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    • Day 9

      Bonn - Boppard

      July 29 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Unser erstes Ziel war die Burg Olbrück. Leider war diese geschlossen. Somit war unser erster Halt bei der Benediktinerabtei Maria Laach. Eine sehr schöne Anlage mit eigenem Garten und Biolanden.

      Vor einem Jahr waren wir bereits in Cochem, jedoch war es an einem Samstag und die Strassen waren komplett verstopft. Aussichten auf einen Parkplatz waren nicht da. Heute fanden wir auf Anhieb einen Parkmöglichkeit. Bevor wir zur Burg hochstiegen, verköstigten wir uns in einem Cafe mit einem Stück Kuchen und etwas zu trinken.
      Der Weg auf die Burg war gefühlt überhängend😄. Nach 20 Minuten waren wir bereits oben angekommen. Nach 40 Minuten Wartezeit begann die Führung mit einem Burgführer der auf eine lustige und sehr informative Art viele Informationen zur Reichsburg Cochem an die Besucher brachte. Es war wieder eine tolle Führung die wir gemacht haben.

      Der nächste Halt wäre die Burg Thurant gewesen. Leider hatte sie aber schon geschlossen. Da fuhren wir direkt nach Boppard am Rhein und bezogen unser Hotel.
      Zum Abendessen fanden wir ein absolut schnuckliges Restaurant. Das Essen war vorzüglich. Als wir die Rechnung verlangten, sagte der Kellner:“Bei uns nur in Bar.“ Ups… ok, zum Glück hatten wir gerade noch genug Bargeld dabei, sonst hätten wir 2-3 Stunden Teller waschen müssen😄 😄😄.

      Eigentlich sind wir sehr überrascht an wie vielen Orten wir in Deutschland nur Bar bezahlen konnten und keine Kartenzahlung möglich ist….
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    • Day 2

      A most frustrating travel day!

      August 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Oh my! What a day! My flight from DC arriving 2 hours late really threw a wrench in my plans. I’d intended to go to Heidelberg today, but I just didn’t have enough time. So, I bought a ticket to go into Frankfurt - but the Germans aren’t big on multi-lingual signage, so I got on the wrong train. I ended up in Mainz, the home of Johannes Gutenberg. I toured the cathedral and the Gutenberg-Museum. With a lot of difficulty in buying a return train ticket (even the Germans were having trouble with the machines!), I made it back to the airport following a train delay. My flight from Frankfurt to Paris boarded on time, but apparently thanks to late arriving luggage we left about 45 minutes late. The AC kept turning off and the plane was full of kids and people with an averse reaction to deodorant. For two hours done kid kicked the back of my seat while others screamed at the top of their lungs. Due to the late arrival, I missed the last train from CDG to Reims. So now I had to find a different method to get to Gare de l’Est and then to Reims. The bus just never came - so I called an Uber - despite the 50€ price tag. We got caught in awful traffic, and it looked like I wouldn’t make my 8:58 pm train. But Uber Steve drove like hell and got me there with 8 minutes to spare. My platform was the next to last, of course. Fortunate, the train (like everything else over the last 2 days!) was delayed, so a bit of breathing room. I’m on my way to Reims now - late, tired, stressed. But I’m going to make it at least! Sipping champagne tomorrowRead more

    • Day 8

      Captain‘s Galadinner

      July 29 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute fand das Captain Gala Dinner statt. Einzelne haben es genossen sich in Schale zu werfen, für andere eher ein Müssen 🤣. Die Tischdeko wurde am Nachmittag liebevoll durch die Kinder gestaltet. Nach dem Gala Dinner fand ein Schiff Quiz statt. Leider war da das Glück nicht auf unserer Seite 🫣 den Abend liessen wir bei einem Nacht/Sternen Pool Party ausklingen…Read more

    • Day 11

      Germany: Mainz and Bechtolstein

      July 4, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F


      We both think this will end up being one of our favorite days of the trip. Steve drove us to the city of Mainz to visit beautiful churches and have a really delicious Italian lunch. Then we walked from his village of Gau-Odernheim to Bechtolstein, the next village, for wine tasting at a winery and a lovely dinner in the courtyard of friends of Steve and Franziska’s. It was a beautiful day with nature, friends, and off-the-beaten-path sightseeing - we loved it.

      1. and 2. The German Baroque Augustiner Kirche in Mainz
      3. In Mainz - built in 1450!
      4. and 5. The elaborate Romanesque main cathedral in Mainz
      6. and 7. St. Stephen’s Church with windows by Chagall. Fascinating and sad to see the photos of this church as it looked after WWII. Lovely restoration!
      8. and 9. From the idyllic walk to Becholstein
      10. I rode Franziska’s bicycle back to their house after dinner. So fun to ride through the vineyards in the late light (after 10pm) by myself.
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    • Day 11


      July 4, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Tuesday has been the highlight of the trip, so far! Wandering through Mainz, amazing Italian food, lots of German wine, and making new friends!

      I will just add a few more pics for your viewing pleasure. BTW, that is a Camino shell in picture #4 (Jacobsweg)!Read more

    • Day 5

      Kurzausflug nach Mainz

      December 12, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Aufgrund des stark ansteigenden Hochwassers konnte die MS Thurgau Prestige nicht wie geplant nach Mainz fahren und ist in Rüdesheim liegen geblieben. Mit dem Bus konnten wir aber die Domstadt Mainz besuchen. Shopping, Weihnachtsmarkt und Sightseeing stand auf dem Plan. In allem waren wir sehr erfolgreich. ☺️ Damit wir etwas länger in der Stadt verweilen konnten, sind wir am späteren Nachmittag selbstständig mit dem Zug zurück mach Rüdesheim gereist.Read more

    • Day 1

      DAY 1 Mainz - Karlstein

      August 3 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We traveled overnight from Prague and reached Frankfurt at 6am. Then we took a train to city Mainz and started our cycling journey there. We went to Frankfurt and visited city center. Towards the end a strong rain arrived and we waited for almost 2 hours until it relaxed. We are spending a night in a camping place next to a small pond. Today we did almost 90 kmRead more

    • Day 32

      We enter the Rhine.

      May 23 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      It’s been a quiet couple of days with mainly cruising.
      But now we are in the Rhine, the river of castles, 20 or so? Let’s see how many pics I get?
      A monastery handed over by the Hapsburgs in exchange for wine.
      We tried local brandy.
      Klopp castle
      Mouse tower
      Rheinstein castle
      Katz castle
      Sooneck castle
      Maus castle
      The Lorelei
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    • Day 53

      Ruhetag (Nierstein - Walluf)

      September 1 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Der heutige Tag ging ganz nach dem Motto: „Heute gibt‘s nichts, heut ist Sonntagsruh!“ ☀️ Den Morgen haben wir genutzt, um die Kleider zu waschen und zu trocknen. Ab dem Mittag liessen wir uns dann einfach etwas treiben und gingen in Mainz „go iicheere“. Am Abend gönnten wir uns dann ein Hotel in Walluf.🏨Read more

    • Day 3

      Day 1 Flying and Frankfurt

      September 1, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After a leisurely start to the day with casual packing followed by a bit of panic and quick packing we were off. John drove us to Auckland airport and we were there at 3.30 for our flight leaving at 8.30. Maybe Trisha will be a good influence on me? Security was no issue except for Trisha leaving her money belt on and needing to be checked by Hayley who happened to be on duty.

      We had booked 2 aisle seats next to each other and it was great for us to have a spare seat each next to us for our first 17 hour flight. Unfortunately the girl 2 seats away was really sick, coughing and looking like death warmed up for all of the flight.

      Had 3 hours in Dubai, only enough time to get off plan go to the loo find some stuffed dates and then on plane for the next 6.5 hour flight. Both of us slept a bit on the plane and were feeling quite good and excited when we touched down in Europe - first time for Trisha.

      I had made a contact with a lady through a fb group called host a sister and arranged for her to meet us at the airport. She had mixed her days up so wasn’t there, but lived close and we had nowhere else to go so just waited for her. Golly that was such a great plan. Frankfurt airport has been undergoing alterations and my plan of knowing where to catch the train would not have worked well as we had to catch a shuttle bus first. We would have worked it out I’m sure but it was so much easier not having to.

      So we took a train into Frankfurt, found our accomodation which is in the city centre. Very basic with 2 beds in a room with shared shower toilets and laundry and a small lounge area. $110 for the night so was perfect.

      So dropped bags and put shorts on because we were both really hot. It was about 18 degrees but NZ has been a bit colder than that recently.

      We walked around the old town went through a market with yummy fruit and veges, cheese, meat etc. I bought 2 granidilla and was very excited to see them there. Unfortunately 1 wasn’t nice and the other had just the hint of the yummyness of the ones I had tried in South America. There was a bit of a loud drunken crowd in the old square and the police were there on horseback to monitor the situation. We just walked around the other way and by the time we got back they had dispersed.

      We went into many bakeries, and chocolate shops just enjoying the great sights and smells. I think both have ideas about what we can eat tomorrow. The last lunch on the plane was very substantial with a main meal as well as profiteroles, cheese and crackers, bread roll, and a quinoa salad. So we didnt think we needed to eat for a while. Walked over the bridge which was pretty cool and then we both hit the wall. I think we had done pretty well though. Had intended to do a walking tour tomorrow but Martina was probably better than that. She is a lovely lady who used to work at the airport and if people were stranded she would offer them a couch in her small apartment. So then went to a ALdi supermarket got some raspberries, blueberries and chocolate - priorities sorted! Then found a really nice salad type place for dinner.

      Then back to apartment where we crashed. Didn’t even manage to have a shower. So that was 8pm and I had hoped for a good sleep. Which I did have until 1am. Trisha woke up at 3am so I took iPad out to lounge to type this blog and hopefully will be able to go back for a bit more sleep now. I have been feeling ok, but still coughing a bit.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mainz, Mayence

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