2023 - Come Go Hashing with Me

januar - december 2023
I still cannot believe I am foot loose and fancy free, traveling the world at my every whim. If you want to get away, come go hashing with me. Læs mere
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  • Dag 1

    Sir Walter’s H3 #1615

    1. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    A new year is upon us, and with it came the opportunity to run with a hash club I had not hashed with for more than 22 year. I just happened to be driving up the East Coast USA, and thought . . . there are plenty of hashes along the way, let’s see who is running today. There were only two close enough and had a hash scheduled for New Year’s Day. I had previously run with both, Carolina Trash in April 1996, but opted for Sir Walter’s H3 as I had time to get there, and it was farther up the coast. I had done a previous drive by on them back in July 2000.

    Due to a tragically slow gas pump, we ended up arriving there a few minutes late . . . but lucky for us they were on hash time, and were still circled up for chalk talk. After a quick change into hash gear, we joined the circle in time to pay, and hear most of the instructions. Soon enough, we were off on trail. Starting first by a lap around the school track, trail was found leading off into the woods. From there, we enjoyed a most excellent trail of shiggy through the woods on single file bike trails, some general bush bashing through the woods, and eventually found our way to beer check #1 (which if you know me, meant nothing). I politely asked one of the local hashers, who looked like they knew, if we were required to hang out for any period of time. The response was . . . No, you are free to continue whenever you want. That is all I needed to hear, and was off looking for trail.

    I figured I would get down the way a quarter to half a mile and the pack would have run me down, but that was the last time I saw anyone on trail. From the first beer check, trail went off into the woods and soon slipped over the ledge and down to the river for the first of two water crossing. As you may recall, less than two weeks prior I was dipping my wick in the South Ocean off the coast of Antarctica, where the water was a brisk 32F (0C), so this water, although it was waist deep, did little to damper my enthusiasm for continuing on. Wet now, I followed trail though the woods until we reach the bike path and another check. Finding a false to the left, it was back to the right, and trail made its way around the local lake until the second water crossing was found (oh yea, and also passed beer check #2 with absolutely no fanfare 😊 ).

    The second water crossing was only knee deep, and then it was up the hill where beer check #3 was found, and again I barely broke my stride as I blew right past it. Need I mention that this was the third beer check in less than 3 miles? 😊 It took a moment to find where trail went after that, but soon pink arrows were found in a nearby parking lot, and from there it was more dirt trails along the lake before eventually running back into the parking lot and the finish to this most excellent, well-marked, fun trail.


    I did have to wait for about 20-30 minutes for the pack to arrive, but it was a fairly warm and sunny day, so enjoyed the sunshine while I ran an extra mile+ to round out my day (Have set a goal to run 1000 miles in 2023).

    Soon enough, I had a beer in hand, and it was not just hash piss, it was some local craft beer . . . a splendid Porter, very nice. Circle commenced when all had returned, where the hares got their just reward, lots of accusations had various hashers doing the square dance that often happens when half the pack ends up getting called in for being a GM, a kilted hasher, a red head, or any other innocuous personal trait that is easy to say . . . WHEN ONE !@#@#$3 drinks, they all drink.

    Several great hash songs were sung, including some new ones I had not heard before by one of the local members. I threw a couple more in, and then the sun went over the horizon, and it was time to continue the drive north in the nice warm vehicle. Many thanks to the Sir Walter’s H3 for letting us join you on day 1 of this new year. You are all AWESOME. So nice to start the year with a great pack, on a great trail. Hope to catch you on another drive by, but less than 23 years from now like the last time. On ON!!
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  • Dag 4

    Beantown City H3 #109

    4. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    What am I doing in “cold” New England again? Well, if I must, I should also find a hash trail to get in some exercise (I also started the day with a quick 3 mile run first thing in the morning). In the evening, I had a nice 3 mile walk to the start, arriving shortly before the other hashers. They rolled in soon enough, and by 7 pm we had our hare . . . and 9 hounds. It was a bit cool for me, but I still had to wear minimal running togs, and when we found the first drink stop (at less than 1 mile, I had already warmed up). I could not bear to hang around for a long time (I am such a wuss), as I was chilled quickly, so slid out of the circle and continued on trail until drink stop two at 2.5 miles. Our hare was there waiting for us, and with no trail to follow, I had to wait. Ended up running laps in the park until the hare had his assigned head start again, and we ran it on in for what was probably a (nice, well marked) 3 mile A-B true trail.

    Plenty sweaty now, I quickly changed into dry clothes in preparation for circle. Not only did we get treated to some good local beer, we also were served up some warm and most excellent sausage soup. Circle was short and sweet, good thing cause there was a slight drizzle misting down upon us, and we headed home. Many thanks to the Beantown Hash for the fun time, and hopefully catch a couple other local Boston hashes this weekend. On On.
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  • Dag 6

    Boston Full Moon H3

    6. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌧 1 °C

    Had a fun run in the snow in Boston. Trail was about 6 miles with all the checking, and took in some excellent shiggy. It was cold, so had to keep moving to stay warm.

  • Dag 7

    Boston Hardcore H3

    7. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    I heard this was going to be a longer trail, and was looking forward to it. It also boasted of a lasagna cook off afterwards. Show time was 10 am, so I arrived and no one was about. Finally connected with some hashers, and ended up sitting around until about 11 for start. We ran 2.5 miles (with lots of checking) for what turned out to be just over 1.5 miles to the first beer check. After about 20 minutes of standing around, I asked if this was going to be the case for the rest of trail (expecting 10 miles). Yup, we normally take up to 5 hours for these trails. OK, glad I asked . . . I didn't have all day to hang out, and headed back to the start to get on with my day. It was fun while it lasted.Læs mere

  • Dag 9

    Back to Tampa

    9. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Just another manic Monday. It was off to the airport for a return flight to Tampa. I have several medical appointments to get sorted for my annual physical. Arrived on schedule, but when I went to pick up my rental car . . . oh boy, what a mess. It was one of those off airport places, and have not rented from before. Learned my lesson there, never again. Green Motion Rental. Showed up at the counter, and they were having internet issues, with other customers waiting in line. Finally after a long wait, they get going again. The two customers in front of me both had issues with their rental, and got turned away. I get to the desk, and I found out what the issue was . . . they basically were demanding that their insurance be purchased on the vehicle, at a rate higher than the actual cost of the rental. Lots of other bull shit goes on, ended up having to depart to find other rental car. After 3 hours on the phone with Priceline, they finally said nothing they could do. So disputed with the credit card company . . . we'll see how this turns out. Found another option, and got a car, as the sun was about to go down, after spending 6 hours messing around the whole ordeal.Læs mere

  • Dag 11

    Jolly Roger H3 #1618

    11. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Just before heading out to the hash, I posted the notice that INTERAM in Colombia was cancelled . . . and that was the beginning of an anticipated shitstorm. I left it behind and went off to get in some miles.

    Trail was basically around the local neighborhood around the house, as Septic and Math were the hares. Nothing to cleaver, just a basically square out and back, but still good to get a run in.

    Back at the house, after dinner, I arrived to the first outcries from the INTERAM crowd. Started off basically with comments of shock, but the tide would turn the next day.
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  • Dag 16

    Monday Federal Holiday H3 #1

    16. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    This is actually a hash club up in the DC area, but some hashers decided to start one up down here for Martin Luther King Day. We had one hare (male), and one runner (me), along with about 7 harriettes that walked. I got a good 5 mile run in, passing the ladies about 4+ miles into trail, and waited for their arrival at the end. Once all were accounted for, we had a quick circle, and I had to go . . . cause I had something bigger going on in the evening.Læs mere

  • Dag 16

    My First Pro Football Game "Live"

    16. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    As the days clicked by, the heat from the INTERAM cancellation continued to boil. So many conspiracy theories have abounded, and some rather unexpected charges have been levied on the NEW committee. Vicious attacks, outlandish claims of fraud, totally fabricated charges not based on any obviously available facts. It's been a rough few days . . . but, screw it, it's time to go see my first ever Pro Football game. The other more important factor is that it may have been Tom Brady's last game ever, but even if he does not retire, it is likely his last game in Tampa colors.Læs mere

  • Dag 18

    Jolly Roger H3 #1619

    18. januar 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    The flak from the INTERAM cancellation continues to intensify, but I have other responsibilities . . . hashing, and my turn to hare.

    Warmer weather continues to get better, and last night it was warm enough to got with the short sleeve shirts . . . or no shirt at all for a couple young studs. Trail headed north out of the Appleby’s parking lot and circled the block before crossing Manhattan. A long false trail turned the pack around, and sent them through the church parking lot and out the other side. Turning right, the trail made its way over to Dale Mabrey and the T/E split. The Turkeys (~3 miles) turned right, while the Eagles trail (~5 miles) turned left and headed towards Britton Plaza.

    Blending in with the trees lining Dale Mabrey, trail eventually turned left and wound its way behind Tijuana Flats and Buffalo Wild Wing. Crossing Dale Mabrey, the trail circled all the way around Britton Plaza and then headed south on Himes Ave . . . only to find another check at the railroad tracks. Our hare, Hazukashii used what he thought was a common marking "BT" (Bad Trail) under the expressway, but somehow the pack thought it meant Beer Truck and were momentarily confused. Trail was eventually found going west, and then crossed a drainage ditch behind Lowes, where the pack got a tiny bit of wet feet crossing through a grassy field. Passing a homeless camp, trail zigged its way back to Dale Mabrey, then looped behind the Navy Federal CU before crossing back over to merge in with the Turkey trail.

    Trail then crossed another grassy field and head back towards home. Passing through Foster Park, the beer stop was found to the delight of the walkers, but after waiting an additional 20 minutes, thinking the runners had been run over by a train, it returned to Appleby’s. The runners did soon arrive at the finish, shortly after the beer van did, and all was right in the world. Circle was a low energy affair, and then we broke off to get dinner at Appleby’s . . . and even Dab stayed for dinner. Well done old chap.
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