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    • Day 45


      May 28, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Heute sende ich Euch ein kurzes Telegramm aus dem Wallfahrtsort Vézelay, der für mich einen strategisch wichtigen Checkpoint auf meiner Wanderung darstellt. Hier habe ich mich gestern auf dem Gemeinde-Campingplatz niedergelassen. Eigentlich hatte ich vor, noch weiter zu wandern, aber es war gestern schon sehr warm und meine Klamotten und ich bedurften dringend einer Dusche.
      Gestern folgte ich noch für geraume Zeit einem wunderschönen Pfad am Ufer der Cure. Unter anderem kam ich dabei an den Höhlen von Saint-Moré vorbei. Als ich den kühlen Schatten eines dieser Gewölbe suchte, umflatterten mich sogleich einige relativ große Fledermäuse. Da wollte ich natürlich nicht länger stören.
      Leider traf ich erst recht spät in Vézelay ein, weshalb ich mir von dem, auch bei Touristen beliebten Ort, gar nicht so viel anschauen konnte.
      In Vézelay muss sich der Wanderer zwischen zwei verschiedenen Routen entscheiden, die sich erst wieder in Gargilesse vereinigen werden. -Eine Nordroute über Bourges, die den Charme besitzt, an zwei Decathlon-Filialen vorbei zu führen. Und die Südroute über Nevers, die wenige Kilometer länger ist. Ich habe mich für Letztere entschieden, da sie zumindest laut Karte mehr natürliche Wasserquellen bietet. Ein Re-Supply mit neuen Schuhen wird mir hoffentlich in Nevers gelingen. Ihr werdet's erfahren.
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    • Day 10


      October 11, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Da dachte die katholische Kirche vor 1000 Jahren sie hätten die Knochen von Maria Magdalena geschnappt und bauten hier eine gigantische Reliqiuenindustrie auf. Doch dann meldeten sich die Konkurrenten aus der Provence und behaupteten sie hätten die echten Knochen. Der Papst gab den Provinzialen recht und Vézelay lag darnieder. Scheiss Knochen Business.Read more

    • Day 32


      June 3 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nach ein paar ruhigen Tagen wurde umgepackt und das Auto für Camping gerüstet. Schon nach dem Start wurde umgeplant: Wir machen einen Abstecher in das Pilger Bergdorf Vézelay. Die Basilika sehr berühmt und besonders sehenswert. Eine Besuch in der Krypta zwingt einem auch über die Statik des Bauwerkes nachzudenken. Ich bin auf jeden Fall nur kurz unten geblieben.Read more

    • Day 3


      June 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      After picking up our rental car we were off! Slightly jittery and nervous driving on the wrong side of the road, but we made it out of Paris! Our first stop was fontainebleau, a beautiful 1100s castle. We had another small picnic in the gardens, before heading off.

      The next port of call, was a quaint and beautiful little winery in the hills called Domaine la croix montjoie. A beautiful back drop for a family run winery, we had a small wine tasting and then headed up to Vezelay

      Vezelay is set atop of a massive hill and centred around a cathedral. We were fortunate enough to be seated when a traditional service was going on, which included French hymns being sung. It was absolutely breathtaking. Our accommodation was cute and perfect for the night.
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    • Day 74

      68. Etappe: Vezelay

      September 14, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Das nächste große Etappenziel ist erreicht 🎉
      Der Weg war heut sehr schön, es ging viel durch Wald und die Sonne kam von Stunde zu Stunde mehr durch. Trotz des späten Starts heut morgen, bin ich gut durchgekommen und habe jetzt schon mein Nachtlager aufgeschlagen. 😊 Ab jetzt gibt es auch häufiger Pilgerherbergen, in denen ich nicht alleine schlafe. Heute wird die erste Nacht im Frauenschlafsaal, da bin ich mal gespannt, wie gut ich schlafen kann 😅
      Und heute habe ich auch Hans und Ellis wieder getroffen. Die beiden sind eine Stunde vor mir angekommen und bekommen sogar ein Zimmer für Ehepaare. 😊
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    • Day 31

      A little addition

      August 29, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We have now had dinner, and a few small things to add. Amr did have his tête de boeuf and I had a salade de Bourgogne- a beautiful bowl of leaves with ham, cheese, pickled onions and mushrooms, and topped with a poached egg…yum. And of course a pinot noir in glasses like ours - not Paul approved, but familiar. I finished with a crème caramel. The funny thing was that the French are inclined to bring their dogs to restaurants…in Paris this is very elegant, but tonight there were 2 dog tables. One with 2 big dogs, and another with 1 medium. The trouble started when the 2 big dogs were leaving and the 1 medium could not control himself…we were laughing to hear the owner saying “çà suffit”….anyway finally he settled down, then another came in, and sat at the table next to us…but this time it was not so much fuss…calmer vibes perhaps…. We were in the outside covered area which is very pleasant to sit in, but we were cold…maybe jet lag after 4 days, or the strange weather. It is delightfully cool, not really summery, but when the sun peeps out and it isn’t windy can get quite warm, then it gets cold again. Some people were in t-shirts and others in down jackets, so maybe it’s not just us! When we walked back we noticed a clear sky and were shivering! Tomorrow may have showers, so we will be prepared for anything. Tomorrow is day 3 of our programme, but our first walking day. We finish on day 51, and have a total of 42 days of walking - having 5 towns where we have a rest day. So tomorrow is the beginning….Read more

    • Day 31

      Peaceful Sunday in Vézelay

      August 29, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Another perfect day. Lovely breakfast at the hotel - buffet of all the good things - cheeses, prosciutto, boiled eggs, cereals, croissants, juice, coffee…this is a reasonably modest hotel, but this is probably a better breakfast than we may have at many places on our pilgrimage!

      After that good start, we went to the Picasso museum where there aren’t many actual works of his, but really a collection of Christian Zervos’ memories of him - he was a friend and admirer of Picasso and there are many letters etc …interesting. The museum is in one of the stone buildings with walls a metre thick . In fact Vézelay is just a line of these stone buildings, centuries old, occasionally there is a gap between buildings, but mostly joined. And the one main street leading up to the Basilica. I said how beautifully it has been cleaned, and will include a photo showing some side areas where it has not yet been treated and you can imagine how the whole building looked 20 years ago!

      Amr and I walked round the perimeter of the walls at least 3 times today…such a beautiful walk view in all directions. Being still the weekend there were many visitors. This reminds me a little of Conques during the last French camino, which is also a picturesque town on a hill with a magnificent basilica - and also a favourite venue for weddings! A lovely place to have a weekend getaway. One success during the morning was that Amr was able to buy a walking stick! His old one had broken and he planned to buy a new one, but rejected the opportunity in Paris saying he would get it in Vézelay…I did warn him that I didn’t think they would have pilgrim shops, and there aren’t (like St Jean Pied de Port, or even Le Puy)…but coming out of the museum this morning I spotted some in a nicknack shop just by pure luck, so he doesn’t have to start walking stick-less. It is even a collapsible one that he can pack in his bag!!

      Another funny thing to report is that in the square (not actually square) in one section there were 11 Maseratis all parked together. Quite weird…could there have been a Maserati conference?? Anyway, they have all gone now.

      After all this gentle activity we went at about 5 pm to a Cave de vins de Bourgogne and had a beautiful glass of local Pinot noir. While there we perused the instructions for walking tomorrow with slight trepidation! They sound so detailed and complicated and we hope there are markers that make these instructions superfluous…but it is all part of the adventure, and we just know that we have to be at Asnois at 3pm to have a taxi ride to our hotel which is in another town! The man at the wine Cave said that both Asnois and Clamecy (where we spend the night) are both lovely towns, as is everything round here, so we can’t go wrong really. All will be excellent! Dinner tonight at the restaurant at the inn where we stayed in 1999…Amr plans to have the tête de veau!! Details later.
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    • Day 30

      Vézelay, and Day 1 of our French Camino

      August 28, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      It was quite an adventure getting to Vézelay. We planned a 10.33 departure from Paris Bercy, which entailed a change at Auxerre to get to Sermizelles, which is the closest station to Vézelay, from where you take a taxi - 10 kms or so. So we left with plenty of time to wheel our bags to the station, stopping for breakfast at a cafe (coffee, croissant/baguette, juice). All perfect, and the train left at exactly 10.33 and we were impressed and thought “how Swiss”…then, after about an hour or more, suddenly at a station everyone seemed to get out…didn’t hear any announcement but obviously something was afoot…so we got out too and realised that everyone was moving to the front section which was the part continuing to Auxerre…so we all crammed in, with bags (it is Saturday so many people off for the weekend and having fun). Only about 15 minutes to Auxerre, and when we enquired about the train on to Avallon (via Sermizelles) found that it in fact was a bus - luckily we asked or we would have waited on the platform for ever…so we all boarded the bus which drove us through the gorgeous countryside to Sermizelles - a tiny place. There was one taxi there, which other people were hopping in, but he said he’d come back for us in 15 minutes which he did, and we finally got here!

      Booked into hotel which was expecting us, and large envelope with maps and instructions waiting in our room, plus booking at a restaurant over the square - to which we are going now, so will continue later…

      Now back from dinner, and will try to remember the whole day…but before I forget, I must add things that I forgot to say yesterday about Paris - one is that while Paris is busy it was delightfully not crowded..partly could be that Parisiens leave in August, but there were noticeably no Asian or American tourists (and we were probably the only Australian tourists!)…it was unusual hardly ever hearing any language but French, and not fighting crowds in all the popular places. And another thing is the mask situation…obviously it is mandatory to wear them inside in public areas. It would drive us crazy at home (which I think is happening now, and maybe even outside) but here we have to behave, and it is very casual (and totally tokenism)…everyone has one handy in their pocket, on their wrist, under their chin…and uses it when necessary, or borrows one when dashing inside etc….totally useless, as they are reused and reused…but seems to be part of life…so weird and totally unFrench! We are almost used to it…???

      Anyway, here we are in Vézelay on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. We were last here in May 1999…we walked up the one main street to the basilica right up on the top of the hill, and it was gleaming white - cleaned from the grey stone it had been 22 years ago and just sparkling. We soon saw many fancily dressed people congregating and realised that a wedding must be about to happen so stood with the many other (French) tourists to watch. I think the invitations must have specified to wear a flamboyant hat as it looked more so than Melbourne Cup day! After that spectacle we did some wandering, but much of that we will do tomorrow when we have the whole day. Another thing I forgot to say about yesterday was that our “wanderings” were over 17 kms, so more than our first day of real walking will good practice. Then we looked for camino signs and finally found them and feel reassured…had been slightly wondering if we would be plunged into a difficult signage situation …but hopefully not! More tomorrow as Amr is going to sleep and he promised to keep awake and read this and make sure I put everything in…oh yes, we lit a candle for Ira in the beautiful St Madeleine basilica…and we have just had a lovely first pèlerin dinner…will include photo of the entrees- a beetroot “tartare”, and poached eggs on little rounds of baguette with a sauce of meat/wine/mushroom (sort of juices of boeuf Bourguignon)…weird but delicious! And we had a carafe of Burgundy wine, not named but Paul will be glad to know that they were Paul-approved glasses!
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    • Day 30

      Further photos of Vézelay

      August 28, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Was just testing the wifi, and all seems fine - you never know in hotels, and uploading photos can be extremely slow or just not possible. So will add some of the gorgeous countryside surrounding here, and the poached eggs!Read more

    • Day 4


      July 6, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Ook vandaag naar Vélezay geweest. Is ca. 5 kwartier rijden vanaf Gigny en schijnt 1 van de oudste mooie stadjes in de Bourgogne te zijn. Het ligt op een heuvel en heeft een grote basiliek. Ook is dit 1 van de (ik dacht 3) beginpunten van de Santiago de Compostella. De route ernaar toe was prachtig!! Het stadje zelf viel ons een beetje tegen ...Noyers is mooier🙂. Maar goed...ik heb wel een kaarsje aangestoken🕯😇Read more

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    Vézelay, Vezelay

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