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    • Day 49

      Birthday Boy!

      May 31, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Beim vierten Island Besuch war es dann doch so weit. Robert wollte in die Blaue Lagune. Gesagt, getan! Man ist jetzt eben doch im Alter von Spa und Wellness statt Festival und Bier-Pong angekommen.

      Kurz heruntergebrochen ist die blaue Lagune eine Art ganzjährig geöffnetes Freibad mit einer wunderbaren Badewannenwassertemperatur zwichen 37-41 C. Im Prinzip resultiert die gesamte Anlage aus einem “Abfallprodukt” des daneben liegenden Geothermalkraftwerkes Svartsengi und das silikathaltige Wasser ist nebenbei noch wunderbar heilsam und pflegend.

      Die Nacht zuvor verbrachten wir in Grindavik, also nur einen Schafssprung von der Lagune entfernt. Nach schnellem check-in ging es direkt duschen (wichtig! viel Conditioner benutzen und drin lassen!) und dann auch schon ins blaue Wasser. Umringt ist die Lagune von dem riesigen Lavafeld Illahraun und der aufsteigende Dampf des Wassers lag wie Nebel in der kühlen Luft.

      Das Angebot an Gesichtsmasken und Getränken, welche direkt an den im Wasser befindlichen Theken ausgegeben wurden, war reichlich. Darüber hinaus fand man Zeitvertreib und Entspannung in Dampfbad, Sauna und Café.

      Wir haben nahezu den gesamten Tag hier verbracht - und die surreal blaue Farbe des Wassers bleibt für uns unfassbar einprägsam und einzigartig!

      Wir gönnten uns also unsere Gesichtsmasken, ein paar Getränke, standen unterm Wasserfall und schwitzten in der Dampfsauna.

      Und wie es ein amerikanischer Mitbesucher der Lagune so schön überschwänglich auf den Punkt brachte:
      “that’s what we are living for!” : )

      Am Abend ging es dann noch zurück nach Grindavik zu Papa’s Restaurant bei lecker Fish and Chips.
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    • Day 293

      Blue Lagoon + Geothermal Heat (by Lewis)

      June 6, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      While in Iceland, we went to the Blue Lagoon for the second time. The Blue Lagoon is heated by geothermal heat. The geothermal heat boils the Blue Lagoon up to 100.4 F*. Iceland's geothermal heat can also bake bread by burying the bread in burning dirt. We tasted some of the rye bread, and it was delicious with local smoked trout. Did you know that the water in Iceland has to be cooled? Before it's cooled, the water is boiling! This is my last blog post, so I hope you liked the blogs!Read more

    • Day 2

      Day 2- Attendees Arrive & Blue Lagoon

      July 16, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Once again, writing to you past midnight but it still feels like 7pm because the sun is still setting! Attempting to wind down as I have to be up at 7am for breakfast and prepping for our first education session for the participants!

      Today was a wonderful day!! The participants arrived and I finally got to meet them all in person :) I had only known 1 prior to arriving here besides Ellie. But we all quickly moved from strangers to friends, international travel really has that effect!

      Ellie and I woke up at 8am and reviewed all our content and logistics for the week before meeting up with everyone. I am thrilled to be co-teaching 2 of the workshops! One of the relationship between planners and photographers and another on multi-cultural weddings. We see completely eye to eye on all things weddings so comparing notes and merging our ideas was quite enjoyable! We then packed up from our hotel close to the airport and headed to our home for the week, the Silica hotel! It is connected to the Blue Lagoon, one of the 25 Wonders of the world… just insane!! It was absolutely breathtaking and our rooms are unreal, overlooking the lava fields. The hotel even has a private portion of the Blue Lagoon for guests to enjoy! When we arrived, I helped to coordinate checkin (assigning room numbers, overseeing paperwork signing, placing gifts for the attendees in each room, reviewing our itinerary with the hotel manager, etc.). I am absolutely loving my role as it feels like the perfect mix of seminar logistics (that feel oh so familiar from my days of coordinating the Baha’i inspired educational seminars and camps), wedding planning, and teaching - 3 of my passions! PLUS being in a luxury setting in a new country?! What a dream. I would definitely love to serve in this same role for future seminars of Ellie’s and others!

      After check-in was complete, we headed to the main area of the Blue Lagoon to kick the workshop off with a bang! It was a really fun way to get to bond with one another. There was an engaging “story teller” who educated us on the beautiful history of the Blue Lagoon, Iceland facts and even a hysterical story about their strong belief in elves! I honestly wish I could have taken notes the entire time so I don’t forget but here are a few highlights to the best of my memory:
      - Over 800 years ago, this area used to be all trees and a community. Due to volcanos and magma pits, it was destroyed and is now a massive lava field.
      - The community referred to the area as the evil lava. I can’t remember the details of the middle part but the water is geothermal and they were puzzled to why it wasn’t breaking the lava rocks down but just staying afloat. They discovered that the silica (a mineral) is the water was creating a sealant that blocked the water from draining and created the Blue Lagoon. The color comes from a mixture of the algae and silica and how it reflects light!
      - As they started to use the water for bathing (as is a huge part of Icelandic culture) a man with psoriasis discovered the water was healing it! When he told his doctor they came to take samples and indeed discovered that the mixture of minerals treated psoriasis and other skin diseases. The doctor purchased it in 1992 and in 2012 it was named one of the 25 World Wonders!
      - My very favorite fact is that still today any Icelandic person with psoriasis can use the facilities free of charge 😭
      - When I see you in person if you want to learn more, I can share what I learned about how it stays clean (drains every 40 hours and algae eats the bacteria!), the full elves story and how they use geothermal energy (the country generates 99% of its electricity from renewable sources 🤯)!

      We ended our time at the Blue Lagoon with face masks and some refreshing drinks! I had a delicious green smoothie with mango :) We headed back to the hotel to get ready to head downtown for dinner (where I got to learn how to operate a Super 8 camera!!) and then back to our hotel for the Meet and Greet (I enjoyed a yummy sparkling tea 🥂) as our final participants arrived! After that was done, Ellie and I went to the classroom space and reviewed all the logistics with the staff. It’s insane that even at 10pm everyone is still in full swing due to the sunlight! The final photo is what it looks like outside now. We came back and reviewed our sessions one last time and had a really good conversation reflecting on our own opportunities for growth, personally and in business. Now I am ended the night with my new roomie Jen watching the volcano live feed 🤣
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    • Day 9

      Blue Lagune

      August 17, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Die Blaue Lagune ist ein berühmtes geothermales Spa in Island. Sie befindet sich in der Nähe des internationalen Flughafens Keflavik und ist bekannt für ihre mineralreiche, hellblaue Milchfarbe. Das Wasser in der Lagune stammt aus einer nahegelegenen geothermalen Anlage und wird als entspannendes Badeerlebnis geschätzt. Die mineralhaltige Zusammensetzung des Wassers soll verschiedene gesundheitliche Vorteile haben. Die Lagune bietet auch Massagen, Gesichtsbehandlungen und andere Wellnessdienstleistungen an. Es ist eine beliebte Touristenattraktion in Island.

      Die Blaue Lagune wird oft für ihre potenziellen Heilwirkungen geschätzt, die auf die mineralreiche Zusammensetzung des geothermalen Wassers zurückgeführt werden. Das Wasser enthält Silikate, Algen und Mineralien wie Schwefel und Kieselsäure. Viele Menschen glauben, dass diese Inhaltsstoffe bei verschiedenen Hauterkrankungen wie Psoriasis (Schuppenflechte) sowie bei Gelenk- und Muskelschmerzen lindernd wirken könnten.

      Jedoch ist es wichtig zu beachten, dass die wissenschaftliche Unterstützung für diese Heilwirkungen begrenzt ist und individuelle Ergebnisse variieren können. Menschen mit bestimmten medizinischen Bedingungen sollten vor einem Besuch der Blauen Lagune ihren Arzt konsultieren, um sicherzustellen, dass es für sie sicher ist.
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    • Day 6

      Last day in Iceland, Blue Lagoon

      September 4, 2024 in Iceland ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Last full day in Iceland!
      Found the cemetary! Sometimes called the Old Churchyard, Hólavallagarður opened in 1838 as Reykjavik’s new cemetery, replacing a burial ground used since Viking times. The city placed the graveyard on a small hill a couple of blocks off the city’s central pond. Some of Iceland’s most famous sculptors, including Einar Jónsson, carved gravestones here.
      We made our way to the Saga Museum to learn about the settlement of Iceland. En route here, we came across the smallest church I've ever seen - there must be only 5 Russian Orthodox people here... lol... well, we're not orthodox, bit popped in to say a pasalom (to survive the Camino and if needed, that uber app works in Europe!)'s another cold day, thankfully The Blue Lagoon is on the itinerary for this afternoon. 💙♨️ ... need to be up at 3am for the next stage... on to Portugal!
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    • Day 3


      January 17, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ 🌙 -2 °C

      A super feina Kuacha vo dr Tengdamamma (Schwiegermama)☺️. Teig, Schinka, Ei, Gurka und Mayo und as entstoht a feina traditionell Südisländischa Snack😉
      Kann übrigens au mit anderna Sacha wia russischa Salat, Spargla, Thonmousse gfüllt werda. Dr Fantasie sind do kai Grenza gsetzt.😂
      Brauðbotn = Brotboden
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    • Day 1

      Blue Lagoon

      January 15, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ 🌙 -18 °C

      Dr ersti Stop isch schnell klar gsi😉 Nochdem mr üses Miatauto gholt hend (jo dr Herr Reichhalter hetsich an Tesla gönnt😂) und mr denn endlich usagfunda hend wiamer das Auto startend, simmer richtig Blue Lagoon gfahra. Dank dr Patricia hemmer dörfa a Sprung ins warma Wasser macha. 🧖🏼‍♀️🧖🏻 Mitara Gsichtsmaska us verschiedena Mineralia hemmers üs guat goh loh und hend denn au schu dia ersta Nordliachter gsi🥰 Dr absoluti Wahnsinn....🤩Read more

    • Day 15


      June 17, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Visite de la capitale
      Nous avons visité Reikjavic en trottinette. Comme ce n’est pas si grand on a fait le tour en quelques heures.
      C’était la fête nationale.
      Puis hier soir direction le Blue Lagoon jusqu’à minuit.
      Impressionnant et agréable d’être dans une eau à 40 degrés.
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    • Day 9

      Blue Lagoon

      July 7, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Ending the day and our road trip with a stop at Blue Lagoon, a site that is filled with minerals, this is because the saltwater comes from 2000 metres below the ground and is heated to over 2000* before rising through the ground and being saturated in rich minerals. It then arrives at the surface at around 38* and is then pumped into the lagoon. Signs say that the entire lagoon is replenished with fresh water every 40 hours.

      We had a great time floating round, relaxing, enjoying the sauna, steam baths, cold water showers and most of all the face masks. I don’t know why but some people decided to plaster their entire faces, heads, shoulders and backs with it. So many of them looked like the Michelin Man.

      Either way it is difficult to look cool when your face is caked in white glue.
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    • Day 19

      Reykjavik 3, ... Blue lagoon

      July 19, 2024 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Aujoud'hui au programme, surf, geysers et blue lagoon.
      Bon pas de surf car les routes du sud sont fermées pour cause de coulées de lave, donc nous nous réfugions au blue lagoon. Une source d'eau chaude riche en Silice. Elle permet un traitement thérapeutique, obligatoirement pratiqué et particulièrement indiqué avec un verre à la main. L'objectif est simple détoxification du corps (la silice), de l’esprit (le verre), et allègement du porte-monnaie.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Grindavík, Grindavik, Горад Грындавік, グリンダヴィーク, 그린다비크, Grindavikas, Гриндавик, 240, Grindavíkurbær, Ґріндавік, 格林达维克

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