. He sent an incredible photo of an Ibex which i will include.
      He is 2 days behind us.
      Long decent and then 800 metres back up. Cable car to the top so lots of tourists. A bit overwhelming.
      Some technical stuff and then a really steep 1600 metre descend. Our knees were shattered as we finally staggered into Les Houches.
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    • Day 42

      Along the border

      July 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Very cold night. Tent almost frozen.
      Early climb and the a traverse along a high ridge. Ski lifts everywhere and lots of GR5 walkers. Quite nice as we a fitter than most of them so able to actually pass people.
      Allen has taken a high, more technical route so will hopefully get some great photos.
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    • Day 42

      Change in plans

      July 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Last night stealth camped in a forest. Had to try to hide the tent.
      Yesterday was very hot and lots of steep climbing. Consequently we decided to change our route and do 2 days on GR5. This would be 2 days shorter and allow for some extra recovery time.
      Pretty long day. Stopped at refuge at 5pm and then did a final climb to lovely lake and campsite.
      The terrain is certainly awe inspiring.
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    • Day 44

      Photos from Allen

      July 19, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Had a great day with Allen. 2 days off for us. Thunderstorms in the night turned the river through Chamonix into a torrent.
      Out tonight to early celebrate his birthday before we hit the hills tomorrow. He has seen some amazing country but had some very dodgy places to negotiate. I'm glad we took an alternate.
      All stocked up as we make our way towards the 1000km mark.
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    • Day 10

      Chamonix Mont Blanc

      June 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We drove from a very hot Cinque Terre to Chamonix which was a full 10 degrees cooler and overcast so we had little view of the Mountains. On the way we drove through numerous tunnels and the longest at the border to France just before our arrival. The tunnel is 10km long, the famous Mont Blanc tunnel. We were to spend the next few days with a work colleague of Anthony’s (Angele and partner Kevin) who have a stunning Alpine Chalet 5km outside Chamonix. They were the perfect hosts, pointed us in the direction of many things to see and do. We all went to several of their favourite restaurants and were introduced to the cuisine of the area (Savoyard).
      Chamonix is a typical Alpine village catering to skiers, hikers , cyclists and mountaineers. Everyone was always dressed in their outdoor adventurous gear. There were outdoor shops galore. We had fun browsing on the one rather miserable day. We were able to enjoy some good mountain walks with incredible views when the clouds decided to disappear. We saw plenty of waterfalls, fast flowing rivers and mountains. One of the walks was to Mer du glacé (see of ice), which included an alpine train, cable car and 500 descending steps to get to the incredible ice cave which is part of the glacier which we viewed from above. We saw the markings of how the glacier has diminished in size, on average 3km per year. (New steps are added continuously).

      The sun decided to make an appearance on Monday morning and we were spellbound by the incredible views surrounding us on every side. We caught the cable car (65 people per car) to the top of Aiguille du Midi (3800m). When we left Chamonix, there were still clouds above, but we travelled through the clouds and what a view was before us. The magnificent Aiguille du Midi and the ever impressive Mont Blanc surrounded by the many peaks of the French Alps. We saw many Alpinists heading off on their various climbing exhibitions, including those that were attempting the summit of Mont Blanc (the highest mountain in Europe, 4800m). There were views all around us and each one was as impressive as the last. Kevin was kind enough to come with us and be our guide. He has climbed most of these summits (including Mont Blanc), so we learnt a lot from an Alpinists perspective and didn’t have to guess at what we were looking at.

      In the same afternoon we took another cable car the other side of Chamonix, to mountains looking onto Mont Blanc. We enjoyed watching the paraglides jump off the mountain right in front of us.

      We were also lucky enough to visit an old friend who lives about an hour away. They spoilt us to a delicious lunch in their own restaurant .

      I’m sure we will be back because once is definitely not enough …
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    • Day 28

      Les Houches bis Refuge Moëde Anterne

      July 20, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Heute liegt eine anstrengende Etappe mit 2000 Höhenmetern vor uns. Doch wir können schließlich nicht dauernd faul auf Tourist machen und stellen den Wecker auf 4.00 Uhr. Doch bereits um 3.00 Uhr werden wir von einem Fuchs geweckt, der uns unsere Frühstückstüte aus der Apside des Zeltes klauen möchte. Er entkommt mit der leeren Tüte und verliert Bananen und Joghurt unterwegs.
      Um 4.45 Uhr laufen wir los und sind somit bisher am frühesten auf der Reise unterwegs. Nach kurzem Einlaufen auf der Straße geht es steil, teilweise durch Drahtseile gesichert von 970 m auf 2600 m in die Höhe. Zwei mal Kaffee unterwegs stärken uns, an der Seilbahnbergstation belohnen wir uns mit Bananensplit-Eis.
      Die Gratwanderung und der Abstieg geben trotz trüben Wetters dauernd den Blick über das Montblanc Massiv frei. Heute wäre der Besuch oben mit schlechtem Wetter verbunden gewesen. Uns trifft nur eine halbe Stunde lang ein Regenschauer und wir kommen gegen 16.00 Uhr an der Refuge an. Omelette und Orangina ersetzen das ausgefallene Mittagessen. Wir beschließen, den Tag nach 2000 m hoch und 1000 m runter hier zu beenden, bestellen Abendessen und Frühstück und bauen unser Zelt auf. Wir genießen die Wind- und Wolkenstimmung an der Bergwand, die aussieht, als sei sie ein Stück aus den Dolomiten 😊
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