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    • Dag 5

      Pesto, Porta Antiquo and Land Train

      28. juli 2019, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Genoa. Home of pesto and Focaccia. Trip on the Land Train and a swim in the piscina Porta Antiquo.
      They have spotted a massive cruise ship in the port that has water slides on the roof. Gaga needs to up his game.
      Oscar sits clutching his bag like a grandma, with the fan poking out.
      Genoa is known for its Pesto Genosa, so we went and found the best. €37 for the 4 of us plus a jar of pesto! They won the world championship pesto making competition! Best pesto ever!
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    • Dag 2

      Erster Tag an Bord Teil 2

      5. juni 2021, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Gegen 17:30 haben wir dann Genua verlassen und uns auf den Weg nach Malta gemacht wo wir dann übermorgen ankommen werden. Natürlich gab es am Abend wieder dein sehr gutes Abendessen sowie eine schöne kleine Show mit Musik und Artistik. Natürlich haben wir den Abend bei einem Cocktail und Live Musik bei uns in der Yachtclub Lounge ausklingen lassen.Les mer

    • Dag 7

      Piazza Raffaele de Ferrari

      13. mai, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Arezano - Genua
      Die letzte Etappe auf dieser Reise.
      Da campen in Genua eher schwierig ist, geht's für die letzten 3 Tage in ein Hotel mit großem Parkplatz, wo wir den Bus gut parken können.

    • Dag 10

      Genoa, Italy

      19. juli 2016, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Yesterday we docked at Genoa, in Italy 🇮🇹.
      Sheila once again stayed on board ship, so Sue, Maz, and I went ashore and decided to get the open top bus tour of the city.
      Now at €15 each it was a reasonable price, but I'm afraid there's not a lot to see.
      Not like Rome with the Colosseum etc.
      But at about an hour or so it wasn't a bad ride, and there where some very typically Italian buildings to see, with very ornate brickwork and decorations.
      Problem was as with most Italian cities there was also a lot of graffiti, all be it very colourful graffiti, it still tends to spoil the general look of the city.
      But as I said for the price, it was not a bad bus ride.
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    • Dag 3


      8. april 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute holt mich Anton mit dem Mottorrad in Lugano ab wo ich schon seit Mittwoch bei Ingrid in ihrer Ferienwohnung bin.
      Wir fahren über Mailand (Autobahn) weiter nach Genua wo morgen Nachmittag unsere GNV Fähre nach Tunesien ablegt.
      Leider kommen wir aufgrund Autobahnstau zu spät um in die gebuchte Unterkunft zu kommen und so müssen wir nochmals ein neues Hotel suchen wo wir endlich gegen 22Uhr nach etwas Stress ankommen.
      Heute morgen habe ich mit Ingrid wenigstens nich eine schöne Wanderung zum Dorf Bre und zum Monte Bre (925 mtr) mit phantastischen Aussichten gemacht.
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    • Dag 14

      Genoa mistake

      10. juli 2018, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Mum & Dad will join us in Genoa today for lunch. In an attempt to limit traipsing mum all over the city I tried to book a restaurant so we had a no hassle afternoon. Unfortunately, far on the very of silicon valley, in a very spoilt traveller. None of the is table booking services work, I spend the early hours tracking down a restaurant that's open for lunch and taking online bookings. Port side I discover, just like their Spanish cousins, Italy had banned Uber! No bother we can get a taxi from the port and the restautant will call us one for a return trip.

      Just five KMs from the port, the Travis drop is right on the edge of there old town, at the bottom of a hill. We climb the hill through what otherwise looks like an ancient slumb, at the top of the hill we find out restaurant, doors closed. No bother they don't open until12pm, we a little early. A few minutes later a girl opens up, she carries out a bench for Mum and the kids to sit on and hangs a sign on the wall, it's Italian, we ignore it and wait for our 12pm table.

      We're right in antica here, there is a Saint Agostino church around the corner, Gab and I go for a wander while we wait, should only be a few hundred metres from the main square, but we can't find a path there. These buildings arrived century's ago, barely feet apart at some points, three tiny lanes conspire to hem us in least we get lost.

      It's 12pm, we return to the restaurant to find the doors locked shut! In our absence the girls had locked the doors and left. I finally pay attention to the sign she hung on the wall, a more careful study reveals their opening hours, with lunch only advailableon Sunday this week. Back down the hill we discover just how much you need uber. We're marooned on a busy street in melting heat and no taxis. I bury my head in the phone trying to find out how island live without Uber. Just as we've all depleted ourselves of hydration Gab successfully convinces the local petrol station guy to order us some taxis.

      Sorry star Gab saves the day and gets us to Piaza di Ferrari and discovers the Schweikerts wandering in the same area! A rare opportunity for a family selfie then she continues her success with an awesome lunch spot under the arcades. Foccacia is amazing, we have a new staple out place, Foccacia topped with mozzarella and first onions, delicious I can't pass up a pesto pasta in Genoa.

      We stroll the shops, 20mins in H&M has me and Fid take off on our own. The kids and I have a stop Ina cafe while Gab shops a bit more then find a gelatto place on the square. Obsessed with the cigarello aromas in Pamplona, I buy a packet and enjoy an Amrena gelatto in the square. The gelatto barely lands on the table before the princess that dragged us around bloody H&M looking at generic global fashion for half an hour has had enough, she demands the bill and a taxi. I'm ready to rid myself of her.

      We return to the boat, a group photo with Italian Mickie almost without the Bux, then Rapunzel's birthday in Rapunzel's Royal table, nearly includes an Attica shock induced heart attack for Dad as he creeps up from behind to shock us.

      To O'Gills again for the France v Belgium semi-final, a thrilling end to the day.
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    • Dag 71

      Nicely played Nice

      10. november 2015, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Today we got up leisurely and decided what to do...Both a bit weary from the amount of walking we've been doing we decided to have a more relaxing day and use the hop on hop off bus. Now, I've always cringed at these for being very in your face and expensive and have not once used one. But we really enjoyed ourselves. It was made better by the crazy streets and rogue branches trying to wallop everyone on the right hand side of the bus. Being Nice, there were some great views and places we wouldn't have seen if not for the tour. We went on one loop that lasted 1hour 15minutes then walked through the markets and bought some dried pineapple and dates to have at the promenade overlooking the beach. These were the best dates I have ever eaten. Wow! Then we wandered along the beach and into a park for a little while before finding somewhere for lunch. After lunch we got back on the bus for another fun loop. Then we went to the galleries Lafayette shopping center to find me a new coin purse as my other was falling apart. We then came back to freshen up. Dinner in the old town again, we had a drink at a bar on the way. Steak for me, duck for B and caramel tart for dessert. A glass or two of wine and we called it a night. Tomorrow we leave Nice and France. What a week! France has been great! A few things we've seen: you can park anywhere you want with a smart car, they have charging stations to encourage smart cars, the French still love to smoke but e cigarettes are on the rise, the French love their dogs (and letting them poop wherever), French people are friendly, B thinks French cows are sheep (cows are small). Au revoir from FranceLes mer

    • Dag 4

      Genua Tag 2

      7. september 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Nach einem ganz entspannten Frühstück sind wir einfach los in die Stadt gegangen, einfach nach Gefühl ohne Ziel und es war das beste was wir hätten machen können. Es war ein unfassbares Gefühl und wir haben so viel gesehen und konnten so viel lachen.
      Nachmittags wollte wir eigentlich Ravioli essen nur der Laden hatte dann leider doch zu, naja ein paar Tage sind wir ja noch in Italien 🇮🇹.
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    • Dag 5

      Ein Tag in Genova

      19. august 2019, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Bin die gesamte Stadt abgegangen. Echt eine interessante Stadt mit vielen kleinen Gassen zu erkunden!

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