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    • Dag 14

      Blue Lagoon

      6. maj 2023, Island ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Letzte Station unserer Reise die Blue Lagoon. Absoluter Tipp (den wir leider selbst nicht beherzigt haben) vorher reservieren! Zum einen weil sie wirklich nur begrenzt Besucher einlassen (wir hatten Glück, dass wir eher spät dran waren) und weil es ca. 30 € pro Person weniger kostet 😑. Im Basispreis (reduziert dann ca. 60 €) ist eine Gesichtsmaske und ein Drink inbegriffen. Wir treffen ein deutsches Pärchen, die gerade erst am Flughafen angekommen sind und geben ein paar Insights weiter, sind aber auch sehr neidisch, da es bei uns nun langsam dem Ende zu geht. Für einen schönen Abschluss essen wir in unserem letzten Hotel wunderbar zu Abend. Für insgesamt 150 € lassen wir uns bei einem Überraschungsmenü überraschen 🤣! Hier haben sich ein spanischen und ein isländisches Pärchen zusammengetan und kreieren Spanische Leckerbissen aus isländischen Produkten. Die Kombi schmeckt - vor allem mit ein paar Cocktails 🍹🍸Læs mere

    • Dag 13

      Bláa Lónið

      7. juni 2023, Island ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Bei unserer ersten Island-Reise darf ein Besuch der Blauen Lagune natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Da wir es ein bisschen verpennt hatten, rechtzeitig für unseren letzten Tag zu buchen, haben wir ein bisschen umgeplant und sind heute Abend hin. Das war im Nachhinein ganz gut, denn es war kaum was los. Im warmen, blauen Salzwasser ließ es sich bei mittlerweile einsetzendem Dauerregen sehr gut aushalten.Læs mere

    • Dag 15

      A Luxurious Experience

      4. juli 2023, Island ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      This has been an absolutely brilliant and fantastic adventure in two wonderful countries but there is no doubt my poor body is feeling the strain. I've carried camera equipment on and off boats and planes, I have hiked over a variety of terrain and all, it seems, with the minimum of sleep. 😂 Now it's time for a little luxury.

      The Blue Lagoon is a thermal spa where its waters come from the hot rocks 2000m below ground and is 38c when it enters the pool. It's not cheap to visit here but when you walk into the water the feeling you get makes it worth every item of whatever currency you use. I used Visa. 😂

      This is a popular attraction and is often the last thing travellers do before leaving Iceland. It is only about half an hour from the airport but interestingly, it is only about twenty minutes or so from where the last volcanic eruption occurred recently. I'd love to have seen that but it has stopped now ... for a while. [Edit: it erupted again less than a week after I got home. So annoying!]

      This is a lovely place and your first drink is free from the pool bar (photo 4) and I had a glass of sparkling wine. You must book in advance to get a time slot but once in you can stay as long as you like and I stayed a little under three hours. My time slot was 3pm.

      Afterwards I took a walk around the turquoise pools (last two photos) outside the complex then left to find my campsite for tonight. I needed to find somewhere to eat too, sort the van out and pack. I'd rather be in that lovely warm water though. 😁

      Strangely, this never fixed my sunburned nose though. 😓🙄 😂
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    • Dag 3

      Day 3

      17. juli 2023, Island ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      (Written Tues AM, posted Wed AM)

      It’s Tuesday morning here and we are on a bus headed to the Black Sand Beach about 3 hours from where we are staying. It’s nice to be seeing a different part of the country and use this as an opportunity to journal instead of at 1am lol.

      It was our first full workshop day and it went smoothly! We started with a delicious breakfast at our hotel (see video spread) and Ellie and I headed over to the education room early to set up. It’s a beautiful space inside the Blue Lagoon building. It’s only 8 participants so I love the opportunity to really support and get to know each of them. They are incredibly kind hearted and beyond excited to be here! I had the opportunity to teach 2 segments of the education portion and it filled my cup to the brim :) My topics were wedding planner/wedding photographer relationships and multi-cultural weddings. They were active listeners taking notes and asking questions, the best part had been all of the one on one follow up conversations on our many car rides together and in the lagoon. Ellie taught some different portions specifically on international wedding photography and I so enjoyed listening. I love learning so many new things about photography and Iceland each day!

      In the afternoon was the first photo shoot! It was about a 45 min drive away to reach the star of our shoot, 2 beautiful Icelandic horses :) Ellie takes care of the artistic vision and teaching while I handle logistics. So my main job during the shoot was timing each person/group to ensure participants got equal opportunities. If you come here and are looking to go on a horseback ride, I can’t recommend Viking Horses enough!

      We made our way to a delicious 3 course meal at the Lava restaurant at the Blue Lagoon (our home base). We got back to the hotel just in time for 1 hour of soaking in the lagoon. I loved reflecting with the participants and hearing their life stories. I then reflected on the day with Ellie, made a game plan for how we could improve tomorrow. I returned to our room (filled with flowers because my roommate is the florist!) and started attempting to wind down and close the black out curtains as tightly as possible 😂.
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    • Dag 4

      Day 4

      18. juli 2023, Island ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      Black Sand Beach & Volcano

      I have truly never seen a country with the natural beauty and diversity of Iceland. So far, most of our time has been spent in the part of the country surrounded by lava fields but yesterday was our first opportunity to see more of the rolling green hills (filled with sheep and horses), waterfalls, cliffs and ocean. The pictures through the bus window don’t begin to do it justice.

      It was a 3 hour drive so we left at 9am and arrived around noon. We got the participants set up for lunch while Ellie, Jenn (florist) and I went to the Black Sand Beach to scout and set up. I love the role of helping to make game plans that will best support our participants. For example, when we arrived there was a HUGE crowd by the basalt structures and we knew that would feel stressful to them. So we found a quiet spot on the beach where Ellie could give them a pep talk before they began, they could begin working with the models with plenty of space, and then venture into the big crowd.

      Our professional models were *stunning* and flown in from Spain! They blew us away and are literally on the cover of British Vogue this month! We also had another professional model from the US who was friends with one of the participants and happened to be in Iceland at the same time. The participants were in heaven! My role was helping to ensure everyone got fair turns and time as well as supporting the models with whatever they needed.

      We made our way back to the hotel, stopping for pizza on the way home for dinner. I fell asleep on the ride home, thinking as soon as we got back I would go to bed for the night. But I woke up and to my surprise a group had figured out how we could get a view of the active volcano. I was sooo sleepy and the thought of hiking 6 miles in the cold sounded miserable BUT Jenn convinced me not to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity! I rallied and boy am I grateful for Jenn’s push. It was incredible!!! It was cold, insanely windy and exhausting because it was so late (we left at 10:30pm and got back at 2am) but magical. I feel exhausted today but it was totally worth it. The last photo is from one of the participants drone!
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    • Dag 5

      Day 5

      19. juli 2023, Island ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      We kicked off the day with education and I loved learning more about destination weddings. This week has really gotten me excited to start advertising more of them! Our shoot today was “80s vibe” with an antique travel coach, bold coolers and the coolest (and most hysterical) models. We made our way to an area where we could get cliffs, mountains, lakes, and flowers for a variety of shot locations for the photographers. They had a blast and we were able to rework the schedule to give them ample time to document. My favorite role of today was getting to climb on top of the bus to build a charcuterie board for photo happening up top! I got to spend ample time getting to know our models Isabella and Jess from London in car rides back to the hotel and to dinner. They had us laughing hysterically as we learned British phrases we had never heard of 😂 We had my favorite meal so far to end the night!Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Kirkwall- Reykjavik

      8. juni 2023, Island ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Nach einem Seetag mit Baden im Whirlpool, Aussicht genießen, Ankunft in Reykjavik zum Ausflug in die Blaue Lagune - Freiluftlagune mit mineralischem Wasser in einem Lavafeld. Wassertemperatur: 38 Grad, der Regen war nicht zu spüren.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Blue lagoon

      26. juli 2023, Island ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Dieser Vormittag hat ganz im Namen der Entspannung gestanden. Wir waren in der blauen Lagune - einer Heißwassertherme mit Wassertemperatur zwischen 35 und 40 °C und hohem Siliciumgehalt der für die Haut eine heilende Wirkung hat, obwohl man anfangs dachte, dass es giftiges Wasser sei. Dazu gab es eine Siliciumschlammmaske und Sauna - ein Spa - Vormittag sozusagen :) Beim Bau dieser Lagune musste mit den Elfen verhandelt werden die an dieser Stelle gewohnt haben. Man hat das gemerkt, weil die Baumaschinen immer wieder kaputt gingen. Als ausgemacht war, dass die Elfen einen neuen Platz bekommen, auf dem sie auf für immer bleiben dürfen, konnte problemlos weitergebaut werden... ;)
      Wieder zurück im Hotel sind wir in die Stadt Reykjavik aufgebrochen und haben die Kirche besucht, in der man auch in den Turm hoch kann, direkt unter die Glocken - was jede Viertelstunde sehr spannend ist...
      Nach einer Siesta im Hotel haben wir mit einer typische Suppe im Brot und spanischer (!!!) Musik den Abend ausklingen lassen.
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    • Dag 2

      Blaue Lagune

      29. august 2023, Island ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      ohne Worte 😱

      hier noch eine kleine Info dazu:

      "Über Bohrlöcher wird aus rund 2.000m Tiefe 240°C heiße Salzlauge gefördert. Nachschub liefert Meerwasser, das über Spalten in die Erdkruste eindringt und in der Tiefe erhitzt wird. Mit Hilfe des Dampfes wird Grundwasser erhitzt und über Pipelines in die umliegenden Ortschaften verteilt, wo es zum Beheizen von Häusern genutzt wird."Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      Blue lagoon

      6. oktober 2023, Island ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Tolto qualche regolamento idiota, tipo ci sono zone dove se hai il cellulare in mano non puoi entrare, anche se non lo usi, per il resto è molto ben organizzata. E poi hai acqua calda naturale che ti permette di fare il bagno con 0°C esterni.Læs mere

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