Breakfast and a swim in the gorgeous hotel pool this morning - sand under your feet is much nicer than tiles! We then travelled down the coast to visit the Water Gardens. Had lunch in a shady (butRead more
Breakfast and a swim in the gorgeous hotel pool this morning - sand under your feet is much nicer than tiles! We then travelled down the coast to visit the Water Gardens. Had lunch in a shady (butRead more
Had a lovely couple of days in Tahiti. Strange being back in a hotel with lots of other tourists after being in our own place though.
Rosie has loved swimming in the sandy pool and we did an awesomeRead more
The ship docked in Tahiti then left at midnight for the short trip over to Moorea where is stayed for a day and a half. We opted to stay in Tahiti in an over the water bungalow and meet the ship theRead more
Soirée Polynésienne im Hotel Intercontiental: Mittwochs und Freitags werden traditionelle (doch recht körperbetonte 😉) Tänze aufgeführt im Hotel Intercontinental mit anschließendemRead more
Die bislang Atemberaubendste Schnorcheltour.
Wunderschönes Wasser, tolle Fischarten (Kugelfisch, Entenfisch, Vogelfisch, Schmetterlingsfische... usw).
Zusätzlich noch in 8 Metern Tiefe eine alteRead more
Abends sind wir , Peter von Neuseeland und Sebastian von Deutschland ins Interconti Tahiti und haben und die Tanzvorführung angeschaut.
We spent the day in Tahiti, walked the town in the afternoon and luckily dodged the sporadic rain showers. Tonight we leave for Auckland, New Zealand! Fairwell French Polynesia ❤️
Es war schön.... nächster und letzter Stopp Auckland.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Outu Maoro
Traveler Looks like Poppy wants that sandwich! Lovely blues in your photos.
Traveler Yeah she's definitely very interested in what we're eating!
Looks stunning. [Simon]