Bali Zoo - Kebun Binatang Bali

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    • Dag 9


      19. juli 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Ausflug nach Ubud - ins Landesinnere. Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück und einer einstündigen Autofahrt sind wir im Tlaga Singha angekommen, einem Pool-Club, der nicht so bekannt ist wie andere in der Gegend und daher auch weniger besucht ist. Wir hatten wirklich Glück! Es ist ein wunderschöner Ort mitten im Dschungel, wo wir einen super entspannten Tag verbracht haben.
      Am Abend sind wir wieder in das mexikanische Restaurant essen gegangen, in dem wir schon einmal gewesen sind, aber diesmal probieren wir die Tacos mit Fleisch (unsere Woche als Vegetarier ist vorbei). Und natürlich können Churros nicht fehlen :)

      Gita a Ubud - nell’entroterra. Dopo una colazione sostanziosa e un’ora di macchina siamo arrivati al Tlaga Singha, un pool club non conosciuto come altri nella zona e quindi con meno gente. Abbiamo avuto proprio fortina! È un posto stupendo in mezzo alla giungla dove trascorriamo una giornata super rilassante.
      La sera torniamo al ristorante messicano dove eravamo già stati, e sta volta proviamo i tacos con la carne (è finita la nostra settimana da vegetariani). E non possono mancare i churros :)
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    • Dag 16

      Ziua 15: Bali-hai sa exploram

      4. oktober 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Azi am decis sa vedem împrejurimile. Ne-am închiriat mașină cu șofer (suna foarte pompos dar e destul de comun sa faci asta prin zona, pentru ca prețul este foarte accesibil) și am plecat pe la 9 dimineața.
      Prima oprire: Tanah Lot-un templu cocoțat pe o piatra, la care poți ajunge doar la reflux.
      Înainte sa ne apropiem de el am fost rugați sa ne curatam: ne-am spălat pe mâini în izvorul sacru, ne-au pus flori la ureche și orez în frunte și asa am încheiat vizita. Se pare ca nu putem vizita templele fără aprobare speciala de rugăciune 🙄 Asta e 🤷‍♂️ Ne vom bucura de ele de afara.
      In drum spre Bali Zoo am oprit la un restaurant specific balinez, unde Ionuț mănâncă un fel de mâncare locala cu carne de porc foarte foarte picanta. Eu m-am abținut 🤭
      E frumoasa gradina lor zoologica. Poți face baie elefanților iar o parte dintre animale sunt lasate libere pe aleile grădinii. Ai chiar un loc special unde te poți juca cu lemurienii! 😏
      Am finalizat ziua cu o cina cu fructe de mare pe malul oceanului
      A fost o zi frumoasa!
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    • Dag 13

      Surfing 🏄‍♀️ and Elephants 🐘

      22. juni 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Today was a great day! We started out our morning with an early wake up call to walk down to the beach for surfing lessons at 7am. Mom and Dad were a little concerned but were excited to try their “semi-private” lesson together (they shared one guide and Emily and Maddy each had their own). Our main guide Dewa met us and gave us some instructions on land before hitting the water. It was so much fun. The waves were a good height for beginners and gave us ample time to try to stand up. It took a little while, but Maddy and Emily figured it out and were able to stand up! This was also Emily’s second surfing lesson, so she is almost intermediate already. Mom and Dad enjoyed catching the waves, but struggled to stand up. Mom preferred to surf on her knees, however, she did get up on one of her last waves!

      It was a great learning experience and excellent way to start our last day in Bali. We also got to see lots of skydivers fall out of the sky and land on the beach! After we finished our two hour lesson, we walked home, changed and grabbed breakfast at a little Greek place before meeting Gede to head to the Bali zoo. Traffic is still horrible in Seminyak, so it took over an hour to go the 10 miles.

      Once we made it to the zoo, we headed straight to the orangutans and elephants. They were having “open-range” orangutans for an hour so we were able to see Septi (female orangutan born in September) swing over and eat some food. It was so cool to be that close to her and watch her interact with people. After our time with Septi we saw some other animals, like monkeys, crocodiles, ostriches, sunbears, and tigers. Then we were able to feed an elephant. We all got our baskets of carrots, bananas, sweet potatoes and cucumbers and headed down to meet Hati. Hati is a 27 year old elephant who likes to eat fast. It was so cool to feel her trunk and skin and watch her consume all this food.

      Once Hati was done eating, we finished out the loop of animals at the zoo and went by the lions. We were also able to feed the male lion Deo! He a little scary and a little too close for comfort, but interacting with him that close by was pretty breathtaking (in a good way). We finally made it out and found Gede to head back to Seminyak.

      We ended the night with another lovely dinner on the beach watching the sunset and headed home to pack up and catch our flight to Cairns tomorrow!
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    • Dag 10

      Zoo und Wasserfall

      9. september 2018, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Gemütliches Frühstück und chillen in der Villa. Dann mit Roller in Zoo gefahren und danach noch an den Wasserfall gefahren. Abends chillig Essen und noch in Casablanca Bar mit Freunden von Moritz.

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