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    • Day 6

      Day 6, Haifa, Israel

      December 16, 2019 in Israel ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Hello all and welcome to Israel 🇮🇱. Somewhere I never thought I would come to be honest but here we are. It was a very early start this morning with the alarm being set for 5.45am. I didn’t sleep well at all for the past 2 nights which is most unusual but I was fast asleep when the alarm went off. We were up and out of our cabin for 6.10 and had breakfast in the buffet. We were down, out, cleared by immigration and on the bus by 7am bound for our first stop, Jerusalem. It was a 3 hour drive and the traffic was just as bad as the Uk. The weather gladly has improved, beautiful sunshine and 22 degrees by 9am.

      Our first guide was called Asaf and our bus driver was called Moses (Here we go !!). Asaf was extremely knowledgable about all of the history of the country and was very proud. We’re quite ignorant really, we didn’t know that the British started them off with their first oil refinery and played a massive part in getting the country up and running. We drove past the wall that was put up by the Palestinians and he was quite diplomatic about the explanation of that. By 9.30am, Sharon was tucking in to her cheese sandwich that she made last night. As we approached Jerusalem we were showed what looked like a skyscraper. It turned out to be a cemetery. So many people want to be buried here and burying people is big business. People will pay up to 100k to be buried here.

      First stop Mount of Olives which gave magnificent views of Jerusalem. There were lots of interesting facts so I’m told but I wasn’t listening so should you wish to know any of them just ask Sharon !! From there we went past the Jordan Desert en route to The Garden of Gethsemane. We went in this church, very busy, lots of people praying and stuff, before a short bus ride to the gate of Jerusalem where we began our 2 hour walk through the city. Interesting name for the gate, “Dung Gate”. We got to the Western Wall also known as the whaling wall. Yeah people balling their eyes out an putting notes in the cracks of the wall. Our 2 hour walk took us through old world Jerusalem, very architectural and a good insight in to day to day life. We stopped at various points of the cross?? and stopped at a church where “It all happened” before walking back to the bus. I didn’t see an Apple or a G-Star shop once. Come to think of it no McDonalds either !! Our guide did get my attention once, I thought he said we were exiting the city and we got Jaffa Cakes 🧁, turns out we were leaving through Jaffa Gate, Doh 🙄

      So on we went for lunch at a hotel in Bethlehem. Actually quite nice food and a look around a holy gift shop before being driven to the church of the nativity. We were able to go in to the grotto which isn’t guaranteed on any tour so I’m told that was a bonus. Everyone though it was wonderful so I guess it must have been. I didn’t really realise that Bethlehem is in Palestine and that people can’t travel freely between Palestine and Jerusalem. The one thing that struck me was that how close to Christmas it is and it wasn’t decorated up at all anywhere we have been today. There was one big tree outside the church in Bethlehem, other than that there was very little.

      Anyway, we were on our way out of there about 4.30 this afternoon. Sharon had a fab time and loved it, for me Jerusalem as a city was an interesting walk around and I enjoyed that bit, I wasn’t impressed by Bethlehem at all not all the churches.

      We were back on the ship at 7pm and we’re quite tired as we’d done a lot of walking. We went to the buffet for tea rather than the restaurant and had a fantastic mixed grill. Lamb, spork and beef for me with chips & gravy but Sharon went more healthy and did the rice. I finished off with 4 custard doughnuts !! (They were small to be fair).

      It’s 8.35pm and we’re sat at the back of the ship with a drink and a cake, it won’t be a late evening for us tonight I don’t think.
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    • Day 7

      Day 7, Haifa, Israel (Overnight)

      December 17, 2019 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      So we were reasonably early to bed last night as yesterday was a very long and tiring day. We were up and about around 8.30am and had a leisurely start to the day. Important job of the day was to wish Ryan a Happy Birthday 👍.

      The weather today was tremendous, actually nice and warm with lots of sunshine. We had nothing planned today apart from a wander around Haifa. We left the ship around 10.30 after a hearty breakfast and found our way to the German Quarter as advised by the tour guide from yesterday. It was very nice, with a little shopping centre and some nice bars and restaurants. We stopped off at a nice local bar for a light refreshment, Sharon had an Arabic Coffee, weird contraption it was served in.

      Then we had a walk around the town. We started off at The Baha’i Gardens which was the resting place of the prophet Herald. Lovely place especially as it was sunny and warm. We then made our way through the streets to Wadi Nis Nas to a cultural food market before making our way back to the ship around 2.30pm.

      The town is very hilly as it is on the side of the Carmel Mountain. What they call a mountain we’d call a hill and what they call a lake we’d call a puddle but this was quite a big hill.

      Once back on board we went for lunch before taking to the back of the ship for a while to make the most of the sun and a little bit if heat, most welcomed. As it’s our penultimate day we ( or should I say Sharon) has to pack so we popped back to the room and packed up.

      We made the most if the last night, a couple of pints in the lounge, did the quiz, dinner in the restaurant, another beer, off to the show, more drink and finally the Christmas disco with the cruise staff.

      So, next step Limassol in the morning.
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    • Day 24

      German Colony and Downtown

      October 26, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Caught a bus from the top of the mountain to downtown, getting off near the top of Sderot Ben Gurion, which is a street they call The German Colony. Historically it had been settled by a German Protestant sect in 1868. They supported the Nazis in WW2 so the British deported them. The ironic footnote to this is that in 1965 the Israeli government compensated these German Nazis for the property they lost due to a British eviction.
      As this community was prosperous, the buildings are quite nice and today the street is lined with very nice shops an restaurants.
      Moving down to the Dock area then east you come to a lively area around Paris Square.
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    • Day 5


      July 12, 2023 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      I took the train from HaHagana station to Haifa in the morning, where George picked me up with his car to go back to his family's apartment. We had breakfast together at his balcony and watched memes together before heading out so that he could show me his city. We drove up to a viewpoint on top of the mountain that gave us a beautiful sight of the sea and the city. Then we went to look at the temple and the centre of the city, ironically called the "German part" which does not even closely resemble anything in Germany. Afterwards we went to the beach where I unfortunately lost my moon meteorite ring and drank some beers together. Then we went to a café where I got some cold ginger, honey and turmeric drink and we discussed how he might best get the number of the waitress there that he has a crush on. Unfortunately, we also saw a starving kitten there. I've seen way too many unfed and uncared for animals both here and in Jordan and it kind of breaks my heart. We drove back to his place, on the way to which I learned a lot more Arabic swearing thanks to Geroge's road rage, to eat dinner with his family. This was finally the first time since I went to the Middle East that I ate European food since his mum made ravioli. George then gave me some stuff to help with the countless wounds I had gathered on the soles of my feet by now. Afterwards, we played music together. Well, he played some, I just tried to. He drove me to the station to catch my train back to Tel Aviv on which I almost fell asleep. Back at the hostel, I sat down in the garden with some beer before calling it a night.Read more

    • Day 24

      Clandestine Immigration & Naval Museum

      October 26, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Right next to the Maritime museum is the Clandestine museum. It starts with a video of the incredible efforts starting in 1934 after Hitler rose to power, through 1948 when the British left, to smuggle immigrants in to Israel. The Brits intercepted many and threw the concentration camp survivors into concentration camps!
      The interesting thing is that the Jewish fighters who ran the smuggling operation became the core of the Israeli navy the day after independence. In fact, they took the rusty old tubs the British impounded and converted them into fighting vessels.
      The museum then had a history and exhibition of the navy up until the present. There were actual ships to walk in and around, as well as a submarine I was able to walk through to see how cramped it was for the sailors who served on it.
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    • Day 24

      Cable car

      October 26, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Across the highway is the terminal for the cable car up the mountain. Some nice views of the water and good restaurants looking over the water so stopped for an Italian main meal.
      Then a quick ride up being thankful for not having to walk up that hill.Read more

    • Day 5


      May 22, 2020 in Israel ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Nach unserem Abstecher nach Schweden, sind wir heute wieder zurück in Israel. Falafel ist vegetarisch und wie wir finden, ein großartiges Gericht. Dazu leckeren Salat mit Sesambrot und Dips.

      Zubereitung: einfach
      Geschmack: 4,5 von 5 Sternen
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    • Day 24

      Louis Promenade

      October 26, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      A long walk from the cable car via some nice residential areas brings you to a pedestrian walkway with spectacular views of Haifa and the bay.

      It is also the top of the Bahai Gardens, the #1 attraction in Haifa. But wouldn't you know ... they are closed for the two days I am here.Read more

    • Akko und Haifa

      October 28, 2018 in Israel ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Das Auto haben wir heute morgen ausgeliehen. Nachdem wir sehr schnell das ekelhafte Apartment verlassen konnten (welches noch bis Mittwoch bezahlt ist). Wir sind dann erstmal nach Akko gefahren. Stark muslimisch geprägte Hafenstadt mit tollen alten Templeranlagen, einem großen alten Markt, der ältesten noch stehenden Synagoge im Land und mehreren imposanten Moscheen. Bis dort hin sind wir ca. 2 Stunden auf der echt gut ausgebauten Autobahn gefahren. Zwischendurch mussten wir in Herzelain noch die 50 Kippas für Bellas Hochzeit abholen, die natürlich nicht so genäht wurden wie sie das wollte. So ein Mist.

      Nach Akko fuhren wir nach Haifa. Einer meiner Musspunkte in Israel. Hier ist der Hauptstandort der Bahái. Mit dieser Religion setze ich mich jetzt schon eine Weile auseinander. Absolut empfehlenswert. Hier sind wir nun vor Sonnenuntergang auf dem Berg angekommen. Leider gab es keine Führungen mehr und wir haben uns den Garten alleine angesehen. Vor unseren Augen wurde einer jungen Frau ein Antrag gemacht. Das war bei der Kulisse sehr imposant. Das Hotelzimmer ist hier in Haifa sehr klein für uns drei aber deutlich komfortabler als die Bruchbude in Tel Aviv. Abendessen gab es heute in einer Mall. Sehr lecker. Erstaunlicherweise.

      Morgen geht es durch die Wüste ans Tote Meer. Wir haben uns nun gegen die Strecke an der Palästinagrenze entschieden und fahren 1 h länger über die Wüstenautobahn. Mal sehen was der morgige Tag noch so bringt.

      P.S. durch die Zeitumstellung ist es hier um 17.30 Uhr dunkel.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Haifa, حيفا, ܚܝܦܐ, Hayfa, Горад Хайфа, Хайфа, حەیفا, Χάιφα, Hajfo, حیفا, Haïfa, H̱efa, हैफ़ा, Հայֆա, HFA, Haífa, ハイファ, ხაიფა, ಹೈಫ, 하이파, Hepha, ഹൈഫ, हैफा, हाइफा, Aifa, Хайфæ, Hajfa, Хајфа, கைஃபா, ไฮฟา, Ḥeyfa, חיפה, 海法

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