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    • Day 2

      Dublin (Taylor and Shalyn)

      July 8 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Taylor here, I’m not NEARLY as articulate as Dad but I’ll try my best (funny as neither of us enjoyed English and writing classes but one of us is definitely better off) . Shalyn and I had a very uneventful DIRECT flight from ATL to Dublin (we got here first nanny nanny boo boo -Shalyn). Made it in, through passport control and customs and off to our bus! Not off the bus for more than a few minutes and granny gang pulls up!! (Dad said he wouldn’t comment on this pic but I have no problems… they see me rolling🕺)

      Started the day with some much needed coffee as it was basically 3am for us and we were running off fumes and a few hours of sleep! I’ve come to the conclusion that I will get my coffee in a mug and sit down as often as I can (I’m convinced the to-go cups are smaller than the massive mugs you can see in the picture… I won’t get cheated out of my coffee that’s for sure). Fueled up (kinda) we set off on the tour bus and started down the route, it was super nice to be able to jump on and off and take note of stops we wanted to come back to. We ultimately made the very difficult decision to go to the Guinness storehouse for our first stop (pints at 11am are acceptable here🤪). We went through the whole process of how Guinness is made and all the rooms had the most delicious smells, it reminded me of Disney *sigh* when will mom and dad take me back :( I was very upset to find out that chocolate isn’t an actual ingredient in mom’s fav beer. I’m of the personal opinion that it tastes nothing like chocolate so this made sense, anyone who thinks it does is a bit delusional. This didn’t stop me from taking advantage of the free pint that was offered at the Gravity Bar at the top of the world’s largest pint shaped area(?) and we ended up making a friend! Theo was from France and we think he was on a summer trip between school, he couldn’t quite comprehend what a PA was and was very interested in field artillery! I can say that I beat Mom and Dad in getting a Guinness in Ireland!!

      After Guinness, we got back on the bus and went back around the loop. We walked through Trinity College and saw a ton of tour groups. Not sure I would want to go to school in a place where so many people are walking through everyday. Being in a place with this much history is incredibly neat though. I do recognize that West Point does have lots of tours and history BUT we were at least able to regulate how many tourists come through AND they weren’t allowed to just wander! We spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the town and popping into shops, Shalyn sent out some postcards and found some cute gifts for the fam! I started checking off items on the “Ireland Checklist” that one of my E-5s from work gave me! We got a pic at the “Temple Bar” , one of the oldest / most famous bars in Dublin (at least we think this was the right one… there was about 18 Temple Bars within 400m of each other on the same street, imagine that). I did enjoy finding the street warning for everyone outside the UK… “Look left” and “Look right” were at almost every cross walk with reminders to “Drive on the left side of the road”. Dumb foreigners right? (At least it’s not only us Americans here! Everyone is just always confused!

      Finally, we got back on the bus and made our way to Phoenix Park to get picked up by our valet (they were a little late… 4/5 stars currently. I’ll update as the trip progresses.) Anyway, we made it to a parking lot to make it easier for our Uber to find us and took a break to enjoy the rare Irish sun! Can’t complain so far! I dont want to work next week! Until next time 🫶🏼
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    • Day 14

      Wenn Dublin, dann Guinness

      May 26, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Abgesehen mal vom wirklich happigen Preis, ist ein Dublin-Besuch ohne die Guinness Brauerei natürlich nicht ganz rund.
      Allerdings kommt man gar nicht in die Brauerei, die inzwischen ein ganzes Imperium darstellt. Vielmehr wird man durch einen riesigen Spielplatz in Massenabfertigung gelotst. Bier brauen wird gestreift, aber auch die Geschichte hinter diesem Konzern. Inklusive einem großen Merchandising. Und letztlich landet man ganz oben in der Gravitybar und nimmt ein Guinnes mit Aussicht über Stadt zu sich. Schon ein gelungener Abschluss einer Irlandreise.Read more

    • Day 31

      Guinness Brewhouse

      June 2, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Our day in Dublin began with a tour of the city and a visit to the Guinness factory. It was well worth it. The tour of the visitors centre ends with a pint of Guinness. You have one each, which means I had one plus most of Debbie's. A good way to start the day at 10:00am.

      Guinness has been made on this 50 acre site since 1759 when founder Arthur Guinness signed a 900 year lease on the land. The brewhouse produces 3 million pints of Guinness each day. Guinness in Ireland tastes so much better than at home and a pint here is the same price as a schooner of normal beer at home.
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    • Day 1

      Tag 1: Angkommen und Guinness Storehouse

      November 18, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute ging es für ein Wochenende nach Dublin. Mit dem Flieger ✈️ ging es in Rund 2 Stunden nach Irland 🇮🇪. Nach dem Check-In in unserem tollen Hotel, welches mitten in der Stadt liegt, ging es sofort in ein Pup. Im GinPalace gab es ein kleines Mittagessen und ein Guinness 🍺😍. Auf diesen Moment habe ich lange gewartet 😉. Nach dem Mittagessen ging es an den ersten Programmpunkt: Das Guinness-Storehouse. Zuerst ging es durch das Museum, hier lernten wir den Prozess des Bieres kennen. Da es Samstag war hatte es viele Leute 👥. Nun mit dem mussten wir rechnen. Im 4 Stock gab es ein Guinness 🍺 mit unserem Foto aufgedruckt, ein Highlight für alle. Wir föteleten 📸 fleissig 🤭. Im obersten Stock hatte es eine Rooftop-Bar mit 360 Grad Aussicht. Dort gab es nochmals ein Guinness, im Ticket inbegriffen. Nach dem Nachtessen ging es in das bekannteste Pup der Welt 🌍, die Temple Bar. Wie nicht anders zu erwarten war dieses gestossen voll. Wir konnten uns doch noch einen Platz erkämpfen und genossen unseren Schlummertrunk 🍻. Über die Halfpennybridge ging es müde 🥱 in unser Bett 🛏️.Read more

    • Day 11

      Guinness Store Besuch und Pub

      July 7 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Heute mit Hop On Hop Of Bus zum Guenness Store war sehr schön und interessant mit live Musik super 👍👍 Dann mit Straßenbahn zurück zum Campus etwas ausruhen Abends ins Pub mit live Musik Klasse

    • Day 2


      September 12, 2017 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Getting ready to take the Guinness Tour. We weren't sure if we were on the right train and this lovely lady, Sheila, helped us. She said she would take us all the way to Guinness if she wasn't meeting a friend! Everybody is so nice! Guinness horses!🐴 This is Molly 🤗Read more

    • Day 8

      The Guinness Compound

      September 3, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Also in the West end of Dublin is the Guinness Brewery….well it is a bloody compound that stretches for blocks. It is the most visited attraction in all of Ireland. When I booked the tickets I wanted to give us time to look at a park and visit the shops in the area. Well there were no shops in the area and we did not feel like back tracking to a park in the rai so we visited the only pub we could find on the compound and had a nice long lunch with beers and and Irish coffees. Where we watched afternoon footie with the locals. It was a quaint family pub with slack service and amusement as we watch the father or uncle of Jamie (the server) yell at him constantly to give people ice or water or forks.

      Finally it was time for Guinness. The tour is self guided and was packed. The most enjoyable portion was the Stoutie Bar where we got to enjoy beers with our faces on them in a private area that only had people foolish enough to spend 6 euros extra per ticket. So there were a lot of people but in the grand scheme of people it was okay. We had found a seating area and enjoyed Guinness number 1 of the tour while watching the rain outside.

      Then it was off to the roof top bar (gravity bar) where you got to enjoy 360 views of Dublin. Unfortunately it was cloudy and raining so we did not see anything. It was also insane up there as everyone who does the tour gets a beer so there were wall to wall people. Luckily we ended up standing by a couple who had a table and were finishing up so we got to enjoy Guinness number 2 not crammed up against people.
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    • Day 7

      Ein Besuch bei der Guinness Brauerei

      January 3, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Der Ausblick von der Skybar über Dublin war wirklich gut.
      Der Rest war leider mehr Touri Massenabfertigung und nicht so gut.
      Leider wurden wir auch nicht darauf hingewiesen dass es einen kostenlosen Audioguide gäbe.Read more

    • Day 10

      Farewell Dublin 👋🏻🇮🇪🫶

      August 15, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Heute haben wir Dublin mit dem Bus (Hop on, Hop mit The Big Bus Tour mit Will & Ross) und zu Fuß erkundet und viele fun facts mitgenommen, z.B. the snail on the rail, floozy in the jacuzzi … We enjoyed it very much. Gegessen haben wir in einem very small potato house (I forgot it’s actual name), ach so und ich habe gelernt wie man “cathedral” richtig ausspricht: ka-ti-dral natürlich 😅 by the way, die irische Sprache nennt man nicht “Gaelic”, sondern “Gaeilge” und The Guiness Storehouse ist die am meisten besuchte Sehenswürdigkeit in Irland. Wir waren zwar vor Ort, von innen haben wir uns aber die Teeling Whiskey-Distillery angesehen, die 2015 wie ein Phönix aus der Asche wieder auferstanden ist. Yeah 🙌🏻🥃Read more

    • Day 4

      Guinness Storehouse

      August 20, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach dem Besuch im Zoo landen wir noch im Guinness Storhouse. Eigentlich eine coole Location und besonders die Rooftopbar gefällt uns sehr. Wir müssen allerdings gestehen, dass uns das Guinness nicht so gut schmeckt. Aber so gibt es eben eine erfrischende Sprite und den Beschluss auf einen Sonntag muss noch ein gutes Stück Kuchen her. Also ab ins Templebar-Viertel und bei Buzz, einem stylischen Kaffee, komplett in pink, ein bisschen was Süßes genießen. Linnea gönnt sich einen Red-Velvet und ich ein Stück Pistazienkuchen. Wirklich super gut. Dann auf dem Rückweg noch ein bisschen Besorgungen gemacht uns abends natürlich wieder was leckeres Gekocht. Spontan entscheiden wir uns abends noch einmal um die Häuser zu ziehen. Also erneut zur Temple Bar und das teuerste Getränk unseres Lebens genommen. Aber die Atmosphäre ist unschlagbar und wir verbringen einen tollen Abend in den Kneipen und Bars von Dublin. Was für ein schöner Sonntag!Read more

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