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    • Tag 208


      14. Februar 2023 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Llegamos a Rishikesh después de casi 24h de viaje, en el que nos fuimos mimetizando con los locales en medio de autobuses, aviones, metros y, cómo no, un bus nocturno que nos escupiría en alguna carretera más o menos cercana a Rishikesh a las 3.30h de la mañana. A pesar de todo el tiempo que pasa mientras recorremos los más de 2.000km que separan Goa de Rishikesh, el frío de la puerta a los Himalayas nos coge por sorpresa. Deambulamos sin hotel ni rumbo por la ciudad después de coger un tuktuk, hasta llegar al río Ganges. Nunca olvidaré la sensación de belleza y divinidad que sentí nada más ver la luz de los puentes reflejada en el agua negra, las grandes montañas que se intuyen por las casitas ilumidadas en las alturas. Enseguida nos damos cuenta de que estamos en un lugar especial y que durante el día no será sino más bonito. Decidimos quedarnos bajo todas las prendas de ropa que encontramos en la mochila que puedan servirnos de abrigo, mirando al río y esperando a que se haga de día. Sorprendentemente la calle a las 4 de la mañana está muy ajetreada, llena de gente cruzando el puente en comunidades y música festiva sonando en potentes altavoces colocados sobre camiones. Otra de las muchas cosas inexplicables que suceden en India. Pasada una hora y media decidimos que estaremos más calentitos si nos ponemos a andar, y un hombre acaba apiadándose de nosotros y nos lleva en coche hasta el hotel de un amigo suyo, al cual puede despertar en mitad de la noche por el poder que la confianza da. A las 6.30h nos metemos por fin bajo las mantas de una cama.

      Rishikesh de día es, efectivamente, aún más bonita que de noche. Emplazada en mitad de las montañas, se respira una paz omnipresente multiplicada por el azul celeste de la madre Ganges, que corre majestuosa silbando el Om universal a su paso por entre las rocas. La población se considera la capital mundial del yoga, y no en vano, pues toda la ciudad está dedicada a la práctica de la unión cuerpo-mente-espíritu, y se respira una atmósfera vibrante de shanti que invita a querer quedarse durante semanas. Por descontado, el simple hecho de saber que los 4 grandes de Liverpool estuvieron aquí y compusieron entre estas montañas la mayoría del Álbum blanco, es suficiente motivo para cualquier fan de los Beatles para sentir que se está en un lugar sagrado.
      Pasamos los días en Rishikesh sin darnos apenas cuenta del avance del tiempo, entre clases de yoga, desayunos con vistas, siestas en la playa, aartis y callejuelas llenas de tiendas y vacas. También nos lanzamos a descubrir la naturaleza que envuelve Rishikesh, haciendo rafting, acampando en la montaña o pasando el día en la playa de rio más bonita que he visto en la vida. Todas las tardes tenemos una cita con alguno de los 3 aartis que se celebran en la ciudad, que son rituales de ofrenda a la madre Ganges a través de cánticos y fuego.

      Desgraciadamente tenemos que seguir adelante, hay demasiado que ver en el mundo, y con saudades adelantadas dejamos atrás Rishikesh subidos a otro bus nocturno camino a la capital del Rajastán, Jaipur.

    • Tag 8

      Beatles Ashram

      27. Februar 2023 in Indien

      It’s been some good and relaxed days her ein Rishikesh. Really starting to settle in in India, learning to accept the chaos and just move with it.

      After a morning Yoga class I went past my favourite swimming spot for a quick dip and continued, much more refreshed, to the famous Beatles Ashram. The now abandoned ashram where the Beatles, Donovan, Mike Love and the Farrow sisters stayed for 3 months in the late 60’s. Really cool place to visit! Spent most of the day there just walking around and exploring the ruins. The house where the Beatles stayed is also clearly marked and I met some other lovely people around there who had a guitar, so we played and sang some songs obviously! Really nice to be in the same place where they wrote so many of the White Album songs.

      For sunset I sat by the Ganga and enjoyed some street food. Now eating some bananas with peanut butter for desert. Time to sleep soon.

    • Tag 6

      Yoga Nikatan Ashram

      14. Dezember 2023 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Ashrams as a place of Silence, Spirituality and Self Exploration by doing spiritual and physical exercises are mostly located in refreshing natural surroundings conducive to spiritual instruction and meditation.

      Yoga in various forms will be an essential part of your daily schedule such as the various forms of yoga such as Hatha, Ashtanga or Vinyasa. Pranayama, the technique of breathing to connect your body and souls will be also practiced daily.

      The day is ruled by a schedule from the early morning until nine o’clock in the evening. You practice yoga session twice per day each morning than on hour and the are two times one hour meditation exercises.

      Additionally you attend lectures twice a day about the philosophy and life style of yoga, Vedenta (self exploration)

      As a guest of an Ashram you get provided an simple accommodation. You can choose between a shared double or a single room with airco or without depends what you are willing to pay. Independent from that the rooms rooms are simply equipped . My mattress is quite hard and the shower is cold what I can handle but it won’t probably be not everybody’s cup of tea.

      3 healthy vegetarian delicious meals are provided as well as water and tea.

      Since I am not used to sitting on the floor for such a long time my whole body was getting hurt. That is actually my biggest struggle beside of getting up at 5 a.m., but it is definitely the experience worth. You get slow down, calm and are fulfilled with a silent and peaceful mind. I do not want to miss this .

    • Tag 5

      Rishikesh & Yoga Nikatan Ashram

      13. Dezember 2023 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Rishikesh on the Ganges is a beautiful place, framed by the mountains of the Himalayas.
      The place is considered as holy as the water of the Ganges, and many Hindus make a pilgrimage here to bathe in the Ganges. It is the capital of yoga and meditation, so much so that the Beatles were in the ashram here in the seventies and the place is very popular with international tourists. My journey was a bit difficult as I only arrived at 2 a.m. due to the enormous delay of the train and was only able to sleep in the hotel for a few hours. It is very cold at night, around 8°. During the day, the thermometer climbs to over 20°C. I arrived at my ashram at midday. It is situated on a hill overlooking the Ganges and far away from the turbulent traffic. It is a place of contemplation and inner peace, of silence, meditation, self-discovery and the pursuit of the triad of body, mind and soul
      At dusk, a fascinating ritual begins in the three holy Indian cities of Rishikesh, Haridwar and Varanasi: the Ganga Aarti. No matter what the weather is like, a ritual fire offering is made every evening on the banks of the Ganges; this ritual is called aarti. Usually, a small light (a candle or a so-called diya, a small clay oil lamp) and some flowers are placed on a small boat and sacrificed to Goddess Ganga by placing the small floating boat with the light on the river and letting it float down the current.

    • Tag 6

      Monkeys, Cows & Gymnastics

      25. Februar 2023 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Easy days in Rishikesh. Already have somewhat of a morning routine here. Going to a little river spot with 4 bananas for some swimming, a little Workout, meditations, reading and breakfast.

      Afterwards I was simply wandering around this little town. Met the local animal residents and explored the Parmarth Niketan Ashram. At 5 o’clock every day its time for the Ganga Aarti (Blessing of the Holy Ganga River). It’s 1 1/2 hours of singing, playing traditional Indian music, praying and lighting fires. Really beautiful ceremony. This evening it was extra special because there was a team of gymnasts preforming afterwards.

      Walking back very slowly to my hostel, grabbing some street food on the way and now reading in bed. Already getting tired. Excited to sleep :)

    • Tag 23

      2 Weeks Pranayama Teacher Trainining

      14. März 2023 in Indien

      The last 2 weeks I attended a Pranayama Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Really great experience with a lot of insights, great teacher and really great people.
      Pranayama is one of the eight limbs of Yoga and is crucial for a complete practice. It is an ancient breathwork technique which has been practiced is the Himalayas fir thousand of years. It involves controlling your breath in different ways and overall is used for relaxed the body and repairing the internal organs.

      Alarm clock went off every day at 5:45 and the first lesson started at 6:30. We were advised to not have many external influences so most of the the bdays we were just practicing, eating, a bit of swimming and sleeping. At the end of the two weeks it was our task to teach a class ourselves which I enjoyed a lot! Now looking into starting a Yoga Teacher Training as well.

      We had one day off during the course because of Holi festival. Holi festival is a massive festival all across India and Nepal, famous for throwing colours :) It was super crazy during the day, a lot of music, dancing, food and especially colours everywhere!

      Also I started some bansuri (Indian flute) lessons and bought a little guitar (couldn’t resist).

    • Tag 712

      300h YTT in Rishikesh

      2. Februar in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      My 300h in Yoga Therapy in Rishikesh were... Well, definetly not what they promoted. Heads up to the good marketing though. From the first moment it fet sightly overwhelming, lots of people, dirty and not taken care of, cold and mostly with a different program to the one I was sold. Lots of frustration and anger accompanied me through the journey, because it was indeed disappointing in many aspects. Still, enjoyed the daily military hatha with Pradeep, the dynamic anathomy classes of AnantJi, the long cozy debates in our small philosophy classed with Kalpendra, explorer my body with the advanced secondary deries of asthanga, suffered the hands on adjustments of Ashu, and mostly enjoyed the people I had around me, the acrojams after lunch with Ange-Elise, Denis and Justin, chai with Oskar and the eternal talks after every meal with Cristina and Hector. While all this was happening, I got to pet a lot of cows, tried to quit coffee (and unsuccessfully chocolate), got a visit from Niklas whom I had met in Mysore previously, went to a meditation cave and to a beautiful viewpoint and chilled near the ganga exploring its energy.

      🍴Food: chocolate from the laundry, deserts from GangaView Cafe, potato street food thing, Momo's and Thakpa from momo's place (laxam jula area), Little Buddha, Freedom Cafe, Namaste Cafe, chai in front of the police

    • Tag 34–39


      17. März in Indien ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Die Stadt Rishikesh liegt bereits im Himalaya-Gebirge direkt am heiligen Fluss Ganges und wird auch als Yoga-Hauptstadt bezeichnet. Viele Touristen reisen hierher, um Yoga zu praktizieren. Auch ich nahm an einer Stunde teil und bemerkte einmal mehr, wie unglaublich unbeweglich ich bin. Neben Yoga gibt es jedoch noch viele andere Aktivitäten, die man in Rishikesh unternehmen kann. Da die Stadt nahe am Ursprung des Flusses liegt und das Wasser noch sauber ist, ist es hier möglich, im Ganges zu schwimmen. Wir wagten uns auch alle zum ersten Mal zum Bungee-Jumping, was für uns alle ein Highlight war. Mit geliehenen Motorrädern waren wir wieder mitten im lebensgefährlichen indischen Verkehr unterwegs. Die Gefahr zahlte sich jedoch aus, als wir zufällige Täler erkundeten und an wunderschöne Orte gelangten, an denen kaum jemand störte.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 560

      Ein weiterer Tag in Rishikesh

      17. Januar in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Ich überlege, ob ich ein paar Tage da bleibe. Auf der anderen Seite möchte ich noch in die Berge fahren. In einem Share-Tuktuk habe ich einen Spanier getroffen, der mir ein paar Tipps gegeben hat. So gleich mache ich mich an die Routenplanung. Außerdem gab es noch eine Bastelstunde am Fahrrad. Meine Vorderradbremse geht nicht richtig seitdem ich den Bremsschlauch gewechselt habe. Deswegen heute noch mal entlüftet und alles neu eingestellt.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 559

      Ein Tag Pause in Rishikesh

      16. Januar in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Rishikesh ist schön. Hier verlässt der Ganges des Himalaya und fließt in die große Ebene. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Unterkünften und Restaurants. Viele Touristen sind da. Die Stadt hat den Ruf „Yoga-Hauptstadt“ der Welt zu sein. In den 1960er Jahren waren die Beatles hier um zu meditieren. Die Spuren sieht man vieler Orts.Weiterlesen

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