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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Dijon
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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 6

      Abschied von Dijon

      2 ottobre 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Danach bin ich noch etwas durch die Altstadt geschlendert und habe Abschied genommen. Zur Uhr auf der Notre Dame gibt es übrigens eine hübsche Geschichte. 1383 wurde die in Belgien geplünderte Uhr (eine der ältesten weltweit) auf der Notre Dame installiert und Jacquemart hat seither allein die Stunden geschlagen. Die Bürger mochten ihn und haben ihm im 17. Jahrhundert eine Frau gegeben. Später wurde das Ensemble noch um zwei Kinder ergänzt.
      Da das Wetter so toll war, habe ich die Zeit für ein kleines Sonnenbad im Park Darcy genutzt.
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    • Giorno 4

      Auf den Spuren der Eule II

      30 settembre 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Der Weg führte weiter durch die Altstadt, am Place de la Libération, dem Palast und vielen anderen Orten vorbei, die ich bereits besucht hatte. Das Ende der Route ist die Kathedrale St. Bénigne, die ich vermeintlich bereits vorgestern entdeckt habe, das jedoch war St. Michael. Naja, hier gibt es insgesamt 3 kathedralenartige Bauten, da kann man sich schon mal vertun. Jedenfalls spielte die Orgel und es war sehr schön.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 15

      Dijon mustard tasting

      17 aprile 2023, Francia

      Once our guided tour was finished, Doug and I circled back to see some spots more closely. We touched the ancient stone owl on the cathedral with our left hand to get our wish, and then we went into a centuries old mustard shop. Here we were able to taste some of the Dijon mustards and we bought two flavours to bring home.
      We also stopped into a bread shop where the bread was in the shapes of fish and chickens. This bread is baked with seasonings in it specific to this area, but they didn't have any taste tests.
      Next we stopped in a medieval building selling macaroons and picked out 5 flavours. Chocolate, hazelnut, black current, pistachio and almond macaroons nestled in our package to be sampled later.
      On our way back to the hotel, we dropped into a bookshop and selected two Tintin books and two Asterix and Obelix books to take home to our grandchildren. I wanted to introduce these iconic French characters to our next generation of readers.
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    • Giorno 35

      Place de la Libération, Dijon

      28 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Our home for the next three nights is the city of Dijon, the capital city of the historical Burgundy region in eastern France, and one of France’s principal wine making areas. It is also known for its traditional mustard but fun fact - France imports most of their mustard seeds from Canada and still eat more mustard per capita than any other nationality.

      After checking into our lovely apartment (and climbing four flights of stairs with suitcases - thanks Brad) we ventured out to check out our new town. Dijon has a different feel again to our last stop in Metz. Dijon’s laneways are paved with shiny marble pavers and the buildings feel a bit more “formal” here. Dijon feels like it is Metz posh cousin.

      We walked about five minutes from our apartment into a massive shiny white square, surrounded with cafes and the very impressive Palace of the Dukes. Called Place de la Liberation (Liberation Square), the square was created in 1689 and is considered the most beautiful in Dijon and we’d have to agree with that. Decorated with two rows of fountains that amuse many young ones, it’s rows of bars and restaurants were very enticing. So enticing we decided to succumb and enjoy lunch in one of the many restaurants while admiring the fountains, statues and the centuries-old buildings, including the stunning Palace of the Dukes.

      For lunch we tried a specialty of the region, beef bourguignon, or beef burgundy. The beef in red wine sauce and vegetables just melted in our mouths. It was so delicious and just what we needed after a big travel day. With the storm clouds rolling in over the Palace it was quite an impressive view.

      If course we had to walk through the square every time we went out so we took way too many photos of when the sky was blue or cloudy or black. It is just one of those places that you want to capture and remember.
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    • Giorno 35

      A Quick Glimpse at Dijon

      28 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      With lunch finished and the storm clouds blown away we wandered the streets to explore Dijon further. It actually got so warm we managed to take our jackets off for the first time on this trip.

      I do love the different styles of building here, with the old wooden framed buildings amongst the detailed stone ones. We wandered up to another square, Place Francois Rude. One of the most touristic squares in Dijon, it’s centre is home to a very cute carousel, a statue and fountain representing a winemaker stomping grapes in a tank. I’m just not sure if winemakers actually stomped their grapes in the nude.

      We decided to stop at one of the cafes for a coffee and a dessert and to shelter from the incoming rain. The weather has been very fickle today. And not only did we chose badly on the cafe we still managed to get wet. The coffee and waffles were a fail, not what we expected at all.

      Once the rain passed we decided to call it a day, marvelling at the brilliant blue sky as we walked back through Liberation Square towards home. Of course we had to take some more photos of this impressive spot. Brad even went back out for a night time pic. Dinner was meat and cheeses we picked up at the local shop back in our apartment before calling it a night. We are looking forward to exploring Dijon more.
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    • Giorno 41


      12 giugno 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      This morning we went on a walking tour of Dijon. It is a place we really enjoyed and it was not full of tourists.

      The highlights were the Catholic Church of Notre-Dame, considered a masterpiece of 13th-century Gothic architecture. Next to the church is the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy (Palais des ducs et des Etats de Bourgogne), a 15th and 16th century building. The Dukes were the richest men in the world in the Middle Ages.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 79

      Dijon, France

      23 ottobre 2023, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      What we did:
      - Got up early to get on the road for a quick stop in Dijon on our way to Paris! Stopped at Chateau Marsannay for our last wine tasting in Burgundy! Stopped at a Boulangerie on the way to get some croissants and coffee for breakfast. Boulangerie rock. Every item we have had at a Boulangerie has been so fresh and mouthwateringly good and always costs us less than 5 euro. America, what are we doing wrong here!?
      - Chateau Marsannay was another huge estate that produces many wines. We had a private tour with one of the wine makers - definitely our favorite tour! She was very knowledgeable and clarified a lot of questions for us. She also had us try SEVEN wines (don’t worry our trusty driver Trent poured half his tastings out). All incredibly delicious!
      - We drove into Dijon and walked around for a bit before realizing we were going to miss lunch because everything was shutting down for the afternoon. Found a quick wok place to grab carry out and set on a bench in the square to people watch and admire the French architecture.
      - We then stopped in a mustard store because…dijon mustard duh. Tried a bunch of original as well as more creative dijon mustards like truffle and bourbon flavors. We then looked to driving to Paris and what was originally only supposed to be a 2.5 hour drive looked to be about 4 hours, putting us in Paris at night in insane traffic. So we pulled an audible and dropped off the rental car and hopped on a train to Paris with 10 minutes to spare! Definitely the right plan because it only took us 1.5 hours to get to the city of lights!
      - It was pouring rain when we got into the train station so we took a cab to the hotel before heading out to dinner for some Ramen on a cold rainy night!

      What we ate:
      - Croissants and coffee at a French Boulangerie.
      - Fried rice and noodle bowls at Aida Healthy Noodle in Dijon.

      Fun facts:
      - The Grand Cru wines are from plots of land with soil that is very mineral heavy and rocky where the roots don’t grow very deep. They say it’s because these plants have to be incredibly strong to thrive in rocky soils that they produce the best grapes, and therefore the best wine!
      - Wine tourism isn’t a huge “thing” in Burgundy in the sense that you can book an on-site winery tour and tasting at the vineyard. In Napa you can do this at most wineries, in Burgundy and Beaujolais they are few and far between. Most of the small towns will have tasting rooms where you can taste wines from the different local vineyards instead of going onsite for tours/tastings.
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    • Giorno 71


      2 dicembre 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Escuchamos Dijon y pensamos en… ¿mostaza? Yo también, hasta que llegamos allí y el frío casi me congela esos pensamientos. Sin embargo, el frío no hizo más que embellecer la ciudad. Sé que es una de esas ciudades a las que volveremos con menos frío para poder disfrutarla plenamente. De allí nos llevamos su famosa mostaza y su “pain d’épices”. Hasta pronto Dijon, tan fría y tan cálida a la vez.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 37

      Bouillon Notre Dame, Dijon

      30 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We had such a lovely walk through the quiet streets before stopping at a very “French” restaurant for lunch. You’d be surprised how many Italian restaurants there have been in France. We had lunch at Bouillon, right outside the L’église Notre-Dame de Dijon church. Eating lunch in the shadows of a church built over 800 years ago made the experience that little bit more special.

      We have made sure we try at least a few of the traditional and recommended dishes for each town we have stopped at and today I had an entree of asparagus vinaigrette and Brad tried a herring fillets dish, both something we hadn’t tried before. For mains I enjoyed a very delicious chicken leg with old fashioned mustard sauce (and chips of course because they come with almost every meal) and Brad enjoyed the fish of the day. We even made room for dessert as we have certainly earned it with all our walking. It was chocolate mousse for me and creme caramel for Brad. It was a very delicious French lunch with a very pretty French view. Life can’t get much better than this.

      We enjoyed a a leisurely stroll home, taking a few more snaps along the way to remind us of our wonderful time in Dijon. Tomorrow we head to Annecy in south-eastern France.
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    • Giorno 36

      Church of Notre-Dame of Dijon

      29 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      The next church to see was the Notre-Dame of Dijon. Considered a masterpiece of 13th century Gothic architecture, it began on the church in 1230. The church contains the statue of Notre-Dame de Bon-Espoir, formerly called the Black Madonna and its decorations include two symbols of Dijon, the jacquemart (bell-striking automation) and the owl.

      Situated above an altar of goldsmithery is a wooden statue called Notre-Dame de Bon-Espoir (Our Lady of Good Hope), formally known as the Black Madonna. Dating from the 11th or 12th century, this statue of the Virgin is thought to be one of the oldest in France. Originally she was seated on a throne, holding the baby Jesus on her knees. The baby Jesus disappeared during the French Revolution in 1794 and by the 18th century, the Virgin's hands had been lost. In contrast, her face is almost undamaged. Originally, the sculpted clothes of the Virgin had a Romanesque polychrome decoration and her face was pale brown. In the 16th or 17th century, the statue was painted black, for an unknown reason. In 1945, this layer of paint was removed, revealing the original colours. However, a black tint was applied to the face only, to maintain the tradition. In 1963, this was removed, and the face returned to its original colouring. Now the statue can no longer be considered a Black Virgin — rather, it is a former Black Virgin and is now called Notre-Dame de Bon-Espoir. I love learning the history of these pieces and how they came to be.

      Several miracles have been attributed to Notre-Dame de Bon-Espoir. In September 1513, the Swiss army laid siege to Dijon and bombarded it and the situation seemed desperate. On 11 September, the citizens of Dijon carried the statue of Notre-Dame in procession in the neighbourhood of the church. Two days later, on 13 September, the Swiss unexpectedly left their camp. The citizens saw in this liberation the intervention of the Virgin. A second liberation event attributed to the Virgin took place in September 1944. Dijon was occupied by the German army, which seemed to be intent on resisting the advance of the French troops. On 10 September, during a ceremony at the Notre-Dame Church, the bishop of Dijon made a public plea to Notre-Dame de Bon-Espoir to protect the town from the ravages that people feared would occur. In the night of 10–11 September, the Germans left Dijon, and the French army entered on 11 September, the day of the anniversary of the procession of 1513. Believers saw this as a miracle. On the initiative of some Dijon individuals, a tapestry commemorating the deliverances of 1513 and 1944, titled Terribilis, was commissioned from the artist and monk Dom Robert. Made between 1946 and 1950 it was placed in the church in 1950, where it is still on display today under the organ. It is so amazing seeing these items still in place today.

      The exterior is just as interesting as the pieces within the church. On the north side of the church is a chapel bordering on rue de la Chouette (Owl Street), a pedestrian way. A corner of a buttress of this chapel bears a sculpted bird thought to represent an owl. The ornament could possibly be the personal mark of a stonemason. The owl became worn over the centuries because of a superstition that luck would accompany anyone who stroked the bird with their left hand while making a wish, which is something we made sure to do. As a result the sculpture now lacks detail. On 5 January 2001 a vandal damaged the owl with several blows of a hammer. A mould of the owl, made in 1988 by an expert from the Louvre, served as a model for the repair completed in February 2001. The restored owl, now under video surveillance, was officially inaugurated on 12 May 2001. It is obvious the town has embraced the owl as its symbol as it adorns so many tourist items and window displays.

      On another side of the church are fifty-one decorative gargoyles, meaning that they don’t function as drain sprouts as functional gargoyles do. I have always had a fascination with gargoyles and the many different forms they take. They have so much detail for what is a functional item, to do a job a simple drain pipe could do. According to the account of the monk Étienne de Bourbon, the original gargoyles were in place for only a short time: they were removed around 1240, following a fatal accident. A usurer was killed on the church forecourt as he was about to get married: a stone figure representing a usurer became detached and fell on him. His colleagues organised the destruction of all the dummy gargoyles on the façade, except for one at the upper right corner that survived until the 1960s, when it was replaced. The dummy gargoyles which today decorate the façade, and which represent human beings, animals and monsters, were made in 1880-1882, during the restoration of the church. It is certainly unusual to see rows of them like this and it definitely catches the eye.

      On top of the cathedral is the clock with its jacquemart. It has four metal automations, two called Jacquemart and Jacqueline which sound the hours by striking a large bell with a hammer. And the other two, their "children", Jacquelinet and Jacquelinette, strike the quarter hours, each on a small bell. Set in place in 1383, it has been added to throughout the centuries with the addition of the two “children”, the last being added in 1884.

      This cathedral, while not overly decorated by others we have seen, still has so many historical and interesting things to learn about and admire. Definitely a church worth visiting.
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    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    Dijon, ديجون, Горад Дыжон, Дижон, དི་ཇཱོན།, Ντιζόν, دیژون, Dij·on, דיזון, दीजों, Դիժոն, DIJ, Digione, ディジョン, დიჟონი, 디종, Divio, Digion, Dižonas, Dižona, दिजाँ, ڈیجون, 21000, ดีฌง, Діжон, دیجون, Dižon, 第戎

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