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    • Día 5

      Copan Ruines

      2 de enero de 2015, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Zu unserem Besuch in Honduras gehörte natürlich auch unbedingt die Besichtigung der Maya Ruinen in Copan dazu. Diese über 16 Dynastien aufgebaute Tempelanlage hatte viele Besonderheiten zu bieten: Hier befindet sich einer der längsten Glyphentexte der Maya und eine Unmenge an tollen und sehr gut erhaltenen Skulpturen. Aber auch den Ausblick von der höchsten Pyramide musste man einfach genießen und es war gut nachzuvollziehen wieso eine alte Hochkultur hier ihre Lager aufschlug.Leer más

    • Día 95

      Going to Honduras

      19 de septiembre de 2017, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We left early at 6:30am and there were no hot showers. We drove for a while before stopping for an omelette for breakfast. We crossed the border into Guatemala, then the boarder to Honduras. We arrived in Copan and headed straight to a coffee shop where there was finally a good coffee. For all the coffee that is produced here you'd expect some nice coffee, but it seems hard to find. I found a frozen chocolate coated banana again which made me very happy. We all then caught Tuk-Tuk's to a chocolate and tea shop where we had delicious hot chocolate with cacao nibs. They told us about their reforestation project using their native plants which have medicinal properties. We went out for happy hour drinks, dinner of beef fajitas and then onto the pub for some Karaoke.Leer más

    • Día 11

      Copan Ruinas

      9 de noviembre de 2017, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Super tolle Maya Stätte mit noch wenig Tourismus, ein sehr sympathischer Ort mit super freundlichen Einheimischen ideal für ein bis zwei Tage, original und ohne Massentourismus. Sehr empfehlenswert!!!

    • Día 38

      Copán Ruinas

      1 de junio de 2018, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      This is a nice little mountain town with some very old ruins. Another Mayan settlement, but this one has a nice back drop of hills. There is some cool history about the place, which you can google, but Copan was known for its intricate hieroglyphics and carvings. It also has a tonne of macaws here and Lowland Pacas, which is like a massive guinea pig. They are rebuilding a lot of it, so or not all original, but good to see. I had the place to myself for an hour, just managed to leave before the 400 school kids came in!
      A good little stop off on the way to Antigua, Guatemala.q
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    • Día 76


      14 de junio de 2022, Honduras ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      201 years ago in 1821 Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador gained independence from Spain. Although all countries have developed differently, going through the reigns of different dictators, military generals, civil wars and drug cartels they share a common Mayan and Spanish heritage. You will often come across people in indigenous Mayan clothing (especialy in Guatemala lesser in Honduras) while they wear a Christian cross necklace simultaneously.

      Our short stop in Copan led us to ancient Mayan ruins (a central spot of rule in the past) and a wonderful hot spring in the jungle, where already Mayans used to meditate at (a heavy tropical rainfall accompanied our session there to complete the experience).
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    • Día 148

      Mit dem Tuktuk unterwegs

      2 de abril, Honduras ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Rasant, wackelig, laut - aber günstig.

    • Municipio Copán Ruinas

      25 de febrero de 2018, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Copán Ruinas es un municipio ubicado en el noroeste del departamento de Copán en la República de Honduras.

      La fundación de la localidad esta ligada al centro arqueológico homónimo de Copán, seguidamente fue fundada una aldea aledaña a dicho centro arqueológico.Leer más

    • Día 13

      Honduras Ruinen von Copan

      29 de enero de 2022, Honduras ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Copán war eine bedeutende Stadt der Maya der klassischen Periode (etwa 250 bis 900). Im 8. Jahrhundert erlebte sie ihre Blütezeit, wurde bald darauf jedoch verlassen. Die Anordnung der Gebäude und Komplexe nach dem viergeteilten Schema spiegelt das Weltbild der Maya wider. Die vier Wohnbezirke stellen die vier Himmelsrichtungen dar; die Dammstraßen selbst symbolisieren die Achsen des Kosmos, wobei besonders auf die Ost-West-Achse Wert gelegt wurde.Leer más

    • Día 163

      Copan ruins

      16 de octubre de 2015, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      The breakfast was fried plantain and baleadas which were too big to finish. We tried the two ATMs in town but both were Visa-only so we couldn't get any money out. Luckily we have some dollars left.

      We walked the 1km to the main Copan ruins and were able to pay the $15 entry fee by credit card. On entering the complex, we were deafened by the squawks of scarlet macaws, the national bird of Honduras - there were loads of red, blue and yellow coloured birds in the trees above us. Sadly we'd only bought Anna's phone so couldn't get a decent photo. We also saw a ‘guinea pig on stilts’, first named during our trip to Mexico a few years ago.

      We wandered around the ruins for about 3 hours. They aren't as impressive as Chichen Itza but they do have the advantage that you are allowed to climb on them. They date back to the Mayan period when rulers were called things like 18 Rabbit and Moon Jaguar. Some of the ruins, such as the big stairway, are covered by a huge tarp to protect it from weathering. Apart from a school group which we kept our distance from, there were only a handful of tourists around. The majority of the time we seemed to have the place to ourselves giving the place a lovely, tranquil feel. It was a drizzly day and we had our ponchos and umbrellas out for most of it. Neither of us had thought to put on bug spray and we both got thoroughly munched :( We saw some tiny toads and a squirrel plus some bright yellow birds - maybe Quetzals?

      When we thought we had seen everything we headed back to the entrance and headed down a side road looking for guinea pigs on stilts. A lady told us to follow her and led us to an info display and a whole load of more ruins! The place could really do with some signposts and maps!!

      On our return to the main entrance we noticed a couple of the macaws were on the feeding troughs (they run a breeding program). We tiptoed over in the hope we might get a closer photo. They didn't seem to mind us getting right up to them as they munched happily on their fruit - until Anna took her hood down for a selfie and they took flight. A few of them did fly-bys right over our heads which was pretty awesome.

      We left the park and looked for a few trails that were on the big map. A lady told us they were muddy and said we could see some other ruins as part of our ticket. We walked a further mile away from town (along the yellow brick road) and came to Las Sepulchras. We walked through the woods and came across some more ruins - smaller, residential areas for the commoners. We were the only ones there, until 3 machete-laden men joined the path behind us! Luckily they were just finishing work and not trying to rob us. One of the sites near the entrance was being excavated and we couldn't go in. A man came and told us very proudly he was in the National Geographic for the 5 year project.

      We walked back, exhausted from a day's wandering. We had some nachos in the hostel bar and then washed off all the mud in the shower which was hot today :)

      After a rest, and once the rain had died down, we went on one of Anna's quests to find a bar...after 10 minutes of searching we found it - one door up from our hostel! Sol De Copan is a German microbrewery so Anna was in heaven. We seemed to have found the local gringo hangout as a huge group of Americans was there plus some other tourists. We didn't fancy the German stodgy-sounding food and so shared some baleadas and great chips. I beat the drunkard at chess 3 times and then we headed back.

      Some Hondurans had arrived for the weekend and were playing music really loudly, jumping in the pool and generally making a huge racket. Thankfully by midnight they had quietened down mostly so Anna didn't have to go stomping out and shout at them.
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    • Día 162

      On the road again

      15 de octubre de 2015, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      After a welcome break from moving around lots over the last couple of weeks, it was time to get back on the road. We got the 6:30am Viana bus (365L, 3 hrs) to San Pedro Sula. We were given the first class fluffy blankets and I slept the whole way. We put Hannah in a taxi to the airport and waved a sad farewell :(

      Then we got the 10:20am Hedman Alas bus (395L, 3 hrs) to Copan near the border of Guatemala. This is supposed to be the best bus company in Honduras but it was freezing with no blankets, the tv broke and the snack was a pitifully small bag of crisps. Viana was much better, but they don't go to Copan unfortunately. The bus man took a shine to Anna and kept hovering creepily each time he came by.

      On arrival in Copan we were squeezed into a tuktuk for 20L each with another lady and all our bags for the short ride to Hostel Marjenny ($30). We had a brief rest whilst we waited for the rain to stop, Anna had a coffee, and then we went for a wander around Copan. Copan is a pretty, little town with big, coloured cobblestone roads. Surprisingly we didn't see many other tourists but this seems to be the general rule for most of our travels.

      We went back to the room and read for a while before going to British Colonial House for dinner (391L). I had Thai red tofu curry which was delicious and had tons of much needed veggies after the last few nights of stodge. Anna had peanut noodles, which seemed to be lacking any peanuts! When she was about half-way through the mayonnaise noodles, the owner came out with a dish of peanut butter and said he'd just tasted the sauce and realised it was lacking something! It still didn't taste that great once Anna mixed in the PB. He apologised again when we left and said his head chef was in Roatan training new staff.

      We went back to the room and had cold showers (not much fun when the ambient temperature is low - I wore my jumper to dinner). Then we were plunged into darkness when the power cut out about 9pm - presumably for the whole town. Wifi was out as well so after reading a bit by torch light I went to sleep and had a lovely 10 hours sleep. It was raining really heavily every time I woke up.
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Copán, Copan, RUY, Копан

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