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    • Hari 73

      Aubrac und die Turmherberge

      12 Mei 2023, Perancis ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Durch endlosen Regen geht es über die endlose (bei gutem Wetter bestimmt noch viel schönere) Hochebene weiter in den mittelalterlich wirkenden Ort Aubrac. Hier erwartet mich die nächste Überraschung: meine Herberge für heute Nacht ist in einem richtigen Turm untergebracht!Baca lagi

    • Hari 14

      Now, that’s a knife!

      27 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      We were very excited about our morning activity today. We were off to Laguiole to see the Laguiole Knife Museum, to learn about their history and see these most beautiful knives being made. Unfortunately, due to COVID, they have lost most of the staff who speak English, so the guy who gave us the history talk couldn’t parler Anglais. The solution was to have myself and Ian, with some help from Mary, interpret! (Ed - Danielle did a fantastic job.) There were a couple of moments where things got lost in translation, but overall I think it was a great team effort. The most amusing part was when he was explaining the use of the “spike”, the third element added to the knives. It was developed to punch cows in the stomach to relieve gas pressure if they had eaten too much green grass. He also seemed to be suggesting a similar use if people had eaten too much. But, in the end we realised it was to punch an extra hole in the belt.

      After the history and a demonstration of how the knives are made, polished etc, and a walk through their museum, we were let loose in the shop. There were so many options, it was quite overwhelming, but we all made a purchase.

      After our close encounter with knives, we hit the road and travelled to Buron de Camejane, a typical dairy farm from the Aubrac region to see Aligot being made and then having it for lunch with a grilled beef saucisson. This dish comprises, potato, Tome and Fourme cheese, butter, cream and S & P. (Ed - more or less a heart attack on a plate.) It was delicious, but virtually impossible to finish. We had a rum punch to start and wine was also available. For the meal we had charcuterie for entree, a cheese course after the Aligot main, and the best blueberry pie I have ever had for dessert. Everything was delicious and I think we will need to walk some way to burn off the Aligot.

      As the weather was quite bad (cold, wet and windy), especially as we were on an escarpment 1,300 metres above sea level, we reviewed the schedule and, instead of walking from Aubrac to Les Cambrassats (which was over 10km), we did a much shorter 3 km walk finishing in the delightful town of Saint Côme d’Olt. Fortunately we had good weather for our walk. We walked around the town and picked up some supplies before arriving at our accommodation for the evening, a Covent that has been converted into a simple hotel. The rooms were basic, but clean and comfortable and we were served meals ‘cafeteria style’. It was a nice experience and the nuns were lovely (not like the horrible nuns I had at school).
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    • Hari 8

      Aumont-Aubrac to Nasbinals

      26 April, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Very upmarket buffet, and then David, the joint-manager (with his brother- the family has run the hotel since 1928) took it upon himself to solve the luggage issue. He rang the same people on the same number, but was not taking no for an answer, and decided the solution was for the case to go to the Post office ( if it wasn't there) and for La Malle Postale to pick it up (likely tomorrow) and take it to our hotel for tomorrow. Lots of animated phone calls later he assured us it would be done, and sent us off. We were hoping but not convinced.

      Today was along day - 27km officially, but 30km or so as both hotels were away from the town centres. We also crossed the Aubrac Plateau, which has rave reviews as a beautiful heath land, and in summer they are probably deserved...

      It was drizzling as we left in the new ponchos (which worked well) and Saint Craig of Kiama (he of umbrella yesterday) had lent me a pair of waterproof over-trousers which he said were too big for him. They probably were too big, as they were big for me, but in the cold and the rain they were a godsend.

      The country was grey because of the clouds, but everywhere were long, low stone walls, green fields, or paddocks with daffodils, and small woods. Most of the track was a walkway between paddocks, but we were on rural roads now and then. That was better than the boggy sections: they were horrendous after just a little rain, so I can only imagine WWI.

      Unfortunately the sleet and rain began in earnest around 1015, and kept on until around 2pm, along with a gale. I doubt my chinos would have survived the mud, or have dried out by dinner. We were warm enough under the ponchos, but fingers number quickly, and stayed numb until the wind stopped, or the rare burst of sun. Having said that, it wasn’t too bad with the ponchos and waterproof boots: we could walk along quickly without getting hot.

      We went through a few hamlets, but no villages or towns, but made good time because it was too windy , wet and cold to stop except inside, and the few little cafes we saw were crowded, or in the open. We saw a man with a Phileas Fogg type contraption harvesting daffodils in the driving sleet... unsuccessfully, though, as he seemed to spend as much time under the machine as on it. Maybe he was sheltering?

      After passing through a few small hamlets and past occasional churches, we finally made it to Nasbinals. It is a lovely old village with grey/fawn coloured stone houses, all with rooves made of flat rocks.

      One family has a monopoly on hotels in the town, and guests are apparently allocated on the day. We reached the first hotel on the outskirts of the village and were pleased we could have a break, but our names weren't on the list for rooms there. We walked into town to the central place (with restaurant and bar) but we weren't there, either. We had to walk 500m to another side of the town, but it was flat and not raining.

      Dinner was in the town rather than the hotel, and the same local specialties that Rosie and Amr had nearly 10 yrs ago - very good. Aligot (mashed potato plus cheese and garlic - consistency of play-dough) was a sight to behold, and very tasty, along with a local sausage.

      Just before we went we had an email from David, the Aumont-Aubrac manager, with a small glitch: the bag was delivered to the Le Puy post so late that it could not be collected today, and the Post is closed all weekend (plus perhaps Monday as a public holiday) so it will not be collected by la Malle Postale until Tuesday, and hopefully early enough then for it to be delivered to us where we will be that night - a town called Golinac. Four more days of only one pair of pants and shoes instead of one day more...but a timeline that ought to be achievable.

      Our hotel is a branch of a family hotel business. 1. Opened at 4... but if you knew your room number you could take your key and go in anyway. 2. Wifi and soap, but no tea or coffee. 3 Great view over open fields 4. Bed seems okay. 5. Quiet. 6. the ogress who did not want to let anyone in to breakfast...

      41,520 steps, 32.6km and 44 flights.
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    • Hari 30

      Erneuter Auftackt alleine

      5 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Am Morgen habe ich Manu verabschiedet und ich mach mich wieder auf den Weg…
      War schon auch irgendwie gerade etwas hart alleine weitee zu ziehen, doch gleichzeitig freue ich mich auf alles was noch kommt… und alleine unterwegs zu sein hat auch seinen Reitz.
      Und wie Manu sagt: was zurücklassen/verabschieden um noch weitere neue erfahrungen und abenteuer zu erleben….

      Zunächst nochmals über eine typische Aubrac Hochebene…
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    • Hari 29

      Aubrac Hochebene 2

      4 September 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Der letzte Teil verläuft noch wieder etwas auf der Strasse…
      Immer wieder treffen wir auf bekannte Gesichter… hier zwei englischsprechende… jemand aus Jersey, die andere aus San Francisco…

      Zwei Bullen, Angesicht zu Angesicht…

      Vom Wind getragen… es Windet den ganzen Tag über sehr… die Temperaturen trotz fehlendem Schatten so ziemlich angenehm.
      An gewissen Stellen plötzlich grüne Wiesen… das ist dann da, wo das Wasser noch vorhanden ist…
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    • Hari 5

      Aumont-Aubrac - Nasbinals

      8 Mei 2011, Perancis ⋅ 14 °C

      Das Essen gestern Abend war wirklich lecker. Verköstigt wurden wir mit einem Gericht, welches die Pilger hier schon vor Jahrhunderten sättigte: Aligot. Aligot ist ein Gericht aus Käse, Knoblauch und Kartoffel(brei) (früher auch Brot). Mit einem Stück Braten schmeckte es einfach herrlich. Ausserdem war ich hinterher pappsatt. Der Wirt hat die Käsefäden immer wieder aus dem Topf gezogen, fast wie eine Jonglage. Ich glaube ich werde das Zuhause mal mit heimischem Käse nachkochen.

      Gestern Abend sah es verdammt nach Regen aus. Heute Morgen strahlt mich jedoch wieder die Sonne an. So geniesse ich ein ausgiebiges Frühstück mit hausgemachter Erdbeermarmelade und mache mich um 7.30 Uhr auf den Weg.

      Landschaftlich ist diese Etappe für mich bisher die Schönste. Ich kann nur in Superlativen berichten. Mit urigen Steinmäuerchen gesäumte Weiden wechseln mit Wildblumenteppichen aus Narzissen. Ab und an grasen zottlige Aubrac-Rinder mit ihren Kälbern auf den Weiden. Es ist immer noch ziemlich windig, aber es ist nicht mehr der kalte, schneidene Wind der letzen Tage. Die Landschaft hier erscheint endlos weit.

      In Rieutort d´Aubrac lege ich nochmal eine Pause ein. Auch eine französische Wandergruppe macht Rast. So tauscht man einige Worte (und Kekse). Der Weg nach Nasbinals ist nicht mehr all zu weit und zeigt nochmal alle Apsekte dieser wilden Landschaft. In Nasbinals angekommen ist meine Unterkunft schnell gefunden. Meine beiden Begleiter Michael und Emilio ziehen noch weiter nach Aubrac. Wenn ich nicht hier reserviert hätte, hätte ich es vermutlich genau so gemacht, denn es ist erst 14.30 Uhr. So hätte ich mir die lange Etappe morgen etwas verkürzt.
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    • Hari 4

      Dag 4: Le Sauvage - Nasbinals

      11 Oktober 2016, Perancis ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

      Totaal kilometers: 55 en een beetje in het dorp.
      Totaal gefietst: 269,5 km
      Afstand tot Santiago: 1471 km
      Emoties: 🤒😓😳😱😐😊
      Weer: van mist en vriezen tot zonnetje en aangenaam
      Theme music voor vandaag: Pilgrim - Balmorhea (voor de muziek liefhebbers)


      Na de eerste dagen je draai vinden -van Frans spreken tot je tas herschikken- begin ik te wennen aan het ritueel van opstaan - eten - fietsen - slaapplaats zoeken - huishouden - slapen. Mijn stemming verandert van druk in mijn hoofd (zo heb ik gisteren meer gevloekt dan voor een pelgrimstocht goed is) naar een soort gelatenheid, een stapje voor stapje gevoel.
      En dat ondanks wat ongeplande omstandigheden. Vannacht heb ik geen oog dicht gedaan, ik ben gisteren ontzettend verkouden geworden en lag vannacht naar adem te happen. Mijn kamergenote zegt dat ze er niks van gemerkt heeft, hoe beleefd! Saridon en een luisterboek blijkt om 3 AM toch te helpen als je wilt slapen... En vanmorgen was het koud. Echt koud. We werden wakker met een stevige wind, temperaturen onder vriespunt en 20 meter zicht. Na een nacht als deze niet het leukste vooruitzicht om in te gaan. Dus alle (4) laagjes aan, winterhandschoenen en buff en op pad. Het eerste stuk gaat door het bos en licht omhoog, prima om warm te rijden. De volgende 10 kilometer is een afdaling en beneden zoek ik gelijk een (pelgrims-) café op om warm te worden. Na uiteindelijk anderhalf uur met opnieuw twee Amerikanen hebben gepraat (they are really in climate change denile!) vervolg ik warm mijn weg.
      Niks zo veranderlijk als de route naar Santiago. Ondanks ik niet fit ben voel ik me al zo vrij en geniet ik van de veranderingen om me heen. Was bij Le Sauvage het weer nog koud en mistig, nu trekt het open en kan mijn jas zelfs uit (middagtemperatuur toch maar 6 graden!), en ook het landschap verandert van beboste bergen naar een bijna kale hoogvlakte met eindeloze vergezichten. Mijn weekendbezoeken vorige maand waarbij ik 's nachts door een bijna uitgestorven Frankrijk reed gaven me een bijna onbehaaglijk gevoel, maar nu overdag en op de fiets voel ik me vrij en rustig en besef ik dat dit een heel groot cadeau is dat ik dit kan doen. Ook moet ik al nadenken welke dag het is en worden zelfs afstanden al relatief. O, al 50 kilometer gereden!
      Opnieuw rij ik op de bonnefooi naar een Auberge en er is plek. Sterker nog, ik lig hier helemaal alleen in een gîte voor 16 personen. Na telefonisch bijgepraat te hebben met mijn pelgrimlief maak ik een pot ravioli warm in een te grote eetzaal. Ongezellig? Nee. Ik voel me vrij 😊
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    • Hari 11

      Glad this missed us today!

      2 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      They were calling for lightning storms today when we were crossing the Aubrac plateau. Thankfully they were late! Watching from my bedroom window.

    • Hari 11

      Jour 8: Aumont-Abrac à Montgros

      2 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      23.42km - v 329m, ^ 495m

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