Place des Vosges

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 4

      Le Marais

      26 de maio, França ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Cousin Guillaume met us off the boat and marched us off to explore La Marais and surrounding areas. We started at Place de la République and wandered through a huge flea market, Le Carreau du Temple before attempting to have lunch in the Marché des Enfants Rouge but it was so busy that the whole thing seemed impossible. Great atmosphere though!

      We found a quiet place called Little Apple for lunch and caught up with Guillaume before heading off on a hunt for macarons and beautiful buildings. The first real rains of our trip arrived but we dried off quickly in the sunshine of the impressive Place des Vosges.
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    • Dia 27

      Day 2 in the City of... Sidewalks

      20 de julho de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Well, the heat wave finally broke, which helps with the sleeping, but Wednesday was supposed to be a day of rain. And it started off a bit rainy so we decided to go visit Montmarte and the Sacre Coeur Basilica. It was by far our longest subway ride but we are getting pretty good at it. Haven't left anyone on the subway in day.....

      Montmartre is a beautiful artists haven. Canvasses line the streets, portraits and landscapes are being painted with loving care and sometimes a bit of whimsy. The cobblestones of the streets take you back to a simpler time when the journey was the adventure, not the destination. And the scent of fresh pastries fill the air with a magical sense of hopefulness and the possible.

      And... there are tonnes of people which make you constantly worried someone is going to pick your pocket and walk away with your favorite Kenny G CD (and YES... I take it everywhere!!)

      But the Basilica is cool, the views of the city are great, and the singers on the sidewalk that get the crowd to join in just makes you smile. We don't tip those guys though. Heck, we are doing half the work. 😉

      Then Jen says, let's go see.... something.... I don't remember. We look at the maps and it's like a 30 minute subway ride. But we don't want to keep whizzing by the city underground. So we decide to take a bus... but there are "disagreements" about which bus to take and where the stop is. So "someone" suggests.... LET'S WALK IT!!

      And that is where our day turns. The idea is great. We knew the general direction... south and to the east... (I guess I could have just said South East but I get paid by the word). So I tell Jenny, put your phone away dear.... I got this.

      So we started walking... and we walked and walked and walked. We saw amazing streets and cool buildings and some arches I never heard of. And Jenny gets a bit... uh... "twitchy" when she doesn't quite know where she is... so that was a bit entertaining too. In the end, I got us to the neighborhood she wanted and it only took us like 2 hours... of straight walking.

      In the end, we got to Place Des Vosges. It is a famous Palace sort of thing that many rich people like Victor Hugo lived at with a courtyard for doing duels.... that kind of thing. We just finally laid on the grass for awhile soaking up the ambiance.

      As you lay down in a historical place, many thoughts come unbidden into your mind. What is the legacy I will leave? Is there anything I am doing that will leave such permanency?...

      Then it started to thundershower so I thought, how do get home without dying....

      And so that pretty much ended the day. We had plans to go out but the constant threat of thundershowers kept us in. So it was a long day but in the end, we truely did find more enjoyment in the journey than in the destination.... SEE WHAT I DID THERE?? THAT IS STORY TELLING!!!

      And now we are prepping for a big day tomorrow at Versailles. Should be a good one. Thanks for sharing this journey with us.
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    • Dia 2

      Boutique Pop-up

      21 de março de 2023, França ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Mislila sem, da sem našla ful kulski thrift store, vendar je bil v resnici nekakšen fancy šmency boutique pop up store, kjer so cene plavale tam gor med oblaki 🙊💸.
      Safe to say da nisem ravno nakupovala, je bilo pa luštno za pogledat.Leia mais

    • Dia 3

      Bike tour

      6 de junho de 2023, França ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C


      Today we did the bike tour. Here is what I realized
      1. I am a lot worse at biking than I thought
      2. Black pants are the worst thing you can wear in 80 degree weather
      3. Europe is much more bike-friendly than America, but cars still won’t stop for you
      4. Irish accents are awesome

      Besides that, I also realized (like we’re told in our class) that not everything is as it seems. I was really fascinated by these old homes in one of the squares we stopped at, and our guide told us we could peak into their garden if we wanted. Firstly, the “garden” was just grass, albeit beautiful. Secondly, there was another entire house behind the actual home. What?? I was even more shocked when I learned that this was just a guest house for friends of the resident. So cool.

      Anyways, there is always more than meets the eye!

      Au revoir!
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    • Dia 85

      Catching our Breath (& Visits)

      28 de junho de 2023, França ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      It was a more low key day, starting with a big sleep in for Claire after a late night. After Claude's departure back to Savoie the previous day, we had new "roommates" - her daughter Clemence's mother and father in law Samia and Jean-Yves, who were in Paris for medical visits from their home in Tunis. We enjoyed chatting with them over breakfast and learned more about life in Tunisia, as they moved there after retiring from their medical careers in Paris, and Samia grew up there. We made a trip to Decathlon to figure out bike boxes, prioritized a nap for Claire, then headed back out on the bikes to the Marais and Bastille districts. We met up with Gisèle's daughter Dominique, her partner Clodagh and son Cody (22 months old) for a drink on the terrace of a brasserie. We caught up on our lives, since it had been ages since Holly and Dominique had last seen each other, and Claire sang Cody songs to entertain him - it was a super nice little visit! We had a simple Greek-inspired dinner along Rue de la Roquette, then headed home for an earlier bedtime.Leia mais

    • Dia 5

      Ordinary Morning Routine

      1 de agosto de 2023, França ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Just an ordinary morning for Breanna on her way to work! We took the Sully exit off the subway line ("The Metro") and walked a bit to Café Hugo. I had the café allongés, and Bree and Jason had espressos. These pics are simply the view along the way. Included are Maison de Victor Hugo, Place des Vosges, and a few art galleries.Leia mais

    • Dia 45

      France, Paris

      22 de julho de 2017, França ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Well here we are in Paris again. We love Paris. We travelled up from Brittany by train yesterday, everything worked well. We got the car dropped off and caught the train to Paris, all without a hitch. Had a bit of an explore last night around where we are staying in the Marais district and familiarised ourselves with the area then dinner at a lovely little restaurant in the Place de Vosges where we both had the duck. This morning we wandered over to the Musee Picasso for a look. We both discussed whether we had been there last trip but it turned out that we hadn't as it was closed for reno's last time. Great museum really enjoyed our visit. There was a major exhibition on his first wife Olga that was very interesting. We then went for a stroll up to Sacre Couer. We must be getting a bit tired as we took the funicular up and then went on one of those little tourist trains for a trip around Montmartre. Turned out that it was a good way to see Montmartre in the end. Headed back to the hotel to catch the time trial in the Tour de France. Time to head out for a drink and dinner .Leia mais

    • Dia 47

      France, Paris

      24 de julho de 2017, França ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      A big day today, the highlight of Roge's holiday. We've got tickets for the finish line at the Tour de France. We haven't actually picked up the tickets yet and Roge is getting just a little anxious. The guy who has the tickets hasn't contacted him yet but I'm pretty sure it'll work out....we have a few hours yet to go. We have wandered around the corner to a cafe for breakfast. I think this'll be our "go too" place for brekkie for the next 3 days as it's pretty good and not badly priced. We had forgotten how expensive Paris is. To kill a bit of time we walked to the "Conciergerie" a Royal Residence and prison dating from the 6th century but having had a number of additions along the way. This building is right by the river and a place we have walked past many times before and not noticed. I have to say it is one of the most interesting places we've visited in Paris, and not just because it's not all Louis XVI' lavishness. It was used as as a small prison during the time of the revolution. It's where Marie Antoinette came to have her head removed. In one small room there was a basket of hair and some shears - apparently prisoners had their hair cut so as not to impede the blade of the guillotine. You really can't begin to imagine how bad these places must have been. At last! We have a rendezvous to pick up the tickets! Yay! We'd had to jump on a train and head to Port Maillot quite a few stops away. We'll walk to the Champs Élysées from there. The security for this event became apparent pretty early on - 3 or 4 stations either side of the Champs Élysées were closed - our train expressed right through, luckily we didn't need to get off at any of them. We picked the tickets up without a hitch and made our way the finish line. It took us quite a while to find the way in to the restricted area - so many police, so many big guns. Once in we were in a pretty ritzy area with only two hundred people. Plenty of gorgeous food available all day and an open bar....cocktail at 6 was fantastic, best Mojitos!!! Could easily be my new summer drink. We had great spots right on the barrier and directly opposite a big screen and right on the finish and so close to all the action and excitement- perfect. It was an absolutely fantastic event. Check out the pic's!!!Leia mais

    • Dia 47

      France, Chateau Maintenon

      24 de julho de 2017, França ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Our 2nd last day in Paris, in fact, our second last day of holidays. I feel as though it's time to start heading home. Some time ago I had been searching the 'net for lesser known and visited places around Paris. Fortunately I came across the Chateau Maintenon. It's located out of Paris so we caught a regional train to travel the hour it took us to get there. We're not early starters, so headed off about 10.30 as we had to get 2 different trains to get to Montparnasse station. The Chateau is easily walkable from the station and is located in the little village that goes by the same name.The Chateau's first structures were built in the 13th century and added in successive centuries, but it is particularly known for two things: it was the home of Louis XIV's governess of his illegitimate children, then she became his mistress and then his wife in a secret marriage. The second thing it is known for is the amazing aqueducts that were intended to bring water to the Palace of Versailles some 80k's away. The aqueducts look spectacular and construction started in 1685. However they were never completed as money began to dry up (did you see what I did there?). The Chateau commands an imposing view regardless from which ever direction you look - it still has a functioning moat and canals and the most amazing partere garden first designed in 1676 by the famous French landscape gardener Andre Le Notre (who also designed Versailles gardens). The inside is typical Chateau, incredibly interesting particularly some very old fabric painted wall papers that have been retained and restored. It has none of the over the top glitz of Versailles, which makes it more like a liveable home.we had lunch at a local cafe in the village, and got the train back. This is definitely one of the best Chateaux we have visited, absolutely loved it and the fact that there were only 6 other people there confirms my view that it's worth looking for the not so touristy attractions. We pretty much had the place to ourselves.Leia mais

    • Dia 4

      Paris home

      9 de setembro de 2015, França ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      We made it and managed a pretty full day in Paris. Can't say that we aren't totally stuffed, because we are, but it was too nice a day to let slide. Our little apartment is very nice and in a great spot. Looking forward to the week.Leia mais

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