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    • Dag 12

      Travel day Dingle to Galway

      18. juli 2023, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Alan Barnes picked us up at 8am for our very packed day. He went over our day with us as we left Dingle. The weather report the night before said terrible, terrible rain for our drive. Alan had even sent me an email the evening before saying he hoped he would be able to see the roads!
      Well, it was 58 degrees and a bit overcast, the ground was wet, but not horrible.
      As we drove, the skies slowly cleared. We had absolutely perfect weather. The best weather day so far! 70 degrees!
      Alan told us about his life in Ireland. His mom was Irish, but he was born in England. They moved back to Ireland in 1964. At that time, the country was very poor. They lived with his grandma and had no electricity, no running water and no flush toilets. Every Friday we would get water bucket by bucket from the village well and walk back to take to fill their water tank. He hated Fridays.
      He had many stories to share, explained history of the area, and was a pure joy to be with.
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    • Dag 8

      Galway city

      3. juli, Irland ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      On our last day in Ireland, we stayed in Galway city, which is considered to be the coolest and hippest city in Ireland. It’s the center of Irish food and music scene. We really went there because it wasn’t too far from Cliffs of Moher and because there were VoiceMap tours available there. We did two VoiceMap tours - one historical and one specifically talking about gastronomy of Galway. We sampled many great small restaurants with local produce and walked around its pretty town center. Then we drove 2.5 hours back to Dublin, stopping on the way at the Tara, a historical hill, 30 min from Dublin. We did a VoiceMap tour there too, walking around a large site of grassy mounds, marking the areas of archeological finds. We also learned about the significance of fairies in the Irish beliefs. That concluded our week-long Irish adventure!Læs mere

    • Dag 30


      28. april 2023, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Fun day exploring Galway city! We woke up this morning to some sunshine ☀️

      Walked into town and had coffee and a bite to eat.

      📍 Quay Street - had lots of fun checking out all the little shops, galleries and cafes (including one Aussie cafe we found!)
      📍 Walked to the Spanish Arch - built in the 1500’s and part of the old medieval town of Galway
      📍 Galway Museum - not bad
      📍 Galway Cathedral - amazing architecture
      📍 Walk down the canal 🦆
      📍 Lunch @ a funky pub in Eyre Square called Tigh Neachtain. It was in our Lonely Planet book as one of the best pubs in Galway. Super cute timber interior with little nooks and fireplaces everywhere.
      📍 Murphy’s ice cream 🍦 We had to try this while we were here as it was on our favourite show ‘Somebody Feed Phil’. We shared the chocolate whiskey and sea salt flavours, wowee delicious.

      We went home for a few hours to relax and did some trip admin/planning.

      Sun was out again in the arvo so we headed to Salt Hill Promenade for a big walk along the water. This area reminded me a bit of St Kilda in Melbourne. The sea was so clear and so many people swimming 🥶

      Afterwards we drove 30 mins out of town to watch a Hurling match which is an Irish sport, seemed like a mixture of hockey and AFL minus the tackling. They use these paddles that look like long table tennis bats to hit the ball all around the field. Jacques has been talking about seeing this sport every day since we’ve been here 😂 I surprised myself and actually enjoyed it too

      Back to Galway for our last dinner here, we headed to a pub down the road the called McGinn’s Hop House, shared a pizza and some drinks 🍺 🍕 Afterwards, we walked into town to check out the atmosphere on a Friday night. It was going off! Sooo many loud, packed pubs and people drunk everywhere 🤣 could literally still here it going all night from our bedroom! Needed some earplugs lol

      Early morning tomorrow as we head to Dublin via Kilkenny (last minute plan after so many people recommending it)
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    • Dag 336


      19. maj, Irland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Es ist Sonntag, traumhaftes Wetter und die Stadt ist voll! An jeder Ecke macht irgendwer Musik und Passanten singen mit. Nachdem wir kreuz und quer durch das wunderschöne Latin Quarter (Wieder kleine bunte Häuser, viele Pubs und Restaurants.) gelaufen sind, hatten wir keine Lust mehr uns zu bewegen (Wer hätte es erwartet, dass wir so bequem sind?) und haben uns stattdessen eine Bus Rundfahrt gegönnt.Læs mere

    • Dag 2

      Museumbesuch und spazieren an der Küste

      14. marts, Irland ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Nach wohltuenden 9h Schlaf starte ich prosper in den Tag und frühstücke erstmal ausgiebig in der "Brasserie On The Corner", wo die Kohlen im Kamin glühen und die Bedienung zu Depeche Mode aus den Lautsprechern mitsingt.

      Den verregneten Vormittag verbringe ich im Galway City Museum, wo ich etwas über irische Geschichte und die gälische Kultur lerne. Sobald sich die Sonne hervorgetraut, erkunde ich auf einem ausgiebigen Spaziergang den Long Walk, Nimmo's Pier, South Park Beach, Mutton Island und zuletzt Salthill. Der Wind bläst mir um die Ohren, es gibt viele Vögel zu beobachten und Müscheli zum suchen.
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    • Dag 3

      Wir wollen Meer!

      6. marts 2020, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Es heißt früh aufstehen. Unser Weg führt von Dublin nach Galway, wo wir einige Tage verbringen werden. Während ich im Bus die ersten Zeilen unserer Reise in die Tasten haue kuschelt sich Vanessa an mich. Strahlender Sonnenschein begleitet uns auf unserem Weg, obwohl der Wetterbericht Regen angekündigt hatte. In Galway angekommen bereiteten wir uns seelisch auf den Weg zur neuen Unterkunft vor. Kurz überlegten wir, ob ein Taxi vielleicht doch mehr Sinn machte, als zu laufen. Ganze 350 Meter mussten wir auf unserem Weg zum Hostel zurücklegen! Die zwei Ampeln nicht zu vergessen! Am Nachmittag spazierten wir unserer Nase entlang durch Galway. Vorbei an unzähligen Straßenmusikern und eh wir uns versahen waren wir am Meer, wo wir den ganzen Tag vertrödelten. Am Meer realisierten wir beide, dass wir nicht mehr in Deutschland sind und der Traum Irland wahr geworden ist. Ich atmete einmal tief ein und wieder aus, um den Augenblick noch besser wahrnehmen zu können. Abends verschlug es uns in ein nahegelegenes Pub, wo der Türsteher uns beim Blick in die Karte scherzend mitteilte, dass die Tagessuppe heute Guinness sei. Worauf Vanessa scherzend fragte, ob das jeden Tag so sei, was der Türsteher wiederum mit einem breiten Grinsen auf den Lippen bestätigte. -Besser gehts doch gar nicht, dachten wir uns beide! Und so verbrachten wir unseren Abend in fabelhafter Gesellschaft mit leckeren, vom Kellner empfohlenen alkoholischen Getränken und einem Essen, das so gut war, dass wir gleich beschlossen die Folgetage im selbigen Lokal einzukehren.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Exploring Galway

      20. juli 2023, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Big day today! Started off at the Galway Atlantaquaria. We saw a lot of neat fish including the very elusive northern pike. From there we took a dip in the ocean and were taught what jellyfish are safe to touch. We wandered a few Km down to a random pier walk. Turns out that led to the local wastewater plant. Topped our night off with dinner, drinks and a comedy show.Læs mere

    • Dag 13

      Number42 Enniskillen to Galway.

      30. april, Irland ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Breakfast at the Old Post Office We got talking to host Sam again about metaphysics, religion politics,and the life the universe and everything. What a nice guy. He wants to move down to Aus or NZ because he sees no future in Europe. He will teach meditation and live in a better environment.
      I have been amazed at how negative the Brits are about their society and where it is headed. One guy who has 2 kids in NZ and 2 in Britain couldn't understand why we would come here on holiday.
      The streets are full of unhappy looking people.
      Not so in Ireland people are warm, friendly, and only bugger is that it is the Emerald Isle as it rains so muchDid not fo to the high point to view anything as it is raining with no cloud.
      Enniskillen was a sweet little place where the city is on an island. We went to the castle and had a nosy around. I was fascinated with this guy fishing using a pole, not a rod, and catching fish after fish. I watched for about 15 minutes, and he caught 3. No bait, just gently lowering a fly and hook into the water and gently bobbing it.
      We bought a bit of tourist tat and then drove onto Beleek pottery, which was started by a John Caldwell. There is a Caldwell castle nearby, but it was 15 miles in another direction, so I skipped that.
      Marina bought a gorgeous lamp, which is being shipped out.
      Fermanagh is a stunningly beautiful county. The Mc Auleys came from a fine pllace.
      It was pretty crappy weather, so we just motored on down to Galway.
      We got Sat Nav going, and an Aussie chick got us straight here
      Haven't slept so well the past few nights, so I hope to crash tonught. On to Kenmare for 2 nights tomorrow ✌️ ☮️
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    • Dag 6

      6. Tag Region Poulnabrone Dolmen

      17. maj, Irland ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      County Galway - Burren - Klippen von Moher - County Kerry, ca. 220 km
      Poulnabrone Dolmen (neolithisches Felsengrab aus der Jungsteinzeit, wahrscheinlich zwischen 3800 - 3200 v. Chr. erbaut), Übernachtung im White Sands Hotel, BallyheigueLæs mere

    • Dag 4

      Barnacles restaurant

      4. august, Irland ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Barnacles significa percebes en inglés. Este nombre no podía corresponder mejor a la cocina que ofrecía este restaurante. Nos dimos un verdadero homenaje con una cena de mariscos en el susodicho restaurante Percebes. Además, acompañada de música típica irlandesa.Læs mere

    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Gaillimh, Galway, Голуей, Galway - Gaillimh, GWY, ゴールウェイ, Golvėjus, Golveja, Голуэй, 戈尔韦

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