Giardino degli Orti Oricellari

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    • Dag 18


      16. april 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Am Abend der Ankunft in Florenz esse ich mal wieder Pizza, die ist einfach so gut.
      Ich bin gerade fertig mit essen, da fällt der Strom im gesamten Restaurant aus. Plötzlich sitzen alle im Dunkeln und die Leute machen das Handylicht an um ihr Essen sehen zu können 😆
      Nach 15 oder 20 Minuten geht's dann wieder, die Kartenterminals haben sich aber noch nicht erholt, also nur Barzahlung.
      Am nächsten Tag merke ich die beiden Wandertage noch in dem Beinen. Trotzdem erkunde ich die Altstadt zu Fuß. Die berühmte Kathedrale ist dicht umgeben von Häusern, deshalb ist sie schwierig zu fotografieren wenn man da vor steht. Die Fassade ist in Werderfarben grün-weiß verkleidet.
      Für den Abend habe ich zufällig eine besondere Attraktion entdeckt und gebucht: Ein klassisches Konzert mit Stücken aus italienischen Opern. Eine Sopranistin und ein Cello werden jeweils am Flügel begleitet
      Das ganze findet statt in einer kleinen (ehemaligen?) Kirche mit nicht ganz 100 Sitzplätzen. Ich kenne zwar keines der Lieder, nur Namen der Opern, aber das ist ein Erlebnis. Der Gesang ist so laut, dass ich fast Gehörschutz bräuchte, denn ich sitze nur 5m entfernt. Die Fingerakrobatik des Cellisten ist beeindruckend. Das Konzertpublikum ist das Gegenteil von den Konzerten die ich normalerweise besuche, alle sitzen ganz ruhig und still da. Nur Applaus zwischen den Stücken gibt es als Reaktion. Wahrscheinlich bin ich auch der jüngste Gast an diesem Abend 😂
      Ich übernachte in einem Hostel das in einem Kloster untergebracht ist.
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    • Dag 19

      Florence Day 1

      7. juli 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      I was very tired when I woke up this morning but off i go to the train! Today I made sure that I gave myself a good amount of time at the station, and boarded on. Slept thru the whole ride, and arrived around 12:30. I went to the hostel to drop off my bags because I couldn’t go to my room until 3. I went to get some food and again, of course searched “good cheap pasta florence.” Because i actually hadn’t gotten any pasta since being in Italy! I came to this quaint, decorated restaurant for lunch where it was €10 for bread salad, truffle mushroom pasta, a glass of wine, and water. It sucked to be honest. The noodles were thick and kind of hard, more like shanghai noodles. Idk i didn’t really enjoy it. I walked around for a bit but it was sooooo hot. Like 32°C. So I had to hide from the sun, back in the hostel. But I checked the weather app and it’s only getting hotter, like up to 38°C so i better suck it up. Back in the hostel I met one of my roommates, Jin, a 19 year old from South Korea who is headed to the military in September! We bonded over being Asian LOL. After a nap we went to get dinner, where the portion was so small😭. But we were sat next to Abellan, a Spanish man who has been living in Florence for the past 3 months to complete his Master’s! We shared our meal together and had lots of laughs and conversation. Got some good local suggestions as well! Unfortunately he couldn’t stay long because he has to submit his masters thesis (?) on Sunday. We caught a glimpse of the sunset before heading back to the hostel. Later we went to buy some wine but they apparently don’t sell alcohol past 9pm. We had to go to one of those little markets and paid €15 for a bottle…. 🙄😞😭. We met a group of many people downstairs by the pool bar area and headed to a club called Red Garter, which actually was also a recommendation from Abellan! Made some more friends there who were from the States. In the end, the night was something…. IYKYK.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      First night in Florenz :)

      31. august 2021, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Meine erste Nacht in Florenz habe ich in einem Hostel verbracht. Es befindet sich in einem Kloster, das sogar noch in Betrieb ist. Ein entspannter Aufenthalt und zudem sehr zentral gelegen, um alle Highlights zu Fuß zu erkunden.Les mer

    • Dag 18

      Florence, Italy - One Day Early

      1. april 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We decided to do something radical. After fulfilling our time in Lisbon, we decided to take an early flight to Florence. Our goal was to have the extra time we needed in this special city. Long story, short: we changed our flights ( a story in and of itself), woke up at 3:15 AM to catch a 7:00 AM flight. Arriving in Florence before noon, we had a full day we were not expecting. We also ended up spending one night in a room with the most incredible view. Truly a gift from God!Les mer

    • Dag 40


      17. mai 2017, Italia ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Obviously Florence is a beautiful city but... the highlight of today had to be the start of stage 11 of the Giro d'Italia. Little did we know at the time but we were literally an arms length from Omar Fraille, the winner of todays stage! Quintana, Cavendish, Greipel were all there too. Pretty starstruck to be honest! The view from Piazzale di Michelangelo also made the hike up there worthwhile.
      It wasn't as busy as we had thought it might be when we opted to get the train to avoid another drive - if you haven't experienced Italian driving I would not recommend it - Stuart refuses to do it so I am taking on the challenge and driving defensively at all times.
      After the start of the race we headed back to the centre of Florence via the Ponte Vecchio. We went into Il Duomo which in my opinion is not as impressive as Il Duomo in Milan.
      Florence is a real stunner though and worth the trip to wander around the old streets.
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    • Dag 4


      26. juli 2020, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Nach einer Fahrt von ca 1.5 h sind wir in unserem Hotel dem "Exclusive Hotel" in Florence angekommen. Wir haben bis 18:30 Uhr im Hotel geschlafen und sind dann in die Stadt gelaufen und haben bei "Le Volte" gegessenLes mer

    • Dag 32

      D32 Italy - Firenze

      5. august 2019, Italia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      After a slower 2 hour train ride, compared to the speedy (299km/hr) train we were on to Bologna, we arrived in Firenze. I have fond memories of the city from years ago and am excited to be here with Kate to experience it again.

      We spent the day wandering the pretty streets, visiting little paper shops, checking out Walters Silver shop that I bought a ring at in 2005, passing the cow stench leather stalls and witnessing a sexual assault where two feral young guys pinched this American girl on the butt. Luckily, she was assertive enough to go after them, grab them and scream in their faces until they apologised. Go her! She got a round of applause from the spectators.

      The majority of our afternoon was spent exploring the centre of Firenze, and sussing out what we want to do over the next couple of days. While we were waiting in line for the Ticket Office at the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral to find out if we could get tickets to climb the Duomo Dome, Ant noticed that some availabilities had opened up for tomorrow - a minute later and we had secured 2 spots! Lucky, otherwise there wasn’t anything until Thursday arvo, and we’ll be in Rome by then!

      Lunch, coffee and gelato stops were all delicious (choc-orange gelato has our hearts), but the first prize has to be awarded to dinner tonight. Due to a fair amount of places being closed on a Monday night, our original plan folded and we ended up seated at a trattoria not far from our BnB. The place had cured meats hanging up, bottles upon bottles of wine of all shapes and sizes stacked everywhere; it just had a fantastic character of its own.
      We deliberated on what to order....and ended up spoiling ourselves with bistecca di Fiorentina. Google it and try not to drool all over your keyboard... It was the best piece of red meat we’ve had in a long time, and the pan fried potatoes and Chianti were a perfect accompaniment. Lucky ducks.

      Now we’re aiding digestion of said meaty goodness by scrapbooking and planning out our day tomorrow. Night all!
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    • Dag 9

      Italien Street Art :)

      7. september 2021, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Ich liebe Streetart, und so suche ich in jeder neuen Stadt die ich erkunde danach. Doch was sonst oft groß und bunt auf ganzen Häuserwänden prankt, sucht man hier vergeblich. Nur einem Liebhaber dieser Kunst fallen all die kleinen Details ins Auge. Und selbst im Straßenverkehr gibt es moderne Kunst zu bestaunen. Der Künstler Abraham Clet verziehrt gewöhnliche Straßenschilder mit speziellen Stickern, und macht sie so zu einem ganz besonderen Hingucker und schenkt jedem aufmerksamen Passanten ein Lächeln.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Day in Florence

      12. mai 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Woke up early to see the David (again). Then just strolled through Florence over the Goldsmith bridge, passed the Palazzo Vecchio, Palazzo Pitti etc. Took a quick nap and then went out again to buy post cards and the like, drank an Aperitif and took some Pizza back to the hostel.Les mer

    • Dag 8

      Tour durch Florenz - 1st part

      7. oktober 2018, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Florenz ist eine unglaublich schöne (und teure) Stadt, jedoch viel zu groß um sie in ein paar Tagen zu erkunden. Und die Hälfte des ersten Tages ging direkt mal für einen sehr geilen Vintage-Flohmarkt drauf, der direkt an der örtlichen Pferderennbahn (😈) geöffnet hatte..Les mer

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