Giardino Di Valfonda

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    • Dag 3


      22. juni 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌙 82 °F

      We decided to stay 2 nights in Florence to allow our body clocks to catch up to the 9 hour time difference. And, why not get a few more steps in before we start our 350 mile hike? We took a walking tour of this historic Tuscan city and learned much about the Medici family and their role in the history of Florence and the Renaissance period.

      By the way, David seemed happy to see us.
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    • Dag 1

      Departure & Arrival

      20. juni 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      And, we are off!

      After over 24 hours of traveling, we arrived in Florence. We decided to get out of a long line for taxis and walked ourselves to the train. Google maps was wrong (what’s new?), but we found our way to The B & B Hotel Eden (they may have oversold their name a tad bit with the “Eden” and “Breakfast” parts of the title).

      Bonus! There was no charge for the added security system!!!
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    • Dag 16

      Repositioning Day

      20. september 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Just like the cruise ships that move from summer in the Mediterranean to winter in the Caribbean, we needed to reposition ourselves back to Florence. Our flight leaves from there very early tomorrow morning.

      When I woke up this morning, it occurred to me that I had time to climb the Torre Mangia. So I left notes all over for Joe, in case he woke up, telling him I would be back no later than 11. I had a quick breakfast, and got myself to the ticket line. Since I was early, I was able to get in the first group to go up. About 25 at a time, and a good little bit of cardio to get to the top with its great views. I met a Canadian couple who, like me, is always unable to resist the temptation to climb a tower, climb a castle, climb whatever happens to be there to climb.

      I was back at the hotel and able to bring Joe up a tray for breakfast, so he got a good sleep today. We’ll make up for that tomorrow, with a 4:45 departure for the airport.

      We left the hotel a little after noon and walked through old Siena one more time. I haven’t done any shopping, but I couldn’t resist getting something for my granddaughter who loves drawing and painting. She would have loved that store! Then a few minutes in Piazza Salemberi listening to the cellist playing, and finally on to the bus stop.

      When we got to Florence, we had a short walk to our hotel — unfortunately the place we spent the week had no availability for today, so I just booked something near the station. Turns out it is a stone’s throw from the church I had slightly regretted missing, so I headed over there while Joe took a nap.

      Santa María Novella can be summed up in one word - frescoes! They are everywhere, inside the church, in the cloisters, many in excellent condition from the 14 and 15 C. The nave is long and very high with romanesque barrel vaults. I remembered that Nils had asked about a Giotto crucifixion, so I was delighted to see it hanging in the nave. This is definitely a not-to-be-missed church if you like romanesque and early gothic.

      One last dinner in Florence, then one heck of an early morning to the airport.
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    • Dag 3

      Abendspaziergang durch Florenz

      14. juli 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Kleiner Abendspaziergang nach einem aufregenden Einparkversuch in unserer Tiefgarage! Aber hat cm-genau gepasst!

      Kann mich an nicht mehr viel erinnern von meinem letzten Besuch zu Interrailzeiten. Aber hier scheint jede Menge los zu sein. Morgen geht's in die Uffizien und auf die Domkuppel.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Von Turin nach Florenz

      15. september 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Den Tag habe ich damit gestartet, dass ich aus meinem Hostel ausgecheckt bin und dann nochmal zu einem großen Obstmarkt in Turin gelaufen bin. Dort habe ich mir Bananen, Pfirsiche, Oliven und ein frittierten Reisball mit Füllung geholt und das im Laufen über den Markt gegessen. Die Atmosphäre auf dem Markt war sehr schön und wirkte sehr originell. Dann bin ich zum Hauptbahnhof gelaufen und habe von dort den Zug nach Florenz genommen. Währenddessen habe ich mich um die Tagebuch-Einträge und um den Organisation des Abends gekümmert, sodass ich mich auch diesen Abend wieder mit anderen Reisenden getroffen habe. Ich habe dann in Florenz in mein Hostel eingecheckt, welches relativ hart zu finden, weil es kein Schild an der Hausfassade gab, habe mich dann frisch gemacht und vor dem Treffen mit anderen Reisenden noch die Stadt etwas erkundet. Gegen 19:00 habe ich mich dann mit den anderen in der Yellow Bar getroffen und wir haben dort gemeinsam Abendbrot gegessen. Im Verlaufe des Abendbrots kamen dann noch ein paar weitere Reisende dazu, sodass wir später eine Gruppe von ca. 10 Leuten waren. Nach dem Restaurant sind wir in Richtung TheBox gelaufen, eine andere Bar, dort ein Drink geholt und dann ging es weiter in das Red Carter, eine Karaoke Bar. Dort haben wir wieder andere Reisende getroffen, getanzt, getrunken und die übersteurte Musik "genossen". Das hat echt viel Spaß gemacht. Die Gruppe hat sich dann etwas geteilt und ich bin mit den anderen noch den Club21 gegangen. Dort wurde Techno gespielt, aber leider war es irgendwann zu voll, sodass wir dann gegen 03:00 gegangen sind. Ich war mit Kimberly dann noch bei Mcs und bin dann zurück ins Hostel gegangen. Das war wieder ein sehr ereignisreicher Tag und es hat auch sehr viel Spaß gemacht mal in einem anderen Land feiern zu gehen. Ich fand auch das unsere Gruppe sehr gut harmoniert hat. Es hat einfach sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Nach 32.000 Schritten endete auch dieser Tag.Les mer

    • Dag 75

      Italy you are too hot

      17. juli 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Not much to show for the travel day from Venice to Florence, we had to have seat reservations which makes it less hectic then other travel days, at least we know we will get a seat. We did walk around a bit to get lunch but it was so hot it was hard to walk more than a couple minutes before taking a break. We then ordered delivery pasta for dinner as the afternoon walk was a mistake and took it right out of us. Then the next day we didn’t leave the room till late when we had pasta for dinner again, mike fainted, and then we had ice cream and went home. Just your typical over 100 degrees day.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Willkomen in Florenz

      8. desember 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Zugegeben, das Hotel, die Lage und die Aussicht sind gewöhnungsbedürftig. Ich bin in Florenz! Die Leute um den Bahnhof reserviert oder leicht arrogant. Die Familie, die das Hotel führt ist überaus freundlich. Ein sehr einfaches Hotel, geführt von Mama und ihren beiden Söhnen.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Highspeed train nach Rom

      20. mars 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Mit über 250km/h geht's über Florenz nach Rom. 5G-Highspeed-Internet gehört dazu.
      FGut, dass es auch in Italien Funklöcher gibt, sonst würde mein Sitznachbar wohl ununterbrochen in leidenschaftlichem aber angenehmen Italienisch telefonierenLes mer

    • Dag 27

      Florence Day 3

      30. mai 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we were up ‘early’ for our visit to the Uffizi gallery. We had a cheeky takeaway breakfast from our B&B, before waiting in line to get our reserved tickets and then making our way inside to see some Botticelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Rafael and Michelangelo. The gallery is in a big U shape that was owned by the Medici family who basically ruled over Florence in the 1400s. The gallery was packed but we managed to see everywhere we wanted to — the birth of Venus, the Medusa shield, and the others.

      After the gallery we were pretty hungry so went to a Raw cafe where Tegan loaded up greens, then Gustapizza where Steve loaded up on pizza (that had some rocket on top Mum!). It was the best pizza we’ve had so far in Italy, well worth the 15 minute wait to get a table.

      After lunch we walked up the hill to the Michelangelo square, which gives a great view of Florence. There was a bloke absolutely belting out Lana Del Ray, much to the displeasure of most of the tourists. We then headed back across the river towards home for a rest -- we had another gallery booked for the late afternoon, the Accademia Gallery, which is centred around Michelangelo's statue of David.

      It was pretty amazing, the statue is massive and the way they've made it the centrepiece of the gallery is quite stunning.

      After the gallery we headed home and tried to decide where to go for dinner, but ended up getting takeaway falafel wraps for a nice and easy dinner at home. We spent the rest of the night trying to organise the last two weeks of our trip, which are still yet to be organised...

      a great virw view of Florence.
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    • Dag 28

      Florence Day 4

      31. mai 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Today we enjoyed a relaxing morning at home with breakfast in our room. Tegan received an email about her class being cancelled and was put into a new class on Tuesday instead when we had planned around a Thursday class!

      We headed to San Marco Monastery to see the walls of the brothers bedrooms covered in art by their brother Fra Angelico. The pastel colours was something we hadn’t seen. The whole monastery had art on the walls and outside courtyard. It was nice and quiet with not many people around which was wonderful for a change.

      It was then time to see the Duomo, which is the biggest building in Florence. While Saint Peter’s basilica was big but was designed to feel intimate the Duomo is massive and feels very expansive. The dome was really cool as well. We are both going to get crook necks if we keep looking up at art - a good problem to have.

      We had a rest in the afternoon then headed out for a drink and then an early dinner of pizza - when in Italy right - before heading home and booking some of our trip. We of course had to go out and get some gelato for dessert which was delicious 🤤 we rolled around the streets of Florence taking in the beauty this city had to offer. We can’t believe we are now more than half way through our trip :/
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