Paris 05

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    • Hari 7

      Paris in the sunshine

      10 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Got up super early, to shower, pack and make sure I left the flat clean. I looked a bit like a donkey, with all my bags - one tote on each shoulder (plus my cross-body handbag) and then the VERY full backpack holding them on. Waled to the train station and got there in time. No problem with the train, and I love how they tell you where to stand (happens a bit now with UK trains, too) for your carriage.

      I had a window non-table seat, which was so much easier than the route up. I could get easy access to everything I needed and wasn't cramped and the TGV fold down tables are massive, so I was able to set up my laptop and connect to the WiFi and get a chunk of work done. And I finished and sent something out before the battery ran out. Then sat and enjoyed watching the views out the window and reading my book a bit.

      Easily found the hotel (a different Ibis, this time, by the Gare de Lyon). And did a few bits of work then went and wandered. I walked down to the Seine and then walked along a lovely bit where there lots of plants and statues in little bits by the river where people were dancing (there was one bit where were dancing salsa and another where people were dancing go 1950s music, I think.

      Did some more wandering. Took photos of lots of doors. Sat and had a beer and read my book and a bit later I stopped for a meal - goats cheese salad and fries, which was quite nice. And then wandered slowly back to the hotel. There's a whole bunch of interesting little galleries and funky shops under some what look like railway arches and I noticed trees and plants above, and it turns out to be a green walkway, so I'm hoping to have a little walk up there tomorrow before my train.

      Ans so... almost home. This time tomorrow I will be.
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    • Hari 11

      Tour de France @Paris part deux 😜

      30 Julai 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nochmal kurz quer durch Paris, um letzte Souvenirs zu kaufen, den Louvre, die Champs-Elysees, den Toure Eiffel und vieles mehr zu verabschieden, letzte Fotos zu machen und den Füßen zu zeigen wo das Tageslimit ist 😂😂😂

      Von der Piratenflagge am Boot inspiriert, musste dann auch noch passend im Weingummiladen aus Fässern genascht werden...und auch der letzte Einkauf war ein kleiner Schatz. 😉

      Und nach einem letzten Café dann ab zum nächsten Ziel - 4:20min bis Luxembourg - bonne voyage!✌️!
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    • Hari 2

      In a Paris cafe eating onion soup!

      18 Ogos 2019, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      So thankful to arrive at Charles De Gaulle at 3.00PM. Baggage took a while. Our transfer taxi was lovely.

      Overcast and a humid 23 degrees in Paris today. Our hotel is Le M Saint Germain.
      The room is perfect and the first thing I see is a balcony, my favourite thing in any hotel. I step out amongst the zinc roofs and look out onto those fabulous sandstone buildings. Am very thankful. Paris is gorgeous.

      Athena spies a lovely gift from Amanda (our travel agent, such a blessing, go see her at Berwick Travel) Colourful French macaroons. They were great with a tea, thanks Amanda.

      After a much needed shower and mobile charge, we head out for a stroll towards the Seine.

      I spy the Pantheon at the end of our street so we head up that way. I discover we are walking the wrong direction, whoops 🤭 The Notre Dame is the other way!! We stroll past beautiful cafes full of diners and head back for the river. The streets are full of tourists.
      The Notre Dame is closed off and we see the fire damage and works being done. Grateful that we had both already visited inside four years ago. We were shocked when we heard the news.

      We walk up to Saint Chappel church and Athena looks longingly at a beautiful restaurant. So, we take a table, order onion soup and a 'chardy' and settle in.
      Half way through dinner, I realise that, this is it! Sitting outside a beautiful Paris cafe, watching people walk by, drinking wine with my beautiful friend! This was my absolute wish for my birthday.
      Dream big I say, with some effort, they come true!
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    • Hari 37

      Paris - Citroen 2CV Tour

      8 Jun 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      After arriving in Paris and checking in to our hotel, we were picked up for a Paris sightseeing tour - in an original 1960 Citroen 2CV - and not just any Citroen 2CV - it was the one used in the 1981 James Bond movie, 'For Your Eyes Only', starring Roger Moore, which was a real bonus.

      Our driver, Nicholas, drove us around the major sites and showed us how to negotiate the Paris traffic. All the stories you hear about it are true. Cars going everywhere and all over the place. It would be a brave tourist to tackle these streets.

      After two hours with Nicholas and the 2CV, we were taken back to the hotel, where to celebrate our first day in France, we had French Chablis and then some pastries for dessert.
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    • Hari 6

      Salut Paris

      8 Ogos 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Wir sagen salut Paris, wir kommen wieder.
      Viel haben wir gesehen, unsere to do Liste erfüllt, aber längst nicht alles gesehen.
      Paris ist so viel mehr, als der Eiffelturm und Versailles.
      Das Pariser Flair haben wir nur ansatzweise gefühlt. Dafür gibt es so viel zu sehen. Wir fuhren mit dem Bus und der Metro, sind viel gelaufen teilweise über 20.000 Schritte.
      Es war schön, wir haben uns wohlgefühlt - Berliner in der Großstadt Paris.😉
      Nun nehmen wir Abschied, die Wege trennen sich. Ella und Benni fahren weiter nach Mailand und uns führt es in die Normandie.

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    • Hari 34

      City of Light (Part I)

      30 Ogos 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Part I: On our first full day in Paris, we started with a fresh yogurt, fruit, and granola breakfast drizzled with honey we had saved from Aunty Jane's hives back in London. Delicious! Well-fueled, we began a big day by walking on Île Saint-Louis, one of the two natural islands in Paris along the Seine. I had listened to a few episodes of the "Earful Tower" podcast in which the host recommended a walking route down the centre of Île Saint-Louis, which turned out to be a great suggestion. We first stopped at Noir, a café with a spiral staircase leading down to a cave cellar, and wandered past boutiques, bars, and 17th-century architecture. One of the old buildings there had been converted from what was a royal tennis or 'jeu de paume' court built under Louis XIII (the King who defended France against the Habsburgs) into a hotel. Interestingly, the island used to be split down the middle where we were walking as two islands, but these were merged, by Louis XIII's father, to create a new district.

      From here, we walked along the Seine and into Le Marais, the 4th arrondissement, to enjoy the beautiful parks and art galleries. I thought about how Mum always described how 'the light felt different in Paris,' and I now agreed after seeing all the light-colored pathways, bridges, and buildings that reflected the sun so prettily. I agree with Mom now; Paris is very beautiful in the sun!

      After days of eating mostly different forms of bread and cheese (no complaints), we were once again craving some Asian food and found a place with decent lunch deals and rice, praise be! Returning immediately to Catholic France, we headed next door to the Parish Church of Saint-Paul of Saint-Louis. Highly adorned, with sculpture, painting, and stained-glass that let a lot of light into the church. There was also a really amazing large seashell, merged into the wall, being used as a holy water font that I loved.

      From here, we wandered through more streets and parks in the sun, which worked up a bit of sweat, so we took the tram back to refresh at the Airbnb before heading out again for the evening. A long 'picnic bar crawl' was planned, where we were going to pick up picnic bites from different boulangeries and charcutiers, ending at the Eiffel Tower for a picnic dinner...
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    • Hari 2

      Notre Dame

      28 April 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute morgen ging es zum Frühstück zu einem kleinen Café in der Nähe, wir hatten ein typisches französisches Frühstück bis auf den café dafür gabs für uns Tee😅 wir hatten Croissant, Orangensaft oder smoothie und haben gemütlich gefrühstückt.
      Anschließend sind wir Richtung Notre Dame gelaufen, waren knapp 40 min. Da wir gestärkt vom Frühstück waren ging der Weg von der Entfernung. Heute wollen wir die 20.000 Schritte knacken 😂

      Notre Dame war beeindruckend aber auch traurig zugleich, die Bauarbeiten waren in vollem Gange und hoffentlich sind sie bald fertig mit den Arbeiten.
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    • Hari 185

      Paris - erste Impressionen

      10 Mei 2023, Perancis ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Die folgenden Tage arbeitete Hanni fleißig an seinem Paper, weshalb abgesehen von kleinen Spaziergängen und kurzen Einkäufen nichts nennenswertes passierte. Dafür fuhren wir dann am frühen Morgen des Mittwoches für circa 2 Stunden mit dem Zug nach Paris, wo wir mit Ali und Sam (2 Amerikaner, die wir in Kroatien kennengelernt hatten) verabredet waren. Paris begrüßte uns mit strömendem Regen, der nach wenigen Minuten für Hochwasser in unseren Schuhen sorgte. Also zogen wir uns zu viert in ein Café zurück und genossen heiße Getränke und unsere Gesellschaft, bis sich die dunkelsten Wolken verzogen hatten und langsam aber sicher die Sonne sich vorkämpfte. Leider kam dann schon der langfristige Abschied, da die beiden am Freitag zurück nach Amerika flogen - aber Nummern und Herzen sind ausgetauscht und wir sind überzeugt, dass wir den Kontakt halten werden. Den Rest des Tages sammelten wir zu zweit gefühlt 30.000 Schritte und spazierten durch den Kern von Paris, wo wir uns einen ersten vielversprechenden Eindruck von der Stadt einholten. Scheinbar befinden wir uns in einem guten Zeitraum, die Stadt ohne zu große Touristenmassen kennenzulernen, weshalb wir die nächsten Wochen wiederholt wiederkommen wollen.Baca lagi

    • Hari 19

      Sometimes you win, sometimes you Louvre

      8 Mac 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We smashed out some culture today! Making up for a lost day yesterday due to the strike, we headed first to the Pantheon 🏛. An amazing building (haven’t mentioned the impressive architecture for awhile 😉) that was built a long time ago (dates are a bit fuzzy) but still looks like it could have been designed last year. The crypts underneath are beautiful (if there ever was an oxymoron, that would be it- beautiful crypts) and the girls expertly navigated us to the one tomb we have all been hanging on to see- Madame Marie Curie. Such significance she holds to our house, that it was even more apt that we visited her on international women’s day. Our girls have read about her discoveries since they were tiny, and even Nick and I had a star crossed moment, when reading about her and Pierres contributions to science- he the discoverer of Piezoelectric effect (the basis for ultrasound) and her the scientist to discover radium and polonium (the basis for some radiation that nuclear medicine uses). We were a little (a lot) in awe that the founders of the first sparks of our fields were lying entombed before us. Even the girls seemed to understand the significance, and were in awe of where they were and who was lying before them. It really was a special moment that we jagged before the hoards of school groups came trudging past.
      We made our way to Museum D’Orsay, after the Louvre were having a minor breakdown due to yesterday’s protest, and it didn’t disappoint. Full credit to the girls, they were SO into looking at the art here. They have shown lots of interest on and off in art since they were little, and it was quite astounding listening to them excitedly rattling off names of artists and paintings as we walked past them (I was a little overwhelmed at actually seeing these masterpieces in the flesh; rooms and rooms of famous artists that I have seen in books actually physically right THERE in front of our eyes!)
      Our kids are no where near perfect, and far from highly cultured! But I was absolutely astounded at our little people pointing out artists like Seurat (Audrey- commenting that his most famous painting wasn’t there….. sorry… what?!) and Olive telling me he used ‘pointillism’ as his painting technique… and she liked Degas because he painted the ballerinas but Monet was still her favourite. Yep… I need to give our kids more credit!!
      So after the kids took Nick and I on a guided tour of the gallery (we paid them in chocolate eclairs…) we got really lucky and squeezed into last minute tickets to the Louvre (because we hadn’t smashed the culture enough today!). The girls really only wanted to see one thing- the Mona Lisa. We found her by the 750 phones in the air wildly snapping pictures of the smaller than expected painting. The girls snuck into the front of the Instagram hungry crowd, and managed to get a good look at her (and a couple of photos). Nick and I have seen her before, and I know a lot of people think she is underwhelming (mostly due to her size… like most things underwhelming…) but we all agreed she really was something very special to behold.
      We walked around getting very lost for the next hour or so (the Egyptian section and King Louis apartments were definite highlights) before we took our weary little feet home. 22,000+ steps, heads full of inspiration and happy hearts for our last night in France.
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    • Hari 15

      Food glorious food

      4 Mac 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Today was all about the gastronomical delights of France. I am both proud and a little (a very little) embarrassed to say that today’s blog entry literally only consists of food 🤣
      We discovered a walking tour, designed especially for kids to explore the best of Parisian food- walking the streets of Paris with a ‘local’ (Rachel) who took us to all the places the locals love to eat at. And boy do the French take their food seriously. Like, rockstars in France are not famous actors or singers… they are chefs. No word of a joke (our English is getting sketchy…) Good chefs over here are household names; they are held in such esteem that blood has been drawn between friends over which Chef is better (venison blood I’m sure…)
      It was SUCH a fascinating tour. It ended up being just the 4 of us with Rachel, and she was knowledgeable, and captivating and had a great dry sense of humour. The kids were fascinated with her tales of food woven through a very in-depth history lesson of France- ask the kids about Louis XIV (thats 14 for those lacking in the Roman numeral department). He was the Sun King (he predated the fun King- kids like him better). In fact, Nick and I learnt more on her tour than I’ve ever learnt about the French Revolution (which was pretty much zilch), and it was FASCINATING. I have a much better understanding of the French way of life, knowing more of its history. Like why food is such a massive thing here- when King Louis XVI (16- the done King) and Marie Antoinette were overthrown by the oppressed French peasants (and had their heads chopped off… as the kids say), a huge number of amazing Chefs found themselves with no job (as they were all hired to be private chefs of the Royalty) and so… restaurants were invented! And what went from only a handful of restaurants in Paris, overnight bloomed into thousands of top notch places selling fine grub. And so the tradition has continued. And we spent a good chunk of the day sampling this slice of history (full disclosure… not just one slice…)
      I can’t pronounce any of the delights we consumed (except eclair… seems Audrey’s new favourite word) but the photos will do it more justice than my ramblings anyway.
      Our lovely guide was having such a nice time (or she forgot her watch?) that she ended up spending an extra hour with us- and snuck us into one of her fave shops where we sampled a hundred (I swear it felt that many) different jams. The shop madame was so wonderful and played a ‘guess the ingredients of this jam’ (kids vs adults) for a good 20 jams (ignoring the couple of customers that came into the shop during this time…). We left high as kites on sugar and very jammy indeed.
      The verdict: French food is delicious (and not that nutritious… but we are currently ignoring that). Liv ate lots of cheese (lady was impressed), Nick ate lots of escargot (lady was very impressed) and Audrey ate lots of desserts (Audrey was very very impressed). And I had a balanced diet today… from all the good French food groups 😉🍫🍰🍾
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