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    • Dag 2


      15. februar, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Hallo Indien! Nachdem wir die sieben Stunden in Abu Dhabi gut rum gebracht haben, ging es für uns nach Chennai! Mit dicken Füßen, Rückenschmerzen und müden Augen sind wir dann angekommen. Und unser Visum gilt sogar! Die taxi Fahrt zum Hostel hat uns jetzt noch den Rest gegeben. Berufsverkehr in München ist ein Witz hiergegen! Wie bitte kann man auf einem Roller hinten drauf sitzen, sich nicht festhalten und noch ein Baby im Arm halten (natürlich alles ohne Helm)? Ich bin verwirrt, so multi tasking fähig wäre ich aufjedenfall nicht. Wir legen uns jetzt erstmal hin und schlafen eine Runde. Guten Morgen und gute Nacht 🌞Læs mere

    • Dag 189

      Começa a aventura indiana - Chennai

      26. januar 2023, Indien ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Chegámos ao aeroporto de Colombo com bastante antecedência para que não haja nenhum problema, depois dos traumas que temos tido com viagens de avião. O voo decorreu sem incidências e à hora marcada partiu o avião para o nosso próximo destino: a muito ansiada e cheia de mistérios Índia.

      Do aeroporto ao nosso hotel tivémos um caminho atribulado. À saida do aeroporto, estava tudo em obras e cheio de entulho por todo o lado o que não nos surpreendeu. Sabiamos que tínhamos um metro que nos levava do aeroporto e nos deixava muito perto do hotel. Não tínhamos era rúpias indianas e por momentos achámos que não íamos conseguir trocar dinheiro porque não víamos nenhum multibanco, nem casa de câmbio. Por fim encontrámos uma e lá vamos nós no metro, que era surpreendentemente limpo e um dos melhores metros que entrámos na vida. À saída do metro aí sim tivemos o nosso shock cultural. As ruas estavam apinhadas de gente, lixo, cães, gatos, ratos, motas, tuk tuks sem regras a passar a centímetros das pessoas, buzinas estas com o som ampliado a níveis criminais e pessoas no chão, deitadas, em lojas que vendem tudo e nada, de um lado e do outro, a pedir, em cafés, sem pés, a cuspir, a mijar, a vender produtos na rua, com burkas, com saris, sem nada, velhos, muitos velhos, novos, magros, muito magros, gordos, muçulmanos, hindus com pontos na testa, num sem fim de actividades num aparente caos a que eles chamam ordem.

      Então chegámos ao hotel, com uma recepção, não menos estranha, mas onde os quartos eram sumamente agradáveis com ventilador e A/C e casa-de-banho aceitável. Depois de nos instalar, ainda saímos para jantar. Depois de muito procurar e de levantar dinheiro optamos por comer uns noodles num "restaurante" de rua, que acabou por ser uma ótima decisão pois estava ótimo e custou-nos aos dois 2€. Os rapazes que aí trabalhavam trataram-nos muito bem e ficaram contentes por lá termos ido.

      Al día siguiente lo pasamos visitando los imponentes templos, con sus torres altísimas y de mil colores, con tantas figuras que no sabes ni por dónde empezar a mirar. Caminamos por el centro de Chennai dejándonos perder entre los puestecitos de fruta y flores, leemos nuestros nuevos libros sobre los yoga sutras de Patanjali en un agradable jardín, visitamos la tumba del apóstol Santo Tomé y paseamos por la playa al atardecer donde la gente está realizando ofrendas al mar.

      Al día siguiente teníamos dudas sobre si pasar un día más en Chennai o dirigirnos hacia Puducherry. Decidimos quedarnos un días más y nos adentramos en la selva de los mercadillos callejeros, visitamos una galería de arte y asistimos a lo que creíamos que iba a ser un concierto de sitar pero acaba siendo de rock indio alternativo que nos encanta, todo esto sazonado con la comida siempre picante pero deliciosa que vamos comiendo por el camino.
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    • Dag 125

      Oh wai, Chennai

      21. november 2017, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Chennai, die Hauptstadt des Südens. Zwar bin ich vor meinem Flug auf die Andaman Islands nur einen Tag hier, aber ich dachte mir, so ein Hotel in Strandnähe kann ja nicht verkehrt sein.... Pustekuchen!

      Mein Hotel ist low budget und sieht leider auch genauso aus und der Strand ist wohl eher eine Fischfabrik.

      Voller Fischerboote- könnte ja ganz schön sein - leider aber auch voller Müll und Unrat.
      Von einem Spaziergang auf dem "Strandboulevard" ist ebenfalls abzuraten.
      Rechts der Stadtslum, links der Fischmarkt.
      Dieser besteht aus kleinen Bündchen oder auch nur ausgelegten Decken, auf denen jeglicher Fisch feil geboten wird. Der "Duft" der hier in der Luft liegt, lässt aber wohl auch den größten Fischliebhaber würgen.

      Der Tuktukfahrer, der mich in einen besseren Teil der Stadt bringen sollte, lässt mich sein Tuktuk fahren und macht dabei gefühlte 100 Selfies. Mit dem besseren Stadtteil hat es aber noch nicht ganz geklappt. Also mach ich mich zu Fuß auf zur katholischen St. Thome Cathedral. Bei meinem heutigen Glück geht hier aber gerade eine Beerdigung zuende und der Tote wird heraus getragen - im OFFENEN Sarg!

      Weiter zum Kapaleeshwarar Temple. Endlich mal ein Highlight! So einen bunten Temple hab ich in Indien bisher noch nicht gesehen 😊

      Mein nächster Tuktuk Fahrer fährt mit mir erstmal zur Tanke, bevor er mich an der großen Shoppingmall raus lässt. Bissl Burger King, bissl H&M und ab ins Kino.
      Zwar ist der Film auf Hindi, aber das ist trotzdem unterhaltsam. Vor allem, weil vor Filmbeginn die Nationalhymne gespielt wird und die Kinogäste dafür aufstehen sollen.

      Und zum goldenen Abschluss des Tages, auf der Suche nach etwas essbaren, sitze ich im Restaurant und studiere die Karte, da bleibt die Kellnerin/Inhaberin neben mir stehen, beobachtet mich und rülpst mich an 😅 ...da musste meine Restaurantsuche wohl oder übel weiter gehen.

      Jetzt freue mich nur noch auf bessere Zeiten im Paradies 😍
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    • Dag 13

      Chennai City Tour - Temples

      5. januar, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Next up we navigated some of the temples and monuments. First up the Santhome Basillica. Nice looking Church but we were walking in on someone’s wedding which didn’t seem right! Next up is the Kapaleeshwarer temple a Hindu temple which was closed at the time we arrived. It is built in the Dravidian style in the 7th century. The lake and surrounds weren’t the nicest and we will see a lot more of these temples later in the trip so happy to move on.

      The other two planned stops in our tour were so nondescript we didn’t bother taking photo’s, final stop Fort St George. Not a lot to see and the museum was shut but a European couple said the St Mary Church was worth a look so we ventured in. A pretty Church but fascinating to see the grave stones around the Church, mostly dating from the 1,600’s and 1,700’s including a few cross and bones symbols making us think that many pirates were buried here!
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    • Dag 12

      Hello India

      4. januar, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Our driver arrived on time at 10am. Our flight is not till 1.45pm but with check in at 10.45am we were best off being early. No major hitches, we thanked our driver and gave him a tip. Wasn’t perfect but he was a good guy and did try his best to help us.

      All was well until we realised there was no plane at gate 14 where we were waiting and the people had kind of disappeared without us noticing. We have been waiting there for nearly 2 hours and without warning we got the idea there must have been a gate change. 14 was as far away as you could go in the airport so getting to gate R5 with the ‘Final Call’ warning flashing did induce a bit of panic but we made it!

      We’re on our way back to India 😊

      The Hotel package had a pick up service so we found our driver at the airport. Coming outside we had our first ‘can we have a photo with you moment’. Had to get a photo back with them! Nice moment to get us back in India mode and we reflected absolutely nobody asked us for a photo in Sri Lanka – I think we missed that!

      The Pilot told us when we landed that it was clear and 31 degrees. So happy to be free from rain except the moment we left the airport the first drops of rain fell and by the time the driver brought the car around it was pissing down! We just could not believe it, it hadn’t rained for days – cursed travelling Potters!

      We had seen no phone stand at the airport so we asked the driver to stop somewhere where we could get some Indian SIM cards. We didn’t get a picture but it was an hour and 20 minutes huddled under a tin roof at a side of the road shop while we provided every form of identification and personal information from both us and the Driver as our sponsor. Lots of rules, couldn’t get SIMs for the kids as they were under 18, as adults we were only allowed to get 2, we needed passport photos and visa documents as well as where we were staying in India and our Driver had to provide all these things too. Thank goodness he had the patience of a saint and even helped us out by paying! The Hotel had called him twice to ask where he was, gosh what an ordeal!

      We are staying at the Taj Connemara in Chennai. We chose this one as it was really nice and we didn’t have high hopes for Chennai as a destination. If that was the case at least we would be staying somewhere nice. And nice it is!

      Staying in an executive suite comes with breakfast and high tea, very much looking forward to indulging those tomorrow. The rooms are top class and the Hotel itself is very heritage and got the feel of very opulent past times.

      There was a shopping mall next door so Mum and Lara were very keen to check it out. We figured there had to be a food court so we would eat there. Navigating three floors of shops with every shop keeper racing out to greet us and insist we come in and buy something we were exhausted by the time we got back to the bottom floor with what seemed only Domino’s, McDonalds and a particularly dodgy looking ice cream vender with his snacks. McDonalds it was.

      We all had different Chicken Burgers and it is fair to say everyone was surprised with the spice but none more so than Lara! She was so gutted to be let down by McDonalds that it became apparent this would be our one and only time for McDonalds in South India! Mum and Dad not hugely upset by that!

      Deciding we didn’t want to go back through the mall we thought we would try those ice creams. He showed us some funny looking bottles and insisted we try them, they were 35 rupees (about 70 cents) so we thought what the heck! They were the most delicious drinks we have ever tasted in the world ever! They were called Goli drinks, and had those balls you had to release like the Japanese drinks. The flavour we had was Mango. Just too good! Oh and the ice creams were pretty good too!

      Back to the Hotel to enjoy some more of that luxury. Was 8 hours of travel for a 1 hour and 20 minute flight but we are happy to be here!
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    • Dag 29

      Indien Tag 2

      29. januar 2020, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute sind wir um viertel nach 5 aufgestanden, da uns Gautam, mit seinem Auto, um halb 6 abgeholt hat. Zuerst ging es, pünktlich zum Sonnenaufgang, an einen Strand außerhalb von Chennai. Anschließend sind wir Richtung Mahabalipuram gefahren. Auf ca. der Hälfte der Strecke haben wir eine Frühstückspause eingelegt. Es gab typisch indisches Frühstück. Scharf und deftig. Nach dem leckeren Frühstück ging es dann nach Mahabalipuram, wo wir uns eigentlich einen alten Tempel anschauen wollten. Da die Eintrittspreise mittlerweile aber recht hoch waren (18€) haben wir uns entschieden das Geld zu sparen (für Lokals hätte der Eintritt nur ca. 50ct gekostet) und weiter zu fahren. Es ging wieder zurück nach Chennai, wo wir die Fortsetzung unserer gestrigen Stadtrundfahrt bekommen haben. Nach einer Kaffee und Tee Pause ging es in ein großes Shoppingcenter, wo sich Gautam für eine Hochzeit einkleiden ließ. Nach der Shoppingtour ging die Stadtführung weiter und endete in einem Starbucks, in dem wir einen leckeren Schockkuchen und jeweils einen Café getrunken haben, natürlich zu überteuerten Preisen. Nach dem Kaffeekränzchen verabschiedeten wir uns von Gautam und gingen zurück zu unserem Hotel, wo wir unsere weitere Reise planten. Als uns jedoch gegen 16 Uhr der Hunger plagte, haben wir uns wieder auf Futtersuche begeben. Es ging durch ein paar Gassen mit soo vielen Ständen. Irgendwann fanden wir ein sehr besuchtes Restaurant und aßen dort jeweils zwei Chapati mit Dipps. Anschließend liefen wir noch etwas durch die Gassen und stießen auf ein Restaurant mit westlichen Gerichten. Wir gingen hinein, bestellten uns eine große Portion Pommes und eine Lasagne (beides sehr scharf). Ich hatte dort zwischenzeitlich nicht nur einen Vogel sondern zwei, dann gingen zurück zum Hotel. Gautam holte uns gegen 9 Uhr ab um noch ein Abschlussbier mit uns zu trinken. Es ging für uns in einen angesagten Club "The Lord of the Drinks", da wir darauf nicht eingestellt waren, war unsere Garderobe nicht ganz passend, wir durften aber trotzdem an den Türstehern vorbei. Der Club war super schick, dementsprechend sah auch unsere Rechnung am Ende aus. Für 2 Mojito, 1 Bier und eine Cola zahlten wir 1500 INR.
      Wir unterhielten uns bis ca. Halb 11 und machten uns dann auf den Rückweg. Wir machten eine Pipipause im Hyatt, zuvor mussten wir uns durchleuchten lassen, allein die Sanitäranlagen faszinierten mit purem Luxus. 😁😂 Um 11 Uhr waren wir wieder an unserer Unterkunft und verabschiedeten uns von Gautam. Unser Wecker war für 4:40 gestellt. Tag Ende.
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    • Dag 13

      Taj Connemara Chennai

      5. januar, Indien ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      The Taj group of Hotels is probably the most famous 5 star chain of Hotels in India. There were 4 to choose from in Chennai but the Connemara sounded the most authentic in being an older hotel that had been maintained to a high level. It was also the most expensive Hotel in town!

      The bathroom facilities were of sufficient standing to enable Lara to attend to the birdnest that was Stanley's hair!

      Have to have a gin & tonic when in India we thinks! While there was no prices on the menu it is fair to say we were a little suprised to find it was NZD$40 on the final bill!

      Our breakfast waiter made a show out of the masala chai. And that pool, oh my gosh so nice!!

      Mum and Dad managed to get their High Tea as part of the Taj Club package by booking the superior room though it did take some negotiation as the booking had Mum in that room on her own and Dad and the kids in the double room! Very relieved we navigated that ok!

      Can highly recommend the Taj Connemara!
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    • Dag 138

      premier pas en inde

      31. juli 2023, Indien

      Vasuki le petit soleil qui a illuminé mon arrivé en inde, chennai reste une grosse ville, la nourriture y est excellente, l’hostel était chouette et chargé d’histoire, depuis tranquille pour ne pas me mettre en difficulté

      merci pour touuuuuut
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    • Dag 13

      Chennai City Tour - Marina Beach

      5. januar, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      The kids were tired and didn’t want to leave the Hotel. To be honest neither did Mum and Dad but felt like we had to see something of Chennai even though the Hotel would surely have been enough!

      We negotiated a tuktuk driver for 600 rupees for 3-4 hour city tour (that’s about $12 NZ).

      Marina Beach is a pretty famous place and a good spot to start. It is the second longest beach in the world running for 12km (the longest is in Brazil and goes for 157km!). Unlike the Brazil one you can’t swim at Marina Beach due to the strong currents and you wouldn’t want to sit on the beach as it is fairly dirty and then there is the wind. Best for photo’s only!

      We ventured up the lighthouse for a better view and were grateful for the lift taking us to the top. Nice view from our cage!
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    • Dag 1

      Chennai--our first day

      21. november 2017, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We arrived in Chennai at 0100 AM on Tuesday, 11/21 after 16 1/2 hours of flying time plus a 4 hour layover in Frankfurt. The first thing that hit me as we left the airport was the heat and humidity, high even at 1AM. We planned today as a rest day so we had no schedule to meet and could nap and walk around, getting used to the time change (we are 10 1/2 hours ahead of the east coast).

      Chennai is the Detroit of India, its primary business being manufacturing, especially automobiles. The streets in the area of town near our hotel are filled with small shops and street stalls—ironing services, fabric printing, mechanics, packaged spice carts, stalls selling fruit juices and others selling chapati and other hand snacks. Although there are many people walking, the raids are not pedestrian friendly. The sidewalks are narrow so you must walk mindfully around potholes and piles of debris, often stepping into traffic to squeeze by some large sidewalk obstruction. The traffic on our hotel street is very heavy, a mix of cars, small trucks, tuk-tuks (like a golf cart for hire), motorcycles, and scooters. Everyone uses the horn, a lot. No pedestrian crossings, just venture out when there is a slow down in the flow of traffic and wend your way across the 6 lanes.

      The last time we were in India was 2010 and it was north India: Delhi, Agra, Jaipur. The first thing we noticed here was far less unsolicited touting, that is men who want to “help” you do something (for a fee) —take you on a tour, carry your luggage, drive you someplace—than we remember from Delhi. Still a few persistent tuck-tuck drivers but much more enjoyable to walk around without having to say “no”all the time.

      Surprisingly, there is a Starbucks around the corner from our hotel. Yes, it’s the real deal. We also found a small grocery store and had fun checking out the variety of fruits and vegetables, spices, seeds, nuts, and sauces. Stocked up on several gallons of water. Now, a little relaxation at the pool at our hotel before dinner.
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