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    • Päivä 4

      Munich (+ Euro Championship fans)

      15. kesäkuuta, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      So who knew that Munich was hosting the European Championship "football" (aka soccer) games..and that they kicked it off yesterday with a win over Scotland?! So they are celebrating big time today, and the Scots are good natured and partying right along with them! Lots of fans, lots of fun!!!

      And wouldn't you know, it was also Brewer's Day today! Every two years the young brewers are honored in Marienplatz (main square) and pledge to uphold the City of Munich's Purity Law of 1487.
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    • Päivä 12

      Day 170/171: Munich

      29. kesäkuuta, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 91 °F

      Started our day with a 5 hour train to Munich. Did our least favorite activity which is looking at the budget. When you travel by train $22 dollars a day and find accommodations under $60 per night for two people, it makes all the difference. Compared to South America, Europe has been much cheaper since we cut flights out of our life.

      After arriving we visited the Augustiner Bräu Beer hall which opened in 1328 by monks and is Munich’s oldest independent brewery. The beer garden stretched in all directions and had no end in sight. Because Mary worked an hour, Kieran got two liters of Dunkel and Mary got two wine rattlers (Thank you Solo!) After dinner, we walked around the gardens and a bit of downtown to work off the drinks.

      Next day we visited the NS-Dokumentationszentrum München which documents Nazism’s rise and fall in Munich, which is where this horrible movement started. Compared to the other history museums we visited, this museum focused on how the US army worked to de-nazify Germany. They required the Germans to watch films from the concentration camps as well as attend re-education programs; they also removed symbols and monuments all across the city shortly after the war. The German population as a whole failed to recognize crimes and memorialize Jewish lives at least until the 1980’s. Another museum section touched on existing far right groups and their terrorist plots across the world (Munich October Fest, Oslo, New Zealand, and the Oklahoma City Bombing).

      After the museum, we walked around the Oldtown and Marienplatz. We arrived on time to witness the New Town Hall bell tower chimes and performance. We continued exploring some royal residence gardens and English Garden which is a huge park in Munich. In the park, the river Eisbachwelle allows for surfing and jumping into the river rapids. It was so freaking cool and we were sad we didn’t bring any swimsuits.

      To end our evening, we grabbed some ice cream on recommendation from Christian who we met in Warsaw. We also hit Sara Restaurant for dinner that was highly recommended by good friend Hannah!

      Hotel: Leonardo Hotel Munich City South

      Augustiner Bräu Beer
      Dessi Tadka - Indian Street Food
      Sara Restaurant
      The Crazy Ice-cream Maker

      Tyrollean Farmers Salad
      Farmers plate with roast, sausages, dumplings, and Sauerkraut
      Ice Cream
      Pani Puri (Indian)
      Mango and Goa Chicken (Indian)
      Lamb with Bread (Iranian)

      NS-Dokumentationszentrum München
      Munich Residence
      New Town Hall
      English Park
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    • Päivä 14

      An oversharing gay night out 🏳️‍🌈🧖‍♂️

      31. heinäkuuta, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      This was originally going to be a private post, but I decided to be more open and make it public. Only needs to be private if I feel shame about it, which I don’t think I want to feel that way anymore (thanks to the Catholic Church for that inbuilt shame and guilt!).

      I went to the gay neighbourhood or the ‘gaybourhood’ as I like to call them
      in Munich tonight to check out the local scene. Odd considering I don’t check out the Melbourne scene. Anyway I got on a tram just as a severe thunderstorm hit. It was pissing down with rain when I got to my stop so bolted across the road and stopped under the first umbrellaed restaurant to get my bearings.

      While I’d planned to walk up and down the street to see what was about, given the rain I stoped here. Luckily for me it was a place I wanted to check out anyway. Hotel Deutsche Eiche is a gay hotel, restaurant and sauna. I’ve never seen a sauna and a restaurant together before but I decided to stop here for a drink and dinner, then check out the sauna later.

      Feeling in the mood for a cold beverage after a long day of cycling and swimming I got a mojito and boy was it strong. Either that or just on an empty stomach it went to my head. Having eaten way too many big meals in German I ordered a turkey salad - which ended up being huge! So much for a light meal.

      Despite being a gay hotel the restaurant was pretty mixed in its clientele. On the TV was playing the Olympic swimming and gymnastics. On point for the gays 😉. One table of American girls were complaining when it went off briefly (gurl - that tv was not on for you love).

      Ok so if you don’t want to go inside a gay sauna, tap out here. I’d seen a review of this place online as a history part of Munich’s LGBTIQ+ culture and was keen to check it out. Inside the staff were a little rude, but anyway, once with my locker key I changed into the towel and wandered about. It was dead! Supposed to have capacity for 300, there were less than a dozen people here, including several who were asleep snoring away.

      The complex spans across the basements of several buildings and is a bit of a labyrinth. Upstairs is the wet area and downstairs is a maze and lots of cabins. You can rent the cabins in 5hr blocks so if you need a place to have a nap when in Munich, it’s an affordable option. Given I had a lovely hotel room I don’t bother with this. There are also areas if you’re into some kinkier actions - like being tied to a cross (use your imagination there). I passed on that.

      The wet area was as good as any other spa/sauna in terms of its facilities. A hot tub, massive steam room complete with dark room and maze as well as showers inside the steam room. So refreshing to have a cool shower while surrounded by steam. Also a massive dry sauna and a couple of smaller steam rooms. The shower area included hot and cold options, including one of those bucket water drops. All very nice to just chill and relax in. Sure having some eye candy to look at too helps (but that was lacking today).

      Another section had heated relaxation chairs and up on the roof was a semi sundeck (but given it was night didn’t bother with that). There was also a bar and lounge area and weirdly you charge it all to your locker and then pay when you leave. Water was not free which is frustrating given all the hot environments mean you should really keep hydrated.

      All the ‘action’ if you can call it that with really only 6 guys there (the other 6 were asleep in various parts of the maze 😂) was in the dark room of the steam room. Nothing there for me but I can imagine this place being active when busy. It’s an interesting quirk of gay culture that if you want, you can just go to a place, have sex with as few or many guys as you want and leave.

      The stems from times where being gay was not acceptable in the community and the gay community needed safe places to meet like minded guys (safer than beats). While that need fortunately isn’t there as much (depending on where you are) the saunas remain a part of the community. Not for everyone, but that’s like anything really.

      I only stayed about 1.5hrs before calling it a night having sweated out my Mojito and headed back to my air conditioned hotel. I got a compliment on my Aussiebum’s from a very stereotypical young German (blond, blue eyes) guy on the way out. I’ll take that as a win, although note to self - don’t eat a giant salad before a sauna session as I was so bloated I looked 9 months pregnant.

      For obvious reasons there are no photos of here, but there is a pic of the pregnant belly including (but lovely) salad.
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    • Päivä 3


      23. elokuuta, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Up early again and drove to Munich. Two of the famous spots in Munich are;

      1️⃣ Rathaus-Glockenspiel. The Rathaus-Glockenspiel is a large mechanical clock. Famous for its life-size characters, the clock twice daily re-enacts scenes from Munich's history.

      2️⃣ Oktoberfest. Where lots of beer is consumed. Hofbr Áuhaus is one of the most famous beer halls.

      We forsook the beer and instead walked through Viktaulienmarkt where we had an authentic German pork roll for lunch.
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    • Päivä 27

      Bloody Bavaria

      8. tammikuuta 2020, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      The Munich public transport system is heinously expensive. We spent a good 10 minutes trying to work out what we were doing wrong at the ticket machine because it couldn't possibly cost that much, but yep, it did, and it didn't even get us all the way to the accommodation and yep, memories confirmed, this place sucks - particularly after Vienna, where things are so clear and effective. We were in a right strop by the time we finally got to the hotel, and it was nice, but tiny, the majority of the available floor space located in the shower. Argh! Bloody Munich! Better go for a walk and get a pretzel.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 2

      München aankomst

      28. kesäkuuta 2020, Saksa ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Gezien het volgens Google 5u rijden is tussen Luxemburg en München zat ik al om 7u30 aan het ontbijt. Eigenlijk was dit 7u maar de bakker had vertraging. De rit ging vlotjes, maar het continue moeten wisselen van snelheid door de wegenwerken werkte op mijn zenuwen. Ook had ik niet zo goed geslapen waardoor mijn rug wat pijnscheuten gaf. Het werd uiteindelijk 6 uur hierdoor ondanks mijn racen in het laatste stuk. Ik vond het al langer vreemd dat mijn auto moeite had om bergop te rijden, ik moest terug schakelen naar vijfde en goed gas geven om aan 110 te geraken. Daarom dacht ik om eens op die sport knop te drukken wanneer het weer bergop ging, en plots zat ik aan 160. Het laatste stuk naar München reed ik tussen de 150 en 180, net als de rest.

      Het viel op dat er zeer veel volk onderweg was, toen ik afreed om te tanken had ik zelfs geen plaats meer op de parking waardoor ik de volgende moest nemen. In München zijn ook veel touristen, maar ik merk dat de stad er nog veel meer gewoon is. Het hotel heeft een eigen parking en is op 20 min wandelen van de stad. Ik kan ook de metro nemen, maar heb geen zin om veel dat mondmasker aan te doen, het wordt een reis zonder openbaar vervoer.

      München heeft een mooi historisch centrum, maar er zijn verrassend veel werken, vooral aan de wegen. Een Duitse hobby waarschijnlijk, net als de vele bier gartens. Van de dorst ga je niet ontkomen hier, wat goed uitkwam want door de lange rit was ik uitgedroogd en uitgehongerd. De rest van de dag werd dus terrasjes en rondwandelen. Hier ben je wel verplicht om naam en telefoonnummer achter te laten in de cafés.

      De avond eindigde met een te volle maag en wat regen. Morgen zal het regenen maar dat is geen probleem want ik heb een hoop mooi kerken en gebouwen gezien om te bezoeken.
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    • Päivä 13


      21. joulukuuta 2022, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

      Marienplatz was at the heart of our short time in Munich. It was centrally located and is where we started and ended every day. It has the biggest Christmas market in the city that brought us a lot of really amazing food. It was also surrounded by beautiful architecture! In the middle of the plaza was Rathaus-Glockenspiel, which is a beautiful old clock tower. Twice a day this engineering marvel puts on a 12 minute show that shows knights jousting in front of the the royal audience. Different knights even win randomly. Marienplatz was definitely the heart of the city and we enjoyed every second of it.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 276

      Munich & Nuremberg

      18. marraskuuta 2022, Saksa ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      After an intense week of interviews, we headed for Munich to crash Giff & Rosa’s baby moon!

      Tour guide Thomas greeted us in full lederhosen and a penthouse suite which certainly set the tone for the weekend. Strolling the parks, the autumnal colours were absolutely gorgeous. 🍁

      Amazing food, many steins, gluhweins, Christmas markets, German sausage, river surfing and everything in between, Munich is quite the city. Thank you Thomas for all the local insights and recos!

      We then road tripped to Nuremberg with Giff & Rosa to find the main event, the Christmas markets, didn’t start until the weekend after. Silver lining - the lux hotel was affordable as it was ‘off-peak’! Apparently over 2 million tourists descend on the small town every December for the Christmas markets so they must be a big deal!

      A few more German sausages and local recos from Connor and Germany, we out. ✌🏼 🇩🇪

      Top tips:
      To come!
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    • Päivä 137

      German Strikes and Schnitzel!

      15. toukokuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      It’s our last day in Munich, Germany! It has been one of the girls favorite places! I’ve enjoyed it but it’s been in the 40-50s and rainy half of the time - so I’m surprised!

      We’ve walked a ton around the capital of Bavaria, learned to navigate the UBahn metro with decent competence (went the wrong way once yesterday but that’s part of the adventure right?), and felt like we experienced a bit what it would be to live here!

      Maddie loved: “the metro, the food, and just the feel of the town!”
      Katie loved: “this small town and the ice cream we had last night” (although the 3rd biggest city in Germany, Munich city center doesn’t feel like a huge city so I would agree with the sentiment!)

      We’ve seen:
      - a lot of underground Ubahn trains
      -surfers riding big waves on the river at the English Garden
      - local markets near the Marienplatz
      - two castles of the “mad king” Ludwig and the German countryside
      - the newest Guardians of the Galaxy in English at a local movie theater (it was much better than expected!)
      - a naked man at a local park (apparently a common site here based on our research!)
      - Maddie finally getting to do a few German lessons! Still loves it!

      We’ve tried:
      - schnitzel
      - bratwurst
      - the “famous boiled white wiener”- which had all of us in stitches. (Not very good)
      - the most atrociously drool inducing sour gum I have ever tried (we had a competition to see who would survive! Katie won the very time!)
      - after eights gelato (which may even beat out the outstanding gelato in Venice)!!

      So it’s been fun!

      We were supposed to go via train (eurail pass) to Paris tomorrow morning but train and transportation related strikes in Germany resulted in our train being cancelled. Super bummed and it’s required a huge amount of alternative planning. To top off the fun, the Airbnb I booked in Paris (the ONLY part of this last leg of the trip I booked in 2022!) cancelled yesterday!! Is the universe trying to tell me something??

      Due to all that, we’ll be flying to Paris tomorrow (hello - new claim to our travel insurance company!), spend just a couple days in Paris and then we are going to hop on 2 trains to get to a small town called Cassis, in the south of France. I’ve never been So I’m excited! We’ll be there 2-3 days and then head to Barcelona..

      At this point I’m hoping for the best but expecting more hiccups along the way!

      Hope all the mamas had a beautiful Mamas day! ❤️ We went to see Guardians of the Galaxy and made sure to get back before the strikes began so we weren’t stranded!
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    • Päivä 54

      Munchen Excursion

      19. toukokuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Our adventures felt like they were drawing gently to a close.
      We headed down for a very early Holiday Inn breakfast…& were surprised to see an old couple who had come in with the coach party at the beer hall the night before. Enjoyed a bit of jolly banter (with no shared words…) before heading out for the station.

      We were heading for a longer stop in Nuremberg….but I had spotted our travels were just shy of 10,000km, so we decided to take a little diversion south to Munich for a few hours (& a few kms) 🤣

      We dumped the bags in a €6 locker, and headed into town passed Karlsplatz.

      A busy place, we were in time to see the 11am Rathaus-Glockenspiel perform its little animation, with hundreds of others in the square.

      Munich was chock full of churches, but St Peter’s lays claim to being the oldest, dating from before the first documented evidence of the city’s existence in 1158. It has the distinctive skeletal Saint Munditia in the second alcove on the left: the patron saint of spinsters, clutching a container of dried blood. What a beauty!

      We headed to the Munich Hofbräuhaus, perhaps the worlds most famous beer hall. Christine had some miniature tankards from her father with the HB crown logo on….still not sure where they came from: to her knowledge, he never visited the city.
      Sadly, or perhaps luckily for our livers, it was rammed full, so we continued our walk.

      An American tour guide seemed unwilling to relinquish his speakers spot next to the polished brass breast of a lady’s statue, so we pressed onward for a cuppa & at the pleasant Schmalznudel - Cafe Frischhut.

      A final check in at the vaulted and restored Gothic church, Frauenkirche: two mighty towers at the front, and the legendary Devil’s footprint inside….strangely, my shoe matched perfectly 👀

      Back out to the main station, under massive construction and not terribly grand today, we headed back up to our next destination: Nuremberg.

      An old work friend, Tony, had got in touch just before we left, back in March. He and his wife Laura were in Germany later in May.
      He mentioned some detail, but the only part I heard was that they were planning a day’s hiking in Bavaria with a guide, involving stops at 5 breweries.
      Would we care to join them?

      Is the Pope a Catholic?

      It gave us the impetus to plan the tail end of our trip early, to dovetail in with them…& we added an extra night to allow for a decent hangover!

      Here we were staying close to the station in the pleasant Hotel Garni Probst.

      After a final little laundry, we headed out to meet up with them. Nuremberg seemed a very pleasant city, and we met in the main square. After greetings and introductions, we went down some incredibly steep steps to Der Nassauer Keller zu Nürnberg, where beers, food and travellers tales were shared, before heading home to prepare for The Big Day!
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    Saatat myös tuntea tämän kohteen näillä nimillä:

    Marienplatz, Mary's Square, مارين بلاتز, Мариенплац, Μαρίενπλατς, מריאנפלאץ, マリエン広場, 마리엔 광장, Plac Mariacki w Monachium, 玛利亚广场


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