Paris 05

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    • Day 14

      Riding the fast lane

      March 3, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      Big day sightseeing today!
      Started the day with a bike tour around the city. 3 hours of riding (about 12kms) on the roads of Paris. Tour guide Audrey stayed up the front the whole time and had a ball. She handled the riding and instruction beautifully. We threw Miss Olive on a tandem bike with Nick, because we didn’t think our hearts could take letting Olive loose on the roads in Paris by herself. France isn’t ready for that yet. She had a BALL. The entire tour could hear her chatting and singing away along the streets. Nick was a little less charmed… being unable to get away from her nattering 😄.
      The Eiffel Tower was on our ‘to do’ itinerary… it was… somewhat difficult! Our first attempt failed (half way through the security line we were told the top was closed temporarily due to maintenance, assured it would be open again in 15 mins). We waited in the ticket line (yep- as long as you would imagine) for the next 30+ mins and still no top open… decided to return later when it was open (it was such a spectacular rare blue sky day).
      Took a Cruise down the Seine river (beautiful, but Olive’s resilience was waning and she decided she didn’t like boats… I’ll let you fill in the blanks of that story…).
      So we decided we hadn’t punished ourselves enough today, and returned to the Eiffel Tower around dusk for a second attempt. Success! Top wad open! Stood in the ticket line (luckily a briefer line this time) aaaand half way through a big red sign flashes up with words I now officially hate ‘Sommet Ferme’ 🙄🙄 ‘top closed’. Due to capacity. Dear Gertrude heavens above. Making lemonade out of lemons. So we made it to the 2nd level. And it was spectacular. My love- mostly hate relationship with heights again waved it’s hand, but the beautiful sunset over Paris, the tower being lit up and catching the first glittering lights for the night together was truly magical. It was breathtakingly cold, and we didn’t last up there long (we did for once let the girls slowly explore the gift shop- it was heated!), but after all of the hassle it really was worth it. A beautiful way to end the day and a very special memory for us all.
      Very tired little girls with a huge bike ride and over 18000 steps. Certainly working for those daily eclairs!
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    • Day 18

      Marais and the Orsay

      February 20 in France ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      The Marais is definitely one of the neater areas of Paris, and this is the first time I've been to the Orsay (famous art museum with lots of Impressionists) so that was neat :) (And yes, I know my finger photobombed one of them lol)Read more

    • Day 13

      Paris… oui!

      March 2, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      Another cross country train journey (on the Thalys this time) to the heart of Paris. We arrived mid afternoon to gorgeous skies and witnessed an even more gorgeous sunset over the Seine.
      Our hotel is a small beautiful old 6 story building situated in Saint Germaine. We have one of the 2 top loft rooms, with a view of the Eiffel Tower from one side, and a view of Notre- Dame on the other side… what a little bit (a lot) of research can do when you are Nick booking accommodation 😜.
      The girls have little beds under gable windows that look out to the Eiffel Tower. We couldn’t feel more quintessentially in Paris if we tried! (OK… so we did try)- we headed to the nearest patisserie and ordered chocolate eclairs (in very bad French- which is totally endearing if you are a 7 and 9 year old… they already have the stern French wrapped around their little fingers with ‘bonjour madame’ ‘merci monsieur’ in impressively articulate French compared with their parents… who sound more like ‘Mer-cee’).
      Audrey has decided that she will put a limit on herself of maximum 5 eclairs a day (her face in the photo after her first bite says it all), and Olive has decided she would like to move here. Even without stepping foot in a cheese (Fromages) shop yet.
      The girls have been talking about the art installation on Louis Vuitton building since they saw photos a couple of months ago- and they spotted the colourful dots from our hotel window… so we also had to find the building where they stood proudly infront and sang loudly ‘I could have my Gucci on… I could wear my Louis Vuitton…’ (thank you Meghan Trainor… that song has been the soundtrack to our holiday 🙄). Sooo… yes… our little kangaroos are standing out here in Paris 🤣
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    • Day 3

      Wandering around Paris

      September 16, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      After our fabulous lunch we decided we needed to do a bit of walking - so we did. We went to the Pantheon, Luxembourg Gardens, Notre Dame and île Saint-Louis. We were also entertained by a brass band playing at a food fair by the Seine and had a group of Pompiers (French Fire Fighters) jog past - I was too busy admiring their athletic prowess to take a photo!

      It was sad and overwhelming to see the magnitude of the damage to Notre Dame, still very much under repair. To cheer us up, Ian suggested we go to Berthillon, located on île St Louis, for ice-cream. It worked.
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    • Day 26

      First Day in the City of...Burning Heat

      July 19, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      So, when we were planning our trip to Paris, we never thought about packing for record setting heat waves. What does one wear for that? Speedos and tube top? Anywho... crippling heat really did hinder our site seeing plans. We didn't have anything booked... and that turned out to be good. The day started off late because everyone slept in after our late night the night before, and then Liam had a long lasting bloody nose that we think just knocked him off kilter the whole day. He wasn't feeling great and was dragging a bit. But we decided to head out anyway by about the time the heat was really hitting its stride.

      We jumped on the metro and headed over to the Spanish Section. There we...... what's that dear ??? Sorry. It is the Latin Quarter. Same thing.... right??? Don't know why she keeps getting angry with me. So... we headed over to the Latin Quarter to walk around a bit. Stopped at a crepe place because Evan really wanted to. The crepes were great and surprisingly filling. Then we wandered over to the river bank and got our first glimpse of Notre Dame. It is sad that we couldn't really get in to see it but they are working hard on it to have it open by the Olympics in 2024. I guess we will just have to come back.

      Then we had to stop for cold drinks/ice cream because of.. well.. near death. And then we wandered some more. We stopped at the Shakespeare and Company book store which is famous for being an English Language bookstore that many famous people have visited.... or something like that. It was famous enough that there was a long line to get in so we didn't even try.

      Then we headed over to the Parthenon... a French version of the one in Rome. It was very grand. By now the kids are dragging. So we headed down the street to the McDonalds, got 6 of their largest drinks, crossed the street and hung out in the Luxemburg Park. The kids were so tired that we couldn't even explore the park. So after sitting for a bit with the Eiffle Tower as our backdrop, we jumped on the Metro and headed home. Jen and I went out one more time to get some groceries but our day was done. Fairly disappointing outcome for our first day in Paris but our kids were just worn out from the heat and the dangerously low blood levels.

      Tomorrow should be a lot cooler and we are talking about hitting it hard tomorrow, so we will just let this one slide. We finished the day with only 10,758 steps. Now it is off to bed and hopefully the cool weather comes to us in the night so we can get a better sleep. Until tomorrow...
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    • Day 4

      Les Catacombes de Paris

      August 6, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Heute ging es für uns 20 Meter (130 Stufen und eine enge Wendeltreppe) unter die Erde hinab: in die Katakomben von Paris. Die Katakomben sind alte Steinbrüche die sich unter der Stadt befinden. Im 18. Jahrhundert kam es in Paris zu großen Seuchen und Hungersnöten, welche die Friedhöfe völlig überfüllten. Die Gräber waren doppelt und dreifach belegt und an einigen Stellen lagen die Menschenteile sogar bis an die Oberfläche. Es herrschten unhaltbare Zustände und der Verwesungsgeruch war teilweise so stark, dass Lebensmittel verdorben und Menschen krank wurden. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, brachte man die Gebeine unterhalb der Stadt unter. Und da sind wir nun: Arrêté C'est ici empire de la mort.
      Wir stehen im ersten Gang mit unzähligen Knochen. Schon sehr makaber und gruselig.
      Die Knochen dürfen auch nicht berührt werden, darauf gibt es eine Geld oder sogar Gefängnisstrafe. An der Oberfläche kaum angekommen am Ausgang wurde Benni gefragt, ob er "Any Bones" dabei hat. Scheinbar haben sich hier schon Leute ein Souvenirs der etwas anderen Art mitgenommen. Nach den Katakomben ging es für uns auf den Friedhof Montparnasse, zum Grab von Serge Gainsbourg, ein französischer Chansonnier, Schauspieler, Komponist und Schriftsteller. Er war dem Whisky und den Gitanes (Zigaretten) nicht abgeneigt. Auch komponierte er ein Lied über die Metro, daher legen in Gedenken an ihn Fans auf dessen Grab alte Fahrscheine und Whiskygläser nieder. Wir hinterließen auch unsere Karten. 😉
      Noch ein Abstecher zum Grab von Jean Paul Sarte, Philosoph, Dramatiker, Publizist.

      Weiter ging es für uns nach Notre-Dame. Notre Dame liegt übrigens auf der Île de la Cité, also einer kleinen Insel auf der Seine. Besichtigen kann man die Kathedrale leider auf Grund des Großbrandes 2019 nicht.

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    • Day 66

      Paris 1

      July 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Our hotel is great and we have had a couple of walks round our local area which is full of restaurants and everything and everyone is really buzzing. We had a meal of gallettes tonight which we enjoyed again despite the annoying loud person on the next table but the weather is better here and it’s really nice to be back in Paris. We couldn’t get over how many many people were on the boat ride on the Seine. Almost looked like a refugee boat.Read more

    • Day 2

      Bonjour Paris

      July 8, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Benni ist heute ziemlich kaputt, aber mächtig beeindruckt von all den Superlativen an geschichtsträchtigen Gebäuden, Brücken und Plätzen.
      Nach einem „Petite Dejeuner“ ging es erstmal ins Hotel, Koffer wegbringen, kurze Erholung von der Nachtfahrt und frisch machen.
      Benni liebt Hop-on-Hop-off, so konnten wir gar nicht anders als ihm diesen Wunsch zu erfüllen. So sieht man aber auch das Wichtigste. Einen längeren Stopp gab es natürlich am Eiffelturm, der logisch das Motiv für Verliebte ist ❤️
      Nach einem echt langen Tag gab es noch Abendessen für Benni und danach Schlafenszeit 💤
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    • Day 9


      February 26 in France ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Today we made it onto one of the islands in the Seine River, Île de la Cité. Home of the famous Notre-Dame.
      The cathedral suffered a large fire back in 2019, where most of the roof was destroyed along with the large spire.
      So the whole area was blocked off for renovations. You might think this was a bummer, but it turned out to be quite fascinating. There were placards all along one side talking about the restoration process. The work done to immediately stabilize the roof area, the planning of the restoration using the same materials as the original, the mobilization of craftsmen from all over. Like I said fascinating. The job at hand is literally monumental. There are over 1,000 people working on the project. You can read about it in the link below.

      Here’s the link to the Notre-Dame renovations:…
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    • Day 17

      Historic Core of Paris

      February 19 in France ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      Revisited some of my favorite areas of Paris, and some of my mom's old stomping grounds :) Also, some of the scaffolding has finally been taken off of Notre Dame, so much more of that was visible than last time.Read more

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