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    • Day 207

      Bordeaux, France

      December 1, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      What city in France shares a name with a female deer that has nothing to do?

      Welcome to Bordeaux! The city itself was Emily's favorite large city in France that we visited. It had the charm, warmth and romance of a small French town with the creamy sand buildings yet the amenities of a big city bustling with life, restaurants, wine bars and bakeries. Bordeaux is a port city on the river Garonne and has a long history of wine making and trading. Today it is the region of France that produces the most wine. See our post on the Wine Museum of Bordeaux, but in short you can have easy access to great white and red wines depending on what area of Bordeaux you choose. Bordeaux boasts many beautiful city gates as well as multiple stunning Château's within walking distance or just a train ride away. Downtown it also has Rue Sainte-Catherine which is the longest pedestrianised shopping street in Europe. It also has its own native dessert treat found at all bakeries in the region called the Canele. The two older ladies we had lunch with in Versailles recommended it and it was very unqiue and tasty treat. We will post that later in cuisine of France. This city can be best passed with leisurely strolls down winding alleys, window shopping the day away, popping into the cities numerous wine bars, cafes and bistros as well as learning more about the city and history in numerous wine museums across the city. The day trips are also wonderful and can be accessed by bus or train usually only an hour away. Towns like St Emillion, Cadillac, Arachon, and many others offer white sand beaches on the coast, inland sleepy wine towns, bustling medieval towns with great markets there is definetly something for everyone.Read more

    • Day 21


      May 9 in France ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      We had a relatively late and relatively leisurely breakfast at the Brit Hotel, and decided it was only the wifi that matched the grim exterior. Anne raced back to the church at 8:30 for a pilgrim passport stamp, but it was closed.

      We walked to the station to catch the 9:30 train to Bordeaux and arrived to a throng of inaction. There is one every 60 minutes today, so unsurprising. The train arrived a few minutes early and left Shinkansen-style on the dot. It only had 3 carriages, but very light and modern reading lights and charging points on each seat, and it ripped along. We had 45 mins on the first train, a 20 min change, 48 mins on the second train (to Agen), a 90 minute wait, then finally around 1.75 hours to Bordeaux. We walked around Agen in our 90 minutes and had lunch back at the station, so at Bordeaux we walked straight to the hotel (15 mins) and had a cup of tea. The hotel was a Hilton Garden Inn, and we continued a tradition by arriving a little before 3pm.. Lovely room, very quiet, and okay position.

      The guy who checked us in suggested a way to see most of Bordeaux in 6 hours. It was much the same as the Bordeaux World Heritage Circuit we found later in a guide, so he did well. The city heart is 1810 hectares - 18 sq kms, so 4km x 4.5km - and we saw a lot of it. We walked north and saw old city gates, cathedrals, the old town, the river and more. it was a glorious day and a holiday, so the streets and esplanades were crowded, and the restaurants along the streets were all full to overflowing. Not just in the main squares or on the main tourist strip: Bordeaux was crowded mile after mile. Definitely holiday time. It was very warm: in the sun it felt as if we were perhaps being burned, but we are the latitude of Dunedin in NZ, so it was more warmth than sting. Sunglasses on (a first) and a T-shirt all day (another first) and crowds of more than 20 or 30 (another first since leaving Le Puy)

      Bordeaux is a mixture of the old, three or four storey pale-tan limestone buildings from (say) Figeac, laid out with wide, straight streets, and then infinitely bigger, with some glorious grand old buildings scattered amongst the 3 or 4 storey facades, along with theatres, statues and parks. We walked until 7:00pm, had dinner in a trattoria, walked a bit more and caught the tram back. We were in the hotel by 8:45, and the sun was still shining. it is 9pm now and it is starting to set.

      Some huge cathedrals and lovely little streets, a grand old Stock Exchange by the river and not a high-rise to be seen. It is a very different and unspoilt metropolis.

      21,389 steps, 16.8km and 3 flights... hardly worth mentioning, really.
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    • Day 9

      Bordeaux, Cité du Vin

      July 9 in France ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Wir haben heute einen Ausflug nach Bordeaux gemacht, die Stadt des Weins. Das Umland ist geprägt von großen und kleinen Weinfeldern.
      Und die Stadt beeindruckt erst mal durch den großen Fluss, der hindurch fließt, die Garonne.
      Die Altstadt ist wirklich sehr schön, mit vielen kleinen verwinkelten Gassen und historischen Gebäuden.
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    • Day 298


      April 11 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Gestern hatten wir wieder großes Glück, dass wir früh genug am Campingplatz angekommen sind. Der Platz ist klein und einige die zu spät kamen hatten Pech gehabt.

      Bordeaux ist eine sehr alte Stadt, die viele Höhen und Tiefen erleben musste. Durch Verhandlungen zwischen der Résistance und den Deutschen, gab es nach der Invasion in der Normandie eine geheime Übereinkunft. Die abziehenden deutschen Truppen würden Bordeaux nicht zerstören, wenn sie freies Geleit bekommen.
      Darum konnten wir durch diese wunderschöne Altstadt schlendern, die Schaufenster der vielen Boutiquen bewundern und vor einem Café sitzen und die Leute beobachten.
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    • Day 209

      Cuisine de France

      December 3, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      As expected, we found the French food is very creamy. From sweets to entrees, cream shares as cheeses were the norm. In fact it is common for the French to enjoy a simple dessert of a piece of cheese or a cheese plate with friends.

      A few of the pictures in this post may need further explanation.

      Tartines seems to be kind cheesy open sandwich. Emily's had Tomatoes, melted goat cheese and melted Bleu and Emmental cheese.

      Potato Sarladaise isn't as fancy as it sounds. It's duck fat fried potatoes with parsley. Probably the best fries I've had in Europe.

      Lots of pates as well as delicious French bread (some of the best bread we have had on this trip) are abundant.

      Fries are definitely an entrees friend if not mashed potatoes. Salads were covered in cheese.

      For breakfast coffee and a croissants were the norm as were other baked goods.

      All and all its been an enjoyable culinary experience tasting not only the cuisine of the country but specialty dishes of certain regions.

      In Bordeaux, their regional treat is the Canelé. Their consistency was surprising. They taste like (but I haven't looked up a recipe) they use their little French torches and cook ONLY the outside of them. So they have a crunch on the outside, but the inside is almost like raw dough. They're also not TOO sweet. Worth trying, but we found one to be enough.
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    • Day 21

      Dernier tour de piste

      October 16, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Ça sent la fin du voyage une dernière journée toujours à Bordeaux. Aucun but dans la journée autre que de relaxer marcher lentement et faire les derniers achats de souvenirs et surprises. Pour Diane demain une grosse journée de voyage donc je ne voulais pas causer de stress avant le départ. Ce soir un dernier souper Français pour se payer une dernière petite traite.
      Nous avons tout de même été chanceux aucune goutte de pluie du voyage, une température vraiment estivale et deux soirées un peu plus frisquettes mais tout de même rien de terrible.
      Nous venons de prendre notre dernier souper bien arrosé de vin rosé de Provence à Bordeaux avec Diane pas mal excitée avec le départ demain matin. Nous avons rencontré en sortant de l’appartement deux jeunes filles de l’Argentine qui ont été très gentilles et intéressantes à discuter elles nous ont invité à les visites en Argentine j’ai hâte de voir ce que Diane va planifier pour ça….lol
      Maintenant c’est l’heure du dodo pour le réveil demain matin vers 5:30 pour nous rendre à l’aéroport et le retour voir mon plus jeune qui vient nous chercher pour notre retour, j’espère que le plus vieux va venir avec lui… En tout cas on a fait un asti de beau voyage.

      Diane et Daniel
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    • Day 12

      Bordeaux 😀 sehr schön

      September 7, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Bordeaux ist mega 😀. Leider konnten wir nicht alles sehen. Nach der Ankunft wurden wir im Rathaus empfangen. Am Abend ging es dann zum Französischen Automobilclub wo wir eingeladen waren. Ja und dann ging es noch ab in die Altstadt…. Es war very Nice👍😀😀🥃🍾🍺🥂Read more

    • Day 12

      Bürgermeister Empfang

      September 7, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Leider war der Bürgermeister nicht vor Ort. Aber eine ganz liebe Vertretung hat uns empfangen zusammen mit der Nachfahrin vom Gustav Eiffel. Danach gab es ein kleines Häppchen mit nem lecker Sektchen dazuRead more

    • Day 2

      Foie de veau avant le grand départ

      April 20, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      La journée commence bien une nuit de sommeil complète, levée et petit déjeuner, Luc retrouve son sac on est prêt pour le grand départ demain matin 26,5 km.

      Pour dîner: un foie de veau persillé le temps de se provisionner en protéine et caloriesRead more

    • Day 4

      Spanish tapas - Can't help ourselves!

      April 8, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      After our exertions trying to get through all the Saint-Emilion samples on offer this afternoon, we decided to venture back into Bordeaux for some food. We came across this Tapas bar (El Pata Negra), which was completely empty at the time. By the end of our meal, as you can see, the place was bouncing.
      I know we are in France, but we just love our Spanish tapas.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bordeaux, Bordo

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