Landkreis Ebersberg

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    • Day 47

      Day 47 - Massacre Scenes

      September 19, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      It wasn’t until 10am that we were up & checking out of the hotel. We returned to our car & set off to visit some sights around Munich that were too far to see on foot.

      First up we drove to the Bavariaring, the road that circles the massive empty concrete blob of ground in the western side of the city that is the official venue for Oktoberfest. We parked up & saw lots of police vans cruising around & small groups of men walking about. Today was supposed to be the first day of Oktoberfest 2020 & should have been full of huge beer tents & funfairs. Some people obviously thought they would attend anyway.

      Oktoberfest 2020 was supposed to have run from the 19th September to 4th October, but had been cancelled due Covid-19. It also explained why we saw a lot of people dressed in the traditional Bavarian outfits of lederhosen & dirndlkleid.

      We then drove a few miles to the south of the city to the home of Bayern Munich FC, where they have their training ground & club shop. There was a lot of activity with 2 club coaches outside, a Sky TV van & lots of fans. We were able to park up & take a few photos.

      We next headed to Schlosspark Nymphenburg, where the Nymphenburg Palace sits in expansive landscaped gardens about 4 miles to the west of the city. It was refreshing to discover that we were able to park free of charge. Nymphenburg Palace is one of the largest royal palaces in Europe, which is open to the public for a fee, but we decided to walk the free 299 hectare gardens with it’s sculptures & picturesque lakes. It was a very pleasant couple of hours in the warm sun.

      The next destination was the Olympic Park, scene of the 1972 summer Olympics, particularly infamous for an attack by eight members of the Palestinian terrorist group Black September, who took nine members of the Israeli Olympic team hostage, after killing two of them previously, and killing them along with a West German police officer. It didn’t end well.

      We got to the outskirts of the Olympic Park but our onward movement was impeded by barriers. We drove round trying to find a suitable place to stop, but all potential parking spaces were filled by families visiting a funfair on the site. We abandoned this idea & hunted down a Hofpfisterie or other bakery as we were now starving. We bought two lamb pies & a Danish pastry.

      We then headed north out of the city, stopping to photo the Allianz Arena, Bayern Munich’s 75,000 seater stadium since 2005 & home of Friday night’s massacre.

      From one massacre, we drove a further 10 miles north to Dachau Concentration Camp, the first Nazi Concentration Camp of it’s kind. It opened on the 22nd March 1933, shortly after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor & was originally built to house political prisoner. It became the longest running Nazi Concentration Camp & was finally liberated by US troops on 29th April 1945. Records show that during the period there was an intake of 206,206 prisoners and deaths of 31,951. The Camp was designed for 6,000 prisoners, but by the end 30,000 prisoners were crammed into it.

      The camp was also the SS Training Centre & the regime was a model for all other Nazi Concentration Camps. The camp was a work camp, but the weak & disabled were exterminated in the crematorium. Hideous experiments were conducted on the detainees to test human tolerance, including hypothermia & drinking solely salt water which were tests for the Luftwaffe pilots.

      We walked through the informative museum in the main building, then went out to walk amongst the prisoners barracks, two of which were still standing. We visited the memorial site and then took a walk through the crematorium, which was capable of being used as a gas chamber.

      At 5.00pm sharp, Das Fuhrer appeared & chillingly informed us that we needed to leave as it got cold at night with the gates locked. We think it was his attempt at German humour!

      Back at the car, we selected our accommodation for the night & drove to a very basic, but satisfactory hotel in a industrial area of Parsdorf to the east of Munich. I got told off for momentarily removing my mask from the officious receptionist.

      That evening we walked half a mile to a Bavarian restaurant & had a fantastic meal of pork & dumplings & pork schnitzel & chips. It was excellent, certainly one of the best meals of our entire trip.

      Song of the Day : Ghosts of Dachau (“Dachau Was A Nazi Concentration Camp, The Scene Of Mass Murders”) by The Style Council.
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    • Day 1

      Anflug auf Catania

      December 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Der Anflug macht noch eine idyllischen Eindruck, wenn wir da schon geahnt hätten, was uns in der Stadt erwartet….🥳🤯

    • Day 12

      Auf Wiedersehen, München

      June 28, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      隔天早上與房東妻子擁抱後匆匆告別Kirchseeon 小鎮、告別慕尼黑、告別德國,在這居住的這三日成為我這趟旅行最難忘的並評價最高的居住地點,房東夫妻倆真的是好體貼,人又 nice。以為在德國五天了,結果居然才整整三天,真的好想再來德國,這裡太宜居了!而德國也成為這次旅行中最愛的國家!

      Auf Wiedersehen, München
      Auf Wiedersehen, Germany
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    • Day 9–10

      The fifth stop : München

      June 25, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      - The fifth stop : München -

      一日科隆後接著搭車到慕尼黑,科隆到慕尼黑有點遠,大約 5 個多小時車程。到慕尼黑中央車站後必須轉 S-Bahn 到 Kirchseeon,約 30 分鐘。當時因為不知道要搭哪條線便問了警察,警察很好心地拿出本子,仔細地告訴我們在這個地方等待S4車就可以了!,又令人感動不已。

      住!!超!!好!! 屋內整理得超有質感!!!!
      這一天印象之的很深刻。一抵達後,房東與房東妻子正在用餐便邀請我們一起,第一次吃到德國人吃的食物,簡單的麵包,看你要夾什麼,起司、奶油、肉片、果醬。雖然跟一般西式餐點差不多,但我記得那頓餐感覺一點也不普通,感覺很德國。房東更邀請我一起看歐洲盃(葡萄牙和克羅埃西亞),還有喝啤酒和果汁。房東妻子是克羅埃西亞人,當我在看比賽時還問我喜不喜歡 C 羅,我還回說我沒有非常喜歡,但是很多女生都喜歡!總之這一天聊很多。結束後我們便休息準備隔天早上的慕尼黑一日遊。

      早上出門前發現原來我們住在這麼清幽的地方,這裡是離慕尼黑市區大約 22 公里遠的小鎮。晚上早上都沒有吵雜聲,居住品質實在很優。
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    • Day 7

      Markt Schwaben

      October 6 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      "Kurz" zurück nach Deutschland für einen Zwischenstopp in Markt Schwaben beim Kreitmayerhof. Von hier aus kann ich die nächsten Ziele (Abendessen in Zürich, Arbeiten in Weikersheim und Weiterfahrt nach Assisi) am einfachsten per Bahn erreichen und der LT steht während meiner Abwesenheit "unter Aufsicht".
      So zumindest der Plan... leider hat eine fiese Erkältung dafür gesorgt, daß ich das Abendessen in Zürich absagen mußte. Hatte mich so darauf gefreut, Nadja mal wieder zu treffen. Immerhin bin ich wieder fit für die Arbeit und kann die Kollegen in Weikersheim treffen und die Übergabe meiner Stelle organisieren.
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    • Gogo powerRAINgers

      September 5, 2019 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Jeremy Clarkson would call it a Very Wet Track. Temperature is dropping, rain is falling and clothes are soaked.

    • Our Charity Challenge 🦌

      March 4 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Wir sammeln für die Rehkitzrettung Mangfalltal e.V.

      Wir retten Rehkitze vor dem Mähtod!

      Wir sind auf der Suche nach Unterstützern und Spendern. Seit 2020 sind wir im Bereich des Mangfalltals zur Absuche von Wiesenflächen mittels Wärmebilddrohnen unterwegs. Aktuell beläuft sich unsere Mitgliederzahl auf rund 80 Retter/innen. Wir würden uns über deine Unterstützung freuen! Die benötigte Drohnentechnik ist sehr teuer und beläuft sich pro Drohne auf ca. 7.000 €. Hierfür sind wir auf Spendengelder angewiesen. Der Ausbau des Projektes liegt uns sehr am Herzen.…
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    • Day 1

      Hermannsdorfer Landwerkstätten

      June 2, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wunderschöner Hof mit vielen Tieren und Bioprodukten.
      Das Restaurant am Hof ist eher gehoben. Wir haben uns einen wahnsinnig leckeren Kaiserschmarrn geteilt.
      Wir haben Hildegard (Juna: DER HIldegard) kennengelernt. Eine sehr zutraulich und lustige Ziege.Read more

    • Tag 6: München

      February 23, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Von unserem Waldstück bei Sulzemoos ging es weiter Richtung München. Durch die gut strukturierten Fahrradwege kamen wie problemlos in die Innenstadt, die wir gemütlich mit dem Rad durchrollten.
      Nachdem wir im Decathlon keine Gaskartusche bekommen konnten, nutzten wir die Gelegenheit und schauten noch im Globetrotter vorbei. Da bekamen wir tatsächlich auch eine.
      Nach einem Mittagessen an der Isar (die Schokoriegel hatten es vorher aber nicht an Lukas vorbei geschafft ;) ) fuhren wir aus der Stadt heraus. Da wir etwas ausgekühlt waren von unserem Essen am kühlen Fluss ging das mit erstaunlicher Geschwindigkeit :D

      Bei Neuhausen fanden wir dann etwas erschwert ein schönes Stückchen Wald. Obwohl wir von Regen verschont blieben, war die Gegend um Neuhausen doch etwas feucht und so war auch der Weg zu unserem Zeltplatz nicht ganz so leicht zu erreichen, über den etwas matschigen Waldweg.
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