
Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
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    • Tag 76

      Tag 47 Zwangspause

      12. Juni 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C


      Ja wie schon zuvor berichtet, ist mein Rechtes Sprunggelenk bzw. nur der Muskel der nach hinten zur Sehne so längs neben dem Knöchel nach oben in die Wade übergeht, angeschwollen. Hab mich hier in einer sehr hübschen kleinen Stadt für zwei Nächte eingemietet und mich heute dabei erwischt, dass ich im Dorf rumgelaufen bin. Ja, einkaufen muss sein, aber auch nen bisschen Sightseeingtour hab ich gemacht und das ist ja nicht das weswegen ich hier bin.

      Also wieder ab ins Bett. Ein Nickerchen war dann auch irgendwann fällig und abends hab ich mir noch ne Pizza von nebenan geholt und vom anderen nebenan noch zwei Bier. So viele regionale Unterschiede beim Bier gibts hier leider nicht. Hatte ein anderes als peroni gefunden, aber das schmeckte nicht. Also wieder peroni, der ok Standard.

      Sonst gibts nichts Neues im Süden.

    • Tag 77

      Tag 48 Ultreia

      13. Juni 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Ja es geht weiter. Hab zwar noch flüchtig überlegt den Hotelwirt beim Frühstück nach nem Freundschaftspreis für noch eine Nacht zu fragen, aber jetzt ist der Tag gelaufen und es war gut dass ich gegangen bin.

      Es waren heute keine 30 km sondern nur 29. Musste aber auch 1500 Meter hochgehen und das meiste in einem Stück. Dass ich so wenig mache ist recht weise, weil der rechte Knöchel ja immer noch dick ist. Tut aber nicht mehr weh. Allerdings ist das nicht wirklich der Grund weswegen ich so wenig mache. Habe einen neuen Hoodie bestellt und der soll erst kommenden Montag geliefert werden. In eine Stadt die nur nonchalant 150 km entfernt ist. Ich hab heute ne Tracking Nummer bekommen und hoffe mal dass das Päckchen eher da ist. Ansonsten, bummeln.

      Jetzt haben wir es 18:45 Uhr und die Sonne strahlt mir voll ins Zelt. Bin ich gar nicht gewöhnt, weil meistens kein Zelt aufgebaut und meistens scheint die Sonne nicht. Heute meinte es Petrus aber gut mit mir und es gab nur vereinzelt ein paar Tropfen. Ende nächster Woche sollen die Temperaturen auch deutlich sommerlicher werden. Das wäre nicht schlecht, dann ist es in den Bergen nicht mehr so frisch.

      Der neue Sun-Hoodie ist das selbe Modell wie jenes welches ich schon trage. Baleaf heißt die Marke und es gab den lange nicht zu kaufen. Jetzt wieder, leider nur in schwarz. Das kann heiß werden. Aber der jetzige ist durch. Risse überall und am Rücken haben diverse Rucksäcke das Material nun durchgeschubbelt.
      Hab mal heute überlegt, den hoodie hatte ich 2020 auf dem Weg nach Spanien an. 2021 auf dem CDT und bei allen möglichen Arbeiten die ich dort erledigt hab. Also locker mal 5000km gehalten und das für 22€.

      Die Brooks Cascadia 16 die ich jetzt seit ein paar Wochen trage sind auch zu empfehlen. Viel robuster als Altras und mittlerweile auch so breit geworden wie mein Fuß saß gern hat 😄

      Morgen früh muss ich noch 13 km gehen und komme dann in einem Ort. Also Kaffee und Kuchen. Der nächste Ort danach wird erst übermorgen erreicht sein.
      Hab nun täglich mehrere Zecken auf mir und meistens eine in mir. Mistdinger

    • Tag 7

      Stage 7 - Leaving Campground

      7. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Heute klebt uns Mercedes Benz am Heck. Ein Kamerateam verfolgt unsere Rallye bis zum Ziel auf Sizilien. Wir freuen uns auf schöne Fotos vom SL und natürlich von den zwei hübschen Burschen im Cockpit. 😅Weiterlesen

    • Tag 7

      Stage 7 - On the Ferry

      7. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Nach der letzten absolvierten Raodmission geht es flink auf die Fähre nach Messina. Mal abgesehen von der Ticketorganisation, geht das Übersetzen absolut schnell und stressfrei. ⛵️ 🦆
      Bitte teilt unsere Spendenaktion, wir sind fast am Ziel 🫶Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9


      16. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      A very calm night off the beach with only 1 other power boat nearby and unmanned. It was lovely not to have to lift the dinghy or anchor and set off although we did row ashore. The streets are narrow and lined with vibrant coloured and aromatic bushes and flowers. Our first stop was at a chandlery to get a part for our broken boat hook then to the laundry service who wanted €21 for 3.5 kg of sheets and towels! No, grazie. Next was the post office to mail 5 postcards to the expense of €18 and it took 30 minutes! There were 3 clerks but only 1 dealt with stamps while the other 2 sat. The clerk, after serving a couple with multiple documents, finally waved us forward and proceeded to weigh the postcards then enter the info into the computer individually. Once each stamp was emitted out of the printer, she proceeded to attempt to fit it on the card so to not cover my writing and ended up tearing each one in half to fit! Kind of her but what inefficiency! 🤷‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Do they not have picture stamps?! Next up was the self serve laundry which was fast and cheap (€9) by all comparisons. We met another lovely young man who helped us and we chatted while the laundry was washing. His English was good since he was born in Belgium; his parents are Italian and Greek. His perspective on Calabria is everyone is loud and speaks quickly but life is slow, as we learned! Stopped at a deli which was excellent and the grocery store which was disappointing. There aren't bakeries, just cafés so you are paying more. We rowed back and spent the afternoon swimming with both cleaning the hull while in the water and Bob diving under. As Nicholas said, "Gramma, you're the swabbie," and we have now named Bob the "Scrubbie". We ended up moving from the beach anchorage into the harbour as it became a bit rolly due to opposing wind and waves, albeit both were light. We were entertained into the early hours with a live band playing. Fortunately it was easy listening and not head banger or rap!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 10

      Strait of Messina

      17. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We left Vibo's wooded slopes and sandy beaches before 0700 and by 1000, we could see Sicily in the distance through the haze. As we got closer to the Strait, the wind picked up so we motorsailed. A moth/butterfly flitted about us and kept up at 6 knots! Off in the distance we could see Isola Stromboli with perhaps the oldest lighthouse in the world and a volcano in constant activity, releasing pressure daily instead of with a big bang. A number of big freighters, military and one other sailboat headed into the Strait between the mainland and Sicily. The tide current got up to 2.8 knots with us and there was a lot of chop in spots where the sea floor rises dramatically causing whirls. Lots of people on the Sicilian beach but I'd be leery of swimming with the current. We saw fish jumping and lots of jellyfish along with ferries and small boats but it was easy navigating even when the tide switched and was against us. We came into Reggio Calabria harbour choosing the small harbour at the north end with a fuel dock. Well protected by a high wall but not an attractive harbour as the trains, a highway overpass, tall apartments and the ferries make it very industrial and somewhat noisy. It was a necessary stop though for fuel and a safe stop between long passages. As it was our 40th wedding anniversary (😍🤪🤯) we decided to go out for dinner. Sadly, there were no restaurants nearby that opened before 2000 or that were more than bars or pizza takeouts. We walked the promenade and through a pedestrian shopping street, both busy with people and families out for a Sun. evening stroll. We walked back to the boat and made dinner and decided to take a raincheck. Reggio is in an earthquake zone with the last severe one in 1980. It was heavily bombed in WWII. It is also reputed to be a recruiting area for the Calabrian Ndrangheta (mafia) careful not to offend!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12

      Tyrrhenian to Ionian Sea

      19. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We spent a hot frustrating day Monday in Reggio waiting for the fuel truck to deliver after a huge power boat emptied the station of 4000L! Bob has figured that the power boat uses 200L/hr. at a cost of €400/hr. A far cry from our <4L/hr.!
      The truck was supposed to deliver at 1400 and it wasn't there so I had the marina fellow call. By this time Bob was so annoyed, he got on his bike with the portable tank to find a gas station. It was just up the road so he ended up making 4 trips to fill our tank with 1 extra in reserve. Meanwhile, I had walked to the fuel dock to talk to the big catamaran waiting for fuel to ask him to not take it all! We had a nice chat. He was an Israeli skipper delivering the boat to Greece for the Israeli owner who, after chartering a boat on a holiday, decided to buy. Money obviously of no concern. By the time Bob made his last trip, the catamaran filled up and off he went waving farewell. I'm sure the fuel dock fellow was confused when we left the dock without stopping to fuel up! It was late in the afternoon so had to stay another night but decided to try anchoring where the catamaran had but it turned out to be either to shallow or too deep so we came back to the harbour and went to the other end. It was busy with ferries coming and going but surprisingly quieter and cheaper!
      We had our raincheck dinner at the restaurant on the harbour which was good and, interestingly and somewhat weird, played music from the 70s!
      We were up and gone by 0700 and by 0830 we'd crossed into the 37th parallel. 2 dolphins🐬 came alongside to welcome us. By 1130 the Capt. announced this was as far south as we were going since we were heading North & East. We rounded the toe of Italy. A few sailboats headed toward us and a large Brigantine was going our way but we passed him. At Capo Spartivento we saw 4 sailboats tipped over on the beach 😬. As the coast is all beach with no shelter, it's easy to see how a big storm 🌊could wash you ashore. We came to the closest harbour, Rocella Ionica, after almost 12 hours of motorsailing or motoring. Its understandable why there are more power boats than sail as the wind has been very light this whole trip. Ever the sailor, Bob will put sails up at even a breath of air.
      Rocella Ionica is a professional marina compared to Reggio's rinky ones, and less expensive! Go figure. A beautiful sunset and a bright crescent moon provided a lovely long day's end.

    • Tag 14

      North in the Ionian Sea

      21. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Between Rocella Ionica and Le Castella, we actually sailed! The wind came and went but for the last 2 hours it was steady. The coastline had trees and communities along the shore with brown scrubby slopes behind except where there was a farm and orchards. Le Castella's inner harbour was a dinky place but very well protected from storms. Sadly, there was a boat on the rocks that hadn't made it in. We wandered to the castle remains, down the main street and past the restaurants and bars overlooking the sea and castle. The rest of the town seems in disrepair or unfinished. We found a small grocery store and picked up a few things.
      The next day we did some more sailing with 14 knots of wind and some waves from behind bringing us to Porto di Ciro. I was expecting it to be like Le Castella but it's much bigger and seems to be busy and thriving. The harbour had no space on their pleasure boat docks so we docked between 2 fishing trawlers. Nets and lines are stacked on the dock and men were coming and going to their boats. No one greeted us and it was siesta time for all the shops so we stayed on board until late afternoon trying to stay cool. A fellow came, took pictures of our documents and charged us €20, our cheapest marina price yet! We were hoping he was the dockmaster and not someone making a quick Euro! We found a patisserie 😋and a ship chandlery where we had fun acting out to explain what we needed. The town square was filled with groups of older men sitting around talking. It seems wherever we go, on any park bench, older men will be sitting and having a "chin wag". No women or wives around!
      The wind was still blowing although the water in the harbour was calm. After looking at the forecast and much discussion, we decided we'd leave before sunrise to cross Golfo di Taranto before the bigger winds came. My worries were not unfounded...

    • Tag 19

      Thunder and lightning, oh my!

      26. September 2023 in Italien ⋅ 🌩️ 22 °C

      Not going anywhere today! Wind whistled, boat bounced, lightning flashed and streaked, thunder rumbled and cracked, and rain poured! The sun came out, and around it went again, all day. Thank goodness we were in the harbour tied up!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 31

      Catanzaro bis Brancaleone

      22. Oktober 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Unseres erstes Tages Ziel ist der Archeologico Parco di Scolacium in Borgia und später es plätzli am Meer wo wir 1 Tag mehr bleiben für den Strand und das Meer zu geniessen ohne viel zu tun… das ist eben «  Dolce Vita « 🤗🏖️☀️😎🥂Weiterlesen

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Calabria, Kalabrien, Kalabrië, قلورية, Калабрыя, Калабрия, Kalabrija, Calàbria, Калабри, Kalábrie, Калабриа, Calabrien, Καλαβρία, Kalabrio, کالابریا, Calabre, Calabrie, Kalaabrje, Khà-là-pu-lî-â, קלבריה, कालाब्रिया, Կալաբրիա, Kalabria, Kalabría, カラブリア州, კალაბრია, 칼라브리아 주, Kalabri, Bruttium, Calabbria, Калабрија, Calavria, Calabrië, ਕਾਲਾਬਰੀਆ, صوبہ کالابریا, Calábria, Kalábria, கலபிரியா, แคว้นกาลาเบรีย, Kalabriya, Калабрія, کلابریا, Całabria, 卡拉布利亞, 卡拉布里亚

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