Castello Doria

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    • Oh Fuck! 🥺😢😩🤬

      9 juni 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      So, I’m sitting here at 10pm looking out to sea 🌊 at what should be Paradise and blissful but this afternoon has been the first challenge of negativity of my trip!

      Let’s get the obvious out of the way first… Vernazza is, as you can see from the photos, truly beautiful. The proprietors and business owners; not so much!

      So, we arrive at picturesque and postcard pretty Vernazza… Everything should be perfect, just like the brochures say it should…

      Here is my experience…

      Off the train and I am so hot 🥵 that I could almost blow smoke rings out of my arse!

      Look carefully they said, there is only one street they said, you will find your accommodation, they said… it’s so easy, they said. So, off we schlepp but we just couldn’t find our accommodation. And there are tourists spatially unaware everywhere!

      Already having more than wonderful experiences with beautiful, honest, caring and considerate Italians in Rapallo (and most other Italian cities and towns) I thought the best thing we could do would be to simply ask if I could tap into the Wi-Fi at a bar or shop so that I could phone 📞 my accommodation provider.

      The first bar I went into point blank rudely turned me away, being told there is no way I would be able to use their Wi-Fi… I informed Richard and said we probably need to go back to the station to ask tourist information ℹ️, after all, that’s what they are there for. To GIVE tourist information!? So off we went… Through the hordes of tourists! Rudely walking past & through you as you attempt to navigate your way up the main road/pass with heavy bags. 😫

      Finally get up to the station to speak to the man in charge of tourism information ℹ️ … Clearly not a position he should be holding down. It seemed to be putting him out and to be the most inconvenient & biggest effort for him and he couldn’t possibly afford to even give us a shred of politeness and care considering our dilemma. ‘Informing’ us, there is only one street, it shouldn’t be hard to find…!?!?🤪😡

      Eventuality, after reluctance, he decided that he would call my accommodation provider. ‘Informing’ me (as he is paid to do) that my accommodation provider would meet me at the pharmacy on the main street. Sounded like a reasonable plan to me… So off we went…

      On arriving at said Pharmacy I walked in and politely asked the pharmacist if he was aware I was to meet my supplier in his shop. He threw his hands in the air without skipping a beat and said he knew nothing about that & he was “…just the pharmacist!” And walked off! Rude! Arrogant man! Plain. Simple. Rude! 😤

      Finally my host did show up and took me up 40 extremely narrow & dangerously steep steps to my room. (I dare not even photograph those steps because, not only would my own Mother pass out with fright for the safety of her only son, but these shiny/slippery steps break all kinds of OH&S protocols & rules.) Remember also, I was already as hot 🥵 as a lobster 🦞 in a boiling pot, had to lug a 17kg bag up said 40 narrow steps and had been treated like shit already by a handful of “tourism providers” (…I use the term loosely!)

      Open the door, relief 😮‍💨…it looked good. She said she was in a hurry and quickly showed me the basics. I asked for the wifi password and she informed me it is not working at the moment! I politely (again) explained to her it’s a shame & inconvenient because it is my only access to the outside world. She shrugged her shoulders and left…☹️😠😣

      It took me 20 minutes to try and work out how to lock and unlock the door. Richard may have a different story here, but regardless, it was an extremely anxiety producing for me and I was at breaking point by now! After much twisting and turning of the key I finally worked out how intricate force and ‘safe-like’ precision must be applied at a certain angle carefully for it to be opened 😩

      By this stage both Richard and I were in dire need of some water. This should’ve been an extremely simple task but we were greeted by a very gruff & unreasonable convenience store owner who refused to take card payment and insisted on cash 💷 only. In this post Covid world it is completely unreasonable to insist on such a thing. I tried to keep cool but, as you can imagine I was hurting inside. What an arrogant bitch she was. As you may imagine I was at the stage that I felt like telling her to stick her water where the sun don’t shine but I needed it more than I needed air at that point! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ This entire ‘shit show’ reminds me of my experiences in Paris. This sheer arrogance, self entitlement and dismissive nature of the residents who rely on us to exist simply turns me off! 👎🏻

      I composed myself the best I could and reminded myself where I was, how lucky I am and decided to go for a swim. I felt instantly better as I frolicked in the water. Yes! I did use the word frolicking because I need to have some sense of positivity within this blog…😉💪🏻

      Richard and I met at seven, as arranged, and looked for a suitable place for dinner… Every single restaurant was discovered to be way overpriced, knowing the captive audience they have. Regardless, we chose one that looked nice; up on a platform overlooking the main street. We ordered the shared seafood platter… It consisted of 5 SMALL PLATES: rubbery octopus, two different kinds of anchovies: one fried and one boiled 🤮🤮 some paste that resembled fish roe dip mixed with grated carrot and some morsels of boiled fish which was passable. Oh! Hang on, I forgot to mention the bag of stale bread that was thrown…yes…THROWN upon our table as we sat down… I’m not exaggerating, it was stale and it was tasteless! Robyn, do you recall the gorgeous bread bag I shared with you and Mike in Lucca?We experienced how wonderful real ‘bread 🥖 in the bag’ should be! 👎🏻 Second course of AVERAGE pasta with what tasted like store bought jar pesto mixed through it 👎🏻 Not a patch on the last couple of nights. Not even fucking close! 🙄😡

      Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse there was a huge thunder clap & lightning ⛈ very, very frightening…🫤 and some rain began to fall. Everyone ran for cover, even though it was really just a passing summer shower. Once again Robyn, you will recall our rain experience in Florence? Where we were able to put up our umbrella and enjoy the moment… We weren’t even given that option in this case. I would’ve happily put up the umbrella and waited the 10 minutes until it passed. ☔️We were ushered into their less than adequate indoor seating space resembling a spare room at grandmas which was also as hot as hell! I kindly asked if the air conditioning could be put on & the owner only saw fit to open the door slightly. 😭 Tight ass! 🤯

      By this stage I had an absolute gut full of the whole afternoon and night. The service was crap 💩😩particularly when compared with last night. To try & compose we went and got a gelati which was also average compared to what we had in Rapallo. 🥺

      Everything was closed by 9 pm! Richard decided to go up to his room but I sat on a bench by the beautiful waters edge to compose myself and practise some mindfulness to alleviate the burning disappointment that had been generated deep within me… 😢

      I suppose, essentially I am just sad and disappointed more than anything else because I had built-up the Cinque Terre so much in my mind & from watching you tube, research & reading that it just wasn’t living up to any of the hype and well below expectations 😥 I have a feeling that the shop owners and proprietors in Vernazza think the immense beauty of the location & landscape will overshadow their arrogance & self entitlement. Newsflash: it doesn’t! 😖 😥

      Anyway, I feel better for getting it off my chest but you probably won’t even get to read this in real time until I am (hopefully) feeling better… because it seems we won’t have phone 📱 access until we leave! 🫤

      Think it’s important to demonstrate that not every day can be good, even in ‘paradise’. And, may I say this afternoon was about as fucked up as it can get! 😢😠😡

      I remain positive and hopeful that things will turn around tomorrow… but once again, you may not know until this leg of trip is over because Richard and I both don’t have wifi in our apartment and none of the restaurants will let us use it…🤨🤯🙄

      I don’t quite understand why these places that rely solely on tourism need to be such cunts to the tourists! 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️Especially after the Pandemic 😷 You’d think they’d be bending over backwards to offer exceptional customer service rather than treat us like nuisances!

      As I said, let us hope that tomorrow is another day and a better day… Fingers crossed that this is one bad afternoon and that is all it is…🙏
      Also, I hope Richard forgives me for my grumpy and irritable attitude…🥺🥺🥺

      PS: this is an update to the above… I have woken up early at 5 am because the ‘double’ bed that was advertised is two beds; shabbily pushed together that have moved apart in the night… The bed is as hard as the floor and the air-conditioner sounds like an aeroplane ✈️ taking off! Oh! And the bracelet I purchased at the market yesterday had broken and fallen off in the bed. 🙁🤦‍♂️💩

      I am going to have to practice calling on my inner strength & summoning my positivity and resilience deep deep deep from within today. Mindfulness will hopefully save me as it often does. I can’t let this experience sour the rest of my trip because there are so many more wonderful things still ahead of me! As the little red caboose said, I think I can, I think I can!🤞🤞🤞🙏

      PS: Enjoy the pictures… As you can see it is a beautiful location. But as the old saying goes: not all that glitters is gold. 🙅🏻‍♂️😢😢
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    • Dag 23

      Day Twenty-Three: Cinque Terre

      7 april, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today, we were off to one of the places I was most excited about, Cinque Terre! But even the drive down was pretty nice. We got to drive along the coast and see some water, towns, and fields. It was also weird how many tunnels we went through and how they were often houses and towns right above the tunnel, too. I wonder if your house would shake if a semi drove through. When we were finally in Italy, we had a 45-minute check stop, and it is completely different how you order food. Here, you pay for the pizza and coffee, and they give you a receipt, which u have to talk to different people, which give you the item you bought. So could I use the same receipt twice? But the pizza I got was a salami pizza (pepperoni), and it was some of the best pizza I ever had. The sauce was just fantastic with the crust. I was also very hungry, so that probably helped. Then, we trucked the rest of the way over to Cinque Terre. For this part, we were kind of left on our own. Bec gave us a train pass to jump between towns and sent us off with a meet-up point at 8:10 pm. Three other guys decided to join us, Kevin, Nathan, and Nick. We ended up sitting at the beach, drinking wine and cocktails for a while. And we went for a swim. It's weird because I feel the ocean doesn't smell salty here, but man, it tastes salty for sure. Luckily, why watch is water resistant because I totally forgot to take it off. It was nice to sit in the sun and relax with wine, but it did take up too much of our limited time here. So we went back to the train station to try and figure out how it worked so we could get to the next town. We finally figured it out to realize that at the end, we accidentally took an express train past all the islands. So, of course, we had to wait and take the next train back. There goes more precious time... but when we finally started walking around and it was such a cool place, super narrow alleyways, lots of stairs, and a beautiful ocean. We even walked up and found this mini castle ruins, which cost 2 euros to see. It was worth the cheap price. It had a fantastic view of the town and the surrounding area. Then, we skipped a town to jump to the one I was most excited about. And it was so beautiful just looking at this town on a cliff above the water. We all decided to get dinner somewhere, so we walked around trying to find a place to eat, and holy everywhere was so expensive. One place was selling the catch of the day for 70€... we managed to find one place that wasn't quite as expensive and walked in to find the whole travel group already eating there. What are the odds of that? But we all ordered some wine and some pesto pasta, which apparently was crested here! And it was delicious, I got ravioli. But it was still 15€ or something, and we got to protein, and the portion was a little small. But since we were so slow with the towns we did, we only got to see 3/5 towns... but that's OK, I had such a great experience in the ones I did go to, and it seems they are all quite similar. We arrived at the meet-up location early, and it seemed most people did too, but I went and bought water and went to the bathroom. I finished and came out before the time we were supposed to leave, but everyone was gone... I called Ethan, and he wasn't picking up. One of the other guys on the trip did text me and said he would send me his location ping. When I got it and looked, it was a 20-minute walk away. I was so confused about how they got so far away so fast, but I just started running. It was the most stressful run of my life because the ping he gave me was a couch parking lot. Our guide has been clear about leaving people behind if they take too long. So as I am running and getting close, I see our bus driving on the road, so I start waving freaking out about not being picked up. Luckily, he stopped, and I walked in to see a completely empty bus... I was early, and like 5 minutes early, too, as I saw the crowd walking over. Turns out he sent the end location and not where they were. So I freaked out for no reason. But me and Ethan did have a little heated talk afterward because we were both so stressed, but it was just in the moment. Turns out he forgot to activate his new esim so he didn't have internet and that's why he didn't pick up. But it is what it is. Everything worked out. It was a long bus ride back to the hotel, an extra hour, 40 minutes. And it was a tough ride because it's when our sickness really hit us out of nowhere. Ethan was having it a lot harder than me for sure. But I was miserable. So we finally get there, and I am so ready just to lay down and sleep it off to find out we went to the wrong location... and the one we need to go to is another hour, 40 minutes drive away... so you can say we had a shitty ass night being sick ass fuck in a couch that we shouldn't be in. But that's OK, we made it to the hostel and I crashed hard.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      #03 Cinque Terre - Malerisch und Touris

      25 maart, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nach einem erholsamen Morgen in Bogliasco setzten wir unsere Reise fort und machten uns auf den Weg nach Cinque Terre, mit dem Ziel Vernazza. Ehrlich gesagt hatten wir die Strecke etwas unterschätzt, insbesondere die herausfordernden Serpentinen, die v.a. Lenas Puls auf Daueranschlag hielten. Und die Minutenangabe bei Google Maps wurde nur in 5-Minuten-Schritten weniger 😅
      Trotzdem waren wir voller Vorfreude auf die malerischen Dörfer, die uns erwarteten. Lena hatte einen Parkplatz oberhalb von Cinque Terre ausfindig gemacht, von dem aus wir in das Dorf wandern konnten. Unsere Fahrräder ließen wir vorerst stehen, um die Gegend zu Fuß zu erkunden. Während wir uns auf den Weg machten, beeindruckten uns die zahlreichen Fahrradfahrer, die sich durch die bergige Landschaft kämpften, und die vielen Menschen, die der Zug aus Levanto stündlich ausspuckte.

      Vernazza empfing uns mit malerischer Schönheit, obwohl wir überrascht waren, wie viele Menschen bereits vor Ostern die Gassen bevölkerten. Dennoch war schnell klar, warum die Cinque Terre weltberühmt sind – die einzigartige Atmosphäre, die charmanten Häuser an den Klippen und der malerische Hafen machen Vernazza und die vier anderen Orte in den Hügeln total sehenswert.
      Wir schlenderten durch die engen Gassen bis zum Hafen und erklommen dann die Burg, um von dort aus einen atemberaubenden Blick auf Vernazza und das Meer zu genießen.

      Zum Abschluss gönnten wir uns traditionelle Fischgerichte, wie gemischte frittierte Fische, bevor wir uns entschieden, dem touristischen Trubel zu entfliehen und weiter nach Vernaggio zu fahren. Dort verbrachten wir die Nacht an einem ruhigen Ort in einem Wohngebiet und freuten uns auf die kommenden Tage, die wir weniger fahrend, sondern mehr in der entspannten Atmosphäre der Toskana verbringen würden.
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    • Dag 8

      Cinque Terre

      15 mei, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach einer etwas aufregenden, stürmischen Nacht, die dazu führte, dass wir um 4 Uhr morgens die Markise eingefahren und alles Textile rein geräumt haben, blieb der Morgen regnerisch. Trotzdem haben wir entschieden, dass wir den frühen Zug nehmen und Cinque Terre besichtigen. Also die Kinder auf den Rücken geschnallt und los ging es. Wir sind zuerst nach Monterosso gefahren und haben erstmal mit Focaccia und Cappucini bzw Brei gestartet. Der Ort an sich war ganz süss aber nicht wirklich spektakulär. Nach Vernazza wollten wir wandern und das haben wir auch getan. Allerdings waren die Höhenmeter bei Komoot falsch angegeben (es waren 330). Und die gingen in mehr oder weniger unebenen Steinstufen auf schmalem Weg gefühlt fast senkrecht bergauf. Auf dem Weg hoch habe ich sehr viel Zuspruch und Lob für meine Leistung von entgegenkommenden Wanderern bekommen und die Jungs wurden ob Ihrer Süßigkeit sehr oft bewundert. Die Natur auf dem Weg ist wirklich toll. Fast tropisch, ab und an kleine Wasserläufe, Zitrusbäume, riesige Callas. Nichtsdestotrotz fragten wir uns des öfteren wie so manches ältere und ggd beleibtere Semester es bis dort hoch geschafft hat. Ich halte uns 4 schon für recht fit aber alle fanden die Tour, vielleicht auch dem Zusatzgewicht geschuldet, durchaus anspruchsvoll. Berab war es dann ähnlich schmal und streckenweise steil und aufgrund des Regens auch etwas rutschig. Na ja, wir sind alle heil und zufrieden unten angekommen und ich bin gespannt, wem morgen was weh tut. Mein Maximalpuls lag über 190 und Waden, Oberschenkel und Po waren schon gut beansprucht. Auf die Wanderetappe zum nächsten der 5 Dörfer haben wir dann verzichtet. In Vernazza angekommen landeten wir in einem Strom von Menschen und hatten eher, den Gedanken, schnell wieder weg zu wollen. Auf einer Bank am Marktplatz gab es dann aber Mittagessen und Windeln für die Kinder und Eis für die Herren. Trotzdem das Dorf sicher ganz hübsch ist, ist es doch nicht verständlich, weswegen solche Massen an Menschen dort mit Schiffen und Zügen in riesigen Gruppen hingekarrt werden. Schlussendlich waren es hier und im noch überlaufeneren, übernächsten Ort doch nur architektonisch uninteressante, bunt angemalte, viereckige Kästen. Und wir haben uns gefragt, was hier wohl in der Hauptsaison am Wochenende bei guten Wetter los sein mag. Für uns auf jeden Fall keine Reise wert, die umliegende Natur hingegen schon. Nach der Rückkehr wurde dann allgemeine Körperpflege betrieben und die Babys sind sehr früh schlafen gegangen. Die beiden haben den Tag super gemeistert aber waren abends schon platt und überreizt. Na ja, so hatten wir relativ früh Ruhe und mal Zeit für ein nettes, ausgiebiges Abendessen und ungestörte Gespräche. Richtig schön. Trotzdem sind wir nicht alt geworden und liegen platt in den Kojen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 30

      Vernazza at Night

      25 mei 2022, Italië ⋅ 🌙 68 °F

      Vernazza takes on a captivating and magical ambiance as the sun sets and night falls over this coastal village. The colorful buildings that line the harbor are softly illuminated, casting a warm glow on the cobblestone streets. The gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore fills the air, creating a soothing soundtrack to the evening. As darkness envelops Vernazza, the twinkling lights from the restaurants and cafes reflect off the calm waters, creating a shimmering reflection that enhances the romantic atmosphere. Whether you're enjoying a candlelit dinner with the sound of Italian conversations filling the air or taking a moonlit stroll along the waterfront, Vernazza at night is a time when the village truly comes alive with a sense of enchantment and tranquility. It's a moment to savor the beauty of the surroundings and create lasting memories in this coastal gem.Meer informatie

    • Dag 8

      Vernazza - Cinque Terre

      27 juni 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Det var lite ovanligt att anlända till en by vandringsvägen. Alla de övriga fyra byarna har jag besökt via den magnifika järnvägen. Men Vernazza såg jag för första gången ovanifrån. Alltså vilka fantastiska byar detta är. Gränder, serpentingångar, trappor, tinnar och torn precis överallt. Magiskt. Fullkomligt magiskt.Meer informatie

    • Dag 6


      30 juni 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Vernazza ist ein weiteres der 5 Fischerdörfer von Cinque Terre.
      Hier gibt es angesagte Restaurants, die frühzeitig gebucht werden sollten, da sie atemberaubende Ausblicke garantieren.
      Vor allem zur Sonnenuntergangs Zeit, sind die besten Plätze schnell weg.
      Das Dorf bietet dir ein einmaliges Freiheitsgefühl mit seiner besonderen Lage und am Abend wird es schon fast kitschig romantisch ❤️‍🔥
      Leider war es sehr warm in diesen Tagen, weshalb wir direkt nach dem Sonnenuntergang zurück zum Bulli watschelten.
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    • Dag 6

      Tag 5 | Cinque Terre

      5 juli 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Der letzte Tag in den Cinque Terre verläuft für mich ruhig. Ich bereite mich auf die morgige Weiterreise nach Rom vor und genieße am Abend noch ein letztes Mal die Aussicht und den Sonnenuntergang vom Strand aus. 🦀🌴Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      Cinque terre, oder eigentlich nur tre

      11 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Um halb sieben klingelt der Wecker, ganz schön früh für Urlaub, aber wir wollen die erste Fähre kriegen, um vielleicht schon vor den größten Touristenmassen das erste der Cinque Terre Dörfer zu erreichen. Eine Stunde fahren wir nach Portovenere, das selbst schon ein richtiges kleines Highlight ist.

      Um 9 Uhr legt die Fähre Richtung Cinque Terre ab. Wir haben beschlossen, Monterosso, das westliche der fünf Dörfer, auszulassen, da es ohnehin das am wenigsten schöne sein soll. Also fahren wir erstmal an allen Dörfern vorbei und genießen die schöne Küste sowie den Wind, der uns um die Nase weht.
      Zuerst gehen wir in Vernazza von Bord, dem zweitwestlichsten und angeblich schönsten - können wir nachvollziehen! Schon um kurz nach 10 sind zwar ordentlich viele Menschen da, aber das kleine Dorf mit seinem schönen Hafenbecken und den bunten Häuschen, die sich den Hang hinaufstapeln, gefällt uns wirklich sehr. Wir erkunden erstmal die Hauptstraße und treffen zufällig unsere holländischen Nachbarn zwei Häuser weiter, die zu Fuß von Corniglia nach Vernazza gewandert sind - ein 2 Stunden Marsch, der nur mit festem Schuhwerk erlaubt ist. Aus Gründen, wie die beiden uns berichten. Wir sind dann doch ganz froh, per Boot unterwegs zu sein…
      Einen Cappuccino und einen Spaziergang bis ganz vorn an der „Pier“ später ist es kurz nach 11 und die Sonne brennt schon so von Himmel, dass wir uns zu ärgern beginnen, keine Badesachen eingepackt zu haben. Zum Glück erfrischt uns der Fahrtwind auf dem Weg zum nächsten Dorf dann wieder ein wenig.

      In Corniglia hält die Fähre nicht, aber das Dorf ist ohnehin sehr klein, also nicht so schlimm. Wir steigen in Manarola wieder aus und brauchen ganz dringend etwas im Magen und ein bisschen Zucker. Einen Pfirsicheistee und ein Focaccia später geht es uns deutlich besser. Das Pesto Genovese ist übrigens echt lecker hier. 😜 Während wir auf die Fähre warten, beobachten wir die einheimischen Halbstarken, wie sie von den Felsen springen - einer „mutiger“ als der andere… ;)

      Auf nach Riomaggiore, das sich nochmal beeindruckender von einem minikleinen Hafenbecken aus in die Höhe stapelt. Hier kann man schön bummeln und könnte, wenn man denn wollte, ziemlich viel Nippes als Mitbringsel kaufen - machen wir natürlich nicht ;) Dafür essen wir ein leckeres Eis, das erste im Urlaub!
      Als um 14:45 (plus Verspätung) die Fähre zurück mach Portovenere kommt, sind wir ganz schön groggy von der prallen Sonne und der Hitze.
      Eigentlich wollten wir uns Portovenere auch noch ansehen, aber unsere Energie reicht nur noch für einen kurzen Spaziergang an der Promenade. Der Parkplatz war eh schon teuer genug - 2,50€ die Stunde läppern sich am Ende des Tages ganz schön… also ab nach Hause und im Pool erfrischen - und dann gar nix mehr, außer entspannen, Carbonara und sacken lassen!

      Das war zwar anstrengend, aber auch sehr schön. Die Cinque Terre lohnen sich definitiv, aber man sollte sie am Besten nicht in der Hauptsaison besuchen. Schon jetzt war es echt voll genug. Nichtsdestotrotz sind wir froh, die Dörfer gesehen zu haben. 🥰
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    • Dag 15

      Cinque Terre

      30 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We left the hotel early so we could catch the 8.15am train to Monterosso al Mare before the crowds arrived. We went to the Focaccia bakeries to get an early warm slice of freshly baked local delicacy.
      We then went for a swim before wandering through the old city and then caught a train to Vernazza. I climbed up high to get a high vantage point over the picturesque city on the high hills of the coast.
      We traveled again by train to Manarolo and it was in the i in which we spent a couple of hours swimming in the most amazing azure waters from which the steep mountains fell precipitously into the Mediterranean from a huge height, mountains on which houses are stacked up on each other and are made more beautiful by the iconic wall colours and contrasting shutters on the windows.
      The last village we visited was Riomaggiore and we swam in two places in this village. We stayed until the sun was sinking into the west and then we boarded the train with wet swimmers to travel back to La Spezia, where, after a shower and a change of clothes, we ventured forth to enjoy dinner for the last night in amongst the myriad of pizza and pasta restaurants that line the cobbled streets.
      Geoff York took the record for the most swims of the day. He swam in seven separate beach locations in the villages we visited during an amazing day. Weather perfect, scenery even better, swimming in the aquamarine water of the Mediterranean was the best.
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    Castello Doria

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