Pont du Loc

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    • Day 11


      August 20 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nachdem es in Vannes keinen einzigen freien Parkplatz mehr gab, weder für PKW und erst recht nicht für Wohnmobile, versuchten wir unser Glück erfolgreicher in Auray:…

      Ein geschichtsträchtiger und vor allem sehr schöner Ort. Aber total überlaufen, er zählt halt zu den beliebtesten Zielen der südl. Bretagne.
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    • Day 16


      July 21, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Y como no podía ser de otra manera, que a mí cuando se me encabezona algo no paro hasta conseguirlo (a qué sí?) 😅, por la tarde nos fuimos de paseo a 'ese lugar que tenía que ver de noche...' 🌠
      Cenamos en un coqueto Café (por cierto, muy, muy bien) y luego nos dimos un paseito hasta el Port Saint-Goustan para ver el Anochecer.
      Si con la luz del ☀️ este sitio es precioso, sin ella, es realmente mágico.
      Agradecida por estar aquí y ahora, con ella (que es mi Todo 👧🏽🩷) y con él (mi compañero de vida 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽).
      -Yo, a este lugar volveré- me dije a mí misma...🙏🏻
      Á bientôt, Auray! ❤️
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    • Day 11


      June 19, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Auray, Port de Saint-Goustan, Bretagne

      Wieder besuchen wir die Stadt Auray, es ist Montag Markttag, überall geschäftiges Treiben.

      Auray befindet sich zwischen
      Vannes und Lorient, nahe am Golfe von Morbihan, an den Ufern des Flusses Loc’h.
      Im 13. Jahrhundert bauten hier Herzöge  eine Brücke, einen Hafen und eine Burg.
      So entstanden dann zwei Stadtteile der Hafen Port de Saint-Goustan
      malerisch am Fluss Auray gelegen und die Oberstadt Auray.

      Man kann die mittelalterliche Architektur bewundern, in
      Gemäldegalerien schmöckern und riesige Hortensienstöcke begegnen.

      Meine Empfehlung:
      Von der Place de la République
      die Rue du Belvédère nehmen, den herrlichen Ausblick auf den Port Saint-Goustan genießen und dann über die Rue du Château, eine nette gepflasterte Gasse, die von Kunstläden gesäumt wird wieder retour gehen.
      Vorher lohnt es sich aber die Vierbogen Steinbrücke zu überqueren, schöne alte Holzschiffe Schiffe am Kai zu sehen und die steilen engen Gassen mit hübschen Fachwerkhäusern und viele Blumen zu bewundern.
      Die Straßen Saint-Sauveur und Saint-René sind einige der die schönsten.
      Samstag Sonntag ist hier viel los, viele Touristen genießen den Ort.
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    • Day 49

      Signs of the Camino

      October 8, 2017 in France ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Although I have been to France many times and have ridden and driven many thousands of kilometres all around the country, I have to admit that there is one feature that I had never noticed before. Next year I will be bringing a group 16 Ghostriders (Ghostwalkers ?) to Europe to walk the famous pilgrim trail from Roncesvalles in the Pyrenees to Santiago.

      Although this route (the so called "Spanish Camino") is the most well known version of the walk, there are in fact dozens of different routes scattered all over Europe. The word Camino simply means "The Way" and the true pilgrims started their pilgrimage from their own front door and then walked all the way to Santiago. The cathedral there is supposed to contain the body of St James and this is the reason why tens of thousands of people still complete this pilgrimage every year.

      The symbol of the Camino is the scallop shell. The radiating lines of the shell indicate that there are many possible starting points but only one destination. Scattered all over France are numerous camino paths and these are most commonly marked with brass scallop shells on the footpaths. Sometimes the way is marked with a green arrow or some other symbol.

      Because we will be completing our own "Camino" in 2018 I have been more alert to these symbols and have been amazed at how often they appear, especially near the locations of famous cathedrals or abbeys. I have attached some images as well as a map showing some of the versions of the French Camino
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    • Day 48

      Return to Auray

      October 7, 2017 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      I have to admit that the more we see of Brittany, the more we fall in love with it. After spending several days in Vannes we thought we had discovered a city that was just about perfect. Not too big and not too small and with a fantastic assortment of restaurants, tea houses, shops, parks, gardens and an amazing medieval city centre dating back to the 1500s. It was just the sort of place that we could imagine spending a year in if only we had the opportunity.

      Although we were sorry to finally leave Vannes, our train tickets and hotel had already been booked for our next stop. We packed our bags once again (why do they always seem to be getting heavier ?) and wheeled them the 1.3 km back to the railway station. We were both relieved that we seem to have settled in to a prolonged period of fine and sunny weather, so the walk was more of a pleasure than a chore.

      We arrived at the station just in time for a succession of announcements about train cancellations. It was just as well that our French has improved enough for us to now be able to understand quite a bit of what was being said. Dozens of passengers (most with luggage) started to file off the waiting train. This did not auger well for our trip. When we asked at the ticket office whether our train would be affected, we were met with a polite "je ne sais pas". We sat down in the station and waited.

      The same passengers that had filed past us some time ago filed back in the opposite direction, and then once again for good measure back outside again. It was obvious that no one had any idea what was going on. As I have said many times before, life in France is NEVER boring.

      When we finally boarded our train we were relieved to find that it was almost empty. We sat down with our luggage for the short trip to nearby Auray Le Loch. On arrival we caught a taxi to take us the 2.4 km to our hotel ( a little too far to walk with luggage). We were thrilled to find our hotel was situated right on the edge of town, in the middle of a forest. It was like being in a marvellous tree house. And that is one of the most delightful aspects of travel in Europe - you never know just what to expect of your next hotel until you are actually there.

      After dropping off our luggage we walked through the forest to the old port. If we loved Vannes, we quickly adored Auray. It is a beautiful town with a lovely city centre and a beautiful port. The streets are quiet and clean and the many city bells are a regular reminder that we really are in France.

      We had briefly visited here 4 years ago and had a rather traumatic experience when I accidentally drove our rental car right into the middle of the port (not knowing that I was driving the wrong way up a one way street). At that time I did not take much notice of the surroundings, I just wanted to escape with ourselves and the rental car intact. This time we have allowed 3 days to explore the town. We then catch the train back to Paris where we will be staying for 4 nights before the long flight back to Melbourne.
      C'est la vie.
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    • Day 20


      May 28, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Zweiter Stopp in Auray.
      Die Stadt ist durch den gleichnamigen Fluss geteilt.
      Auf der einen Seite ist die kleine aber feine Altstadt.
      Eine der beiden Kirchen hat einen Steinaltar.
      Es gab wieder Galette komplett und später einen gemütlichen Kaffee.Read more

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