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    • Dag 18–20


      16 december 2023, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      We are in Mandawa - population 45,000. Zahra is obsessed with old haveli buildings. They were built for cold winters and 50 degree summers. The rooms surround an open air courtyard. Many of the older ones have beautiful frescoes. We are staying in one which is fun. We finished our time here with sundowners on a rooftop watching the sun go down.Läs mer

    • Dag 2


      7 augusti 2022, Indien ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Dopo il primo pranzo indiano e la prima Kingfisher e mouth freshener arriviamo nel nostro albergo a Mandawa. Super bello e consigliatissimo!

      Iniziamo il tour di Mandawa con Ali tra le Haveli storiche del paesino, Mandawa è una piccola cittadina, fa così caldo che sudiamo tantissimo.

      Nemmeno il tempo di visitare il forte che ci troviamo sapientemente travolti da uno shopping interminabile ed insensato. Mentre Elena provava vestiti, Paolo si ritrova in moto con sconosciuti, di notte, tra mucche e fango (per non dire altro) alla ricerca di camicie.

      Tutto ciò ci ha visti tornare in Haveli con: 2 vestiti (di cui 1 da cucire), 2 maglie, collana e orecchini per Elena, 2 pantaloni, 1 camicia, 1 blusa, 2 canotte della salute...

      Elena provata, dalla prima giornata, intensa come una settimana di vacanza altrove si rifocilla in albergo, mentre Paolo va a cena con Deepak e Alí in centro.

      Alle 7 ci troviamo con Ali dopo una colazione veloce di toast, frutta e marmellata per terminare il tour interrotto il giorno prima dallo shopping sfrenato. Luoghi in decadenza, abbandonati, ma pazzeschi. Un cimitero trasformato in hotel, un haveli con i dipinti italiani, pozzi, etc

      Alle 8.30 partiamo con Deepak agitato per ritardo 30 minuti, ancora non sapeva cosa lo aspettava!!

      🍞: xxxx. Voto: 8/10
      🏠: Hotel Radhika Haveli (pagamento cash). Voto: 9/10
      🥣: Monika con rooftop. Voto: 6/10
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    • Dag 16

      Vultures & chanting

      14 december 2023, Indien ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      We started the morning at an Indian nature reserve. It was incredible to see thousands of vultures, eagles and antelopes. We followed this with a visit to the royal cenotaphs and temple where brahmin priests led us through a chanting ceremony for lost loved ones. It was very moving. We had a delicious lunch with Kush's family before heading to our final destination on this trip - Mandawa.Läs mer

    • Dag 97


      5 januari, Indien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Hüt fangt eusi tour in Rajasthan an. Mir hend für 2 wuche en fahrer wo eus dur die wüeste landschaft chauffiert 🙂. Die ersti fahrt isch vo Delhi nach Mandawa rund 6 stunde. Euse Fahrer heisst Irfan und isch sehr bemüeht, dass mir eus wohl fühled 😂😂.

      Mandawa isch sehr bekannt für sini havelis. Das sind hüser wo früeher de riche chauflüt kört hend und vor rund 200 jahre baut worde sind. Die havelis sind sehr schön bemalt und mer chunt echli en idruck über wie mer früher da in Rajasthan glebt het. Euses hotel isch au es umbauts haveli. Sehr schön dekoriert und sehr grossi zimmer. Alles isch us marmor baut. Es isch voll winter da in indie also isch es i de zimmer ohni heizig und alles us stei au sehr chalt😅.

      Mir hend e tour miteme führer dur Mandawa gmacht und verschiedeni haveli alueged. Es het au verschiedeni europäer gä wo sich da niedergla hend und ihri havelis im europäische stiel bemalt hend. I eim heveli hend sogar echts gold it wandbemahlige inegarbeitet.

      Am abig hemmer na en u feine znacht im hotel ka und de film white tiger gluged wo in indie spielt😀.
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    • Dag 87–89

      Direction le Rajasthan

      24 januari, Indien ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Mon chauffeur a conduis toute la nuit depuis 1h du matin depuis jaispur ou un ami lui a prêter une voiture pour venir me chercher.

      Partie a 10h direction l'aéroport pour changer de voiture car mon chauffeur a louer un 4x4 pour moi pour plus de confort.

      A 12h30 ont quitte enfin Delhi le traffic est monstrueux et beaucoup de routes fermées car beaucoup de personnes importantes, politiques, religieux pour les cérémonies.

      C'est parti direction la porte du désert du Rajasthan après un rapide arrêt pour midi et heureuse car mon chauffeur s'endormait .. après 8h de route me voilà arrivé a mandawa dans un hôtel avec des peintures incroyables.

      Rien que pour ma chambre il aura fallu a deux peintres plus de 3 mois pour la peintre,pour l'hôtel en entier cela se compte en année et il y a même des peintures en or.

      Il fait vraiment très froid en arrivant,les 4 couvertures données par l'hôtel pour la nuit ne seront pas de trop,je m'enroule dedans histoire de faire une couche de 8 couverture 🙈 car ici ni chauffage,ni eau chaude.

      La température de 34 degrés de Thaïlande n'est plus là, ici je suis dans mes 8 degrés la nuit et entre 11 et 16 degrés le jour mais avec du soleil c'est agréable.

      Je passerais néanmoins une très très bonne nuit.

      le lendemain je me suis baladé dans la ville et le marché a travers les hôtels magnifique avec de superbes peintures en or.

      Je prends conscience dans quoi je me suis embarqué.. un Roadtrip de 20 jours me paraît tout un coup très long... Mais peut être l'aventure de ma vie et pourtant j'ai de la bouteille en termes d'aventure et de pays.

      Ce que je vais vivre ici temps visuel que gustatif ainsi que les expériences qui vont se passer comme par exemple mes nuits dans le désert ou le safari ou le partage de ces 20 jours avec mon chauffeur vont être une incroyable aventure inoubliable a jamais cela quoi qu'il arrive c'est une certitude.

      Demain nous partons pour 4h de route direction bikaner.
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    • Dag 205


      18 mars, Indien ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Dopo 6/7 ore di bus siamo arrivati a Mandawa, una cittadina famosa per le sue Haveli. Le Haveli erano delle case di commercianti, dove nei cortili interni si svolgevano le attività di commercio. Queste strutture sono molto belle e molto colorate, le quali possiedono ancora le pitture originali. Le pitture invece che sono state rovinate dalle interperie e dalla meteo vengono spesso ristrutturate e le case vengono adibite a hotel o musei.


      After 6/7 hours on the bus we arrived in Mandawa, a town famous for its Havelis. The Havelis were merchants' houses, where commercial activities took place in the internal courtyards. These structures are very beautiful and very colorful, which still have the original paintings. On the other hand, paintings that have been ruined by weather and weather are often renovated and houses are used as hotels or museums.
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    • Dag 17

      Delhi -> Mandawa (11.03.)

      11 mars 2016, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Da die Hotelzimmer wegen irgendeines Gurus in Delhi heute ziemlich teuer sind, ging es heute schon spontan los Richtung Mandawa, wo wir vor ein paar Stunden angekommen sind und in einem wunderschönen verzierten Hotel schlafen. Da es zum Sightseeing hier schon zu spät war, sind wir nur noch in einem Restaurant mit Dachterrasse unterm Sternenhimmel essen gewesen.

      Bild 1, 2 und 3: Unser Hotel mit seinen wunderschönen Wandmalereien
      Bild 4: Eine Kuh. Muh.
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    • Dag 18

      Mandawa - Our last night with Ajay

      6 december 2018, Indien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Although it wasn't our longest journey it really did feel like it. I slept for about an hour of it, was being thrown out of our seats for about 2 hours and felt starving and thirsty for the remaining. We did ask for filtered water at the hotel but it tasted like chlorine so I didn't want to risk it. We also had a kg of bananas but devoured them within the first hour or so. Now if I'm honest I've been very impressed by the quality of the roads here but I think I spoke too soon. It was like being in Laos again for part of the journey!

      Ajay did not disappoint us when taking us to our final accommodation. He dropped us off at Hotel Heritage Mandawa and he warned us "it will be very expensive but let's see what you can do with the price". This was now completely down to our bargaining. The owner showed us 3 different rooms first costing Rs 3,500. It was a beautiful beautiful suite, but 3.5x our price range! Next he showed us another room which was 2.5x our price range and then one that was 1.5x. I politely said they were all beautiful but unfortunately we just can't afford it. He then dropped to the price to Rs 1,000, which was bang on our budget and he asked us to not tell the other guests! I think we were lucky. :) We had a quick attempt to rehydrate and then headed off in search of the much loved famous Havelis of Mandawa, oh and of course food... That vital thing we keep skipping on...

      We found a man selling fried potato patties which was then mashed and mixed with chickpea dhaal, onions and covered in yoghurt. It was delicious!! So much so that Will ordered two. We then wandered round the teeny town, saw the outside of the Fort, a few Havelis, sat for a while as I was suffering from dehydration, I ate a somosa, we topped up on snacks and bananas in prep for our long day tomorrow and then headed back to our guesthouse to sit, read watch sunset and have dinner. Aftwe dinner we did a final stretch of our legs and had Peda an india sweet that Will's says is like Indian version of fudge.

      As tomorrow we have to get up and out for 5am we had an early night.
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    Mandāwa, Mandawa

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