Paris 18 Buttes-Montmartre

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    • Dag 2

      Auf Entdeckungstour

      4. juni 2022, Frankrig ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Halbwegs von der kurzen Nacht erholt, wachten wir gegen 07.30 Uhr auf. Dann gab es erstmal ein gemütliches Frühstück in einem typischen französischen Café.

      Dann ging es zu Fuß weiter zum zwanzigminütig entfernten „Sacé Cœur“. Noch regnete es, doch der Himmel riss auf und die Sonne kam langsam heraus. Vorbei an den kleinen Läden und den gemütlichen Restaurants entdeckten wir die nähere Umgebung.Læs mere

    • Dag 69

      SACRE Coeur

      14. juli 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Morgens fahren Amalia und ich direkt zum Montmartre um das Sacre Coeur und anschließend das Dali Museum zu besichtigen. Nach gefühlten 500 Stufen erreichen wir den Gipfel und sind froh, dass uns die morgendliche Hitze noch ein wenig verschont hat.Bereits beim Verlassen der Kirche strömen die Menschenmassen und wir flüchten in das Museum.
      Danach gibt's ein gutes französisches Essen und am Nachmittag wird noch Notre Dame besichtigt um dann im kühlen Park auszuruhen
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    • Dag 5


      21. august 2019, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Began with an early breakfast, always the first to breakfast. I think we are going by our tour 4 years ago! Slow start to Montmarte.

      I have been teaching Paris train travel lessons on a daily basis here to my fellow traveller and today, after 4 days, my only student graduated. She was very pleased with her ability. And so was I. However, had she not been able to find her way back then tough shit baby, I was in the Louvre xxx.

      For Montmarte we got off at Abeyss station, per advice from services. Wrong answer!! We should have got off at Sacre Couer. Our trail would have all been downhill. But it was all uphill you twit! Steep uphill steps forever! Whaaaat! This was not my plan. Luckily at the top, after 50 thousand steps lay the Place duTertre. This is the artists square. Portraits, scenes of Paris, famous icons.

      I have wanted to visit here ever since I read a golden book called `Gay Paree` when I was 6 years old. It did not disappoint. I loved the buildings, the hillside views. I bought x 2 paintings. Miniature Sacre Cour and Moulin Rouge. They represent where I bought them. The artist himself lit up with a beautiful smile when he witnessed me returning to his little stall with money in hand.

      I used Google maps to navigate around the cobblestone lanes to points of interest to me.

      Came across the cafe used in the film Amelie. Then to Moulin Rouge. Just the outside.

      Athena said to me at the end, Sandra you have a passion for Paris that I have never seen in anyone before. You just love everything this city has to offer- art, gardens, architecture, music, food, police.
      My answer was yes indeed I do as I marched off to explore the Louvre all by myself!

      (Obviously I asked Athena if she was OK to get to our hotel. To which she replied yes, and for the first time I believed she could actually do it on her own)
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    • Dag 69


      14. juli 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Dass Dali Museum ist ein kleines Museum, welches eigentlich ganz nahe dem Sacre Coeur liegt und 22 € Eintritt kostet. Die Werke sind bunt sortiert und beeindruckten sehr.
      Eine Phase seines Schaffens beschäftigt sich stark mit Perversion und diese Gedanken werden in seinen Bildern stark wiedergegeben einen Besuch war es allemal wertLæs mere

    • Dag 21

      Paris, France Arrived!!

      10. maj, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Finally made it to Paris where we will be for the next 2 weeks! We’re doing lots of day trips and a 2 night trip to Normandy. Excited to see all the set up for the Olympics this July. Our first hotel is directly behind Basilica de Sacre-Coeur in Montmartre 18th arrondissement. LOTS of stairs 😳Læs mere

    • Dag 26

      Cheese eating surrender monkeys

      12. oktober 2019, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Or so I'm told...
      Interesting hour getting caught up in a protest through paris. Didnt understand a word that were shouting, understood the police who were plenty and armed to the teeth though. Pretty sure they weren't even all protesting the same thing....Læs mere

    • Dag 1

      Day 1 - Arrival - Let’s GO!!

      9. november 2022, Frankrig ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Day 1 - We finally arrived in Paris after a very long day. We Left the island at 3pm. Had a 45 min boat ride, 20 min domestic flight, 3hr 50min international flight, another 7hr international flight and over 7hrs in airport waiting time! On arrival we got our tourist cards purchased for transportation, checked my backpack at the airport left luggage store and bought our tickets for Versaille. Then it was off to the city we went!

      Got to our hotel to freshen up and drop our bags and then left to go straight to Versailles and get some lunch. Lunch was the supermarket. Load of French bread that we sliced, fry ham and salami, sliced cheese and two small bottles of wine. This we ate in the train to Versailles. We were so engrossed in chatting and our lovely lunch that neither of us noted we were going the wrong way. We knew Versailles was at the end of the train line and that it would take about an hour. So, we sat there patiently until the train got to the end of the line. Shame it wasn’t the end we needed!!! After mild panic, we worked out where we were - and we were WAY out of the way!! We had been in the right line, but must have grabbed the wrong train. We headed all the way back and we’re able to successfully navigate to the correct train. Versailles wasn’t as far away as we thought and we were there within half an hour of getting the correct train. But holy heck, way to waste 4 freaking hours (from time we started)!!

      Our SNCF adventure left us short on time for the visit. There were some areas that Kat wanted to see specifically (the Kings apartments and Hall of Mirrors) so we hit them up first. The palace is stunning. Everything is so over-the-top as far as decor goes. The King’s bedchamber and the Queen’s were amazing. The King’s was all gold gilt and red, and the Queen’s all tapestry and roses. Beautiful paintings throughout, sculpture and painted ceiling. The hall of mirrors was incredible!! We were also able to take a little train ride throughout the grounds and gardens. It was getting cool as the sun set while we were on this. By the time we got back to the palace, areas had started to close down for the day, so we decided we were happy with what we had seen, and headed back to the metro.

      Next stop, Eiffel Tower to see it all lit up at night - and it was well worth the stop! Absolutely beautiful!! We also wanted to go on a Seine river boat cruise. We were able to find one that fit our timeline and opted for dinner first, then the cruise. Dinner here is not rushed or quick, much to our dismay. We had a cruise to catch in an hour and only just made it. The cruise was interesting but I think it would have been better during the day. Saying that, it was beautiful to see all the sights lit up at night.

      After the cruise, we were both ready to pass out with exhaustion. It was 9pm and we had only had short cat naps on the planes. Both of us needed our beds in a bad way. Half an hour to get to our hotel and we were both out cold as soon as our heads hit the pillows!!
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    • Dag 2

      Day 2 - National Strike Day

      10. november 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Day 2 and we find we are thwarted by a National strike. The Metro and buses are affected, as are tourist attractions and heaven knows what else. Some things are open, some are not. Some bus and train lines running, some on complete shut down and some on partial shut down. We had big plans for the day, so headed out early.

      We had all the line closures and partial open times written down and we were prepared We are staying in the Montmartre area and although supposed to be open in rush hour, our local station was shut up tighter than a drum.. Now what? Thankfully we had given ourselves lots of time. So, on went my data and we started walking. We were headed to the Eiffel Tower, and it was just over an hours walk from where we were - not including the 10mins we had already taken to get to the station. Off we go! We knew there was a chance the Eiffel Tower would not be open, due to the strike, as I had had an email the day before. We had purchased our tickets 2 months ago, so fingers were crossed. I had checked the website and my email, and no updates had been added. On the way there, we stopped at the Statue of Liberty flame. This was gifted to France from the US and is set as a memorial to Princess Diana at the entrance to the tunnel she died in.

      When we arrived at the Eiffel Tower, we were thrilled that the gates were open and we were allowed in! As we walked around at the base taking photos, Kat was in awe. I’ve been before, but it is still a magnificent sight! There was no one in line for the elevators. Wait….there was no one in line anywhere, and the info booth was shuttered and dark. I checked the website again and now the update was there. Closed for the day. 🥲. Are you kidding me??? The security personnel that Kat us in are obviously not in the same union as the rest of the workers. Well, hell. Only upside that I could see is that Graham, Kat’s husband had asked her to save some of the sights for when they go to Paris together (sometime in the future). Eiffel Tower ✅.

      What to do now? Catacombs is open and we need to be there for 1:30pm which is when we booked for. So we have just enough time to walk to the Arc D’ Triomphe (30 mins back the way we came) AND get to the catacombs on foot if we can not get on the metro. Line 1 was apparently running all day and this would work for us IF it really was open. We decide to give it a shot. Only tickets available start at 12:30, but we figure maybe we can get some on the spot when we get there. On arrival, there are armed military personnel walking around, and some kind of ceremony happening under the arch. Looks like it could be a Rememberance Day service, a day early. Who knows - but the ticket office is closed so we can only take our photos and wander a bit. We consoled ourselves that we were getting to see a lot of Paris, with all the walking! So Arc D’ Triomphe for Kat and Graham to see together ✅.

      Next up - the Catacombs of Paris. This IS open. Website says they have to close by 5 due to the strike, which is fine by us! We check the route map and head for line 1. Open -yeehaw!! When we get to the interchange station, Line B is also open as it is SNCF and not affected by the strike. We get to our destination with 1.5hrs to spare and head to this amazing and eclectic cafe for a fabulous lunch. Kat is able to get escargot which she loves (and they did them beautifully) and I got a house made country style pâté which was also wonderful. Rest of the lunch was lovely as well and we headed to the Catacombs with happy tummies.

      The Catacombs are are located twenty meters underground in a maze of galleries (only some of which are open to the public). The area is an ossuary containing the remains of approx 6 million Parisians, according to records. The Catacombs were installed in the tunnels of former quarries. and this unique site recalls the history of quarrying in Paris and how the Catacombs came to be in the old quarries. Preparation work began shortly after a 1774 series of basement wall collapses around the Holy Innocents' Cemetery added a sense of urgency to the cemetery-eliminating measure, and from 1786, nightly processions of covered wagons transferred remains from most of Paris's cemeteries to a mine shaft opened near the Rue de la Tombe-Issoire. The ossuary remained largely forgotten until it became a novelty-place for concerts and other private events in the early 19th century; after further renovations and the construction of accesses around Place Denfert-Rochereau, it was opened to public visitation from 1874. Since 2013, the Catacombs have numbered among the fourteen City of Paris Museums managed by Paris Musées. Although the ossuary comprises only a small section of the underground mines of Paris, Parisians currently often refer to the entire tunnel network as the catacombs. Although I have seen bone chapels in Portugal, they are nothing at all compared to this. The Catacombs of Paris defy anything you can believe, just by the sheer quantity of bones in these tunnels. I loved the audio guide and the history of this unique site!

      Next on our list was to get photos at Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris and then head to Sainte Chapelle. The Sainte-Chapelle is a royal chapel in the Gothic style, the residence of the Kings of France until the 14th century. We were able to get back on the B line and come out right at Notre-Dame. There is a ton of construction here and I don’t even know if it was open. We took our photos and headed over to Sainte Chapelle. Oh look - closed due to a “social action”, which we assumed was the strike. Lots of police and barricades, so maybe it WAS something else. We walked all around the Halls of justice block (about 2km!!) but there was no way to even see Sainte Chapelle from the outside. Sainte Chapelle for Graham and Kat ✅.

      Time was starting to run out for us as we had tickets to Moulin Rouge and needed to get back to our hotel to change and have dinner first. We were nowhere near a metro line that would get us to where we are staying, so we were on the hoof again. Luckily, we were able to take a short detour to go and see the outside of the Louvre and the Pyramids. We did this, took a few photos and marched on. As we got close to the Opera house, we were able to take a Metro line that took about 25 mins off our walk, thankfully. We then only had another 25 mins to go to our hotel and made it back by 5:15, after stopping for some cheap wine to bring home.

      Quick change and out the door for dinner and then the show. Dinner was amazing and so much food we could not eat it. We could easily have shared! It was a 3 course meal for 30€, so good value - especially for what we got!

      Both of us were dying. Our feet and ankles were killing us and we were just plain exhausted. It’s been a whirlwind couple of days, for sure. But, we still had Moulin Rouge to attend! We stayed in this area specifically because it was close to Moulin Rouge - and so lucky we did as it’s only 10mins walk from the hotel. We were early and got a great table to watch the show. Our tickets came with half a bottle of champagne (each), and it’s a wonderful way to go! The costumes during the show were magnificent. The show itself - meh. We were both a bit disappointed, to be honest. It was crazy expensive and we would rather have seen Cirque du Soleil. There was dancing and of course the Can-Can. But, there was no “theme”. Each act seemed to be a small act unto itself and there was no consistency (other than lots of titties on display) between them. There were also acrobatic acts (balance, strength and acrobatic roller skating) and these were far and above better than the dancing. The show was over 1.5 hrs long and I can honestly say that both of us fell asleep at one point or another during the show!! We were happy when it ended and could escape back to the hotel. I think we were in our beds in record time!! Kat leaves in the morning and now has to Uber, due to the reduced service on the metro, for Armistance Day. She heads out before 8am, so a good sleep was needed.

      Just to note, we walked over 32,000 steps and almost 24 km yesterday, thanks to the National Strike Day!
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    • Dag 3

      Climbing the Sacre Coeur dome

      25. maj, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We managed to sneak in just before lunch break. There were 292 steps to the viewing level of the dome, most inside around a narrow, spiral stone staircase, and some outside over the rooftops and beside gargoyles. Encouraging messages appeared every so often.

      The view was awesome! We spotted lots of famous landmarks - and felt a bit dizzy. The downward journey was just as much of an adventure, although noiser because of Jamie's flip flops.
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    • Dag 1

      Sacre Coeur

      27. april 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Angekommen in Paris, sind wir vom Bahnhof zum Hotel gelaufen. Auf dem Wed dahin haben wir schon einen ersten Eindruck von Paris bekommen. Das Wetter war ein Traum es war 17 Grad mit Sonne 🤗 nach knapp 20 min waren wir im Hotel wo wir direkt aufs Zimmer konnten. Kurz frisch gemacht ungezogen und los ging es zur Sacre Coeur.
      Mama und ich hatten ein kleines Deja-vu, den hier ging es genauso steil und zwischen durch Treppen hoch wie in Porto. Oben angekommen hatte man aber eine tolle Aussicht! Die Kirche war von innen auch ganz schön! Wir sind anschließend etwas durch das Viertel an der Sacre Coeur gelaufen und sind durchs Künstlerviertel spaziert, hier war es schon sehr touristisch!

      Langsam meldete sich der Hunger bei uns und wir haben eine Bäckerei entdeckt wo wir Salat, Brötchen mit Oliven und 2 süße Sachen gekauft haben. Wir haben dann ein Picknick mit Blick auf die Sacre Coeur gemacht ☺️ das Essen war ein Traum!
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    Paris 18 Buttes-Montmartre, Μονμάρτρη, מונמארטר, モンマルトル, 75018, 蒙馬特

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