Champ de Mars

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    • Gün 64

      Paris Day 1

      21 Ağustos 2023, Fransa ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Another crazy day!! I met up with Natascha in the morning, who is a girl that I work with back at home at Kokoro! She’s been in Paris with family for the past month, so I trusted her as my tour guide! I met her right by the Eiffel Tower and wow, she’s beautiful!!! I kept saying that it literally looked fake to me I don’t know why, it was so crazy. But yeah, so today Natascha took me on a large tour of all of the big things essentially, so first we walked by the Arc de Triomphe. After that we were a little hungry, so we walked along the famous Champ-Elysées and stopped by in a bakery to get some sweet treats. Then, we went to a little sandwich shop that had a character of an owner who was hilarious and so kind. After that, we walked through the Jardin des Tuileries which was big and beautiful. That took up to the Louvre, which we didn’t go in. I had decided that I wanted to go the next day, but of course, the ONLY day of the week that the Louvre is closed is Tuesdays!!! So I guess I’ll just have to come back to Paris 🙄. We walked and walked and it was HOT! It was nice to have some warm weather after it had been super cold for the last little bit of my trip! We walked by the Notre Dame, which is still closed for construction after the fire from a couple of years ago. We grabbed some ice cream and sat and ate it by the Seine. We stopped and saw a cool church, and awed at the architecture that was all around Paris! We stopped by the Pantheon 🏛️ and then went to sit in the Jardin du Luxembourg and relax for a little while- we’d been walking for a long time at this point. More walking, and another church later, we went to get a crêpe. It was crazy, the street that we found a crêpe restaurant actually had 11 other crêpe restaurants on the same street! Some crazy competition. I got a simple lemon and sugar crêpe. We walked back through the Jardin du Luxembourg and went to the supermarket to grab some sandwiches for dinner. After that, we journeyed over to the Sacre Cœur, which is a church that sits alot a hill. We went for the sunset (where you mostly see the sky on the other side of the sunset) and it was stunning. You saw pretty much the whole view of Paris (minus the Eiffel Tower) and it was beautiful. We looked inside the church as well which was cool. After, we walked around that area which had a lot of caricature and portrait artists at work which was cool to see. We walked down to catch a glimpse of the outside of Moulin Rouge, and then I headed back to my hostel for the night!!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Sonnenuntergang am Eifelturm

      28 Nisan 2023, Fransa

      Wir haben bis zum Sonnenuntergang gewartet und dann auch noch bis um 22 Uhr wo die erste Lichter Show am Eiffelturm stattfindet. Es wurde wirklich frisch abends, aber wir wollten noch zumindest durchhalten und die Show anschauen ☺️
      Der Sonnenuntergang war einfach nur magisch! Richtig toll!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      Eiffel Tower to the Top

      9 Haziran 2023, Fransa ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Станахме много късно, някъде към 12ч. … докато се оправим и слезем с метрото до Айфеловата кула стана 3 следобяд. (трябваше да презаредим, аз бях на над 48ч будна и гоненето на таксита по-рано сутринта ме доизтощи)
      Отидохме на Айфеловата кула отново, защото предния път беше затворен върхът и не успяхме да се качим, а пък Ночко не е гледал Париж оттам 🥰 за щастие беше отворен и си купихме билетче с асансьора директно до горе. Брей, много духаше, голям студ там 🌬️😂 но пък гледката беше страхотна! Всичко се виждаше в детайли и все едно си на самолет и ще кацаш скоро.
      Слязохме да си цъкнем по някоя снимка от едно паркче с изглед към кулата. По пътя към площада, откъдето се вижда цялата кула с фонтаните имаше и човек, който продаваше сладолед… пък беше 30 градуса и се наградихме с това сладко изкушение, почивайки си на една пейка. Снимахме се пак, погледахме Айфеловата кула и всички хора, позиращи да си направят снимки с нея.
      Аз се запънах обаче да седнем да ядем/пием (в зависимост от цените) на някое място, което има директен изглед към Айфеловата кула. И седнахме на най-централното кафене/ресторант, който съществуваше… след подробно разглеждане на менюто преценихме, че можем да си позволим само една палачинка със сладко 🥞 и ще си струва повече, защото и водата беше колкото палачинката 😅 то пък дървета бяха засадили точно там, не знам защо, но намерихме пролука, където виждаме кулата отпред 😋 Кафето ресторант се казваше Cafe du Trocadero. Искахме и шейкове да пием, ама струваха колкото яденето за цял ден в Карлсруе и си взехме шейкове, но от по-странично място. 🍧
      За да не се мотаем пак до късно, се прибрахме към 22ч., за да си хванем всички връзки безпроблемно.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 34

      Eiffel Tower

      20 Temmuz 2023, Fransa ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The Eiffel Tower is a wrought-iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It was named after Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. The tower was completed in 1889, and it was the tallest man-myade structure in the world at the time. It is now one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world and attracts millions of visitors each year.

      The tower stands at a height of 324 meters (1,063 feet) and consists of three levels, each of which offers stunning views of the city. The first level is 57 meters (187 feet) above the ground, the second level is 115 meters (377 feet) above the ground, and the third level is 276 meters (905 feet) above the ground.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9


      20 Haziran 2023, Fransa ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Dinner before the Eiffel Tower.

      So the waiter is cool and tried to help Syd make the order for 2 beers in French, very sweet but funny too. Ralph tells him he has something on his shirt, guy looks down, and Ralph BOOPS HIS NOSE. Hilarity ensued, Ralph showed his badge and gave the guy a patch and they offered to have themselves arrested. It was pure comedy.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 29

      Paris, the City of Museums and Parks

      22 Temmuz 2022, Fransa ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Well.... it turns out that walking for 34.7 km the day before will actually slow you down the next day. Who Knew???

      Today we had tickets to go to the Louvre. We booked them later in the morning thinking we could get there early, scout out the area, visit the Gardens and leisurely make our way in.

      As it turned out, we slept in, still managed to get on our train early, got almost there before we realized we had left the coffee pot on, went all the way back, turned it off, then back on the metro with a brisk walk to the Louvre and we ended up 5 minutes late. Whew...

      The Louvre is huge and confusing with 2153 different stair cases. We did the prototypical tourist thing and decided to head straight to the Mona Lisa. Get her out of the way early. We did the stand in line thing to get close, took our snap shots, and we were off to ping pong around that place trying to see as much as we could while hitting our personal highlights, such as the Venus De Milo and the Egyption mummies. Oh... and I was most excited to see, Winged Victory. For some reason, I find that statue of a headless winged angel so beautiful.

      We did a lot of walking.... again... and the kids were dragging so while we were there for like 4 hours, there was still lots we didn't see. I want to go back again sometime just to spend more time admiring all the lesser know pieces of art at a more leisurely pace.

      After that we ate some lunch and did a bit of souvenir shopping and then we got to relax in the Tuileries Garden which is just outside the Louvre. We finally got our outside pictures of the pyramid (the ones we didn't get because of our mad dash to get there in time) and then we decided to head for home.

      One of the things on Jen's bucket list was to sit in the lawn of the park just south of the Eiffel Tower. That is the iconic place where to see people picnicking and laying down kissing with the tower in the background. So we jumped off the subway a couple of blocks away, grabbed a 6 pack of overpriced Macarons, and went to the park. It was everything Jen hoped for. Nothing more French than eating Macarons in the park by the Eiffel Tower.

      We soaked in that moment, and then the rain came to gently nudge us into the direction of home. And so ends our time in Paris. We spent the rest of the night cleaning and packing so we could get up early to make our train to Rouen. All in all, Paris was great but we left a lot of things undone. So... I guess we will just have to come back.

      Oh... and even though we were dragging a bit and sore, we finished the day with 19,185 steps (for those of you who are only here for the daily step counter 😛😉)

      Ok. Off to bed to dream of baguettes... again. What is up with that???
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 45

      Sleepover day 45

      2 Eylül 2018, Fransa ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Start the day with a trip to Musée d’Orsay to look at Van Gogh. It was packed so we went outside to feed the pigeons. After that we took a walk through the park and had a play in the playground before visiting gallery Lafayette. We then took another trip up to Montmartre to get a portrait done.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      Jardines Torre Eiffel

      4 Ağustos 2023, Fransa ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Preciosos jardines para admirar la gran representante de París🥰

    • Gün 23

      In Polizeieskorte durch die Nacht

      15 Temmuz 2018, Fransa ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      In der Luft liegt das Adrenalin des Feuerwerksjubels, Rauch, Staub und Hitze. Den Schlussapplaus lassen wir uns nicht nehmen, genießen die letzten Sekunden dieser einzigartigen Stimmung, packen unser Deckeninventar und ..... treten mit 90.000 Menschen den Heimweg an. Sollte nur die Hälfte der 90.000 die Metro nutzen wollen, sind das 45.000 Menschen!!! Absolut ahnungslos wie und wo wir heute Nacht enden, aber in einem merkwürdigem Schwebezustand zwischen größter Euphorie und lähmender Müdigkeit, treiben wir 7 Menschen mit den Massen vom Platz. So oft Uli in den letzten 3 Wochen auch über Langsamkeit und eine zerrissene Reisegruppe gemurrt hat, hier, in der Not, funktioniert alles reibungslos. Wir halten uns an den Händen und drängen die Drängler von uns. Wir schaffen Luftraum für die Kleinsten, die ja in Hüfthöhe zwischen den Massen stehen, und mühen uns auf dem Weg in die Straßen der Freiheit. Die Macht dieser wabernden, schwitzenden Masse ist aber nicht zu unterschätzen. Vordrängeln funktioniert irgendwie ganz und gar nicht. Nach 30 min können wir uns lösen und sind jetzt schnellen Fußes auf dem Weg nach Hause. Unsere Wahl ist die übernächste Metrostation, und auch die ist unglaublich überfüllt, überall Menschen. Man kommt nicht nur schlecht rein, sondern auch schlecht wieder raus. Ich sorge mich um Vincent. Der wurde in Reihe 3 gedrängt, kann sich aber befreien. Sehr viel entspannter sitzen wir um 1.15 Uhr in unserer fast leeren Bahn nach Pontault - Combault. Unser Pariser Vorort ist ca 30 km von Paris entfernt und es ist es der letzte Nachtzug. Wir sind verschwitzt, verstaubt, unendlich müde und meine Füße schmerzen unerträglich. Uli versucht die Information darüber, dass dieser letzte Zug nicht bis zu unserem Ort fährt, vor den Kindern zu verbergen. Lässt sich aber kaum vermeiden. Der Wunsch nach unserem Bett und Schlaf ist jetzt übermächtig und jede noch so kleine Information über Zeitverzug lässt verzweifeln. Und so stehen wir endgültig verzweifelt an der Endstation. Ganz sicher hätten wir nur ein paar Minuten später unser Deckenlager auf dem Asphalt ausgebreitet.
      Doch da erscheinen sie 6 - Fach vor uns, dunkel, bewaffnet und bodybuildinggestählt, unsere polizeilichen Rettungsengel ! Nach vielen telefonischen Hilfsversuchen der Polizeieamten bei der Suche nach einem Taxi sitzen wir gegen Ende dieses langen, spannenden, abenteuerlichen, funkelnden und totmüden Tages im 9sitzer der Pariser Polizei! Wir feiern! Die Polizei, das Feuerwerk, Paris, Frankreich - und nur wenig später unseren tiefen verdienten Schlaf. Vive la France!!!!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      Jardines de la Tour Eiffel 😘💍

      4 Ağustos 2023, Fransa ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Gracias París por lo que nos has regalado y el vínculo que guardaremos siempre contigo.
      Je t'aime, ma belle.
      "Siempre nos quedará París"

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Champ de Mars, Champ-de-Mars, شامب دي مارس, Marsmarken, 戰神廣場

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