We left our friends in Nuremberg and headed south to Regensburg, a Bavarian town on the Danube River. The river was flooded, probably due to snow melt from the big storms they had a couple weeksRead more
We left our friends in Nuremberg and headed south to Regensburg, a Bavarian town on the Danube River. The river was flooded, probably due to snow melt from the big storms they had a couple weeksRead more
Bei sehr kühlen Temperaturen radeln wir los. Immer wieder sehen wir die Donau. Der Radverkehr ist viel geringer als am gestrigen Sonntag. Die erste kurze Pause machen wir am schönen Stadtplatz vomRead more
The Dom (Cathedral) is regarded as the main work of Gothic architecture in Bavaria. It was founded in 1275 and completed in 1634, with the exception of the towers, which were finished in 1869. TheRead more
Angekommen an unserem Übernachtungsziel 🛏️ für die nächsten zwei Nächte. Kaum eingecheckt gab es vom Hotel ein Bier 🍻 aufs Haus. Auf das bayrische Bier 🍺 freuten wir uns schon denRead more
Probably our favourite place so far (and yes we’ve said this a fair few times on this trip). Regensburg is a vibrant university city, which had a stunning old town and plenty of vibrant history.Read more
It’s time to pack up the bags. We were headed for the Holy Land and God placed us on another path. It was different path for sure, but it was a path with opportunities and lessons and a lot of JoyRead more
Sights around Regensburg. The plaque is a stone commemorating a person executed by the Nazis. There are more than a few.
Oscar Schindler and wife spent a year after the war living in Regensburg.Read more
Après avoir passé quelques jours dans un village de hippies (j'aurais bien mis une empreinte mais j'ai donné ma parole de ne pas dévoiler l'endroit sur les réseaux), je quitte finalement Munich,Read more
We went with Heather and Don to get the special sausages and beer they make here. A dining companion next to us was a German man and his wife who work for Siemens and visit Myrtle Beach each year. AtRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Regensburg Dom
Traveler 😂😂😂😂
Traveler Made my day!!🙏♥️