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    • Day 14


      September 14, 2022 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Nach einer kurzen Nacht, auf dem Campingplatz gestern Abend hatten einige Jugendliche vor mit Musik durchzufeiern. Wir haben dann um 24 Uhr den Platz verlassen und uns an die Donau gestellt. Bis um 5 Uhr war es ruhig, dann kam der Verkehr.

      Weiter gehts nach Ungarn.
      Die Dörfer sind sehr Ländlich geprägt , viele Bauernhöfe, einfache Häuser und sehr sauber und gepflegt.

      Als Nächstes sind wir zur Wasserskibahn nach Györ gefahren. Dort war das Tor zu, öffnen erst um 14:00 Uhr.

      Also in die Stadt gefahren, sehr nette Altstadt, die Sie kräftig am renovieren sind. Interessant das hier viele Schilder in Ungarisch und Deutsch stehen. Etliche Geschäfte haben noch Deutsche Bezeichnungen.

      Die Preise sind sehr moderat: Cappuccino: 550 Forint +
      Service: 10% , hier gilt noch nicht der Euro, ist umgerechnet 1,40€

      Zum Nachmittag nochmal zur Wasserskianlage, inzwischen ist auf, aber wir dürfen hier nicht über Nacht stehen bleiben. Dann eben nicht.
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    • Day 99


      August 6, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Früh morgens ging es über die besagte Provinz Grenze, ein voller Erfolg, nur 30 Minuten warten.
      Unser erstes Ziel war Pécs, welche nicht um sonst 2010 Kulturhauptstadt Europas wurde. Eine echt schmucke Stadt! Zu unserem überraschen war hier überhaupt nichts los, die Straßen waren wie leer gefegt.
      Im Anschluss waren wir im "Schloss" Bory-vár, welches von einem einzigen Mann innerhalb von 40 Jahren erbaut wurde. Seine Motivation war die Liebe zu seiner Frau, sehr schnulzig aber wohl war. Bory Jenő war Bildhauer und Künstler und begann 1912 mit dem Bau.
      Letztes Ziel für heute war die Stadt Györ nahe der Österreichischen Grenze. Hier werden wir die heutige Nacht verbringen, bevor es dann morgen nach Österreich ins Shoppingparadies Parndorf geht.
      Mit Sturmtief Yves haben wir im übrigen wirklich Glück gehabt. Als das gestern über uns hinweg gefegt ist saßen wir gerade im Vapiano. Auch wenn die Auswirkungen zum Glück lange nicht so dramatisch sind wie in den stark betroffenen Gebieten sehen wir sie doch immer wieder.

      Sabah erkenden söz konusu il sınırını geçtik, tam bir başarı, sadece 30 dakika bekledik.
      Ilk varış noktamız, 2010 yılında boşuna Avrupa Kültür Başkenti olmamış olan Pécs oldu. Gerçekten çok güzel bir şehir! Şaşırtıcı bir şekilde burada nerdeyse hiç insan yoktu, sokaklar bomboşdu.
      Daha sonra tek bir adam tarafından 40 yıl içinde inşa edilen Bory-vár "kalesini" ziyaret ettik. Motivasyonu karısına olan sevgisiydi. Bory Jenő bir heykeltıraş ve sanatçıydı ve 1912 yılında inşa etmeye başladı.
      Bugünkü son durağımız Avusturya sınırına yakın Györ kasabası. Yarın Avusturya'daki alışveriş cenneti Parndorf'a gitmeden önce bu geceyi burada geçireceğiz.
      Bu arada, Yves fırtınası konusunda gerçekten şanslıydık. Dün üzerimizden geçtiğinde Vapiano'da oturuyorduk. Etkileri neyse ki ağır etkilenen bölgelerdeki kadar dramatik olmasa da, onları tekrar tekrar görüyoruz.
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    • Day 13

      De Bratislava à Budapest.

      June 15, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Nous voilà sur la route de Budapest. 280km en 4 jours. 3 nuits en camping; un petit camping privé avec des moustiques et un accueil très hongrois (portail fermé à 21 h qu'il a fallu escalader...) mais très fonctionnel, un camping dans un grand ensemble thermal qui nous a permis de prendre un bain chaud dans une eau sulfureuse et un super camping juste sur le bord du Danube, le top des campings. La météo est revenue au beau, soleil et nuages, un soleil chaud mais le fond de l'air est frais.
      Le tracé de l'eurovélo 6 est très variable. Toujours de belles pistes le long du Danube mais beaucoup de passages en campagne sans intérêt. Des pistes parfois en dalles de béton avec des raccords tous les 3 mètres qui donnent l'impression qu'on va démonter le vélo, des pistes dont le goudron est soulevé par des racines, des chemins en gravillons qui chassent, des herbes qui se prennent dans les pédales et même des passages en chemin boueux avec des énormes ornieres pleines d'eau. Cela a valu à Anne de perdre l 'équilibre et faire un beau roulé-boulé dans le fossé, heureusement sans mal. Il faut dire que nous étions sur un ancien tracé toujours indiqué mais abandonné. Et des passage sur route parfois sans piste cyclable avec une circulation assez dense. Autant les hongrois comme les slovaques sont respectueux des cyclistes en zone habitée, autant ils les ignorent sur les routes de campagne...
      Sur notre itinéraire nous avons aimé la petite ville de Gjõr, apprécié les bords du Danube dans les zones touristiques. Le reste ne nous laissera pas un souvenir inoubliable. Budapest nous laissera un meilleur souvenir mais ce sera pour un prochain épisode.
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    • Day 171


      November 7, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Direkt an der Donauwiese in Györ liegt dieser schöne Stellplatz. Super für eine Nacht und toller Ausgangspunkt für den Stadtbesuch und die Donau-Radtour. Eine weitere tolle Entdeckung auf unserer Reise.Read more

    • Day 4

      My first party abroad

      December 25, 2018 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      After waking up, Adrienne and I went to see her grandmother, a couple of houses down the road. I had to admit that the houses were everything but in good shape and that it seemed to be a pretty poor part of the town. But as I've heard lots of times before: "The poorest people, are the kindest and more than willing to share the little bits they have" - it turned out to be true in this part of the world, too. Her granny was just adorable, not speaking a word of English, I communicated with her either through Adrienne, or with my hands, feet and smiles. We got along pretty well. After a yummy soup for lunch, Adriennes other family members, including cousins, aunts and uncles, all gathered in her grannies home and exchanged presents quite unceremoniously. It was still a big happening for her little cousins.
      After all the Christmas traditions were put to a rest, Adrienne told me her idea to go partying. Don't understand me wrong, she can do whatever she likes. But I honestly couldn't think of anything I wanted to do less. I hate partying. The one time my friends lured me to a disco was a horrible situation for me. Loud music, loads of weird, drunken strangers around and the need to embarrass myself whilst dancing, is just not for me. But I wanted to be a good guest and honestly, there wasn't so much to do in Adriennes town anyway. So I decided to try the night-life of Hungary. As my flight would leave early the next morning from Budapest, I decided I'd have to sleep on the plane so that there wouldn't be a hassle.
      Adrienne was quite pleased, put make-up on my face, and we got onto a train to Györ, the next bigger city to Ács. There were also the festive lights everywhere. We walked through the town to the one disco they have and Adrienne knew from her school days, and immediately met four guys in front of the doors. As Adrienne is a very open person, we started to talk with them and I got off on the right foot of one of the guys. I have to admit, I can't remember his complicated Hungarian name, but as he reminded me so much of Nico Santos, I will just call him that. So after we passed around a bottle of alcohol (was it Wodka?), we entered the disco where it was loud, stuffy and smelly. Nico saw my uncomfort and didn't push me to dance with him, but rather placed me in a more quiet corner and talked to me in his broken English. We talked and laughed, and suddenly his hands were on my hip, knee or shoulder. I really enjoyed his calm aura and soft eyes. And believe it or not, I'm usually not that type of person, but somehow we began to kiss each other and snug around. Adrienne thought it to be very funny and winked at me whenever our eyes met. After a while, Nico asked me if I wanted some fresh air. I agreed, and we went out into the freezing cold night. We sat down next to a river, sitting on his jacket, and began snogging again. When I felt his hands wandering under my jumper, I honestly thought a bit too long whether we wouldn't freeze to death if we'd fuck outside, on Christmas day. Luckily, my brain restarted itself a second before I could decide differently, and stopped me from putting my life on the line, telling him to stop. He immediately accepted my decision and kept his hands to himself. Then I looked at my watch, realizing that I had to get back to Adriennes home to get my stuff to actually catch my flight back to Berlin. I jumped up in a hurry, dragging Nico along, trying desperately to find Adrienne. When we found her, she was relieved too, as she had searched for me as well. Both stressed, we got back to the train station and had to wait for the next train. We had missed the train that we wanted to take, so it would be a close call whether I'd be able to gather my things. To comfort me, Nico decided to stick with us and held my hand, trying to calm me down. He was such a lovely guy! An hour later, our train arrived and Nico actually got into the train as well, although he lived in Györ, just to make sure, we'd arrive at home safely. A couple of minutes and we arrived in Ács. I kissed him Goodbye and he wished me Farewell. That would have been the nicest Christmas love story, I'd ever live through myself. But there was no time to swell in memories just yet, as we had to run to Adriennes home, gather my things and get back to the next train to Budapest in under 10 mins. Luckily, her home was just 2 mins from the train station. She wished me luck and said, "See you in school next year", then I was gone.
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    • Day 24

      Ungarn an der Donau

      May 24, 2022 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ungarn standen wir 2 Nächte an der Donau // wirklich TOP jedoch voller Moskitos. Grün, natürlich und ganz viel Ruhe.
      Leckerer Gulasch haben wir in dem süßen Städtchen Györ bei Matróz Dunaparti Kisvendéglö gegessen.Read more

    • Day 18

      Bratislava - Györ

      August 21, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Ein Tag auf dem offiziellen Donauradweg ohne die Donau gesehen zu haben.
      Distanz: 84 km

    • Day 44


      February 14, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Nix spezielles, warm geschlafen und weiter.... 😎🚐🌪️🌪️🌪️

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    Révfalu, Revfalu

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