Arrondissement de Saint-Jean-d’Angély

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    • Dag 73

      Von Käse und Cognac

      14. april 2023, Frankrig ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Durch das Gourmet-Land Frankreich juckeln, das tun wir gerne! Wir lassen uns Zeit, fahren aber jeden Tag die vorher geplanten Kilometer. Mautfrei versteht sich. Das so eingesparte Geld setzen wir gleich in Naturalien um; kaufen Käse in Roquefort und in Cognac trinken wir guten Kognak, frischen dabei unsere Kenntnisse in der Herstellung dieses Getränks wieder auf! Beim renommierten Kognak Produzenten Hennessy erfahren wir, welche weißen Traubensorten verarbeitet werden und wie viele Jahre die einzelnen Kognac-Sorten in den Eichenfässern gelagert werden. Ein kleines Tasting rundet unseren Besuch ab.
      Vorher sind wir noch im >Château de Cognac<. Dort gab es dicke Eichenfässer und eine stylische Vinothek zu bestaunen, aber nichts zu trinken!
      Nur der Weinbrand, der aus der französischen Stadt Cognac und dem umliegenden Weinanbaugebiet stammt, darf Cognac heißen.
      Wir fahren bei einem Mix aus Sonne, Wind und viel Regen durch die Champagne mit ihren endlosen Weinbergen und kleinen und großen Cognac- Destillen. Wunderbar!
      Übernachten wollten wir nicht in der Stadt, fahren in den Sonnenuntergang bis nach Loulay und stehen hier auf dem kleinen Gemeindestellplatz wunderbar ruhig hinter dem örtlichen Schwimmbad.

      Kurz vor dem Ziel gab es plötzlich eine tricky Umleitung. Oh nein, so weit gefahren und jetzt das! Mein Fahrer ignoriert das Umleitungsschild, (es kommen uns auch vereinzelt PKWs entgegen) und fährt weiter. „Irgendwie kommen wir da durch“ sagt er gerade, als hinter uns, wie aus dem Nichts, mit Tatütata die französische Polizei auftaucht! 😲
      Freundlich, aber bestimmt fordern sie uns auf, zurück zu fahren und der Umleitung zu folgen! Na, das ist ja ohne Strafzettel nochmal gut gegangen! 😅
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    • Dag 26

      Ab in den Süden

      9. september 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Am Donnerstag viel bei uns die Entscheidung, Bordeaux auszulassen und gleich zu den Dunes de Pilat bzw. zuerst zu Cap Ferret zu fahren. Bordeaux wäre ja absolut sehenswert, aber wir kommen bestimmt mal wieder und schauen uns Bordeaux so an. Jetzt wollen wir erst mal in Richtung Süden fahren.

      Also suchten wir uns einen Stellplatz auf ca. halber Strecke raus und los ging es. Übernachtet haben wir auf einen gratis Wohnmobilstellplatz mit Ver- und Entsorgung, die haben wir auch gleich genutzt. Bei Wassertanke kam dann eine nette französische Dame zu uns und fragte uns, für was den Rüdiger stehen würde. Wir erklärten und sie meinte, Rüdiger hört sich sehr schön an. Da Sie in Deutschland studiert hatte, konnte Sie sogar noch Deutsch und wir hatten eine nette Unterhaltung. Dabei erfuhren wir, dass sie aktuell für Arte schreibt und eine Landwirtschaft hat.

      Wir verbrachten einen gemütlichen Abend, schauten noch ein wenig Scrubs und gingen dann ins Bett.
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    • Dag 25


      5. september 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      I need to do a better job of washing socks. They were drying in the top of my rucksack so that each time I turned my head, or the breeze changed direction, I would get a hit of dessicating seaweed. I'll add that to the life lessons I'm picking up, along with don't pack slugs in your rucksack.

      Last night's stay was lovely. I had the choice of paying thirty euros for a family centric camp (with Kidz Klub and karaoke) or fifty euros for a room. I fancied getting some sleep so I went for the latter. A young couple had converted their garage into a room to rent. It was all pretty new and super chic with bare stone walls and a sauna. The thing that did it for me, though, was that she had put a bowl of fresh figs in the fridge so that I had something refreshing when I arrived. I also had her homemade magdalenas. Deeelish!

      Today was a short walk as my planning was thrown up in the air when one of the sites I was planning to camp at turned out to be a naturist resort. But it's given me time to see pretty Surgères and its eleventh century Romanesque church and reconstructed castle walls. It will also give me the chance to rest a pain I have developed today in one of the muscles by the ankle. I'll see how it feels in the morning.

      Photos - Surgères church and castle walls, shady avenues are a blessing in hot weather, magdalena anyone?
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    • Dag 11

      Kilometer schrubben...

      17. september 2019, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Im Dämmerlicht werden wir das erstemal wach....Autogeräusche😳hallo! Die fahren schon wieder ab🤦‍♂️Wir drehen uns rum und schlafen noch ein wenig weiter....bis die Sonne scheint☀️Vor uns sind alle weg, hinter uns wird auch gepackt. Aber das Frühstück und die Châteaubesichtigung (einmal drumherum laufen😅) lassen wir uns nicht nehmen. Es ist heute viel Fahrstrecke, über 500 km und dazwischen noch Tagesaufgabe und Roadmissions. Na dann aber mal in die Puschen und ist schon 9:30 Uhr Wir fahren stundenlang durch die Bretagne, vorbei an Weinfeldern und Weinhängen. Auf unserer Strecke erwartet uns die Tagesaufgabe: In Fontenay-Le-Comte gibt es eine Kirche, die Notre Dame heißt. Davor ist ein kleiner Platz, wo die Teams die Beifahrertauschen sollen. Sie fahren 34 km mit und erzählen unterwegs einen Witz. Welches Team zuerst lacht, hat verloren. 😅🤪Als wir an besagtem Platz ankommen, stehen ein paar Teams dort und wir werden uns schnell einig, wer wohin getauscht wird. Micha tauschen wir raus und bekommen dafür Sandra vom Team 101. Es wird eine lustige Fahrt mit dem Austausch von Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen. Die Witzechallenge haben beide Teams gewonnen👍
      Und dann geht es auch schon weiter nach Nantes, dort erwartet uns eine Roadmission: In Nantes gibt es ein Museum namens Les Machines auf der Ile de Nantes, dort sollen wir etwas suchen, das unserem Teamfahrzeug ähnlich kommt. Wir sind gespannt😃In der offiziellen Gruppe posten alle ein Foto von einem Elefanten, futuristisch, aus Metall....halt wie eine Maschine. Das war’s? Mehr nicht🤔Na gut, kommt uns sehr entgegen, da wir nicht wirklich Zeit haben und gerade im Großstadtstau stecken. Wir halten kurz am Straßenrand und Rocco simuliert eine Panne, da wir mitten im Weg stehen😂Micha springt raus und macht ein Foto vom Elefanten. Irgendwie kommen wir zu nichts😢Aber wir haben es gesehen, als wir die Beifahrer getauscht hatten. Team 101 fährt mit einem Mercedes und ist weg und fort und ne Viertelstunde eher am Rücktauschort😟Kein Wunder, das wir immer hinterher hängen....
      Es ist heute eine ganz schöne Fahrerei....wir kommen wohl auf 530 km 😨Und besonders toll war die Landschaft auch nicht wirklich🤷‍♀️Sah ein wenig wie bei uns zu Hause aus und das kennen unsere Augen ja zur Genüge. Das Endziel des Tages Saint Malo soll sehr schön sein, liegt ja wieder am Wasser👍und wir müssen eine Brücke über den Atlantik fahren, um da hin zu kommen. Das wir den ganzen Tag nördlich gefahren sind, merken wir an den Temperaturen. Bis zum Nachmittag haben wir 30 Grad und unsere 4 Zonen Klimaautomatik (Fenster😜) voll genutzt, aber so 150km vor dem Ziel wurde es bedeckter und merklich kühler. 18 Grad sind es kurz vor Acht, mehr will das Thermometer nicht anzeigen. Kurz vor Ankunft in Saint Malo überqueren wir die Brücke (Roadmission erfüllt) und finden einen Campingplatz ganz oben mit Blick über Stadt und Bucht. Auf dem Campingplatz stehen nur vereinzelt ein paar Wohnmobile, sonst ist alles leer🤔mmmhhh....egal, wir haben jetzt keine Lust mehr, Hunger, sind noch müde von der letzten Nacht und deshalb bleiben wir jetzt hier! Ganz allein, ohne Teams😟😳Als die Frauen die Sanitäranlagen aufsuchen wollen, kommt die große Ernüchterung....alles dicht😱nix Toilette, nix duschen😭😭😭oh nein. Wild campen, das erste und auch einzige mal auf dieser Tour😅Aber was soll’s🤷‍♀️wir waren gestern stundenlang im Pool, so dreckig können wir nicht sein😜Der Grill wird angeschmissen, alles aufgebaut und wir machen eine Flasche Rotwein auf🍷Wir sitzen eingehüllt in Pullover und Jacke, mit dicken Stricksocken und frieren bei Wind und kalten 15 Grad. Gestern um diese Zeit sind wir im warmen Pool rumgesprungen 😭Und den Rotwein würden wir lieber als Glühwein genießen 🥶So ein krasser Unterschied von heute morgen zu heute Abend 🙈
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    • Dag 117

      11.01 Day 117 . . . Lunch At Voyageurs

      11. januar 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      A slow, slow morning getting ourselves up and ready - primarily Did’s obviously. Its weird - when people are here Tre and I wanna get up and get going with them, when actually they just want to chill. When there is no-one here Tre and I struggle to get up.
      Anyhow we had a lunch booked at Hôtel Des Voyageurs in Chef Boutonne for 1230pm - so there was no rush.
      We arrived in Chef at midday and had a quick spin round the shops before heading for lunch. Tre very obviously kicked me out of the only shop in Chef B that sells birthday cards . . . I wonder why?
      In Voyageurs we were greeted by the ever pleasant staff and seated in the rear restaurant, which was already busy with other general visitors, workmen in overalls and office staff, obviously from nearby.
      We opted for the plat du jour - the formula three course - all three of us light of any breakfast.
      First course was the cold meats, cheeses and salad bar, as much as you wanted. For main course Did’s and I had pork steaks in mustard with chips and salad, while Tre had a homemade minced meat burger . . . not exactly what she was expecting and I think she would have opted for the pork if she had known. I did offer a swap but she turned me down. Tre and Did’s then had creme caramel for pudding whist I had ‘the island that floats’ a very light meringue that sits in a bowl of cold creme anglaise. The meringue melts in your mouth almost immediately.
      Tre had offered up to drive, so I encouraged Did’s up for the strong Leffe Blonde at 6 point something percent . . . I was slightly amused when he said he wanted a second. That said he did drink it - although confessed he did then feel quite pickled.
      After coffee and chocolates we paid and left - completely full.
      As Tre was driving she got to decide where we were going and then sprung upon me the idea of going to look at cars at a nearby garage. So off we set. Literally 50 yrds around the corner we came across a broken down car in the middle of the road - and by that I mean it’s wheel although still attached, was hanging off at a 45 degree angle. Tre kicked Did’s and I out of Rox to go help push the car off the road. The owners transpired to be English as well and to the best of my attempts I could not shift the wheel into any form of position that we could push the car. By now half the street seemed to have appeared and were all helping, one French guy took over the owners phone to speak to his Insurance company on his behalf. After about 20 mins it was obvious nothing was going to happen until a tow truck appeared - which was now on route, so we left them in the same state pretty much that we had found them. They were grateful for our efforts.
      We then drove to Bouin to look at some cars - but there was nothing too exciting and so we didn’t stay long.
      We then took the back roads via a few villages towards home, passing through to Montjean where we stopped to buy Did’s a Pine cake. Much to his relief the patisserie had none in stock. We did get into conversation with an old guy who lived in Montjean. He was admiring a new statue that had been placed in the centre of the village. Apparently an elderly gentleman had recently lost his wife and commissioned a statue of her to be placed in the centre of the village. To be fair if the statue was anything like her at the time of her death - she had aged particularly well . . . which was why the old guy was admiring the statue so keenly.
      We then drove home via Sauze Vassais and through Melleran.
      We skipped dinner for the evening as we were all so stuffed from lunch at Voyageurs, simply chilling and chatting. We weren’t too late going to bed as Did’s is off home in the morning and we have a very early start.
      So not looking forward to that alarm !!
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    • Dag 4


      30. juli 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We left a sunny La Rochelle after breakfast by the marina and started our journey inland in a much cooler car (some good brain work with frozen water bottles here) to get to our waypoint for the day, Port-D’Envaux.

      After some vehicle admin and instillation of cooling measures we wandered through the village to the river where we set up camp to eat our lunch of sandwiches from the bakery and enjoy the scenery and excellent people (and puppy) watching.

      After snacks and micro naps we spend some time bobbing about in the water to cool off and do some work on my left-handed catching (progress is slow) before ice creams and departure.

      Skipping toll roads, we had a good two hour drive through the countryside to our next stop at Montagne where we were greeted by Melissa who helped us settle in before we went for a short stroll through the vines which are extremely close to our little house.

      Potter Update: Chapter 16
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    • Dag 18

      Chez Lunaud

      28. oktober 2021, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Heute sind wir an einem sehr alten Weingut angekommen. Hier wird Pineau und Cognac hergestellt. Nach dem Rundgang durften wir verkosten und haben uns etwas als Wegzehrung mitgenommen 🤣. Nach einer Nacht auf dem Hof fahren wir weiter Richtung Bordeaux.Læs mere

    • Dag 2

      Day 02 - Ever Fallen In Love With . . .

      12. februar 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      So up and at it with a short drive retracing our steps from yesterday to Chef Boutonné, where we had identified a very lovely looking boulangerie. Teresa opted for a pain au rasin and myself the much heavier and substantial looking blah blah blah au pomme. A big fat croisant full of apple - perfect!
      We then headed east to the village of Jousse which had even less in it than Romagne did yesterday - we found one boulangerie and that was it.
      We were early and so took a flying visit south to Mauprévoir where we grabbed some supplies for the day before returning to Jousse.
      We met with the agent for the two properties we were to see - Paul, who had an uncanny likeness to Jasper Carrott.
      Property number 1 was in La Valette and consisted of a longere type property which looked very presentable from the outside but within a very tight lane, with adjacent properties and no garden. A property across the road was also included. Once inside Teresa and I were obviously thinking the same thing . . . Nope!
      The place was tiny and the upstairs was in the eaves and so even I had to duck. This place was more expensive than the spralling rooms off rooms property from yesterday. Paul quickly realised our thoughts and so we were out, property locked up and then off to property number 2.
      Number 2 was located at Château Garnier which by its name already had Teresa feeling better about this. We had not intended to see this property until a few days before leaving when Paul had suggested it and so we were not expecting it to be what we were looking for.
      We couldn’t have been more wrong!!
      We found a reasonable sized 3-4 bedroom detached old stone farm house which was part refurbed with good sized rooms.
      Also with it came a large barn, an open sided barn, a smaller house which needed renovating, attached to a third barn. The main house also had two adjoining out buildings which again could easily be converted. Just to finish it off approximately 1 hectare of land.
      We remained at the property for about 1.5 hrs looking over all the different parts and discussing options with Paul.
      So we left finally with mashed heads, both of us driving along in silence not knowing quite what to say to one another. We were both gobsmacked that somewhere we hadn’t meant to go and hadn’t thought would be any good had floored us!!
      We drove south west to Civray where we stopped and hopped into a bar for lunch and a drink. However we had our timings completely wrong and so lunch wasn’t an option. After our drinks we entered Civray church which is famed for its interior decoration. We then walked the town viewing the mainly closed shops before getting back on the road to Ruffec.
      In hindsight both of us were tired and so after driving into Ruffec we drove straight out the other side - deciding we wanted to get back to our lodging and some bread cheese and wine.
      Back at La Petite Maison, we lit the wood burner, poured the wine, sliced up the bread and cheese. Our only movement thereafter was to take it in turns to add or move the logs in the wood burner.
      A brilliant if not surprising and head mashing day - ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn’t have fallen in love with!!
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    • Dag 1

      Day 01 - Excited Children!!

      11. februar 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      So an early start and down to grab the train to Gatwick - met some dodgy guy at the station, hope you had a good day Simon.
      After what seemed a very short flight we landed at Bordeaux airport. Having taken next to no luggage we flew through passport control and out to collect our hire car.
      Don’t ever book your hire car with Gold Car despite how highly they are recommended by EasyJet!! Loads of add on prices once you get to the booth!!
      Anyhow, in our extremely roomy Fiat 500 we headed north out of Bordeaux on the N10 towards Angoulême stopping briefly for a ham and cheese baguette, a sharing big bag of crisps and some pop.
      An hour or so after passing Angoulême we came off the N10 and headed North East towards Romagne for our first appointment. On route we had a sing along to Kelly Jones as we admired the countryside and huge amounts of sky in all directions. (Apologies now for Teresa’s singing in the video 🥴)
      Romagne is a fairly small village with a bar, boulangerie, hairdressers, church and Mairie building - and not a great deal else.
      After a couple of coffee’s in the bar we waited at the church to meet Alison. A three minute drive around the corner following Alison took us to the first house.
      A five bed house which is effectively an old house and slightly newer house combined. A huge barn, a smaller barn, small out building formerly use for hens and and another small outbuilding formerly used for pigs. A lovely amount of land which wrapped entirely around the buildings, and included a small wood and numerous fruit trees.
      The main house was like an Aladdin’s cave once inside, with rooms off of rooms and numerous extra areas of space which could be converted. The newer part of the house had been lived in by an elderly lady who has passed. The other half of the house had been unused for some considerable time, and in a worse state of repair than the first part.
      All of the house would need work, and realistically too much work for the two of us. It would take us a huge amount of time to complete the house entirely, and that doesn’t include the outbuilding and other areas of work.
      We came away and decided the house as a whole was too big, we would take the land and outbuildings with a smaller house at the drop of a hat.
      Back in the 500 we drove South West the country route to Crezieres and our cute cozy cottage called La Petite Maison.
      After booking a
      In and a brief matter with Amanda we headed back to the local town of Chef Boutonné for some food. We grabbed foodstuffs for tomorrow and then dropped into Jos Pizzeria in the main square. Teresa stayed very Italian and had Lasagne and some red wine whilst ventured for the less obvious choice of Curry Pizza and beer. Stuffed full we returned to La Petite Maison, grabbed another glass of wine and a beer and called it a day sat In front of the blazing wood burner!

      We ended the day still feeling like excited children!!
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    • Dag 26


      7. juli 2021, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      In Migron, nahe Cognac, entdecken wir einen Wegweiser zum Écomuseé. Pineau und Cognac können wir hier kennenlernen und degustieren. Sehr gute Informationen zur Entstehung von "Eau de Vie" und der Weg des Cognac von Frankreich aus.Læs mere

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