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    • Hari 4

      End of Day Two in Cochi

      7 April 2023, India ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      Most importantly I have to say that the rickshaw assignment gods looked favorably upon us and Eric and I were lucky to get one of the handful of rickshaws with 4-stroke engines. Most are 2-stroke. But ours did die when the fuel gauge read half-full, leaving us dead in the water in the middle of town. **If you know of our last trips to Utah in our beloved Landcruiser, you’ll see why we knew we could do THIS trip** We received kind help from locals, got a, uh, rickshaw-for-hire ride to a shop to get two 5-liter petrol containers (that look more like heavy-duty cooking oil jugs) and to the petrol station to get one filled up. 2.5 liters of petrol filled up the rickshaw tank that is supposed to have a 5-gallon capacity (in other words, apparently it wasn’t out of gas when it was dying) and it purred like a kitten. Hurray! We’ll see what happens on that front.

      Rickshaws had to be returned by 4pm. Where they are all parked is right next to the waterfront, so we had a lovely stroll on the promenade. We then attended an amazing local classical dance performance that is like musical storytelling that originated in the 17th century and involves elaborate costumes and makeup. For the hour prior to the performance the actors put their makeup on onstage. Fascinating!

      Unfortunately we had to sneak out of the performance to get to the mandatory team meeting. It was a humor-filled welcome/introduction/let’s go over the loose guidelines talk, and my biggest take away was that right at the beginning he said there are 20 women and 169 men taking part in this event. 🤣
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    • Hari 4

      Lunch break after test driving!

      7 April 2023, India ⋅ ⛅ 90 °F

      Just popping in mid-day to say that in a prior life, Eric was a rickshaw driver. He took to it like a duck to water during our test drive period today and navigated roads, even a particularly crowded road here in town, like a champ! I practiced so I know I can drive (forward and reverse! 😜) in a pinch, but Eric is the main driver. I’ve noticed that locals pronounce Staci more like “Daisy”, so we were joking that this should be my trip name and our alternative team name could be “Driving Miss Daisy”. 🤣Baca lagi

    • Hari 3

      First full day in India

      6 April 2023, India ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      Wow. That word sums up today. We started our day with a delicious “South India” breakfast at our hotel. It was made up of idlis (soft steamed rice flour buns) served with Sambar (vegetable lentil stew) and coconut chutney. We walked around the neighborhood to find a SIM card for Eric’s trip phone so he has cheap Indian cell service and data for our trip. (On the other hand I downloaded an eSIM from Airalo before our trip, which gives me tons of data but no calling/texting with my own cell phone/number). That took nearly and hour, and afterwards we took our first ride in a rickshaw when we hooked up with a rickshaw cab driver who took us on a sightseeing and shopping drive around Kochi. He took us to a huge area where hand washing is done, to the produce market area and to a fancy artisan crafts building where I may have purchased a couple beautiful pashmina scarves and a trip talisman ring. The hotel we are staying in is also an Ayurvedic spa, so Eric signed us up for “Sandalwood Ritual” 80-minute massages late this afternoon. Holy cow!

      This evening there was an Rickshaw Run participants gathering for beers at a local restaurant. There were a LOT of people there, and we chatted with a few participants, but it wasn’t really set up for mingling. Of note is that the participants of this Rickshaw Run are probably 95+% male…. 😜

      We are staying near a mosque, and heard the call to prayer from it and a distant mosque at about 12:30pm and then again this evening at sunset. It is Ramadan right now, and that may be why we have heard ongoing beautiful singing on loudspeakers from the mosques up until now, almost 10pm.

      A thundershower came through late this afternoon which was quite refreshing. Now it is still and muggy.

      What a day, and it’s just the beginning!
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    • Hari 64–66

      Cochin und seine Inseln

      23 Februari, India ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Während der Reise kam der Ort "Kochi" oft vor und ich war neugierig darauf, machte mir aber kein Bild davon.

      Oh, spannend! Die Kolonialstadt Cochin liegt auf den 'zersplitterten' Inseln auf dem Land. Im Jahre 1341 wurde die Stadt aufgrund einer Flutkatastrophe zerstört, die den bis dahin wichtigsten Hafen der Region war.

      Die Landinseln werden mit Brücken verbunden und es gibt Boote, die man auch Busse nennen könnte und sogar günstiger als waschechte Busse. 😮

      Wir haben eine Velotour durch die Stadt gemacht. Der Einfluss der Portugiesen und der Briten ist oft in der Architektur der Stadt sichtbar, wie unsere Lodge, die im portugiesischen Stil gebaut wurde. Das Zimmer war bisher das sauberste und ich weiss nicht, warum es für sie schwierig ist, das Zimmer, vor allem das Badezimmer, gepflegt zu halten. 🤣 Beim Thema Essen ist für mich hingegen spürbar und sichtbar, dass sie hygienisch kochen.

      Es gibt ein Jew Town, in dem auch eine alte Synagoge steht, die im Jahr 1568 erbaut wurde. Es fiel uns jetzt auf, dass es unser beider erstes Mal ist, diese jüdische Kirche zu besichtigen. Viele unterschiedlich wunderschöne Lichter hängen an der Decke und die Böden sind mit bildverzierten Platten ausgelegt. In diesem Viertel sind keine jüdischen Menschen sichtbar, das ist auch irgendwie verständlich, weil es heute ein Touristenviertel geworden ist.

      Wir liessen unsere losen Bauchtaschen und meine löchrige Hose für 2 Franken neu nähen, bummelten durch Kleider- und Schmuckmärkte und bestaunten am Meer die riesigen Transportschiffe und die Drachen am Himmel.

      Man kann nicht an den Stränden baden gehen. Der Touristenbadeort liegt 30 km weit entfernt, weshalb wir darauf verzichten. Nie im Leben hätte ich gedacht, wie schwierig es sein kann, einen Badeort zu finden.

      Heute spüren wir die unerträglichen, heissen Temperaturen. Es wird bereits gegen 10, 11 Uhr superheiss. Man hat uns gesagt, dass sich das Klima verändert hat und diese Temperaturen hätten ab März, April kommen sollen.

      Durch einen Tipp erfuhren wir, dass es indische Malediven gibt, zu denen wir von Kochi aus mit dem Schiff reisen könnten. Nach einem komplizierten System fand Mara letztendlich heraus, dass zurzeit wegen Umbau keine Schiffe gibt.

      Daher reisen wir jetzt in die Berge ab, um angenehme Temperaturen zu erreichen.
      Auf nach Munnar, dem berühmten Bergdorf.
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    • Hari 2


      21 Disember 2022, India ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Having had a couple of hours sleep and a shower. We felt refreshed enough to head out into the town for a wander. The weather was warm and the sights and sounds (and smells) of India came flooding back.

      We're staying at the hotel Fragrant Nature ( which is right at the North of the island and is a bit of luxury before or tour starts.

      We walked from the hotel and through the streets around it heading for the coast. The roads are all quite narrow and bustling with auto rickshaws bikes, motorcycles, cars, people, goats and other animals. Our aim was to walk to the place where the Chinese fishing nets are and this was about 15 minutes walk away. But we had to walk along a canal which is really rather smelly and then down some side streets before we ended up on the coast and saw the fishing nets.

      Quite a few locals said hello and one pair were even keen to have a selfie with us.

      Having seen the fishing nets and walked along the shore for a bit, we headed back through the town and to our hotel. Now it was around 4:00 p.m. and definitely time for a refreshing beer on the rooftop.

      We returned to the room and whilst Ed had a rest, I went back up to the rooftop for a swim in the pool. It was lovely to be able to swim whilst overlooking the rooftops and onto the water with the sun setting.

      After a quick shower and a phone call where I spoke to the group leader for our upcoming tour who suggested some things we could do before the tour starts on Friday, we went downstairs for a drink and some food. Full and tired we headed back to the room for an early night.
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    • Hari 3


      4 Mei, India ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Today was an early start to get to the Dutch Palace before it got busy. Today we toured the old Kochi Town and hit a few of the highlights. The Palace was quite small but it contained some really interesting pieces. One of the most interesting was a couple of paintings in the style that the subject followed you as you moved across the room. It's such a cool technique.

      We then moved on to a manual laundry facility. The workers belong to the lowest cast in the Indian society and thrm and their family have been doing that type of work for decades. It's really manual hard work. They scrub clothes and smack them against the rock to clean and after its the clothes are ironed with coal fueled irons. I tried the iron and it was super heavy.

      We then went to St Francis Church and then to look at the Chinese nets fishing. The process is super environmentally friendly. News are lowered into the river then after some time they are raised quickly catching fish.

      Along the boulevard fishermen are selling their fresh catch. If I had cooking facilities I would have bought some to cook. We finished the tour in a government approved cultural facility. A few of the group bought rugs and intricately embroidered duvet covers. I just stood chatting and getting to know my group a bit better.
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    • Hari 17

      Fort Kochi

      22 Oktober 2022, India ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Fort Kochi - eine extreme Mischung aus mittelalterlichem Portugal und Holland, chinesischen Fischernetzen, eine alte Synagoge, Moscheen, Kirchen und Überresten aus der Zeit der Briten. Echt spannend und nicht so anstrengend wie die meisten Touristenorte bis jetzt.Baca lagi

    • Hari 5

      Off to the seagull......

      29 Februari 2020, India ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Lovely fresh grilled fish........interesting electrics at restaurant. Quiz 10/20. Found 2 pairs of undies for 40 rupee each.....nude colour (.Brown we are in India after all )

      Tonic water refuel again.....Linda says she needs to keep her quinine levels up to protect her against Malaria.Baca lagi

    • Hari 3


      6 April 2023, India ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      We’ve arrived at our hotel in Kochi. It’s midnight local time. Can’t wait to see it in the light of day.

    • Hari 3

      Fort Kochi, Kerala

      9 Jun 2015, India ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Jain Temple & Oldest Synagogue in British Commonwealth (1583). For my Jewish friends back home: locals would ask if I had yet visited the area known as "Old Jew Town" in Fort Kochi and seen some of the few Jewish individuals (60-70 total in the state of Kerala) that remain in a once highly Jewish district. It is as if that was likely to be my only chance to see a Jewish person. Obviously, they had never heard of Chesterfield, Missouri.…
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