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    • Day 16

      Repositioning Day

      September 20, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Just like the cruise ships that move from summer in the Mediterranean to winter in the Caribbean, we needed to reposition ourselves back to Florence. Our flight leaves from there very early tomorrow morning.

      When I woke up this morning, it occurred to me that I had time to climb the Torre Mangia. So I left notes all over for Joe, in case he woke up, telling him I would be back no later than 11. I had a quick breakfast, and got myself to the ticket line. Since I was early, I was able to get in the first group to go up. About 25 at a time, and a good little bit of cardio to get to the top with its great views. I met a Canadian couple who, like me, is always unable to resist the temptation to climb a tower, climb a castle, climb whatever happens to be there to climb.

      I was back at the hotel and able to bring Joe up a tray for breakfast, so he got a good sleep today. We’ll make up for that tomorrow, with a 4:45 departure for the airport.

      We left the hotel a little after noon and walked through old Siena one more time. I haven’t done any shopping, but I couldn’t resist getting something for my granddaughter who loves drawing and painting. She would have loved that store! Then a few minutes in Piazza Salemberi listening to the cellist playing, and finally on to the bus stop.

      When we got to Florence, we had a short walk to our hotel — unfortunately the place we spent the week had no availability for today, so I just booked something near the station. Turns out it is a stone’s throw from the church I had slightly regretted missing, so I headed over there while Joe took a nap.

      Santa María Novella can be summed up in one word - frescoes! They are everywhere, inside the church, in the cloisters, many in excellent condition from the 14 and 15 C. The nave is long and very high with romanesque barrel vaults. I remembered that Nils had asked about a Giotto crucifixion, so I was delighted to see it hanging in the nave. This is definitely a not-to-be-missed church if you like romanesque and early gothic.

      One last dinner in Florence, then one heck of an early morning to the airport.
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    • Day 10


      September 10, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Heute gönnen wir uns einem kleinen Teil der kulturellen Bildung die Florenz zu bieten hat.
      Nach dem Frühstück machen wir uns auf den Weg zur Kirche von Santa Croce, heute wollen wir das Innere besichtigen. Geplant ist eine gute halbe Stunde, damit wir pünktlich beim nächsten Posten sind.
      Vorallem Tina ist jedoch so fasziniert von der Deko und den Malerein, dass wir etwas in Zeitmangel kommen und die Gräber von Galileo, Michelangelo und Dante nicht sehr lange bestaunen.

      Zügigen Schrittes gehts weiter zum Palazzo Pitti. Hier haben wir Tickets reserviert, damit wir nicht in der Schlange anstehen, daher der "Zeitdruck".

      Im Palazzo schlendern entlang der Wandteppiche, Deckenfresken und Gemälden die sich hier amgesammlet haben. Hercules als auserkorener Beschützer der Medici-Familie ist Prominent vertreten, hier und da erkennen wir sogar einen Künstelernamen.
      Inzwischen ist es Nachmittag und unsere Bedürfniss nach kultureller Fülle ist eindeutig befriedigt, dafür melden sich Durst und etwas Hunger. Um dem Abhilfe zu schaffen kaufen wir im nächsten Supermarkt Wasser und gleich daneben ein Focaccia-Sandwich. Beim Takeaway stand, stehen sogar einige Einheimische und nach dem ersten Bissen wissen wir auch warum, die Brote sind sehr lecker. Mit einem Lächeln auf den kauenden Gesichtern erklimmen wir den kleinen Hügel zur Piazzale Michelangelo. Da wir nicht den kompletten Eintritt in die Galerie der Academia bezahlen wollen nur um den David zu sehen, geben wir uns mit der Aussicht über Florenz und der Bronzestatue des David auf dem Platz zufrieden.
      Den Vorabend nehmen wir gemütlich und liegen etwas herum.
      Zum Abendessen besuchen wir das Il teatro. Hier probieren wir die Vorspeise mit toskanischen Happen für zwei. Die Platte ist sehr italienische-Nonna berechnet und würde als Vorspeise locker für 3-4 Personen reichen. Trotz dem Vorsatz sich nicht so sehr zu überessen, laufen wir deshalb auch heute mit runden Bäuchen nach Hause und nehmen uns fest vor, nach dem Ferien die Extraportionen weg zu trainieren.
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    • Day 17

      Firenze, Uffizi Gallery & More

      June 18, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      Firenze (Florence) is an artistic, culinary and wine focused city. It feels more accessible than Rome or Venice. Like the other cities- there are many tourists but here you meet many more Italians. You hear them chatting with each other about politics and see them walking with their families and dogs.

      While we did not go wine tasting, we did test out the gelato. Kai is very particular about gelato. Gelato di Nature of Venice is in first place. The gelato of Firenze is in 2nd place. Alas, the gelato tested in Rome was inferior and of poor quality. Of course, we ate it anyway because it was hot outside and even poor gelato is cold.

      Our photos focus on the Uffizi Gallery. An amazing place that consumed most of our day.

      Tomorrow we return to Venice, collect are bags, rent a car and 🏎 (drive) to the Dolomites 😎.
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    • Day 30


      July 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Went to the Uffizi Gallery and enjoyed a temporary Roman exhibition which was quite exciting and all the permanent works - a lot of which we can thank the Medici's for. You will find pictures of all the famous works on google in much higher resolution than I can capture so I have instead showcased some lesser known details I enjoyed. I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed finding a little corner of the most packed sunset watching spot in Florence (the duomo was blocked by a tree where we were but we could see the rivers and the mountains which was glorious) and monching on an antipasto moment (note to self: bring a corkscrew).Read more

    • Day 53

      Day 53: Florence

      June 5 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Spent close to 7 hours at the Uffizi gallery. Rembrandt, Michelangelo, da Vinci. We were exhausted! But pushing on we climbed 466 steps to the top of the Santa Maria bell tower! Great views over Florence. Already planned another big day for tomorrow. So much to see here.Read more

    • Day 1

      Day 1, Part 3/3— Appertivo & Dinner

      June 17, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 91 °F

      After our tour, we headed back to the hotel to freshen up and have two very serviceable espresso martinis in the hotel bar. What better to help fight the jet lag?? For appertivo they served the BEST little crackers called “Taralli”. I hope to bring a lot home in my suitcase! Matt’s phone stopped working and he completely lost it.

      Next, it was on to an adorable natural wine bar called Vineria Sonora ( This was about a 17 min walk from our hotel, in a much more residential area. The place was incredible and I think we convinced the main server to come do a pop up in Detroit. I bought a tote bag, obvi.

      For dinner, we went to Casa Ciabattini, also off the beaten path. We had a beautifu octopus salad and stuffed squash blossoms to start, followed by ricotta and spinach gnudi, tagliatelle al ragu, eggplant tortellini with burrata cream (pure eggplant flavor, divine), double cooked pork, and braised beef. We walked home (about 10 miles total, just since 1pm!), showered and hit the sack!
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    • Day 2

      Day 2, Part 1/3— Gucci Garden & Panini

      June 18, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

      Today we woke up and had breakfast at the hotel. I mean, what’s better than an Italian “continental” breakfast? Delicious Bellini, charcuterie, fresh bread and pastries— divine! I actually also ate a salad, for health reasons. After breakfast, we walked to Ditta Artigianale, a coffee shop Matt has been talking about for months. He proceeded not to get anything, and then we walked over to Gucci Garden.… Gucci Garden is an experience unique to Florence, where Gucci originated. There’s a cafe, a museum and a shop with exclusive items that aren’t sold anywhere else— including THE INTERNET. The museum was VERY cool, taking you behind the scenes of some of the most famous Gucci campaigns of the past 20 years. I found a bag I just HAD to have… see pics and you’ll understand!!

      Today was kind of a double lunch day. We headed over to SandwiChic to try some of Florence’s famous panini. There are other places that have lines down the street, and I KNOW there are MANY great sandwiches in Florence but these were UNREAL. We got the salame and pecorino sandwich on “pane”, which is a flatter, almost cakey bread and the prosciutto cotto with truffle spread on the “schiacciata” which looks thick, like a focaccia, but is so light, it melts in your mouth. Nothing like the dense and chewy bread you’d expect from the visual. We walked around the back roads of Florence, dipping in and out of shops and grabbed some gelato at La Strega Nocciola. Yogurt flavor got a 10/10.
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    • Day 3

      Day 3, Part 2/3– Tuscany and Shopping

      June 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

      After the winery, we took a quick stop in a beautiful Tuscan town called Panzano. There was a lovely open air market, cute shops and more wine. We stopped in an outpost of another Tuscan winery called Vecchie Terre Di Montefili and were treated to a tasting (which we paid for) by a lovely, middle-aged polish gentleman who is just doing a quick jaunt as a wine expert in Tuscany… must be nice! The wine was wonderful. Still ate no food. Again, not hungry since yesterday. Next we headed to the Mall Firenze, an outlet mall of only luxury designer stores. It *was* very cool to see these super intricate pieces up close and even try some on, but overall, I wouldn’t say it was my favorite shopping experience. Matt, however, bought several items, so I am happy about that. From the mall, we drove back into the city, approx 45 min. The drives were the best part of the day, with all the amazing Tuscan scenery. As most basic bitches are, I am totally obsessed with the whole cypress tree/villa situation. It’s so gorgeous. I will never tire of it.Read more

    • Day 3

      Day 3, Part 3/3– Happy Hour and Dinner

      June 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 77 °F

      We got back, dropped the bags and of course headed back out for the appertivo hour. We walked across the bridge to get a little different scenery and found several cool new pockets to enjoy. We stumbled up a very cool makers market and got a drink in the Piazza Santo Spirito at Trattoria Borgo Antico ( All of the food looked amazing, so we did get one thing— a huge bowl of mussels, clams and langoustine. Sooo good. After a bit more walking, and a quick stop at the hotel for a shower and an espresso martini, it was off to dinner at La Giostra ( We met a couple named Kevin (half Jewish, very into moon cycles) and Elizabeth (self-made world traveler, from a trailer park, super inspiring) and chatted with them throughout the meal. They actually took home our leftovers, which obviously THRILLED ME. We indulged in a eggplant/zucchini carpaccio, mache salad with oranges and pecorino, rigatoni rosso with fresh mozzarella, a piquant pear and pecorino ravioli and bistecca fiorentina. Oh we also had a tiramisu and warm ricotta cheesecake with red fruit for dessert. The tiramisu was a bit too rich but the cheesecake was unreal. For me, the steak last night was better but I did really enjoy the atmosphere of La Giostra. If I had to pick one, I would go back to Hosteria da Ganino. After a quick exchange of IG handles, and some hugs, it was off to bed! Travel day tomorrow!

      General thoughts on Italy so far:
      -I thought there would be WAY more American tourists. Our driver today assured us that there are plenty, but most of the tourists seem to be Italian!

      -99.9% of the children we’ve seen have been asleep in a stroller. Idk if it’s the heat or what, but it seems like Florentine children sleep about as much as OUR children… maybe more!

      -Florence definitely gets busier on the weekends, but it still doesn’t seem THAT busy. Really only two streets are kind of busy, and even then, not PACKED. Maybe Rome will be different, but it seems like you can pretty much get a seat anywhere you want to go within a reasonable amount of time and it’s just not overly crowded in general. Most of the streets we walk on are more or less empty. Oh, also, there are NO CARS. Pretty much every street is just pedestrians. Apparently that is new since the pandemic, but it’s pretty useless to have a car here. On most of the streets in the city center, only cars with a special license are allowed to drive there. It’s like weird when you actually see a car. In retrospect, us getting a cab last night was an actual divine miracle.

      -I really need to know what time restaurants close here. Tonight was the first time we shut a joint down and it was 12:30. However, we walked by many people who seemed to just be starting their meal on our way home. Like, what’s the latest I can show up?? IS THERE A TIME??
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    • Day 7

      Straßenmusik in Florenz

      September 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Gestern nochmal den ganzen Tag in Florence gewesen, shopping, lecker Essen und Straßenmusik.
      Zurück ist immer beschwerlich, trotz E-Bike ca. 450m Höhenunterschied auf kurzen wirklich steilen Bergen. Und kalt wird es jetzt abends...Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Florence, Florenz, Florencia, فلورنسا, Florensiya, Горад Фларэнцыя, Флоренция, ফ্লোরেন্স, ཧྥུ་ལོ་རོན་ཟིའུ་ཡ།, Firenca, Florència, Флоренци, Florencie, Fflorens, Firenze, Φλωρεντία, Florenco, Florentzia, Floréncia, فلورانس, Florâns, Flórans, פירנצה, फ़्लोरेन्स, Ֆլորենցիա, FLR, Flórens, フィレンツェ, ფლორენცია, 피렌체, Florens, Firense, Firenz, Florencija, Флоренций, Фиренца, ഫ്ലോറൻസ്, Флоренц, फ्लोरेन्स, Sciorenza, Florença, Firence, فلورنس, 50123, Florența, Firenzi, Florencėjė, ఫ్లోరెన్స్, ฟลอเรนซ์, Lungsod ng Florencia, Floransa, Florénsa, Флоренція, Florensya, פירענצע, 翡冷翠, 佛罗伦萨

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