Paris 11 Ancien - Quartier Sorbonne

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    • Dag 1

      Rebonjour Paris

      2. oktober 2021, Frankrig ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Es ist schön, nach so kurzer Zeit wieder hier zu sein. Dieses Mal wohne ich im 11. Arrondissement. Das Hotel de Venise ist charmant und der Empfang war überaus freundlich. Mein Zimmer ist winzig aber très jolie. Nach dem Check in bin ich sofort los in die Stadt zum Bummeln und Salut sagen ohne festes Ziel. Leider regnet es, aber davon lasse ich mich nicht stören. Und der Wein im Bistrot schmeckt trotzdem. Mein Weg führte mich über den Place de la Bastille, am Marais vorbei ans Ufer der Seine. Dort bin ich spontan auf eine Fotoausstellung am Quai gestoßen. Die Notre Dame ragt angeschlagen aber erhaben in den grauen Himmel, ein traurig schöner Anblick. Ich bin rumgeschlendert bis es dunkel war, habe im Quartier Latin gegessen und liege nun k.o. aber glücklich auf dem Bett. Bonne nuit 🌃Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      Searching for Scarves

      7. november 2017, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

      Kathy really wanted to get some scarves for people back home and, possibly, for herself. The quality, and price, seems to carry from shop to shop so we went to lots of different stores to try finding the best deals. It was fun shopping all over town but after a while they all started to look pretty much the same. The sign for these scarves says that one scarf is 6 Euro or you can get two for 10. Unfortunately, all of the scarves that Kathy liked were "not included" in the sale. Hmmmmmm. That's very misleading and not fair.Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      Let's Go Shopping!

      7. november 2017, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

      After lunch, we did a bit of shopping in the Saint Michel district. There are so many souvenir shops around here. In fact, that seems to be the only sort of businesses in this neighborhood. I guess that Notre Dame brings in so many tourists that the souvenir shops just naturally spring up to take advantage of it. It's very convenient to have all these stores in one place. We can easily do price comparisons and see lots of variety.Læs mere

    • Dag 14

      Paris - A Meeting with Bruce Willis

      11. oktober 2012, Frankrig ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Right in the centre of Paris, there are two islands in the middle of the Seine. These are the Ile de la Cite and the Ile St Louis. Real estate on these islands is probably some of the most expensive in the world, so you never know who you might bump into when you are walking the streets of these islands of privilege.

      While walking the Ile St Louis, I noticed a little cluster of people up ahead. Being a nosy person, I decided to join the crowd to see what was happening. It turned out that a film was being shot and the lead actor was none other than Bruce Willis. Sure enough, there he was standing just a few metres away from me.

      Even more surprising was the fact that there was not just one Bruce Willis, there were two of them. His stunt double was also in the scene too, presumably to protect the real Bruce Willis from doing anyone that might give him a bruise. The film they were shooting was Red 2. I don't know much about the story, but it must involve fast cars and big guns, because they were both in the scene.

      It was an interesting start to the day, but Paris is always like that. You just never know what is about to happen around the next street corner.

      Later in the day I caught the train out to the famous Palace of Versailles. The huge and very opulent palace gives some idea of how a King can waste the resources of an entire nation, just to satisfy their own pride and greed. I actually found the place a little sad.
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    • Dag 46

      Flaneurs for a Day

      9. oktober 2016, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Sunday October 9th
      In Which we Become Flaneurs for a Day

      The French have a word for it - "flaneur". It means one who just spends time strolling about the city. Indeed it is the very best way to explore and experience Paris, not the Paris of the tourists, but the Paris that is enjoyed by the locals. The function of the flaneur is both to see and to be seen, although we were both content to settle for the former.

      The weather in Paris today was absolutely perfect and gave us the perfect opportunity to become flaneurs for a day. We first walked to Gare Montparnasse and then back to the Sorbonne (about 4 km). The next couple of hours were spent relaxing in the beautiful Luxembourg Gardens. This is a favourite recreation area for Parisians and every Sunday it is filled with joggers, exercise groups, family picnics and those just enjoying the sunshine. Sitting on a chair in the warm sunshine, I have to admit that my eyelids became very heavy and my head was soon tilting backwards at a perilous angle

      A few minutes later I woke with a start, grateful that no one had used my open mouth for an ash tray.

      A treasured tradition of this garden are the dozens of small sailboats that children (and adults) sail in the small lake. On this occasion there were dozens of such boats of all shapes and sizes. After our time in the gardens we walked across the Seine and along the Isle St Louis.

      Three years ago Maggie stayed here in an apartment for 2 weeks and it is one of her favourite places in Paris. We enjoyed lunch in a tiny restaurant on the island that we had eaten at several times on previous visits. The food was just as good as we remembered.

      The rest of the day was also spent exploring and observing. By 4.20 pm we were exhausted and returned to our room for an early dinner of coffee, baguettes and biscuits.

      Neither of us will ever get tired of this beautiful city. Tomorrow will be our last full day here before we catch the train to St Malo. We plan to start at Sacre Coeur Cathedral and let the rest of the day take its own course.
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    • Dag 44

      Off to Paris

      7. oktober 2016, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Friday October 7th
      In Which we Fly to Paris

      Our final day in Budapest dawned bright and clear. Although we had only had two nights here, we had already grown fond of many aspects of this city. The last time I had been here was seven years ago. At that time I had been disappointed with the lack of pride that the locals had in their city. That had been at the height of the GFC and there were huge problems in many large cities all over the world.
      This time my impressions were quite different and I could see that much had been done to improve the infrastructure and cleanliness of the place.

      There is little doubt that the location of Budapest is spectacular. The Danube has now grown to a massive waterway and the twin cities of Buda and Pest really do make an impressive sight, especially at night.

      Last evening we decided to take an evening cruise along the river

      Since we had spent the last five weeks cycling along its banks, I figured that it would be an appropriate way to spend the final evening of our time together with the team. We were not disappointed. After dark the numerous buildings along the banks of the Danube are tastefully illuminated. The contrast between the hills of Buda and the flatlands of Pest is also clearly visible.

      The most dramatic of all the buildings is the huge parliament building. This is the most famous building in the city and apparently it lays claim to being the largest building in Europe. Although it was only completed in 1902, it was constructed in the classic imperial style and looks much older. Unfortunately the architect of this fine building died before completion and never got to see the finished project.

      This morning we bade farewell to the city and took a short taxi ride to the airport.
      This was the first time I had seen the Budapest airport and I was most impressed by its modern design and efficiency. We were able to quickly check in to our flight and clear security without any delay. A short two hour flight to Paris brought us to Charles de Gaulle airport at around 6 pm.

      I had booked a shared shuttle to take us to our hotel, however there was a slight mixup that saw us with an entire 10 seater minibus just for us and an Irish nun.

      The driver spoke excellent English, as well as Hungarian, Rumanian and French.
      He explained that the traffic in Paris was going to be diabolical due to a big soccer match taking place between France and Bulgaria. This meant that he had to take a very circuitous route to try to dodge the worst of the traffic. Even with all his best efforts it still took over 90 minutes to reach our hotel in the Sorbonne.
      We had a fixed price for the ride, so it did not cost us any extra, but I did feel sorry for the driver and gave him an extra tip for his hard work.

      Our hotel is actually part of the Sorbonne University and has a great location. What it gains in location, unfortunately it lacks in room size. The room was beautifully clean, but so small that I felt that I would need to keep my luggage out in the corridor. This is true of all similar hotels in this city. It is the price you pay for some of the most expensive real estate on the planet.

      At least the bed was clean and comfortable and we were both thrilled to be back in the city we had grown to love so much.
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    • Dag 24

      Bonjour Paris

      4. oktober 2021, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Nach einem relativ ruhigen Flug sind wir gestern Morgen in Paris gelandet. Nachdem wir einmal gefühlt den ganzen Flughafen durchquert hatten um die Bahn zu finden, kamen wir gegen 10 Uhr im Hotel an. Leider war erst 14 Uhr Check in, also hieß es Zeit totschlagen. Wäre auch kein Problem gewesen, hätte es nicht in Strömen geregnet, wir hatten nur Stoffturnschuhe und es hatte 11 Grad, das war kein Spaß.🥶 Wir ließen uns erstmal beim Starbucks nieder und suchten uns dann noch ein Kleines Café zum Mittagessen. Durchgeforen und übermüdet machten wir am Zimmer erstmal "Mittagspause" und verbrachten den Abend noch ganz Romantisch im Waschsalon.

      Am nächsten Morgen strahlte die Sonne und nach einem kleinen Frühstück ☕🥐 fuhren wir mit der Bahn nach Versailles um eine Runde im Schlosspark zu drehen. Eigentlich hätten wir gern Geld ausgegeben, Schloss innen hatte aber zu, also haben wir gespart.
      Anschließend waren wir noch am Sacré- Coeur und hatten einen schönen Blick über Paris. Den Abend ließen wir noch bei der Kathedrale Notre Dame ausklingen und entspannten bei einer Happy Hour (die teilweise von 15-21 Uhr geht 🤭).
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    • Dag 2


      25. august 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      A snack to hold us until dinner then the most needed thing of all.... sleep!

      We had to pick a place that coordinated with Kathy's outfit.

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    Paris 11 Ancien - Quartier Sorbonne, Section de Beaurepaire

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