Laguna Yaxjá

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    • Day 123

      Welcome to Guatemala

      January 8, 2020 in Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      This morning, we crossed the border to Guatemala, our 5th country on the trip. I was a little sad to already leave Belice, as there's so much more to see and do, but in the end we have to go on and I'm happy to have been to this still quite untouched country with its beautiful nature and people.
      Before we left, we had breakfast with Raul's family and our bread and vegetables from the market fed everyone. Then Raul showed us the backroads to the border and we said goodbye. The border crossing itself was really easy, you pay an exit fee of 40 Belize Dollars (20€), get your exit stamp, continue to the Guatemala immigration and get your entry stamp - no filling out a form, no interrogation or anything.
      In Guatemala, we were greeted by many many friendly and laughing people. Especially the kids waved at us enthusiastically when we passed by. We stopped at a little shop to get some groceries and chatted to the girls behind the counter. They laughed about us as we didn't know certain fruits and as we ate plain bread without drinking water or coffee. In the end, they gave us some of the fruits that we didn't know (which we tasted later and didn't like too much as they were really sour).
      We decided to take a detour and stop at Yaxha, Mayan pyramids some 11km off the highway a French cyclist had highly recommended. If we had known the road conditions beforehand, I guess we would have just passed it. Steep hills, up and down, rocks, slippery surface... However, luckily we hadn't, as the place was stunning and well worth the effort. Camping next to a lake (unfortunately no swimming because of crocodiles), fascinating Maya ruins in the middle of the jungle that we could climb for some amazing views, monkeys, parrots...
      The campsite consisted of covered platforms (they call them "bungalows") where we could put up our mosquito net - really convenient. Especially as it started to rain at about 7pm and didn't stop all night. (we had actually checked the weather forecast before and it predicted like 1mm - doesn't seem to be too reliable here)
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    • Day 220

      Llegada a Flores y Yax-há

      October 19, 2022 in Guatemala ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Al volver de Acatenango vi que mi celular volvió a fallar después del arreglo así que como tenía garantía, volví a Antigua a pedir que me lo arreglen. Les comenté que al día siguiente me iba para Flores y que si lo podía arreglar allá. Me dijeron que no, que solo se podía arreglar en Antigua, pero que ellos me lo podían mandar en el Carrier interno hacía donde yo estaba. Así que deje el celu ahí para que me lo envien. Según ellos, el sábado ya tenía que llegar.
      Sin el celu, el miércoles encaré con bus nocturno hacia Petén, Flores: del lado Caribe de Guatemala, hacia la zona Maya y sus ruinas. Llegué a las 5 am matada. El bus era re bueno la verdad así que estuve dentro de todo cómoda, pero bueno, es un bus nocturno y no se duerme muy bien que digamos. El jueves el día estuvo bastante feo y yo estaba re cansada así que trabaje desde el hostel e hice día tranqui. El viernes con uno de los chicos que conocí íbamos a ir a ver el atardecer a Tikal, pero como el día estaba feo cambiamos de plan y fuimos al rope swing. Ahí empezó todo 😂.
      El rope swing es una soga tipo liana por la cual te podés balancear al agua. Resulta que mi amigo no se avivó de soltar la soga a tiempo y se dio de lleno contra la pared y se reventó la rodilla, así que tuvimos que salir de emergencia directo al hospital. El pibe estaba re chill pero se había hecho flor de cráter en la rodilla y se le veía toda la carne. No se cómo no me desmaye. En el hospital le tuvieron que hacer puntos internos y externos y le hicieron rayos X, pero por suerte solo fue la carne.
      En paralelo, se suponía que mi celular tenía que llegar la noche del viernes, pero volvimos tan tarde que ya no se podía ir a buscar. Así que armé todo como para irme al día siguiente a las ruinas de Yax-há dónde se podía hacer camping y dormir en el predio. Un amigo chileno, Tomi, un capo me prestó su carpa, aislante y binoculares y me fui en el sunset tour a Yax-há.
      El sábado a la mañana fui a buscar el celular antes del tour, pero no había llegado. Después de putear un rato me fui sin el celu y decidí hacer las ruinas igual.
      Las ruinas de Yax-há son lindas pero de ven pocas, la mayoría está todavía cubierta por la vegetación. Las ruinas están al lado de un lago y el sol se pone por el lago, así que subimos a una pirámide maya para ver el atardecer, increíble.
      Después caí que sin el celular, no tenía linterna, así que tuve que pedirle a uno de los guardias que me prestará la suya para hacer la carpa y poder dormir. Estaba exhausta y me dormí como a las 8 pm para despertarme a las 7 am del día siguiente 😂.

      #dato, el guía del tour me conto que se puede hacer una travesía de 3 días por la selva a ver otras ruinas más internadas en la selva. Me queda anotado para la próxima.
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    • Day 15

      Yaxhá: Acropolis del Norte

      November 15, 2019 in Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Für 12 Uhr haben wir heute einen Ausflug zu den Maya Ruinen von Yaxhá gebucht. Nachdem alle Ausflügler eingesammelt wurden, getankt wurde sowie Bargeld- und Getränke-Reserven aufgestockt wurden erreichen wir um 14:30 Uhr den Parkeingang. Wir erkunden das Gelände lieber ohne Guide und erklimmen die hohen Pyramiden.Read more

    • Day 20


      February 19, 2023 in Guatemala

      ... after the diesel engine of the camping ground started its music around 6:30 we slowly and uncomfortably packed our stuff together and made our way out to the entrance to buy another ticket for Uaxactún, which is another excavation side in the north. Important you don't buy the ticket there or on the intersection to it ... you buy it 15km down the road ... arriving at the ticket counter we got some known marmelade toast with tortillas and avocado plus coffee and chocolate ... stomachs filled and brains fueled we decided to don't drive back for 2 hours but go directly to Yaxhá, which is another excavation side - apparently the Maya have been very diligent here ...

      ... we arrived around noon and enjoyed an almost empty park like area with pyramids digged out, birds and howler monkeys orchestrating in the covering canopies ... fantastic ... relaxing ...

      ... dinner at a restaurant close to the entrance ... a nice good night tee and we stayed at the campsite next to the neighbouring lake without the canopy of the tent under a beautiful firmament of infinity...
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    • Day 217


      October 23, 2020 in Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Sitio arqueológico donde se encuentran edificaciones de una antigua ciudad maya. Es más pequeño que Tikal pero no deja de asombrar el desarrollo que alcanzaron estas civilizaciones precolombinas. Se pueden recorrer acrópolis, palacios, centros ceremoniales, pirámides gemelas y juego de pelota; incluso se puede subir a algunas pirámides y ver la selva desde una altura donde se ve toda esa inmensa selva perderse en el horizonte. Hay fauna increíble en todos los alrededores: los monos aulladores no dejan de hacer sentir su presencia, los monos araña no dejan de hacer sus "monerías", hay halcones de pecho naranja, pizotes, loros, tucanes... en fin, de todo.

      Aquí vienen menos visitantes y la experiencia se vuelve más que personal: uno puede ir a su propio ritmo y tomar mejores fotos (nosotros estuvimos solos durante todo el recorrido). Lo mejor sería que el punto culminante fuera esperar la puesta del sol en la cumbre del Templo 216 – la estructura más alta – que tiene vista hacia el lago Yaxhá y donde la luz del atardecer se tiñe de fuego.

      La entrada tiene un costo de 80 quetzales (llevar efectivo). Hay un alojamiento en el parque pero no oferta gastronómica. La carretera de acceso está asfaltada excepto por los últimos 10km que son de terracería. Como a todos los lugares sumergidos en la selva, hay que llevar repelente para insectos, protección contra el sol y abundantes líquidos y refrigerios.
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    • Day 66

      Mayan Yaxha ruins

      May 28, 2018 in Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      We opted to do a tour of this lesser known Mayan ruin, which was special because there weren’t a lot of people on site. We almost had the place to ourselves, plus the howler monkeys! We watched a really nice sunset. We were told to shut up as this local man (pretty sure he was on drugs) wanted to meditate. He did for a few seconds before scrolling facebook.Read more

    • Day 299

      Sunset in Yaxhá

      May 24, 2018 in Guatemala

      Many people recommend visiting Tikal after Yaxhá to avoid disappointment. The main reason for this suggestion is that Yaxhá is much smaller and less excavated. Ricky disregarded this advice but was not disappointed. Although there are less structures at Yaxhá, it is estimated that there are more than 7000 ruins, the majority of which still lay covered underneath the jungle. The area had been occupied by the Mayans from as early as 1000 BCE but reached its height during the Early Classic period, 250 CE to 600 CE.

      Ricky decided to go it alone and joined a sunset tour of Yaxhá. Normally, we avoid tours because, while tour guides need to be certified, generally most tours involve wasted time travelling around picking up other people and many guides present biased, questionable information. This tour would be no exception. It was the people on the tour that made the adventure more interesting, particularly the German Ambassador for Venezuela, who shared with us some of the heartbreaking events that are occurring in the country; he talked about the high inflation and the political issues that do not seem to be improving – not while the current President continues to remain in power. It really is such a great tragedy and has caused such devastation to so many of its countrymen and women who have had to flee.

      While the guide provided some interesting information and stories, the “historical facts” seem to be clouded by his wish to portray the Mayans, his ancestors, in a very positive light and demonstrate the continuity of the ancient culture through to modern times. In many of the museums and tours of Mesoamerica and South America, there seems to be a feeling that they need to make comparisons with contemporary European cultures and place emphasis on Mayan astrology, mathematics and calendars. The guide avoided discussions about the Mayan practice of human sacrifice or denied the possibility, particularly related to the games played in the Mayan Ball Courts. While the site can be visited within an hour or so, our tour spent a great deal of time watching the sunset on top of one of the pyramids before making the two-hour journey back to Flores, much of it on a bumpy, dirt track.

      Next stop: Flores
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Laguna Yaxjá, Laguna Yaxja

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