Ludus Magnus

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    • Day 3


      May 31, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Went for a tour of the colloseum. Tour guide couldn't have been more boring but cool to be shown where to go and ignore her lol. Jon lost the gladiatore battle unfortunately so you won't see him in any more photos.Read more

    • Day 5–8


      July 3 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Hi we had a lovely day visiting Rome & seeing the sights. The weather was very overcast & and we did have a spot of rain but nothing to spoil our day. We saw the colosium, The Trevi fountain & Spanish steps with our tour guide Daniel, who spoke very good English much better than our Italian 🤣. Later back on the ship we watched the crew entertainment perform The Dreamers it was all Shakespeare plays with modern dancing & music. It was very cleverly done & very entertaining. Here are some pics of Rome not sure when you get this as WiFi very poor on the ship 🤔 xxxRead more

    • Day 8

      Rome - Hotel Ripa, Trastevere

      December 28, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Today we left our comfy home away from home for our Italian mini-break.

      Poor Ivy started the day being sick. We tried to be discrete with a plastic bag in the back of the taxi on the way to Gatwick. She felt so unwell while we were waiting at the airport, on the plane (thankfully only 2 hours), getting through immigration, and on the train to Rome and bus to Trastevere.

      It was a huge relief to arrive at Hotel Ripa in Trastevere. It was so comfortable and welcoming and Ivy could finally curl up in the queen bed under a cosy duvet and get some sleep.

      Henry, Russell and I then took turns going down for drinks and dinner at the hotel bar and restaurant downstairs. Henry was so enchanted by the free bread they kept bringing he couldn't make it through the main meal. This became a bit of a theme for the trip - with Henry and Ivy throwing themselves at the bread basket at every restaurant and trattoria we went to.
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    • Day 9

      La vuelta siempre es dura...

      February 16, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      La vuelta fue una tortura... 7 horas en una guagua, avión a Barcelona, y después de tres horas ( y de hacer una parada obligatoria en La Boqueria) volvemos a Tenerife para continuar con la rutina. ¡Hasta la próxima!Read more

    • Day 4

      Night edition Colosseum

      August 1, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      To end the evening and my last day in Rome we got tiramisu (pina colada with chocolate 🍫) and travelled on scooters 🛴 to the Colosseum to see it one more time at night 🤪. Good memories for a lifetime 😘Read more

    • Day 24

      Roman Coliseum

      January 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 45 °F

      One of the first stops on our walking tour of Rome today was its coliseum, which is THE coliseum, really.

      Its name comes from the statue of Apollo you see in the photo that our guide, Antonella, is holding.

      See how freaking huge that statue was?

      Nero commissioned this statue, which became known as “the Colossus.” It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

      Too bad it’s no longer standing, although a statue that big seems a little scary to me!
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    • Day 2

      Rome — Centro Storico

      April 28 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      From the moment I arrived, I’ve been immersed in Italian culture with all of its stereotypes — a wild taxi ride led to this beautiful, family-run pensione in Piazza Bologna where I was checked in by warm and welcoming Cristallo with his 4-year-old nephew sitting on his lap. Went out for a late dinner to a bar not far down a street filled with Fiats and Vespas. Cristallo had said it was too late for good food and reluctantly recommended this place where the food turned out to be amazing. It was Saturday night and the piazza was loaded with people of all ages out for a ‘passegiata’ and they were loud — breaking into song once or twice — and just loving life. La Dolce Vita. La Vita É Bella. Families with little kids, couples sharing a pizza, old women walking arm in arm, packs of teens, two nuns out for a stroll. It all becomes part of the soup — la minestra — that is Rome. This morning I took a long walk in the Centro Storico (historic center). I wanted to hit the main sites but I also wanted to find something I’ve never been to before, and that turned out to be La Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola (Saint Ignatius). It was fantastic. The whole place was designed, constructed, and decorated by Jesuit laborers including Andrea Pozzo, the artist who painted the ceiling. Since they ran out of money for the church and they could not afford to build a dome, he painted an optical illusion which creates a fake dome when viewed from below. My favorite part was something created by a contemporary artist, Vincenzo Pandolfi, a Neapolitan cabinet-maker who worked for 28 years from age 70 to 98 on a wooden sculpture called The Temple of Christ the King. Pandolfi included shrines, churches, and temples from all over the world. The inspiration behind it was to imagine a world where there is universal peace. The Latin phrase “Ut unum sint” was carved in various places, which means “so that they will be one.” As someone looking for something meaningful to do in his retirement, I was blown away by the thought of Vincenzo devoting the last decades of his life on his last wish for the world.Read more

    • Day 39


      October 11, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We spent a few days Rome-ing around the eternal city which is full of history around every corner! We enjoyed walking down small alleys to come across big plazas where locals were enjoying a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

      Over 2,000 years ago the ancient Romans built the city and many of its wonders that still exist today. We toured the Colosseum and Roman Forum which gave us a glimpse into the lives of the Romans. It's pretty impressive to think that they could engineer such amazing buildings and structures with the basic technology they had. Our favorite though was the Pantheon which was built as a Roman temple and is the best preserved ancient building to this day because it has been in use ever since; today as a church.

      We also visited the Vatican which consists of the Vatican museum full of ancient art (and lots of tourists), the Sistine Chapel home to the Pope and Michelangelo's famous ceiling painting and the St. Peter's Basilica which is full of ornate marble statues and mosaic art work all over.

      Lastly we can't forget to mention that we ate a lot of Italian food and gelato to start off our visit to Italy!
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    • Day 89


      October 11, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Well...We had our first travel hiccup! When we got to Rome at 1 am because of a train delay, our hotel was closed! We almost had to sleep on the streets of Rome last night, but thankfully found an alternative! After a good nigh'st sleep, we got up bright and early to tour the Vatican. We were thankful that we signed up for a guided tour - it's a huge museum!! Next we headed to the Colosseum for our last Italian adventure. We are back in London now. We had such a great trip!!!Read more

    • Day 5

      Vallelunga kocsikazas

      March 4, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      A mai napon volt a nyílt nap Vallelungaban Uh Sanyi már le is foglalta a helyet a pályán előre, bérelt autót is amit a Terminin kellett átvenni. Meg az autó fele rákérdeztem h nála van e jogsija, amit otthon hagyott így mehettünk vissza érte a szállásra. Innentől mindenhonnan kestunk, kocsi átvétel és persze az előre fixalt időpontot is lekestuk. A kocsi átvétel meg vicces volt, Sanyi bérelt egy alfa romeo guilettat h azzal majd jól tud menni a pályán is. Ne persze az nem volt, de a pasi megnyugtatott h semmi pánik, szuper autot ad helyette abban a kategóriában. Ott drukkoltunk h ne SUW legyen mert azzal nem lehet a palyara menni, de ezt mégse mondhattuk neki... végül mindta h Opel Cascada lett. Erre egyszerre ketten kerdeztunk vissza ha az milyen autó mert egyikünk se hallott róla... 😂 de végül tényleg egész jó autó lett, eros is volt, egy nagyobb kabrió (kar h pont aznap eleg esos idő volt így azt nem tudtuk használni), egyetlen hatranya h dízel volt ami nem épp a legversenyképesebb autó de hat anno a turaautoban is dizel Seat-okkal mentek 😊
      Végül szerencsésen oda értünk, szerencsére Sanyi meg pont befért a következő körbe is, Uh pályára tudott menni, amit nagyon élvezett is, meg "ezzel a szar autóval is". 😊a session végén meg körbe néztünk egyet aztán menni is kellett vissza mert 3kor kezdodott a Roma Nápoly meccs, amire előző nap az Angyalvarnal megvettük a jegyeket.
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