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    • Dag 17

      Day 17 - LeHavre/ Honfleur, France

      29 oktober 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      LeHavre, France. Kinda grey again this morning but a bit warmer than it has been. Bit of a shit show trying to find our way to the city center so we can catch our bus to Honfleur, a quaint little commune approx. 25km from LeHavre on the other side of the river Seine. The Transat Jacques Vabre, a “yachting race that follows the historic coffee trading route between France and Brazil…named after (and sponsored by) a French brand of coffee” was scheduled to start today, so the bridge from the port into downtown Le Havre was sporadically closed throughout the day, making it difficult to cross on foot. We ended up on a shuttle bus from the boat to city center and as we stepped off the bus, the skies opened up. 30 minutes later, the skies cleared up. The bus trip from Le Havre to Honfleur included a guide who gave us a brief history of LeHavre…it is a major port city in the Normandy region of northern France. It is a huge industrial port with approximately 30% of its population working at the port. As the largest container port in France, they’ve become quite creative in repurposing old containers, ie. they’ve created a series of individual student residences using the containers. There is also a huge industry for the building of wind turbines - check out the collection of blades just below our cabin balcony. We crossed over the Normandy bridge, which was completed in 1995 to get to Honfleur. Honfleur is a 15th century village with cobblestone streets. It was founded by the Vikings and its name means “Corner by the Sea”. We were told that Honfleur enjoys over 3 million visitors in the summer and that it is the most popular village in France 🤔🤔 - guess the key word is ‘village’, cuz my favorite spot in France is Nice. Unlike Le Havre, which is just across the river Seine, Honfleur wasn’t bombed during the Second World War. We meandered up and down all of the various streets, losing all of the tourists who were huddled around the main square. We came across the local communal laundry facilities with their hours of operation, a number of hotels, and lots of stores selling the local delicacy - Calvados - a brandy made from apples and/or pears with a minimum alcohol content of 40%. Had a quick lunch and wandered over to a small island in the river delta, enjoying the occasional sighting of the sun. Great dinner with the gang…the Aussies had taken an excursion into Paris and the other Canadians toured Honfleur with the ship excursions. Kept trying to talk Wayne and Karin into staying for another week, but no go…promised to keep in touch.Meer informatie

    • Dag 8

      Honfleur und Omaha Beach

      31 augustus 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Auf dem Weg nach Honfleur hat es geregnet und in Honfleur hatten wir das helle Grau. Ein wunderschönes Städtchen. Nachmittags zur Omaha Beach. Kilometerlanger Sandstrand. Sehr geschichtsträchtig. Landung der Amerikaner 1944. Parken am Strand neben einem Bunker.Meer informatie

    • Dag 9


      19 september 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Angekommen an der Cote fleurie landeten wir naturellement in Honfleur. Frankreichs schönster Hafen. Angeblich. Das lass ich mal unkommentiert. Aber schön dann doch subtrahiert man die Touristen noch ab 😉

      Beeindruckend ist die Kirche im Ort. Ein Kuriosum. Komplett aus Holz. Holzschindeln und noch verrückter der alleinstehende Kirchturm. 15. Jahrhundert.

      Jetzt düsen wir zwischen Apfelwiesen Richtung Übernachtungsplatz.
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    • Dag 4


      26 augustus 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      We left Rouen about midday and slowly cruised along the River Seine looking at the scenery and passing a number of small villages. The weather was still very warm and it was a nice experience to sit in the sun and watch the countryside pass by. Our second destination was Honfleur, a resort at the mouth of the river and which also promised to be a very interesting town. We arrived there in the evening and although it was possible to leave the ship and go into the town, we decided to stay on board and spend all the following day looking around.Meer informatie

    • Dag 5


      27 augustus 2019, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We spent all day looking around this beautiful town, wandering as far as the beach and along the old harbour, stopping off for drinks and just relaxing. It really is a lovely place and what better to do than have a fish lunch in a restaurant overlooking the boats in the harbour.Meer informatie

    • Dag 1


      8 september 2022, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Arrived Honfleur about 5pm. A couple of thunderstorms but had a nice walk round the old streets and wooden church with mum and dad. Mum and Nicola started the tradition of buying a bag every day.

      Dragged dad everywhere when all he wanted was a large glass of wine and a sit down!

      Sad to hear of the death of the queen.

      Dinner in a small bistro harbour-side. The French really know how to turn rough cuts of meat into something very tasty.
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    • Dag 5


      22 september 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Honfleur. Ein riesiger Stellplatz für etwa 180 Fahrzeuge, 14,50€ incl. Strom und Wasser. Wasser ist auf den Stellplätzen in Frankreich relativ teuer, daher füllen wir hier erst mal den Wassertank des Wohnmobils auf. Der Ort selber ist auf jeden Fall einen Besucht wert. Viele Alte Häuser, Restaurants und interessante Galerien laden zum Bummel ein. Nachmittags fängt es leider wieder an leicht zu regnen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 119

      Honfleur, France May 6th

      6 mei, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Today we arrived in Honfleur, which is along the coast of Normandy and dates back to the 11th century. It has always been a busy port and turned over many times until France finally took control.
      Our excursion was a tour of the local town called 'Explore the Medieval Town on Honfleur'. We started out with a local guide who took us on a walking tour of the city and explained all the architectural wonders that have happened here over time. The houses were made of stone, for the rich and wood for the rest of the people. The outside of the stone buildings were decorated with carvings that indicated how the owner made his money like coffee beans, fruits, vegetables and the scales of justice for judges and lawyers.
      The wooden houses were very different. They had one complete beam across the front of the house made of a single timber. The wooden beams were labeled and held together with pegs. In medieval times the land owner could just tell the 'renter' of the house they built to move. Since the beams were labeled and held together with pegs they could disassemble the house and move it to a new piece of land.
      Many of the houses were covered in black slate to resist the salt and corrosion from the sea. Not just the roofs but also the facades. As with all European cities, they are narrow, winding and covered in cobblestones. One unusual thing that the house builders did was to make the house wider as they added floors since they were only taxed on the amount of land that the house touched, not the coverage of the land. So they had narrow houses with many floors.
      One of the most areas that sets Honfleur apart is the rows of narrow houses lining the harbor and canals that are a mix of very different architectures over the centuries.
      We visited Saint Catherine's Church, the largest wooden church in France and dates back to the 15th century. The bell tower stands apart from the main church to protect each other from fire. The church looks like the inside of a ship's hull since it was build by ship builders and that's what they knew how to build and lumber was easy to find.
      We walked past an ancient light house, to the top of the hill overlooking the city to a small church with excellent views overlooking the city, bay and ocean. It was about a 45 degree walk up the road to the church and then a trail with switchbacks to get back down to the city streets. The view was as far as we could see since the weather was nice, sunny with some clouds.
      We walked the many cobblestone winding streets looking in the shops. There were different districts for food and bars, art, paintings, ceramics. There was a Ferris wheel and carousel ride in the city along the ocean front.
      We also learned where one of our sayings comes from. Above board and under the table. The shops had windows to the outside and a butcher would sell meats out the window. They would flip down the window board and fresh meats were 'above board' and the not so fresh, old meats were 'under the table.
      It was an excellent day discovering a city we had never visited, learning as much as we could about Honfleur and having a great time all day long.
      Then back to the ship for our day tomorrow in England...
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    • Dag 7


      17 augustus 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Prima tappa di oggi, la cittadina di Honfleur. Famosa per il suo porto colorato e pieno di locali e ristoranti, conserva nel suo centro storico una delle poche chiese rimaste al mondo completamente costruite in legno.
      Mezza giornata è sufficiente per visitare il centro storico pieno di antichissime case a graticcio e in pietra.
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    • Dag 12

      Honfleur I

      25 juli 2023, Frankrijk ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Für mich steht es nun fest, Honfleur ist die schönste Stadt in der Normandie. Schon letztes Jahr waren wir mehrfach dort, befand sich unser Haus der ersten Woche ja in unmittelbarer Nähe. Wir bummelten heute durch bekannte Straßen, entdeckten aber auch einige neue Gässchen, die wir bisher noch nicht beschritten hatten. Die Stadt hat ein besonderes Flair: enge Gassen, gesäumt von alten Häusern, ehrwürdige, aber nicht protzende, Kirchen, der kleine Hafen inmitten der Stadt, die Berghänge, die Seine, der Blick auf die Pont de Normandie, die Parks, die besonderen Kleinode wie die versteckten Kanälchen sowie das Treiben zwischen den Restaurants, Geschäften und Galerien.

      Zuerst fuhren wir eine Runde Riesenrad. Nach dem obligatorischen Besuch im Petite Robe, erfolgsgekrönt mit einem Rock, sowie dem Kauf neuer Armbänder für die Kinder, war der Shoppinghunger gestillt und wir stromerten durch die Stadt. Mit einem kleinen Vesper am Hafen (Crêpes Nutella, Caramel salé sowie Bière Pression) glitten wir in den Nachmittag. Vom Café aus konnten wir noch beobachten, wie die Hafenbrücke für sie Ausfahrt der Schiffe geöffnet wurde.
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