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Top 10 Travel Destinations Mainz
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    • Day 2

      A most frustrating travel day!

      August 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Oh my! What a day! My flight from DC arriving 2 hours late really threw a wrench in my plans. I’d intended to go to Heidelberg today, but I just didn’t have enough time. So, I bought a ticket to go into Frankfurt - but the Germans aren’t big on multi-lingual signage, so I got on the wrong train. I ended up in Mainz, the home of Johannes Gutenberg. I toured the cathedral and the Gutenberg-Museum. With a lot of difficulty in buying a return train ticket (even the Germans were having trouble with the machines!), I made it back to the airport following a train delay. My flight from Frankfurt to Paris boarded on time, but apparently thanks to late arriving luggage we left about 45 minutes late. The AC kept turning off and the plane was full of kids and people with an averse reaction to deodorant. For two hours done kid kicked the back of my seat while others screamed at the top of their lungs. Due to the late arrival, I missed the last train from CDG to Reims. So now I had to find a different method to get to Gare de l’Est and then to Reims. The bus just never came - so I called an Uber - despite the 50€ price tag. We got caught in awful traffic, and it looked like I wouldn’t make my 8:58 pm train. But Uber Steve drove like hell and got me there with 8 minutes to spare. My platform was the next to last, of course. Fortunate, the train (like everything else over the last 2 days!) was delayed, so a bit of breathing room. I’m on my way to Reims now - late, tired, stressed. But I’m going to make it at least! Sipping champagne tomorrowRead more

    • Day 32

      We enter the Rhine.

      May 23 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      It’s been a quiet couple of days with mainly cruising.
      But now we are in the Rhine, the river of castles, 20 or so? Let’s see how many pics I get?
      A monastery handed over by the Hapsburgs in exchange for wine.
      We tried local brandy.
      Klopp castle
      Mouse tower
      Rheinstein castle
      Katz castle
      Sooneck castle
      Maus castle
      The Lorelei
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    • Day 11


      July 4, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Tuesday has been the highlight of the trip, so far! Wandering through Mainz, amazing Italian food, lots of German wine, and making new friends!

      I will just add a few more pics for your viewing pleasure. BTW, that is a Camino shell in picture #4 (Jacobsweg)!Read more

    • Day 5

      Kurzausflug nach Mainz

      December 12, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Aufgrund des stark ansteigenden Hochwassers konnte die MS Thurgau Prestige nicht wie geplant nach Mainz fahren und ist in Rüdesheim liegen geblieben. Mit dem Bus konnten wir aber die Domstadt Mainz besuchen. Shopping, Weihnachtsmarkt und Sightseeing stand auf dem Plan. In allem waren wir sehr erfolgreich. ☺️ Damit wir etwas länger in der Stadt verweilen konnten, sind wir am späteren Nachmittag selbstständig mit dem Zug zurück mach Rüdesheim gereist.Read more

    • Day 11

      Germany: Mainz and Bechtolstein

      July 4, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F


      We both think this will end up being one of our favorite days of the trip. Steve drove us to the city of Mainz to visit beautiful churches and have a really delicious Italian lunch. Then we walked from his village of Gau-Odernheim to Bechtolstein, the next village, for wine tasting at a winery and a lovely dinner in the courtyard of friends of Steve and Franziska’s. It was a beautiful day with nature, friends, and off-the-beaten-path sightseeing - we loved it.

      1. and 2. The German Baroque Augustiner Kirche in Mainz
      3. In Mainz - built in 1450!
      4. and 5. The elaborate Romanesque main cathedral in Mainz
      6. and 7. St. Stephen’s Church with windows by Chagall. Fascinating and sad to see the photos of this church as it looked after WWII. Lovely restoration!
      8. and 9. From the idyllic walk to Becholstein
      10. I rode Franziska’s bicycle back to their house after dinner. So fun to ride through the vineyards in the late light (after 10pm) by myself.
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    • Day 18

      St. Stephen's Church, Mainz

      April 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We did make sure to visit St. Stephan zu Mainz, a gothic church known for its windows created by Marc Chagall.

      St. Stephan was originally built in 990 and the current church building dates from the late medieval era; construction of the main area of the church began in about 1267 and was completed in 1340. St. Stephan is the oldest Gothic Hall church in the Upper Rhine district, and is (besides Mainz Cathedral) the most important church in the city of Mainz.

      The Chagall choir windows in St. Stephan are unique in Germany. Between 1978 and his death in 1985, Belorussian Jewish artist, Marc Chagall created nine stained-glass windows of scriptural figures in luminous blue. The figures depict scenes from the Old Testament. Chagall intended his work to be a contribution to Jewish-German reconciliation, made all the more poignant by the fact that Chagall himself fled France under Nazi occupation. Chagall's work has been continued after his death by his pupil Charles Marq and by others.

      Walking into this church is such a unique experience after the many, many churches we have visited before. The glow through the blue stained glass windows gives the interior a very calming feel. There is not a lot of adornment as the stained glass windows are the highlight. They are stunning and interesting and awe-inspiring. We were so glad we made the detour to visit this church as from the outside, it is nothing spectacular. What a wonderful surprise.
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    • Day 7

      Easter, sun and beach

      April 6, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Getting ready for Easter in Wells we baked cookies, colored eggs, cooked and drunk
      beer 🍺.

      One accident nearly ruined the chilled atmosphere: Aisha brutally fell from her scooter and literally smashed her tiny face on the very stony floor just while i was filming her🙈.
      A dramatic scene with me running with her screaming in my arms and a bleeding face followed. Two (nearly-uni-)-corns , a big starlike strep-Stich and a mild concussion after we calmed down.
      ⭐️big shock and shame on us letting them drive without a helmet! Lesson learned here!⭐️

      Propper Tee-Time at Mimi’s house Saturday before Easter made everyone happy and our belly’s expand!

      Easter in Wells Next-the-sea has been sunny and warm like last year! Completely unexpected and different then forecasted the sun was bright warmed and cheered us up all day long.

      After finding all the surprises the “Osterhase” left this year (Harry Potter 1. special edition, bred-knifes (for Boodi) and many other treasures), we enjoyed the day on the beach.
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    • Day 13

      Mainz. Op verkenning

      August 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Mainz. Mooie stad aan de Rijn. Der Altstadt ligt mooi aaneengesloten. Met mooie Rijnoevers en veel volk op de kades.
      Lekker gegeten waar de lokale Duitser ook eet. Eigengebrouwen bier. Bijzondere smaak.Read more

    • Day 10

      Day 10 German Tuscany with Maike

      September 20, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The Pfalz - in Rheinland Pfalz Region - is where we spent our last 2 days, touring the countryside, tasting wines, walking through castle ruins and eating delicious German food!

      Thanks to Maike for touring us around.Read more

    • Day 18

      Mainz, Germany

      April 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We farewelled Miltenberg and hit the road to our next stop. Who knew an hour and fifteen minute drive would take almost double that time. With a large truck on fire on the autobahn and us taking the wrong ring roads three different times, it seemed like we had been driving forever by the time we made it to Mainz. We are just hoping there were no cameras for the red light Brad mistakenly drove through. It was not a fun driving day.

      However Mainz lifted our spirits. Being the largest and capital of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, it didn’t have that big town feel which was very surprising. Situated on the Rhine River, it is known for its old town, with half-timbered houses and medieval market squares.

      Mainz was founded by the Romans in the 1st century BC as a military fortress and is famous as the birthplace of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of a movable-type printing press, who in the early 1450s manufactured his first books in the city, including the Gutenberg Bible. Mainz was heavily damaged in World War II; with more than 30 air raids destroying most of the historic buildings in the city centre, but many were rebuilt post war.

      This is one town we wish we had more time to explore. There was so much to see and such little time. We wandered the market square, admiring the decorative buildings, the spring time flowers and Easter displays, the historic buildings and soaring cathedral. Sadly the Cathedral was closed so we were unable to peak inside.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mainz, ማይንጽ, Maganza, ماينتس, Mayns, Горад Майнц, Майнц, Magúncia, Mohuč, Μάιντς, Majenco, Maguncia, Maguntzia, ماینتس, Mayence, מיינץ, Magonza, マインツ, მაინცი, 마인츠, Mogontiacum, Magunza, Maincas, Mainca, Мајнц, माइंत्स, Maiança, Meenz, Määnz, Moguncja, مائنز, Mogúncia, Majnci, ไมนซ์, 美因茨

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