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    • Day 12


      April 22, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Took a tour of Regensburg this morning. Had to detour around the cathedral as it was on fire. They are having a local beer festival in the market square today. The city is 2000 years old (Roman) and the bridge 1000 years old.Read more

    • Day 11

      Walking tour

      March 21 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Sights around Regensburg. The plaque is a stone commemorating a person executed by the Nazis. There are more than a few.

      Oscar Schindler and wife spent a year after the war living in Regensburg. They then relocated to Israel.Read more

    • Day 3

      W obozie Marka Aureliusza

      July 25, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      A w zasadzie spotkanie ze wspomnieniami po Marku Aureliuszu.
      Zupełnie poza planem, zainspirowani zdjęciami z Wikipedii, decydujemy się zawinąć do Regensburga, który, jak się okazuje, jest jednym z największych zachowanych średniowiecznych miast, z 1500 autentycznymi budynkami i statusem dziedzictwa UNESCO.
      Na początek (oczywiście!!) restauracja, tym razem włoska, z pizzą o średnicy ponad pół metra, która została zaakceptowana jako "porządne włoskie jedzenie w Niemczech" przez naszego lokalnego znawcę. Ale i tak podobno ranking słabszy, niż porządne niemieckie jedzenie....
      Upał niestety nadal obezwładnia, na szczęście zabytkowe uliczki są na tyle wąskie, że zapewniają cień. Regensburg nie rozczarowuje, kamieniczki nie tylko zabytkowe, ale starannie odnowione. Jest i panorama ze starego kamiennego mostu (AD circa 1200, nazwany zgodnie ze słynnym niemieckim polotem i rozmachem "Stary Kamienny Most"), i koncert na wiolonczelę i pianino, i Dunaj, odpowiednio majestatyczny.
      A na dodatek, poniekad zgodnie z tematem naszej wyprawy, ślady imperium - brama ustawiona za czasów Marka Aureliusza, prowadząca do obozu jednego z legionów Armii rzymskiej, datowana na AD 179. I zgodnie z przysłowiowym niemieckim pragmatyzmem, wkomponowana w bardziej współczesne mury.
      Zdecydowanie warto odwiedzić - najlepiej w ramach wyprawy z biegiem Dunaju po stolicach europejskich. Regensburg stolicą państwa co prawda nie jest, ale był pierwszą stolicą Bawarii, a do tego podpisano tu rozwiązanie Cesarstwa Rzymskiego Narodu Niemieckiego, więc status ma zdecydowanie wystarczająco historyczny.
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    • Day 2

      Ganzer Tag in Regensburg

      April 8, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Am frühen Morgen gab es ein waschechstes bayrisches Frühstück im weltbekannten Hofbräuhaus: Weisswürste mit Brezel 🥨 und süssem Senf. Nun, jeder nach seinem Geschmack. Für uns als Nicht-Bayer doch eher gewöhnungsbedürftig. Die Altstadt Regensburgs ist UNESCO-Welterbe. Dies weil die Altstadt als einige der wenigen im 2. Weltkrieg quasi verschont wurde. Die farbigen Gebäude und die engen Gässchen haben dabei einen besonderen Charme. Das Goliathhaus mit einer Zeichnung der Sage stammt aus 1230. Die Porta Praetoria ist sogar 1000 Jahre älter. Die steinerne Brücke aus ca. 1146 gilt als älteste noch erhaltene Brücke Deutschlands. Die Historische Wurstlküche bedient seit 500 Jahren am gleichen Ort hungrige Mäuler. Auch wir wollten uns hier verpflegen, doch die Schlange 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♂️ war den ganzen Tag lang. Auch ein Besuch im Dom durfte nicht fehlen, noch nie habe ich eine Kirche ⛪ besucht die im Innern derart dunkel ist. Nach der Sightseeing-Tour ging es am Abend wieder ins Wirtshaus, dieses Mal von Hacker-Pschorr 🍺.Read more

    • Day 53

      On The Danube

      May 18, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today dawned with sunshine and a promising full breakfast.
      We enjoyed a stroll into town and sought out more sights.

      Because of the city´s unique status as "the only authentically preserved large medieval city in Germany", the Old Town Regensburg (with Stadtamhof) was announced as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006.

      Just before the Stone Bridge is an interesting free ‘museum’ explaining a lot about the history of the town.
      Outside, we declined the option to join a huge queue for the Wurst Kuche: the oldest sausage stand/ restaurant in the whole WORLD, but once you’ve had one sausage..,,

      Instead, we decided that after seeing the Danube in Budapest, Ruse and Vienna, & passing over it on trains on countless occasions, it was high time we went on a boat for a cheeky trip.
      On the way, a nice ice cream from Aamu, & a short browse in the Bavarian Museum.

      On board our HMS Titanic (MS Strudelfahrt or similar 👀), we cruised around the island….well, up to the point where we met the lock, turned round, & went back 🤷‍♂️
      A pleasant way to spend an hour.

      From there we went hunting the Golden Church - Kollegiatstift unserer Lieben Frau zur alten Kapelle. A relatively plain exterior opens up to reveal incredibly ornate gold leaf on all interior fittings.
      It is said that Regensburg has a church for every day of the year. The Gold one and The Cathedral are the most impressive to see!

      Beer was sought in the beautiful courtyard of the classic Bischofshof am Dom. Originally the home of, yes, the Bishop, it now serves patrons food and ale. Friendly staff, nice beers, and great entertainment when a drunk older German fella next to us suddenly fell backwards on his chair….yet kept his ¾ full tankard of ale from spilling a drop: Bravo Sir🍻

      Checked out Europe’s only Master Hat Maker round the corner: sadly, the Johnny Depp hat they had previously on show was gone, but a fine display nonetheless…. Thankfully it was closed on this Ascension Day, otherwise I might have been tempted: a snip at €280 😱

      The Blue Moon Boys were setting up in a Theatre courtyard, along with the stylish “Holiday” motor 💪

      By now, after a exploring a few more alleyways, we felt we had done the place. We headed back via a grand brewing ale house, Brauhaus am Schloss. Fairly quiet when we arrived, and beautifully appointed inside, but by the time our food came out, it felt like two coaches of elderly Germans had arrived to sample the beers: nice!

      Finally, the walk home for an early night: busy day tomorrow 👍
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    • Day 19

      Regensberg, Bavaria

      November 1, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      The fourth largest city in Bavaria, Regensburg has its roots as an Imperial Roman river fortress dating from 179 AD.

      The Stone Bridge across the Danube was built at Regensburg. This bridge opened major international trade routes between northern Europe and Venice. The stone bridge, built 1135–1146, is a highlight of medieval bridge building. The knights of the 2nd and 3rd crusades used it to cross the Danube on their way to the Holy Land.Read more

    • Day 11

      Iconic bridge, Cathedral & Sausages

      March 21 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      The stone bridge is from the 1200,s, the Cathedral and its gothic style from 1320, and the kitchen we get a peek of is as old as the bridge. We were informed by our guide that a traditional Bavarian breakfast would be sausage and beer. Just saying.Read more

    • Day 7

      Regensburg, Germany

      May 25, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Found our way to Regensburg, Germany. The town has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, featuring a massive stone bridge built in the 12th century, an awe-inspiring gothic cathedral, and beautiful medieval architecture.Read more

    • Day 13


      September 10, 2019 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 55 °F

      Nobody wants to hear this, but I nearly had a very bad crash today. Literally one mile from the city, my handlebar bolts loosened and I spent a terrifying five seconds or so imagining how terribly this was going to hurt and how hopefully I didn't die, but surviving a crash like this seemed pretty inconvenient, too, and there was just no good way out, and I hoped no one would be put off from cycling forever because of this, etc.

      Luckily, I lost a lot of momentum at the bottom and was able to brake enough to coast to a stop without falling. One of the bolts was stripped, but I tightened the rest enough to get me to my hostel. It should be an easy replacement.

      It was a very stressful end to a rough several days.

      I decided to take a day off to re-evaluate my trip (my initial 80-miles-a-day plan was a bit ambitious given the weather and the climbing....have I mentioned the climbing?), work on my bike, hydrate, figure out the rest of my route, do some laundry, catch up on these posts so no one worries I've crashed my bike (only almost), clear my head, you know, "rest." I wasn't scheduled to do all of this until Friday, but I think it's time.

      Anyway, Regensburg was one of the cities I was most looking forward to visiting, so I am not disappointed to have to spend a little extra time here.
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    • Day 2

      Tag 2. Regensburg

      August 8, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Tja, weit haben wir es heute nicht gebracht, aber wie sagt Steph so schön, der Weg ist das Ziel.
      Nach einem sehr leckeren, aber mit einer Wespenplage durchzogenen Frühstück fuhren wir in Richtung Regensburg, wo mir Steph noch Walhalla zeigen möchte. Dort angekommen bin ich total fasziniert von dem Gebäude und das Ludwig der I. denen zu Ehre es gebaut hat die sich um das deutsche Vaterland verdient gemacht haben.
      Danach sind wir durch Regensburg gelaufen, haben den Dom angesehen, die besten „Nürnberger“ Bratwürste mit Sauerkraut und einem Hammer-Senf der einen leichten Zimtgeschmack hatte gegessen, direkt nennen der steinernen Brücke, die rüber zu einer Donauhalbinsel führt, auf der auch unser Hotel für die Nacht liegt.
      Mal schauen wohin es uns morgen verschlägt. 🤩😉😍
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kreisfreie Stadt Regensburg, Regensburg, Ratisbonne

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